MovieChat Forums > Don't Look Up (2021) Discussion > Clearly the government and corporations ...

Clearly the government and corporations were "The Right-wing"

It's makes me laugh to tears to see Conservatives trying to spin this movie as being a parody on the Left ... the whole denial of science rests squarely on the Right and it has for generations.

The anal power tripping of the President's son, and the General's middle finger to the people who are smarter than he.

Who else would play "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" at a global event to save the world?

And there has never been a Presidents son or daughter that was in the, ugly, picture as much as Don Jr.

It just is. Sorry Righties.


Lefties are not that smart so they couldn't see it. But critics have some brain cells left so they perfectly understood and thats why they didnt like this movie.

Adam McKay tricked all those Hollywood clowns into making this movie by telling them: "Look there is Trump like president, there are patriots, flags". And all of them were sold on that idea and jumped in. Not noticing that all other time movie cruelly ridicules lefties and their obsession with tick tock challenges, worshiping brainless celebrities, obnoxious tv show hosts, not taking anything serious.

When Peter Isherwell told to stop first attempt to destroy comet - they presented it to public as: "Its because there are valuable minerals on that comet. Once we mine them - there will be no poor people and hunger in the world". And stupid lefties believes it and cheered for it.

Ron Perlman is stereotypically racist character. Because this is how lefties see "older people". They constantly were referring ti them as "older generation. things were different then". Again this character was created to trick woke actors to join movie.

There are countless sighs that this movie ridicules lefties. You are just not smart to see it. Also - he didnt even include obligatory alphabet character in the movie. If that doesnt give you sigh....

Meryl Streep character reminded me Selina Meyer from Veep. Who I always thought was a Democrat. Because this is exactly how they behave behind close doors. Kamala Harris is exactly like this. And only poor naive silly lefties actually believe that they are on the same side and level with Left wing policicians and celebrities. While they are just tool for politicians to say in power and celebrities have praise to satisfy their egos.


Bland opinions bundled with anti-Left diatribing.


Simplistic criticism lacking substantive argument(s) and empirical evidence.


Thank You


Your welcome.


Substitute "left" with "right" and you've summarized your own bland biased opinion. Try to have a thought of your own instead of regurgitating what you hear on CNN. PS, not a Trump supporter so have fun formulating a rebuttal.


That aside, you can't deny those things weren't present in this movie, just as he said.


There's crime in police shows ... doesn't mean the theme is criminality.


If not criminality, than what? Police shows serve as a social conditioning tool.


Actually, it does.


police shows as you call it is a genre literally called "crime".


Adam McKay tricked all those Hollywood clowns into making this movie by telling them: "Look there is Trump like president, there are patriots, flags". And all of them were sold on that idea and jumped in. Not noticing that all other time movie cruelly ridicules lefties and their obsession with tick tock challenges, worshiping brainless celebrities, obnoxious tv show hosts, not taking anything serious.

Boy... you must be wearing some really big blinders if you think this is a leftist thing. We have just seen four years of conservatives behaving exactly as you describe here, en masse. They did it before, too, but it became especially embarrassing when you started worshipping Trump.

When Peter Isherwell told to stop first attempt to destroy comet - they presented it to public as: "Its because there are valuable minerals on that comet. Once we mine them - there will be no poor people and hunger in the world". And stupid lefties believes it and cheered for it.

Oh for crying out loud. This was the GREED aspect commonly found on the right. This was the government planning to enrich itself whilst convincing its constituency that this would benefit them. Like tax breaks: "oh we're going to have so much money!" But it's really for the top 2%. Where on earth did you get the idea that this was a ruse to fool the left? It wasn't the left that cheered, was it?

Ron Perlman is stereotypically racist character. Because this is how lefties see "older people". They constantly were referring ti them as "older generation. things were different then". Again this character was created to trick woke actors to join movie.

Talk about grasping at straws. No, this is not how the left sees "older people" - you just made that up. However, this sort of racist person is precisely the sort of person Trump likes, and "things were different then" is an excuse you'll only ever hear from conservatives - while liberals are far more likely to say "no excuse!" Or are you saying cancel culture is a right-wing thing? Can't have it both ways, genius.

There are countless sighs that this movie ridicules lefties. You are just not smart to see it. Also - he didnt even include obligatory alphabet character in the movie. If that doesnt give you sigh....

Meryl Streep character reminded me Selina Meyer from Veep. Who I always thought was a Democrat. Because this is exactly how they behave behind close doors. Kamala Harris is exactly like this. And only poor naive silly lefties actually believe that they are on the same side and level with Left wing policicians and celebrities. While they are just tool for politicians to say in power and celebrities have praise to satisfy their egos.

