
olioz (3320)


Excellent show Trailer is out Great year for movies April 18, hbo max Ben Mendelsohn Great movie Filming starts In April Great cast The painting Entry of the Gods Into Valhalla View all posts >


I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, fun movie. 7/10 Wassa goin' on? I recently rewatched all three seasons of Rock of Love and it's so bad but also hilarious. Sometimes it's hard to believe that the people in the show are real because it's almost like a parody. I love it too. I just finished rewatching the first season, good stuff. I'm ready for season 2. Then stop watching the trailers and move on. No need to be a big baby about it. Fury Road 10/10 Mad Max 2 10/10 Beyond Thunderdome 8/10 Mad Max 7/10 Just came back from watching it and it is a great movie. 9/10 I'm going to start Shogun once my prime video subscription ends in two weeks, then I'll switch to Disney+. I've had a similar experience with Clarkson's Farm, it's a really fun and interesting show. I didn't mention Taskmaster because at first I didn't know what it was and I was too lazy to Google it before. But now I realized that I have actually watched the Finnish version of it, it's just under a different name. My girlfriend loves the show and I've watched a few episodes with her. She watches the UK one too. The Finnish version was kind of fun, but not really my thing. But my taste in shows is highly questionable. Lately I've been binge watching the reality show Rock of Love on prime video. It has to be one of the most idiotic, ridiculous and trashiest shows to exist. But I can't stop watching because it's also hilarious in it's awfulness. Yes, I can't believe some people didn't get that. I need to watch Shogun soon, It looks good! Clarkson's Farm is good too, looking forward to season 3. So many good ones, but I'll The Last of Us. View all replies >