


Rolling my eyes back into my head until the retinas snap and are now dangling out of the front of the sockets over this total balogna pseudo-controversy. Holy shit, please. People are so hungry for the next metoo 2018 bullshit flavored celebrity drama that they're mentally rehearsing how satisfying it will be to call out the next "total piece of shit" and burn them down online whoever they may be. A handful of South Park edgy humor tweets from a decade ago by the guy who made Slither and the Scooby Doo movie is the latest outrage? Are we seriously that bored?


And the worst part: Would an actual pedo be admitting to that on Twitter?


Lol gad it's just so obvious. I can't even.


Regardless, it looks bad for him and reflects on Disney/Marvel in which the conversation will always be about him trying to explain his comments. This will not end well for Gunn.


Not a good time to be... drumroll please... Under the Gunn!


Please let's NOT put kids in that position!!

Jokes, humor and sarcasm especially of the Sar-chasm type can cut both ways. His own words have been weaponized against him.

Methinks he'll rebound but it will take some time.


God the milieu is insufferable.


Now the 12+ rating for the 'Guardians of the Galaxy' looks... suggestive!


304. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 07/23 **#3**
There has been a tiny wave of support for this recently fired director. Apparently the supporters say it is all jokes and he is a nice guy and deserves a second chance. Maybe if they knew he came this close to going down with a someone convicted of producing and distributing child porn. The director was in possession of child porn but the feds decided to not file charges. The investigation into the director was active until as recently as two months ago. James Gunn


It's a sign of a narcistic culture (and I use the word culture VERY loosely here) with way, WAY too much free time. The ultimate result, as you can see from this latest "controversy," is the masses arrive at a point of critical stupidity. Virtue-signaling Americans and Europeans are now the biggest threat to humanity.


If most of these "controversial" tweets were in post-ironic meme format with the goopy fonts and jpeg-noised img of Elmer Fudd they would be Gangster Popeye material and everyone would love it.


He was just fired by Disney.

This day and age it would be better for anybody in show business to stay out of Social media, keep their mouth shut and hope nobody accuses them of anything with out proof or their career is over.


That is ridiculous but not unexpected. I feel so bad for him. I'm friends with some people who are veryvery close with James and from everything I hear he's just a really great guy. Best of luck to him. I'm sure he'll find a better venue for his work and come out just fine in the end.


I feel bad for him too. Who digs up these old tweets and what do they get out of it. So he made some dark jokes in the past, big deal. This witch hunt is sickening. Oh well, he's better than Marvel anyway.


Probably a butthurt DC fanboy lol


There is an indication that Gunn was targeted by Pro-Trumpers because of his Holier-Than-Thou (their words not mine) attitude towards Trump.

I'm not sure if he knew it might cost him his position with Marvel/Disney.


I havnt read the tweets and I don’t really care. This is a shame, big brother stuff.


That's willful ignorance on your part.


I read the tweets. If there’s any evidence of inappropriate behavior with kids then obviously JG should go away forever. That being said, jokes are jokes. I wouldn’t make these jokes, most of them weren’t funny, some were. Don’t watch the 10 year old deleted James Gunn tweet channel if you’re offended.


Or I can find out what kind of sick pedo is making ugly, cheap looking movies for kids and have Disney fire him.


Individualy, we are specks of sweat on a fly’s but to Disney.


But together we got James Gunn fired and tanked Solo: A Star Wars Story.


It's even simpler than that. This was retaliation for Roseanne.

I'm not saying he deserved this. But Gunn had no patience for Roseanne & approved of her firing. I'm seeing screencaps of his "Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences" tweet all over the right-wing sphere of the 'net. The Trumpists were eager to throw that back in his face.

One less talented person making big budget movies. This sucks.


Didn't know he gave Roseanne a hard time.

If that's the case, then I feel a little less sympathetic toward him. You have to show mercy to be shown mercy.


See and that's the issue. It was okay when Roseanne was fired, but now that it's someone we all love it's harder to swallow. Comdey sucks these days.... I was watching some of the Comedy Central roasts from 10 years ago and damn... they would be banned and cancelled. They were jokes, bad jokes? Sure but nothing worse than I have seen on Family Guy or South Park. Yes, those shows are next especially since the South Park guys aren't hardcore liberals.