I now regret wasting my time reading your entire post. You are certainly the most deluded person I have encountered so far this year, and quite possibly a year or two back in time as well. You really are something.


lol in what world are the corporations "right wing"?


But corporations can't be commies either... so what are they? Non-partisan?


Almost no one on this site has any idea what "right wing" and "left wing" even mean, and I don't think it's even occurred to them to ask


To be fair "left" and "right" are quite volatile and outdated.

Starting with the french revolution in which the left were anti monarchists and the right pro-monarchists the terms are used so ... different that it's crazy.

As an example: the fasts and the nazi. They are leftists if you look at their policies but they are considered "right wing" for being nationalists and overtly racists. Soooo ... are they "left wing" or "right wing"???

Even the soviets, most of us will consider them left wing but there are people that argue that they are "state corporatism" and so "right wing".

Sometime the simple "left" - "right" dichotomy is useless and without meaning.


Sure, what exactly is encompassed within "left" and "right" will change over time. And there's also the "political compass" that has two axes, which is slightly better than just saying left and right

No matter how you slice it, however, you cannot put leftists on the same side as capitalism. If you want to argue that fascists, nazis, and other ultranationalists are left wing (which is true in some cases, such as with NK) because they support some socialist policies, then you necessarily have to agree that modern American neoliberals are NOT leftists due to their enthusiastic support of capitalism

This movie IS parodying neoliberals, but the users on here believe that that means it's parodying "both sides". Sure, if we're talking about mainstream American politics it's skewering "both" sides, but to most leftists both American conservatives and neoliberals ARE the same side

This is true for "real" right-wingers as well. Theocratic fundamental islamists don't differentiate between American conservatives and liberals, they're all a part of the same degenerate, secular imperialist whole

Both conservatives and neoliberals fall under the umbrella of "classical liberalism" which, put simply, espouses ideals of capitalism, representative democracy, and private property


Capitalism is the absence of control by central planners.

Conservatives and neoliberals are in no way classical liberalists.




'Lol' what?


Not all Lefties are commies. You also have your Clinton-types who are plenty happy making money.

Really, the left wing is divided into pretty far-left commie types and the Clinton-types who are fine with capitalism, but they want to control everything while on their path to becoming ultra-rich.


Capitalism is the absence of control by central planners.


That's an oxymoron, since the ones with accumulated capital (=power) control everything


So it's not Capitalism, which is an economic system with private property rights, freedom of association/choice, self-ownership, price system, voluntary exchange etc?


No, it's an oligarchy.


"...corporations can't be commies..."

LOL...tell that to the Chinese and Russian corporations.

Commies embracing capitalism.



Best of both worlds.


I'll take the freedom variety, even with all of the warts and scars.



I think you better go explain that to the corporations in silicon valley.


In this world, where Mussolini defined Fascism as being Corporatism. Read something more substantial than a comic book and you'r already know that.


So you are taking your cues from Benito?

However, you may have accidently made a valid point. Corporations support the left and the left wants to take away freedoms. So maybe corporations are in bed with the fascists.


in every world?


Seriously, how on Earth corporations can be "The Right-wing"? Dont you know that every big corporation now is full on Woke? )))) Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, McDonalds - every single one.

Hon, you and those big evil corporations are on the same side )))) And all those politicians are on your side. And stupid celebrities like Ariana’s character. And those obnoxious tv hosts - you all are Lefties! ))))


I know you'll never figure that you since you have no idea where to look and you can't look in certain off-limits places the Right discourages.


The person you responded to is not wrong. Very few corporations these days espouse conservative views.


And everyone in Hollywood pretends to be a Liberal, because the general public hates the Right, and does not want to think their movie heroes are really fascists. God you are truly clueless.


So you think that secretly everyone in Hollywood is a closet conservative? It's like, a big conspiracy?

I must say, I am not the one coming off as clueless here.


Your fake kind of arguing just swings black to white and back again. I never said that, I pointed out to you that public entities have images that they want to protect.


Black to white??? RACIST!!!!


Actually you're the one who's clueless. Not gonna try to change your mind though, you've been conditioned too well.


If you think he's the clueless one, you don't have a mind to be changed.


Last time I checked, "Greed is good" was a conservative point of view.


Is that right? You may want to consider the reliability of your sources, because if you speak to a conservative you might find they're quite likely to quote 1 Tim 6:10: "For the love of money is the root of all evil."

