MovieChat Forums > The Batman (2022) Discussion > Hate that they put the term "white privi...

Hate that they put the term "white privilege" into this

Really??? That exists in Gotham too?


2 superheroes, one was born white billionaire, the other a black thief, so there is that ...


Catwoman was originally white, so there’s that.


Harvey Dent was black in Tim Burton's vision, so there's that!


Yet he was white in the comics.


I agree


originally? when? cause sing the 60s she has been mixed raced in various iterations. but let me guess "its da recent woke culture"


Since the 1940's when she first appeared, and in over 90% of her appearances since, so you guessed wrong. You don't even have to have read comics to look that up.

I don't see how her being black-washed before makes it ok now. POCs have been white-washed before and progressives never let that go.


again so it was "da woke culture" in the 1960s? she wasnt "black washed", race had nothing to do with the character in any way. it was never integral or essential to the character, hence why she's been shown as both white and mixed race multiple times>

go get triggered elsewhere with madeup victim mentality


Again, I never said anything about "woke culture of the 60s", and yes she was black-washed. I don't see it written anywhere that race-washing doesn't count if a character's skin color isn't considered essential to people like you, so that's an invalid argument.

She was white when she first appeared, and she's been white in most of her appearances; so whenever she's not white, she's race-washed. If Blade was white-washed, people who use your invalid argument would lose their shit even though technically his skin color has no baring on his character.


she was backwashed... by having 1 of the actresses play a barely established character playing her? and then subsequent writers portray her as mixed race? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. you do know characters change and have multiple iterations? for instance if Bruce Wayne had been portrayed first as a poor normal person, then later as a rich billionaire and he had subsequently been portrayed as both. that doesn't mean Bruce's character was "wealth washed". it just means the character has a long history of different back stories/ characteristics.

its not race washing. its a character who has a long history of being portrayed in multiple races.

"She was white when she first appeared, and she's been white in most of her appearances; so whenever she's not white, she's race-washed. "

HAHAHAH triggered snowflake mad about "da wokeness" because all his characters aren't always white

" If Blade was white-washed, people who use your invalid argument would lose their shit even though technically his skin color has no baring on his character."

NO CLOWN. if blade was 82 year old character with a long history of being portrayed as white or mixed race, no one would care or lose "their shit". only triggered people like you.

just because you mentally weak and easily triggered, doesn't mean the rest of us are. You need help for being such a weak beta male. my guess is you had a weak/ non existent father figure. and hence being triggered by cat women having been portrayed both white and mixed race for over 56 years . INCLUDING THE VERY COMIC THIS MOVIE WAS PARTLY BASED ON>


Whoo boy, you wrote a whole-ass essay, didn't you, kid? And you say I'm triggered 😄

You can project your dysfunctional family drama and low self-esteem all you want, but Selina Kyle is white, has been since her debut in the 1940s, and has been white for most of her depictions, anyone with a device and internet can look that up for themselves. Any other skin color is a race-wash. The direct follow-ups to the comic this movie is loosely based on went back to her being white, because that's what she is, and the writers knew that.

If Bruce was usually rich and at one point was portrayed as poor with no explanation, fans of Batman would criticize that. If Blade was usually black and then was portrayed as white, fans of Blade would criticize that. The fans want to see the characters they grew up with on the big screen, not strangers posing as these characters. Some changes are inevitable, but the basic details are expected to stay the same.


"Whoo boy, you wrote a whole-ass essay, didn't you, kid? And you say I'm triggered "

yes I covered the points you made........... that takes time. if I write 150 words am I "triggered"? but if I write 100 im not?

no projection, its just true. if you were raised properly you wouldn't be so weak

"has been since her debut in the 1940s,"

NOPE! I just went over this you illiterate slug. since 1940 there's been multiple mix race portrayals, from the tv show, to the animated movie, to comics!

"Any other skin color is a race-wash. "

I just went over this. reading is hard though huh?

''If Bruce was usually rich and at one point was portrayed as poor with no explanation, fans of Batman would criticize that."

it wasn't one point for Catwoman. it was many. the difference is Bruce being rich IS fundamental to his character and origin story that has become a pillar of who bruce is and why he is the batman.

whereas there has been nothing fundamental about catwomans "whiteness" that was fundamental to her character.

its why changing bruce to black is dumb. changing black panther to white is dumb. yet changing a diversely portrayed character like cat woman is normal.

"If Blade was usually black and then was portrayed as white, fans of Blade would criticize that. The fans want to see the characters they grew up with on the big screen, not strangers posing as these characters. Some changes are inevitable, but the basic details are expected to stay the same."

