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LoveCatsHateDogs (1534)


She looks like when you pull a cat's face back How much would it cost to adapt my story into a movie? Buccal Fat Removal? Missed opportunity for tentacle rape Hints of Jeff Goldblum Casting Hugh Grant as an Oompa Loompa... Did Cassandra have sex with Bobby? She looks like grown up Newt from Aliens Season 5 three word review View all posts >


She kind of looks like Nancy Allen. Maybe, but they also went from a net worth of $366 billion in 2021 to $209 billion in 2024. Disney are losing billions right now. That would have been a short film. More spinelessness. That is a good point. Boobs. Did they splice shots of cocks into it that show up for absolutely no reason? But amidst her fury and despair, Kathleen found a spark of determination burning deep within her shattered soul. She would not succumb to this madness! She would rise above this relentless onslaught of humiliation and misfortune! With renewed resolve, she gritted her teeth and spoke through clenched jaws: "George Lucas... we're not done yet." The end... for now. With that, George Lucas stepped casually towards her bedside and leaned in close, his breath reeking of expensive cologne and unbridled smugness. "I guess this is where we pick up, hmm? After all... it's always a pleasure to see you again." And with that chilling declaration, George Lucas turned on his heel and walked away, leaving Kathleen Kennedy once again alone and broken... but far from defeated. As Kathleen Kennedy lay in her hospital bed, contemplating the seemingly endless string of misfortunes that had befallen her, her thoughts were interrupted by a commotion at her bedside. A concerned-looking nurse rushed over, her face flushed with embarrassment. "Um... I'm terribly sorry, but... well... there's something in your handbag..." Kathleen's heart sank like a stone as she braced herself for the worst. Slowly, the nurse unzipped her battered Louis Vuitton carry-on and carefully extracted a small, crumpled piece of paper. "It... it looks like... well..." the nurse stammered, her voice trembling with revulsion. With shaking hands, Kathleen took the note from her trembling grasp and unfolded it cautiously. Her eyes widened in horror as she read George Lucas's taunting message: "Dear Kathleen, Just thought you might want this little souvenir as a reminder of our... special relationship. Love, George P.S.: Porgs rule!!" Underneath his sickeningly smug signature was what could only be described as an expertly-crafted turd, meticulously folded into a grotesque porg-like shape complete with beady eyes and a tiny, twisted beak. Kathleen's world spun wildly as bile rose up in her throat. This was too much! How could life possibly keep piling on like this? She clenched her fists tightly, her knuckles turning white with rage and frustration. View all replies >