But anyone who has eyes can see the sheer level of wokery, virtue signaling, and Leftist ideology that is present in corporations today. It's everywhere, especially in Big Tech.


"You are who you love" - and conservatives seem to love greedy douchebags like the Trumps.


That American conservatives are also the most religious is one of the great ironies in life, considering the New Testament reads pretty much like a communist manifesto.


I have found that most people who seem to get that when reading the New Testament completely ignore all the spiritual elements. The authors of the New Testament were principally concerned with the spiritual regeneration and eternal destiny of their readers and not setting up any kind of utopia on earth.


Sure, but the consequence is the same, because the prescriptions as to how we should live life on Earth are the same, regardless of spirituality. Material wealth=bad, render unto Caesar, sharing is caring, make love not war etc. All values which conservatives tend to throw to the wind.


First, I would say not to group all conservatives together. Conservatism is a big tent. For instance, you have your religious conservatives on one end and your libertarian conservatives on the other. These two may have a lot of common ground but there will also be sharp disagreements.

The Bible doesn't say that material wealth is bad. God provided great wealth to Solomon and the New Testament made it clear that there were wealthy Christians in their ranks. It does, however, call the LOVE of money the root of all evil.

I think most Christians pay taxes. We don't want to be over-taxed, though.

Regarding sharing is caring, I believe it's been proven that religious conservatives are the most generous demographic in America. We believe in sharing. We don't believe, however, in giving indiscriminately. Remember that the New Testament also says, "If a man doesn't work, he does not eat." There's a point where generosity no longer serves the common good.

Yes, peace is better than war, but sometimes war is necessary. I'll agree that we've probably gotten into more wars than we should have. But it was David, a man after God's own heart, who wrote, "Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight." And Jesus himself said that there will always be "wars and rumors of wars." That's because without God's help the human heart is hopelessly corrupt.


The New and Old testaments are disjunct, and preach very different messages. And this is part of the reason why Christians have been able to do pretty much as they please, because anything can be justified if you look at the Bible from the proper (or improper) angle. You want war? Then the OT is for you. You want peace? Then the NT is the way to go.

And the NT is pretty clear on the matter of wealth: the poor are clearly favoured, and Jesus really doesn't like the rich. For a rich person to be rewarded in heaven, he must forsake his earthly riches - not merely give of his wealth. Remember the poor widow's donation? Jesus rebuked the rich for their donations, because it wasn't more than they could spare anyway. And this is indeed something we commonly see all over the world: the most generous people are the poor. Rarely do we see rich people giving so much that they need to reconsider their personal budget.

The bit about "if a man doesn't work, he doe not eat" is from 2 Thessalonians, by the way, and it has nothing to do with who deserves donations or not. That passage is simply a warning to the idle. And rich Christians are dealt with in James 2, but not very charitably.

Mark, Matthew and Luke all mention the rich man who is instructed by Jesus to sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor. This is also where the camel and the eye of the needle comes in. And yet, every single wealthy Christians thinks "that doesn't apply to me. I donate millions to charity, and surely it will only benefit the world if I retain my wealth?" But this is not sanctioned by the NT. On the contrary, this is serving Mammon.

I think most Christians pay taxes. We don't want to be over-taxed, though.

Why not, if the money goes to help the needy? What objection could you possibly have which would not be at odds with the message of the NT?


I think you fundamentally misunderstand the story of the rich man and the eye of the needle. The point of the story is that we need to be willing to give up whatever is most precious to us in order to follow Jesus. For the rich man, it was his wealth that he was the most attached to. For you or me, it is likely something different. Think about whatever it is in your life that is most precious and that is what you might be called to give up for Jesus' sake. If you're not willing to do it, then you are not worthy of him.

Remember that Jesus also said, "Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." Would you also make the argument that Jesus is against families and against love for father and mother, son and daughter?

I definitely think that "if a man doesn't work, he does not eat" applies to who deserves donations. It means don't enable people who are perfectly capable of looking after themselves but who are too lazy to do so. There are plenty of these people on the government dole right now and there always have been.

In regard to your last question on taxes, the first question I would ask in response is this: Do you really have that much faith in the government, that they are using your money judiciously, responsibly, fairly and efficiently? If you actually believe that I have a bridge to sell you.

The government is a black hole. Wasteful spending is rampant. Most of what goes in most certainly does NOT "go to help the needy."

If you want to help the needy, find a good, responsible charity and give your money to them. Don't give it to the government. Any government.


In regard to your last question on taxes, the first question I would ask in response is this: Do you really have that much faith in the government, that they are using your money judiciously, responsibly, fairly and efficiently? If you actually believe that I have a bridge to sell you.