I already went over this retard" should I explain it for the 7th time? or did you magically attain literacy?


I just went over this. reading is hard though huh?... I already went over this retard

Yes, you went over stuff, and I countered them. Now you must go over new stuff. You must be new to discussions, huh kid?

since 1940 there's been multiple mix race portrayals

The first case of black-washing Catwoman was over 20 years after she debuted. Since then, there were a few instances of black Catwomen, and some weren't even of Selina Kyle but other original characters instead. Again, Selina was white when she started, and has been white for most of her existence. We already went over this, just because she was black-washed back then, and just because some writers seem to persist with that portrayal with her for some reason, that doesn't make it ok.


No you didnt. you said "see its race washing!"

again a first iteration isnt set in stone. its not as if Catwoman generations fter generation after generation has been white and only recently she's been shown as mix raced. its old and been done before

"The first case of black-washing Catwoman was over 20 years after she debuted. Since then, there were a few instances of black Catwomen, but those are in the minority, and some weren't even of Selina Kyle but other original characters instead. Again, Selina was white when she started, and has been white for most of her existence. We already went over this, just because she was black-washed back then, before wokeness as we know it came about in the 2010s, that doesn't make it ok."

yes and? she has since been portrayed multiple times as mixed race. the original debut isnt set in stone. the first ever appearance isnt how a person will always look
HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH doesn't make it okay? this in charge of the show and writing the comics, who have ti as their artistic prerogative thought it was okay and it was. vs you? who are you again? you work for DC comics right?

sorry they didnt know it would trigger you so hard decades later. again, weak father figure raised a weak bitch


again a first iteration isnt set in stone.

It's the original iteration that went un-changed for over 20 years, and has been the primary iteration for 80+ years as of this post. Any change to that iteration, in this case her skin color, is a race-wash. It's ok if you don't mind the race-washing, but it is a race-wash whether you like it or not.

who are you again? you work for DC comics right?

I'm one of many loyal fans who have supported DC comics for years. People like me are the reason DC was a giant in entertainment. Without us, DC is nothing, and that's where it's heading, into nothingness, while it gets beaten at its own game by the Japanese and their superior products.


its the first. yes and then it was changed, for the next 60 years of its existence. so 25% only white. 75% mixed race.

" and has been the primary iteration for 80+ years as of this post"

oh great so you can admit there are multiple iterations of characters that are accepted. great :) you conceded. its not race washing. its a part of its long history. 75% of that long history. again thank you for conceeding.

"I'm one of many loyal fans who have supported DC comics for years. People like me are the reason DC was a giant in entertainment. Without us, DC is nothing, and that's where it's heading, into nothingness, while it gets beaten at its own game by the Japanese and their superior products."

im sure without your individual purchases DC would be nothing. im sure since the first portrayal of cat woman as mixed race in the original show in 1967, one year after WB bought DC comics, the batman comic book sales dried up and hasn't existed since

"thats where its headed"

LOL SINCE WHEN? since 1967 you mean clown. hahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha.

by the owners and producers of DC content who decided cat woman is white or mixed race. the owners who get to decide what happens. VS YOU. a nobody weak easily triggered loser


so 25% only white. 75% mixed race

Other way around, bud.

thank you for conceeding

Conceding what?

im sure without your individual purchases DC would be nothing

It's not just me that's abandoning DC, though. Their sales are in the toilet, which forced them to have major staff layoffs and downsizing their offices. They may decide what happens, but it doesn't matter if we're not there support them.


wrong buddy. try again. she has been ONLY WHITE for 25% of her existence. the first 20 years. the next 60 years she has been portrayed as white or mixed race

LOL math is hard for you huh?? if I never owned a car for twenty years.. then I bought a car and owned it for 60 years. have I owned a car for 80 years? are you this retarded?

ohh look her character has changed massively in this time... and ti wasnt "da wokeness"

"Since her creation in the first issue of Batman (1940), the essence of Catwoman is that of an antihero with a checkered past in burglary who carries on a sexually charged love-hate relationship with the caped crusader. But over the years, writers have penned Selina Kyle as a schizophrenic, amnesiac flight attendant; a dominatrix sex worker; a morally conflicted jewel thief; a bisexual crime boss"

I love how you ignored almost all my post utterly destroying you. what a weak loser you are. save face and go away clown



nope im talking about its history timeline, not what percent of portrayals were what race. wow reading is hard for you huh clown?

"It's not just me that's abandoning DC, though. Their sales are in the toilet, which forced them to have major staff layoffs and downsizing their offices. They may decide what happens, but it doesn't matter if we're not there support them."