South Park is going to pay for it's jokes and line crossing... and I am worried... because the cultural zeitgeist is at a place where jokes are getting people fired.


I didn't support Roseanne being fired. Roseanne comments weren't even that bad, in my opinion.

We live in a weird time, a time where over-sensitivity is championed and celebrated. And hey, I'm a sensitive dude myself, but holy shit, people have gone WAY overboard.

It's just insane, and the ironic thing is that the SJW types are just fucking vicious anytime someone doesn't think exactly like they do.


Sorry I didn't mean you personally, but people/society in general. That's why I hate partisanship. We only hate bad things when people we don't like do them. When people we like do bad things we try to justify it. Roseanne and James Gunn both said offensive jokes... but they;re jokes. Whether we like them or not is irrelevant. This new world is kind of scaring me :/


Yeah, I feel you.

I consider myself to be a little right of center and lean conservative but I don't demonize people on the left. We have too much talking AT each other instead of talking TO each other.


I considered myself a hardcore liberal until the last 3 or 4 years. I am def a centrist today. The college campus sjw's scare me. Because Hollywood, TV, Music, and Corporate America is cowtowing to them. That keeps me up at night. Trump? He probably won't be reelected. Gov'ts change and swing every few years from right to left.... but this trend only seems to be growing.



I lean left on some social issues. I don't care if gay people want to get married for instance. But I don't trust the government and think the government generally does a poor job of things. I'm a very strong Second Amendment supporter and believer in free speech so that puts me firmly on the right at the end of the day.


It's funny free speech used to be a left wing issue. It was movies, Tv, comedians, and musicians that were pushing the threshold of what you can say. Now it's those same entities who tell us what the line is and why we cannot cross it, or else.


Yeah, it's really strange.

Liberalism used to be something different from what it is today. Today it often is more like fascism than the "classical liberalism" of the past.

Are you familiar with Dave Rubin? He's a "classical liberal." A gay man, pro-choice, etc. Typical liberal stuff. But he basically believes that at this point the left has left him behind.

You may find this interesting:

Today's left is not the left of the Kennedy era.


Yup, I know of Dave Rubin. Me and him have had a very similar journey. I love his show and love the people he has on there. I don't necessarily agree with all his guests but I am open to listening. Whether, it's Milo or Ben Shapiro, I can still enjoy learning diff points of you.
I still call myself a liberal. But it's so called liberals who brand me right wing.


It's even simpler than that. This was retaliation for Roseanne.
You think Disney/Marvel made this decision because Gunn was critical of Roseanne Barr?

I suggest NOT a chance.

Roseanne is still ranting and crying out for help, which she needs while Gunn was quite eloquent in both taking responsibility for his words and accepting the consequences.


That's not what he means. These tweets we're dug up by some guys on the right because Gunn was being a hypocritical asshole.


Well, what goes around comes around, as they say. The left started this nonsense a few years ago and the right, unable to come up with their own ideas, is just imitating them.


I am with you. Who would look for stuff to dig up?


Tell some very tastelesss jokes and lose your career.

Yet Victor Salva actually does abuse at least one kid, and he still has a career. And Hollywood treats Polanski like some sort of victim/hero.

Hollywood. Fucking weirdos.


Yeah. Gunn's humor isn't my own but at the end of the day, a joke's a joke. He never harmed anyone or had any inclination to. He was just a Troma director (that can't be emphasized enough) trying to be edgy and apologized for the DECADE OLD tweets.

Meanwhile, Roman Polanski outright molested a young girl and people in Hollywood defend him to this day.

I don't get it.


He is a pedo. He shared child porn on twitter. Deleted tweets:


I went to your link, looked at the deleted tweets and even saw the post you're parroting accusing him of sharing CP on twitter.

Tiny problem is the complete absence of CP in the accompanying image of the deleted tweets. Just lots of tasteless jokes about pedo.

Did you verify the allegation on Lipstick Alley was accurate before repeating the claim?


This guy has always been a douche. I remember when he won some fake award for Guardians, he gave this cringey as fuck speech about how it was a bunch of outsiders making a movie for outsiders.