AGAIN THIS HAPPENED IN 1967 the first time. there are lower comic sales in all companies basically. You are just a loser crybaby bitch. and no one cares about you

go put your frozen pizza in the over, grab your 2L of Mountain Dew, and save face and spend the rest of your pathetic day on reddit loser


It doesn't matter what you're talking about, I'm taking her entire existence into account: comics, movies, tv shows, video games. She's been white most of the time, definitely over 75%.

Comic sales are low with Marvel and DC, among other publishers, but manga is doing very well, so it's not like people aren't into reading anymore. Marvel and DC think they're too big to fail, but they are. People are leaving their crappy woke stuff for superior and more entertaining products.


And lots of people care about this. And more and more we are rejecting woke shit. As well we should.


Here we go again. If it ain't white it ain't right.

You are a clown. Fyi Matt reeves is directing another Batman film. It has been confirmed. Choke on it.


Your racism is ugly. It is valid to complain about race flipping estblished characters.


Is Catwoman's race essential? What about the year one comic and Eartha Kitt? Watch you will conveniently ignore these points. Your brain malfunctions when I bring up those points.


I don't think that race has to be "essential" for race flipping to still be a thing.

You want more black characters, write new shit with more black characters.


In my book the race has to be essential in order to have the right to complain about race swapping. Otherwise you are complaining about nothing.

Or... There is more than one way to interpret a character. The year one comic demonstrated that. Characters go through many transitions and changes in comic books. It's foolish to think there is only one way to interpret a character like that.


We are complaining about changes to beloved characters. That you don't agree, doesn't mean our complaints are not real.


It's foolish. You realize that happens in comics as well right? You realize Batman is not the exact same as he was when he was introduced to his first comic correct? So essentially what you guys are saying is there is only one way to interpret a character. You realize how foolish that is? Who decides what interpretation is allowed you? So the artist doesn't have any freedom of what they want they have to be shackled to what you guys want?

Look I have my preference but the difference is I'm not entitled like you guys are. There are many ways to interpret the characters. Some people like Batman more grounded, some like it to be more fantasy, some like it to be dark or lighthearted. Having a preference is fine but you fault a film for it not being what you would have made. A movie is a not a damn restaurant where you order a specific food off the menu. Quit being entitled. Movies are not that specific and an artist gets to interpret it how they see fit. Don't like it? Don't support it then! Thing is you will. You pay money knowing you will hate it. Who's fault is that?


Don't try to say what we are "essensially" saying. YOu are too hostile and close minded to do that.

We said what we said. Address what we said, or don't.

Don't change what we said and then hold us to the shit you made up.


I'm not being hostile that's what you are saying. So then let me ask you flat out then. Is the only way to depict Catwoman the correct way is for her to be white? If yes why was she mixed in the year one comic book?


Nope. Not at all.


Ok then why is it a problem when she is not white in this film?


Because it is coming from a place of hate from people like you, not a place of honest creative vision with the intent of creating a cool story.


Prove your claim. Let's see you prove Matt reeves did that as a form of hate against white people. I will wait.


I can see it, in the pattern of the film, it is all told from the same ideological lens, the lens that would see such a race flip, as an insult to the "bad" fans, ie fans like me.


Generalizations and assumptions don't count as proof. Let's see your proof. I am waiting. A film where a straight rich white guy is the main hero. Yet that is what you consider woke. What a joke.


I would not expect you to admit it, no matter what.


So no proof got it.


"It doesn't matter what you're talking about,"

NO IT DOES.i clearly stated " yes and then it was changed, for the next 60 years of its existence. so 25% only white. 75% mixed race." because that was MY POINT. you dont get to say "no thats not true im changing what you said to mean my point instead" and change the meaning of what I said because you want to push a different point. you sound mentally unstable. you are welcome to make that other point or argue why that is more important than mine. but dont tell me im wrong because you invented shit in your head that you want what I said to mean you fucking nut job. you are this unstable buddy. its no surprise eating pizza and Mountain Dew nonstop you are a loser slob with diabetes. it would affect your mental health too.

"People are leaving their crappy woke stuff for superior and more entertaining products."

yaa people arent into reading as much period, woke or not.. many can get their superhero fix in games and movies. The Batman hit 800 billion box office. its a massive success. where's all these people leaving The Batman because some little bitch like you cried Catwoman is mix race as she's been shown to be before


NO IT DOES. because that was MY POINT

It doesn't matter because it doesn't reflect reality. And yelling about it like a child doesn't change anything either.

The Batman hit 800 billion box office

In what universe, kiddo? 😄 It made $770 million, which isn't bad, but it under-performed compared to previous movies with Batman. One of its spin-offs was cancelled, and with Ben Affleck coming back, don't be surprised if The Batman is a one-and-done.


yes it does. its reality that for 75% of its existence beggining with Kat it has been portrayed as both white and mixed race. its also true its overwhelmingly been presented as white in comics and shows.

you are mentally unstable. you are literally denying reality because you are such a pathetic person.

whoops you are right it hit 770 million of course. see what I did there. I admitted a mistake. its called manning up, something you are incapable of doing

YA the DCEU is a mess not because wokeness, but (in a short version) because they tried to rush and get that MCU money, without understanding how the model was so successful and why it got that money. they did 1 solo film then an ensemble teacup where superman dies. thats like the MCU did ironman 1 then skipped to Endgame.

you are a pathetic little rat man. I feel sorry for anyone who has to interact with you and what a little lying bitch you are. how trash is your life? overweight and a weak easily triggered nerd loser.


Lol Matt reeves just signed a deal for a sequel to the film. Looks like there will be a sequel after all. Choke on it.

Oh and the batman has been the most profitable Batman film since the dark knight rises. Not every Batman film has to make avengers type money in order to be considered a box office success.


Eartha Kitt got to play Catwoman because of her incredibly sexy legs and nothing more but Julie Newmar will always be the real Catwoman.


POCs have been white-washed before and progressives never let that go.

er, when?


When were POCs white-washed, or when did people complain about it? Both are odd questions. Unless you're trolling or being sarcastic, there's no way you've been on the internet this long without knowing about that by now.


Using the term black-washed makes you sound like a retard.


But not the term white-wash? Do you see the hypocrisy in that? The double standard?


LOL i don't care calling your racist ass out.



lol coming from the guy who'll apparently overlook black-washing but not white-washing. Neither I nor my ass is racist.

People have opinions. GET OVER IT.


Whatever psychopath. Get help.


So I'm a racist and a psychopath just for having different opinions than you? You're the one that needs help, bro.


"one was born a white billionaire, the other a black thief..."

The other was born a thief?

As far a privilege is concerned, that's billionaire privilege, not white privilege.


Very few became thief because it was fun, most of them started due to poverty.

2 superheroes one was born white and rich, the other black and poor.

That is one of the quintessential examples of white privilege, besides having to worry about being harassed and shot by the police.


Ok so if he was black and rich then it wouldn't be privilege LOL!!!


So being born a billionaire and white is a sign of white privilege? Are there whites that are born poor? Blacks that are born into wealth? It has very little to do with skin color privilege .. more to do with class privilege

I think the entire concept of white privilege is bizarre - worse yet is the examples people give of it lol


It is class privilege, but being black and poor I think is worse due to perception by the police, etc.

There is of course black privilege as well, if you were born into wealthy black family and did well in school, for example it is much easier to get in some good colleges.


And there were so many other ways she could have gotten the point across: “elitist assholes”, “corrupt assholes”, etc. but no they had to make it about race. I agree that line was pure cringe.


Plus the film is gonna age like shit now.


I couldn’t agree more. People only talk about it because it makes them feel good about themselves, not that they actually want to help anyone. It’s beyond narcissistic


It made me like the film more.


what other racist terms would make you like the film more?


Plenty honestly.


Pay moviefanatic505 no mind, he is a blatant racist and he called Candace Owens an “Uncle Tom”. He is literally only on this thread because he saw me post on it (he’s quite the obsessed stalker) and he’s just here to say the opposite of what I said. It’s very pathetic.


He is right. Candace Owens is an Uncle Tom.



Real classy. I guess all black people are expected to behave a certain way by your standard. Geez that almost sounds racist. Thanks for proving my point about systemic racism against black conservatives


No, black people are expected to recognize and except reality and act accordingly. Look up Ms. Owen's lawsuit(supported by the NAACP) against her school district when she was a teen.


Reality is, the term "white privilege" is a racist slur against white people. Used to justify discrimination against white people.


White tears are delicious. More please!


And now you have proven yourself to be the actual racist.


I think you mean “accept” reality, also what “reality” are you referring to?


No, she's a Sambo. I'm trying to reclaim "Uncle Tom". In the novel Tom was murdered because he wouldn't rat out escaped runaway slaves. That's the antithesis of a Candace Owens. For some zod awful reason the stage play based on the novel perverted the character of Tom and that distorted version took root in popular culture.


I doubt you are familiar with the book Uncle Tom's Cabin or Josiah Henson the actual man Uncle Tom was based on. If so, you wouldn't use the term "Uncle Tom" as an insult.