Please, you had a budget of 300 mil and made your movie for Disney. Stop trying to claim outsider credibility when you’re literally just feeding grist for the mill.

And as for your “edgy” film? You used 70’s hits. Groundbreaking.


reply 87 4 hours ago


I hate how Hollywood is the face of this movement. Hell I heard stories about Harevy weinstein... and I live in Philly. These are all well known secrets. Now the same Hollywood which created, birthed, and fed the rape and pedo culture is now going to tell us to care about women and children. Now they're gonna make a few big moves like firing director's for jokes... and nothing wil change. Corey Feldman was crying about actual Pedos in Hollywood and no one listened. But yes lets fire people who make tasteless jokes. It's just a cover. They actual abuse is probably still going on all over LA tonite and nothing will actually change!


It's not exactly fair to hang the responsibility for "rape and pedo culture" exclusively on Hollywood when abuses of this sort have been revealed as widespread across diverse industries.

It's just the most visible national industry is the movie industry which makes it the lowest hanging fruit and easiest targets for the blame game. But zeroing in on hollywood alone is a cop out. Is the "rape and pedo culture" fostered by Hollywood power brokers worse than the rape and pedo culture cultivated within the Catholic Church and exported to congregations around the world for centuries if not millenniums? Or the 'rape and pedo culture" foisted on aspiring Olympians and college athletes at Michigan by Dr Larry Nasser, or Dr Larry Schwartz at Michigan State, there are too many examples of these pedo doctors to count.

I would argue no.


or for them not to be asshole degenerates? none of these are good people.


It's true. Social media is a disaster for anyone of any notoriety. When someone can dig up some shit you said 10 years ago and devastate your career with it, it's best to just leave it alone.

Really, social media is just a mistake, period. I'm convinced of that.


Scrubbed my social media history, no regrets.


For the best, no doubt. I had the benefit of it never really appealing to me.


You're right, but how could he have predicted the currently rediculous SJW culture that saturates Hollywood? That Disney isn't getting heckled to shreds by the fans says something terribly sad about today's culture. Recreational outrage is destroying people's lives.


We do live in a ridiculous time, and what's amazing is that this attitude of "let's get pissed about EVERYTHING!" is getting perpetuated instead of summarily snuffed out of existence.

I'm hoping that soon we'll see serious push back in the other direction and the ultra-sensitivity of the current era proves to just be a fad.


It is inevitably self consuming. If everything outrages everyone,it will become meaningless.


His tweets (as far as he was not able to delete them) contained some of the sickest stuff I ever read, and even included links and discussions with convicted pedos. You do not post dozens of pedo, rape, and racists posts without a reason.

This guy was a emo-red flag from the very beginning as his lowbrow penis, turd and nipples dialogue and misogyny demonstrates.

Good they fired this creep within a few hour. Shows that something within the Disney system works.


"emo-red flag"
Lol what does this mean?

"red flag from the very beginning"
Red flag re: what exactly? He hasn't done anything. These tweets have been there openly since they were originally posted. He used to be a Troma director. He has a dark sense of humor. Red flag that he enjoys dark humor?

"You do not post dozens of pedo, rape, and racists posts without a reason."
There could be many reasons, for instance finding it amusing, enjoying provocation, etc.

"as his lowbrow penis, turd and nipples dialogue and misogyny demonstrates."
Red flags on a vast majority of comedy writers and swathes of the general population then right?

"Shows that something within the Disney system works."
Is it any surprise that a massive corporation known for its family friendly image would protect its own corporate interests above all else?


^lol, enter the obtuse defenders of pedophilia, rape and creepdom. As far as we know, next to his depraved rape & pedo output, Gunn entertained friendly chats with a convicted pedophile and linked to pedo material. Not to speak about his stories like him the monkey sexually assaulting the child making him very happy.

All that may be normal and defendable in your world, but fortunately it's not with the civilized parts of society, nor Disney as it seems. Now, you may go home and raise a little red flag of your own.