It's not racist if it's based in reality.


So I can bring up crime stats and people wouldn’t call me racist? 😂😂


The way I broke down the meaning of it, I'll give it a pass. For once. It was only really being directed at the people The Riddler was targeting, who have jobs that are a privilege to have, mainly because they were elected into the jobs/titles instead of having to work their butts off to get the jobs/titles and earn their way there to the top through something like seniority or experience/the right qualifications. I felt Catwoman wasn't attacking ALL white people. Sure, they could've worded it better, but I'll give it a pass for once. And I think that's just how black people are. Even to themselves, especially in movies and TV shows (I'll throw that in just to save myself since I don't know what they are truly like in real life). And I'm not talking stuff recently. I watched Jerry Maguire back in 2021, which is a movie from the 90's. Cuba Gooding Jr.'s character's wife had to constantly specify race with everything. When she talked about Jerry or anyone white, she was always, "white this, this, and this" or when she was talking to Cuba about things between them it was always, "black this, this, and this." The whole "white privilege" nonsense wasn't exactly a thing back in the 90's. But I want to say it's a real life thing though. I could've sworn I've watched all kinds YouTube videos made by black people/content creators and everything has to be specified with skin color. Black people can't leave race out of it. Doesn't matter if it's white, black, yellow, and so on. They always have to shoehorn it in. I'm sure if they cast someone white in the role, the line would've been "these privileged a-holes" or something that doesn't involve skin color. But anyway, I guess this once I'll give this "white privilege" nonsense a pass, especially with how I broke it down. The people Catwoman was talking about are privileged with the jobs/titles they have and are abusing, and they happened to be all white. So merge stuff together and it's white privilege.


Continued since I reached character limit on my first comment.

Maybe I would've been flipping out if The Riddler killed a black person or two or an Asian or Native American or Mexican as well and Catwoman left them out of it and only verbally attacked the white people Riddler killed.


I'm fine with how she used the word "privilege" in context there, but I didn't care for how she used the word white. Yes, all the privileged assholes she was talking about happened to be white, but I still think it came off forced. It WAS shoehorned, and yes of course, it was probably in part because a black woman was cast. But I still don't think it's justifiable in that context. Even if it's arguably valid for that particular character, it doesn't change the fact that in that situation, she was speaking in defense of a white, NOT privileged woman. So even if a black Selina Kyle would say this, it's unreasonable to say that everyone cares about these white privileged assholes But in the context of the film, it's not coming off that way at all. She was making a point.


Forced, racist, out of place, and totally unneccessary. She could have said rich privileged assholes, and it would have worked just fine. It is about wealth after all, not money. Because no one cares about poor white people. And does anyone seriously the Obama kids are any less privileged because they are black?


Yes the “privileged assholes” happened to be white but I see no evidence that they are privileged because they are white and that is a huge problem that the woke snowflakes have with this particular talking point. It’s all about cause and effect: (Being white —> Privilege) but if they can’t demonstrate the cause then their entire position falls to pieces.


Since when was getting elected a privilege?


Depends. Were there mail-in ballots?


White privilege is not just a myth, it's also a lie.


Nope. History proves you wrong.


WP is not about history, but about present you moron. And even your history is a lie.


It is about history. History is a lie LMAO! Wow yet another round lost by you. Me 17 you 0.


No, White privilege is about who is privileged IN THE PRESENT, moron.


Me 17 you 0.


Oh that’s cute, in your own deluded alternate reality you think you won an argument.


Whites have privilege because they earned it by actually working for their money. Blacks don't because they are lazy and/or want everything handed out to them. Plus they think they are owed something. They're not.


Lol right so there exist no whites on welfare? Rather silly comment.


Lol, and there are rich blacks as well.

That makes your idea of white privilege a stupid idea (nothing new, you only have stupid ideas).

Let me tell you MY white privilege: being told that I cannot get a job with a certain big tech company because I'm white. Point blank. Oh so much privilege.


Not as the primary characters though huh smart guy?

Never said white privilege but ok let's humor your assumption.

So because of your ancedotal evidence that means it doesn't exist got ya. Ok so when did white privilege end? Whats the date it ended?


I am a white person but I can tell you that white privilege is very much a real thing and I can prove it to you if you want


Prove it to us. 2022 is a great time to be supportive of blanket generalizations.

Let me guess, your college professor said it was real? Are you still doing that whole angle?

That moment was probably my biggest eye roll moment in the movie. I guess they just couldn’t get through the movie without taking a jab at old Whitey.


Aren't you that moron that doesn't think healthcare should be a right?


Aren’t you that moron who thinks everyone else’s hard earned money is somehow yours?

Nice to see you moved on to ranting about white privilege now.


Moviefanatic505 doesn’t even believe his own bullshit, he is literally only posting here because he checks my posting history every single day so he can post on the threads that I did and say the opposite of what I said.


Also it’s pretty much the libtard platform that other people’s money is yours. He also said that the system is rigged against the poor because the tax payer funded public defenders aren’t as good as lawyers who charge a lot. That’s right, someone who is receiving free legal defense on the tax payers dollar is somehow a victim.


So then that means the fire department, police and public schools are stealing from me correct? I mean I should not be paying for that, I do not use any of those services yet my tax dollars pay for that stuff. Those people that use it are stealing from me. You would rather line the pockets of insurance companies than help people who can't afford it. It shows what kind of person you are.

When did white privilege's end? Provide the date for me.


Why don’t you prove it still exists??? Also you have no moral authority in this case, you called Candace Owens an “Uncle Tom” so if racism does still exists then people like you are the ones causing it. But that’s the libtard tactic isn’t it: Act racist then accuse the other side of exactly what you’re doing.


Candace Owens claimed she never experienced racism in her life, yet sued her school for racism and got a huge settlement check from it. She is a liar. Anyway I took you off ignore for a brief second. So you make another dumb claim and I will place you back on ignore.


I don’t give a shit, “Uncle Tom” is a racist term and you used it. You have no moral authority in this case. You are literally worse than what you claim she is. You are a complete and utter disgrace and you are literally perpetuating racism, you love racism because then you get to pretend that you are against it so you can feed your own narcissistic ego. It’s really sick.

You don’t get to deal with me ever again until you apologize to her you racist. There is no excuse for calling anyone an “Uncle Tom”.


Nah I won't apologize lets get you back on my ignore list.


Coward racist


So then that means the fire department, police and public schools are stealing from me correct? I mean I should not be paying for that, I do not use any of those services yet my tax dollars pay for that stuff. Those people that use it are stealing from me.

Then find a way not to pay into them somehow, and let them know you don’t want them to come should you need any help. I’m sure they’ll be happy to oblige you.

If you think you know what kind of person I am from a few posts on a movie message board it says way more about your arrogance and self righteousness than anything else.

Provide an exact date that white privilege ended? What a weird question. Hmmm…I’m not sure of the year, but I’m definitely sure it’s April 1st. In all seriousness, I don’t think progressives like yourself will ever let it end, because you’ll have nothing else to talk about. Talking about race is like breathing to you. There is nothing else that matters to a progressive except what color a person is.


Then find a way not to pay into them somehow, and let them know you don’t want them to come should you need any help. I’m sure they’ll be happy to oblige you.

Go ahead and tell me how I do that. I will wait.

Exactly my point you will not provide a date because you do not know the answer. I will gladly let it die, the issue is your camp wants me to ignore when something is blatantly racist. Notice how people got all upset when Catwoman is portrayed by someone who is not white. Despite the fact that Eartha Kitt played her in the past and she was not white in the Year One comic book. Catwoman's race is not essential to her character. That does not stop you idiots from complaining. If it ain't white it ain't right.


If I were a fireman I wouldn’t come save you.


And you would be committing a crime. You will not ever be a firemen anyway. You are not a principal of a school either like you claim. Anyways should I put you on ignore or entertain myself some more? I took you off ignore this morning since I needed a good laugh.


You’d have to prove that I intentionally didn’t come to your rescue, me just being too late doesn’t constitute a crime you fucking idiot.

Apologize on the Candace Owens board or go back to your safe space.

EDIT: Also no one is going to care about the charred remains of a racist internet troll boy, in fact the mayor would probably give me an award.


If it was proven that you did that intentionally that would be a crime bud. Learn the law.

Nope. I do not apologize for speaking the truth. An apology will never happen, Candace Owens is trash.

Nope if it was proven you would be convicted of a crime. I would have the last laugh on that. Do you support the law or not?


Good luck proving that numb nuts.

You called her an “Uncle Tom” which is far different than calling her “trash”, what’s the matter? Are you cowarding out now that I’m holding your feet to the fire. You are such a racist pussy and if “white privilege” actually does exist you and people like you are the reason. If a white person doesn’t toe the liberal agenda no one says anything, however if a black person doesn’t then they are smeared and called every vile, disgusting and racist name in the book by the left wing cult. You are literally proving my point, shit for brains.

You’d never be able to prove it, you’d have to prove that I intentionally took my time while you burned.