No one is defending pedophelia, rape, or genuine creepy behavior. It makes sense that Disney in particular would have to fire him in the context of their squeaky image, in light of all the public attention and within our current culture, but there is nothing whatsoever that he's actually done wrong. The issue is contextual. The guy is not a pedophile. These were jokes that you may or may not think are funny or offensive. I do defend creative expression and personal aesthetic world building, to which all of this belongs, whether it's my cup of tea or not. : )


Just because you don't find dark humor funny, doesn't mean they weren't jokes. Humor is and always has been suggestive,and if people don't like the jokes they shouldn't listen/read. Humor was his sole intent,and if you actually read them and don't see that, your outrage is disingenuous.


lol, dark humor was his sole intent? You mean like pedophile and rape comments, and linking to pedo-material, or entertaining pedo talks with convicted pedophiles? Like:

I fucked the shit out of the little pussy boy next to me
I like when little boys touch me in my silly place. Shhh
I like the video where he urinates on a child (R Kelly)
Monkey sexually assaulted a screaming freaked out kid which made me "extremely happy"

Must all be very funny and exiting to you. I feel relieved and honored to be deemed "disingenuous" by someone like you for considering these as depraved pedo-creep rants.


I'll give you that it's starting to look worse for him as more info comes out.



Yes,those things we're openly and intentionally said to b shocking and disturbing. He's not the first person to use humor like this. Stop being opportunity outraged and quit pretending to see what might have indeed been in bad taste,but clearly wasn't intended to be taken litterally. Relax bro,go get mad at someone in the Star Wars universe that really is shitty,and leave people alone who are doing good work. Enough with the recreational anger already.


Yeah, there are many pedophiles and creeps like Gunn, and that makes Gunn's pedo-dreck any better? Ever heard of the tu quoque fallacy?

"Might" have been in bad taste, and "not to be taken literally"..? Excerpt:

"I remember my first NAMBLA (The North American Man/Boy Love Association) meeting. It was the first time it was ok being who I am. Some of these guys are still my BFFs."

"...story about a monkey jerking off on a boy, cum splash landed directly on the kid...screaming and freaking out commenced - might be sick but this story makes me extremely happy"

Husten Huddelston (note: a convicted child pornographer and pedophile) just linked this video about 100 pubescent girls masturbating on my Facebook. "I just came all over my face. "

"I like when little boys touch me in my silly place. Sssh"

“I’m doing a big Hollywood film adaptation of "The Giving Tree" with a happy ending – the tree grows back and gives the kid a blowjob.”

“The Expendables was so manly I fucked the shit out of the little pussy boy next to me!”

"Eagle snatches Kid" is what I call it when I get lucky...

"Tell your 3 year old about me fucking c-3PO, he will appreciate it when older"

3 men and a baby these men had sex with #unromanicmovie

Shower was so weak felt like a 3 year old peeing on my face.

In my new film jerking off is forbidden and a high school kid he jerks off before the others.

“The best thing about being raped is when you’re done being raped and it’s like ‘whew this feels great, not being raped!"

Only a complete morons or pedophiles would not be disturbed by this. Some people are just too disturbed to realize how depraved they are.


Or sensitive snowflakes can't differentiate between dark humor and litteral intent. Guess which one you are.


"dark humor" only for a depraved drama queen like you, Burky. If it's humor why is nobody laughing, but seems so butthurt now? Anyway, I'm laughing that the hack got the boot right in his pedo ass, as I'm laughing at you bleeding out of your fanboy butt, Burky. Cheers.


He had a large Twitter following,so lots of people found it funny,and this has caused quite a backlash for Disney with a significant amount of people voicing there displeasure too. You can't seem to differentiate between irony and intent. I can,and it doesn't matter if I like it or not, because I wasn't elected as the humor police. It makes me question if you have latent pedo urges yourself, because well rounded, normal people might see this as tastless humor at worst, but you seem to see it as erotica. Are the kids in your neighborhood safe from you? Are you familiar with the phrase "methinks the lady doth protest too much"? Google it and then go seek some help before your dark desires make you take action. Again, NORMAL people don't see this as pedophilia. That you do says a lot.


Someone needs to get off his high horses.


not if it keeps me away from you pedo & rape lowlifes. You sniff your raccoon turd, pal. I have the high ground.