I do not humor hypothetical scenarios. So once that happens we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

She says everything the racist right wing person wants to hear. She is exactly like Samuel L Jackson in Django Unchained. Selling out her own race so she can be in a position of power. It really is disgusting.

So I see you do not honor the law then?


Who are you to determine who is selling out “their own race”? Apologize on the Candace Owens board or you don’t get to deal with me anymore you racist. You just said she has to toe a certain ideology because of her skin color, that is the definition of racism you idiot.




Apologize or go back to your safe space uou coward racist




Coward racist


Go ahead and tell me how I do that. I will wait.

I’m sure you will wait. It doesn’t seem like you have much of a life. Besides, you’re a socialist, what do you care what everyone else does with your money? What’s yours is everybody else’s…that’s your philosophy, right?

Notice how people got all upset when Catwoman is portrayed by someone who is not white.

I think the people complaining about her not being white (which for some weird reason you seem to have decided to include me in) are dipshits, just as I think about people like you, who think “if it IS white it ain’t right.”

That does not stop you idiots from complaining.

Please, find a post where I complained about Zoe Kravitz playing Catwoman. I dare you. I actually thought she did a great job. You’re just reaching into your bucket of generalizations and seeing what you can pull out.

And I did not provide a date because there is no exact date. There is no answer. You are an unbelievable moron. You probably didn’t realize I picked April Fool’s Day to answer your question.


Seriously if we had a problem with Catwoman being black we would have said something about Halle Berry, or Billy Dee Williams playing Harvey Dent. Playing the race card is just about the low point in any form of debate. Don’t worry about moviefanatic505, he’s the actual racist, he called Candace Owens an “Uncle Tom” and then proceeded to lecture us about how she’s “betrayed her race”, so apparently he is the one who sets the rules as to how black people are supposed to behave or whatever. He’s a miserable person and an all out lowlife.


Yeah, already replied to too many of his messages. Not worth it.

I do still find it funny when white liberals play the race card. Haha.


Go ahead and support a guy who sucks up to your ideas. When challenged you right wingers retreat to your safe space. It is okay though you wouldn't say any of these things to a person in real life. You do not have the stones to. Do not worry one day once your life turns out crap you will realize what was said here today. It might take a while but you will get the message. By then it will be too late though.


I’m sure you will wait. It doesn’t seem like you have much of a life. Besides, you’re a socialist, what do you care what everyone else does with your money? What’s yours is everybody else’s…that’s your philosophy, right?

Translation there is no way to get out of paying taxes for the fire department, public schools, and police department. I will take that as a concession from you. I am playing your game if it is every man for himself then my money should not be going to those things. I mean after all it is not my responsibility to provide that for people.

I have no issue with Catwoman being any ethnicity. I love Pfeiffer and Hathaway. Your generalization is dismissed.

Go ahead and provide a post where I did not like Hathaway or Pfeiffer because they were white. I dare you. Since you want to get all salty with me generalizing do not dish it out.

Exactly my point there is no date. Your concession is noted. Do yourself a favor and go get laid out maybe it will get some sense knocked into you dipshit.


My college professor gave us a complete history how this country was built and formed. This nation represents white privilege


Is your college professor white?


Yes he is and he has apologized for it


Apologized for what?


White guilt is a real thing


Your professor has insecurity issues.


His “professor” doesn’t exist. Milsey admitted to me he was trolling.


I just wanted to know if his professor used her 'white privilege' to obtain such a high status in college.


I'm not apologizing for shit.


Please do. I can prove it to you that Black privilege is a real thing.


It was proven in study after study in my class


What was proven exactly?


White privilege was proven


How? What did they look at? How can you prove so called "White privilege". I have very good data that proves Black privilege, but first I want to hear your nonsense.


My college professor can explain it a lot better than me. And there in no black privilege because this country still today holds down the black person. Again this was all proven in study after study in my class


Hahahaha so claim the science proves White privilege, yet you can't even name what was studied and what did the data show???? If you need your college professor to explain it and can't do it yourself, It means you don't even understand what you're talking about.


Milsey admitted to me on the A View To A Kill board that he’s trolling, he’s really a Republican trying to make Libtards look crazy (not that they need any help from him)


LOL that explains it.


Crack open a history book and it will tell you everything you need to know about white privilege.


For the last time, White privilege is about the present, not the past. And even your so called "past" is just exaggerated, decontextualized and one sided narratives deliberately designed to generate pity towards Black people which is necessary considering how they behave. If Blacks were successful, nobody would push White guilt. White guilt is a result of Black failure, not White behaviour.


Lol you literally told me that history was a lie. So you right off the bat buried yourself into a hole. No that is just what you want people to believe. When you are used to having dominion over something equality then feels like oppression to you. It is okay though I think it is wonderful you are getting pushed out of those high places it makes me feel great. Do not worry your mentality is not long for this world.


That's not what I said, stop putting words in my mouth. History isn't a lie, it's just the way it is told, the narrative or perspective that is being is one sided, exaggerated and de-contextualized for political reasons in order to generate sympathy towards Black people. For example, slavery should be taught in the context that all races practiced and only Whites ended it, but the way that it's taught is as if Whites invented it and nobody else practiced it. Lies by omission and and and improper contextualization.


No that is what you said, you are trying to backpedal because of how foolish that made you look. No one cares after that how you think things should be taught. Martin Luther King jr did a lot for black people's rights and was killed because the oppressors did not like what he stood for. You are a racist because you claim certain races to be better than others. I myself judge off of character not race. There are good and bad people in every race.


So you think objective and fair truth should not be taught? Some races do better than others, just look around. All across America meritocracy is being abandoned because Blacks can't do well. You literally have to be deliberately blind not to see it.


Where did I say that? I said no one cares how you think things should be taught. You are biased and have a racist view on the world. I do think things should be taught objective and fair, which is why you need to provide the date that white privilege ended. You realize things need context as well right? Not every statistic is accounted for. Not every one is given the same chances in life as others. Some people have more money, or opportunities than others not based off choices but where they happened to land. You take none of this into consideration. You simply support whatever fits your racist agenda.


If you are for objective and fair history be taught in schools then you should be against the way it is taught today which is decontextualized and one sided. If objective and fair history were taught, Whites would have no guilt, but that is unacceptable to the left, because they want Whites to have guilt because Blacks behave like shit, so the only way for Whites to not have resentment against Blacks is for Whites to hate themselves. That's what White guilt that is pushed by the left is all about. It's not about being fair, it's about "tolerance" towards Blacks at whatever cost even if it leads to unfairness towards Whites.


No blacks have been mistreated many times while doing nothing wrong. You think that blacks always behave badly therefore get treated badly. Your racism could not be more on display here. Everything turns into blaming the left instead of calling out corruption for what it is. I do not play the right vs left game that is your game. Celebrate your ignorance bud.


Name me one majority Black place in the world that is not drowning in crime and poverty. Historical "discrimination" against Blacks was done to protect White civilization from the negative influence of Blacks. What has happened to American inner cities since the end of segregation is a testament of that.


Nope you first tell me the day white privilege ended. We will continue on once you provide the exact date it ended. This conversation is not going anywhere until you address that without side stepping it.


So called "White privilege" was never a legitimate grievance. "Racism" against Blacks is not an artificial social mechanism, but a natural one. It was never a result of some ideology that was being taught to people, it was a result of the fact people are naturally tribal and how Black people behaved. Exclusion of Blacks was not immoral especially if there is a big cost in not excluding. Black people destroyed the inner cities. Exclusion is the expression of sovereignty and is not oppression. Blacks should be given their own country and the race problem would have been solved.


Which is why this will not be continuing. Denying history showcases a person should not be taken seriously. Me 18 you 0.


I'm not denying anything. I'm just saying the politically incorrect truth.


Me 18 you 0.


OK buddy, whatever you say


Concession accepted. Please at least score 1 point man you make this too easy.


No one is denying history you fucking idiot. We are against you using race as a way to prop up your own narcissistic ego so you can feel virtuous and good about yourself while being a blatant racist yourself.


The people who are perpetuating this bullshit don’t actually care about helping anyone, they just want to feel virtuous and good about themselves. It’s very narcissistic behavior, they get credit for being caring without having to actually do anything.


She's a product of liberal low socioeconomic public schooling curriculum - you can forgive her victim mentality and ignorance.


This is exactly what irritated me about this line.l mean aside from the fact that it is racist. This is supposed to be in a different universe. Yet somehow contemporary American identity politics exists there too.


If the movie didn’t want us to agree with her then I wouldn’t complain, but the movie does want us to agree with her. Catwoman was easily the worst aspect of this movie.


Well put. If it were just her own prejudiced attitude, sure. But the way the scene is set up, it's like, we're to understand that a point is being made, and for Batman to realize it.

They should have just used the word privileged along and be done with it.

Very strange bit. Wasn't as bad as the conversation between Iron Fist and Luke Cage in Defenders but still a bit jarring.


Why not? A lot of real world things exist in Gotham like crime and corruption.