I don't even believe this fool is offended, but he's part of a current generation that is do sad and bored from living with their parents that they seek things to be offended by to pass the time. It's the saddest generation in our history,and they don't realize they are a laughing stock amongst anyone over 35.


Yup, I have this feeling too. It's sad and pathetic. The art of being butthurt for the sake of being butthurt.


lol, that dumbs down per word. But I'm afraid you are right that the good old times when you could honorably engage in rape and pedophilia are finally over, for the left and the right. You die as the villain, Burky, and not a second soon enough.


"That dumbs down per word"? Are you special? I have no idea what you're talking about,lol. Maybe you'll do better this year when you repeat the fifth grade.


Don't bother, Burky, reading comprehension was never your forte, as your reading of James "Did you create a Penis" Gunn's depraved gospel amply demonstrates.


Yeah, you got me,that makes perfect sense. 🙄 Keep on posting brilliant statements like that so you can show everyone how smart you are.


They were defending him in HOARDS on reddit, saying he was a good filmmaker, they loved the movies, the tweets are 10 years oldetc. keep in mind he was 40 at the time. Disgusting. Also people brought up Walt Disneys Nazism as if two wrongs make a right! Smh Everyone who said he deserved it was getting downvoted... im glad he lost the job and hopefully the fbi investigates him. Some people who are defending him are framing this as “alt right vs liberals” as if hes been targeted by a smear campaign. Yeah maybe a hardcore republican exposed the tweets but he STILL thought these thoughts & tweeted them! Sick bast*rd.

One redditor actually found that he interacted with a convicted child p*rn collector on his website. Absolutely disgusting. Here is the link to the comment.


I don't know what he said, but up until today this guy was being hailed as a creative genius of pop culture and all it takes is some Tweets to dethrone him.

Outrage culture is alive and well.


Well, both are not exclusive. A creative genius doesn't have to be a law abiding nor a good person.


Yep. It goes to show how the past can come back to haunt him in some ways. This generally seems true in the age of social media.


Not only alive and well, getting worse and worse. I don't know if anything can stop it. The end result of this type of thing would basically be humans being unfeeling robots with no individuality or creativity, saying nothing and doing nothing for fear of upsetting the mob.


No, people are quick to adjust. Once everything is offensive, then offensive will have no meaning. This minset is self consuming. The Aziz Ansari situation is a perfect metaphor for how this is going. We go back and forth on these things,and it won't be long before comedians,writers,artists,etc.. recognize that shocking and offensive art has an audience despite what Facebook thinks, and there is a hole to fill. Everyone thought Andrew dice clay was breaking new ground when he started, but his bit had been done by previous generations. The pendulum just swings back and forth. It has all throughout history.


creative genius of pop culture? why though?


Creative genius? Guardians of the Goofiness are ugly, cheap looking trash.


I don't like Guardians of the Galaxy or any of these CGI laden things of late, kids love those movies so I assume they looked up to him like kids of my time looked up to Nick Park and Brad Bird.


If you're talking about certain stuff, you're thinking about it. Fine line between love and hate and it can flip flop all the time. I never trust nobody who jokes about crazy shit.


Thank you; well said.



Also, I'm glad he's gone. EAT IT HOLLYWOOD! Why not just fire anyone whose worked for Hollywood 10 years ago? I'm sure most of them has said a thing or 2 that isn't acceptable today.


I don't think he's guilty of any of the things one might imply from his pathetically crude and unfunny jokes. However, he is part of a gotcha Hollywood establishment that is all too happy to sabotage the careers of any conservative for this sort of behavior or even less. For that reason I just say...too bad. You don't like this treatment James Gunn? Then don't join the group of moralizing hypocrites eviscerating the likes of Rosanne Barr. I don't think either Barr's or Gunn's careers should be nuked for this kind of thing, especially if they're contrite. But you were all too happy to hop on the angry moralizing bandwagon, James Gunn, so enjoy the next rubber band you were about to fire off as it snaps back in your own face. Boo hoo hoo.


Yep, great point, the left is a snake that eats its own tail. If you're going to be sanctimonious atop your trojan your horse and pass holier-than-thou judgments on others, you better make damn sure your own closet is clean. What goes around comes around stronger, no sympathy.