The government is by necessity burdened by an extremely cumbersome bureaucracy, which is a giant sink-hole. But that sink-hole needs to be filled in order for money to reach the places they are needed. Think of it like a hospital: which are more important, the doctors or the administrators? The administrators can't treat patients, but without them the doctors function like headless chickens. This is why a new hospital is first staffed with administrators, then with medical staff. The money that goes into the hospital funds the administration first, and the medical functions get the money as needed after that. Because it's the administration that makes sure the money goes where it's needed, after all, but administration isn't going to pay for itself.

So sure, a big bulk of the taxes goes into red tape, and a lot of it is inefficient, but without that red tape government simply cannot function. And yes, once the administration is funded, the administration which channels funds to where it is needed, then money does indeed go where it is needed. I have my free health care, free education, free police, free fire service etc. etc. as proof of that. Sure, it's not free free; it's paid for by taxes - but that's how I know taxation works.

And even as cumbersome and inefficient as governmental management of taxes is, it is many times more efficient than relying on private citizens to make voluntary donations. If that were the way to go, there'd be no poverty in the US, or at least significantly less of it than in Europe. But such is not the case.


Not all of them are woke. Most are just pretending because its good PR now and will jump ship the moment their marketing analysts say its more profitable not to be woke.

For example if Amazon was truly woke it would allow unionization of the workers instead of firing and suing the people trying to do that.


I think the filmmakers were definitely mocking the Trump administration. By accident, however, the movie has more in common with COVID and the general response to it by both the left and the right.

What I thought, watching the movie, was how hopefully stupid the American people, left or right, tend to be.


"the whole denial of science rests squarely on the Right"

You mean like how XY Chromosomes definitely define a male?

THAT kind of "denial of science"?



No, and you don't even understand the BS claims you are trying to make.


Lol schooled.


Boys have penises and girls have vaginas. There, I said it.


How about boys that had penises deformities and thus were snipped at birth and now have vaginas? It was common practice until the 90s when a Norwegian surgeon working with now teen age people that had this happen to them has found that no, even if you give them a vagina, dont tell them they ever had a penis and not even tell their parents they still consider themselves to be males and suffer greatly from being treated as females. Thanks to that doctor now they try to reconstruct the penis instead.


Funny thing - around a third of males are actually XXY Chromosomes. As far as we know there are no ill effects from this.


That would be quite the neat trick, considering 2/3 of XXY chromosomal foetuses fail to make it full term. Are you sure the third you are talking about isn't "only a third of foetuses with Klinefelter syndrome make it full term"? The actual prevalence as far as I've been able to find is 4 in 10,000.


It goes harder at the Right than the Left, but it also takes shots at the Left, at the non-political, and at modern, vapid, techno-driven meme culture as a whole.


Not really shots at the Left, there were some gags about the Left, but nothing that portrayed the Left to be supporting the destruction of the world.


Ah, so when the film targeted the Left they were "gags," but when it targeted conservatives it was something else.

Don't forget that it was Mark Rylance's character that did the Joe Biden hair sniff and he was largely responsible for the world's destruction. Had it not been for his greedy plan they would've moved ahead with the original plan to destroy the asteroid Armageddon-style.


That's a good example ... so what?, the hair sniff is associated with creepy Biden ... not all "the Left" per se. The Left did not indulge Biden his hair-sniffing like the Right did with Trump's pussy-grabbing. It is focusing on a stupid thing about Biden. Now, it if was reversed it would be pussy-grabbing by Trump. It's peculiar you don't see a difference.


Women indulge rich and famous guys like Trump.


Sounds like so do you.




Hey, im not a woman but if i can be rich (rather not be famous though) by indulging a guy like Trump then sure have at it.


This Quarantino guy has been on a tear trying to convince himself and others that the film squarely focuses on poking fun at the right. He’s a perfect example of the liberals the movie makes fun of. There’s shots at Biden, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, and the fraudulently gleeful liberal media as a hole but Quarantino just wants to sit on Mars in a cave with his fingers stuck in his ears going “La La La” so he doesn’t have to admit that the left is just as ridiculously comical as the right.


I think you might be onto something. . .


The biggest issue is that it's the Left's *perception* of what the Right is, and like all perception, it's based on individual opinion. Whilst everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, they can be wrong, as evinced here.



Still trying to convince yourself?


You're correct. Right down to the red hats. The president behavior and traits was an obvious reference to Donald Trump.

It's a lot like Republicans trying to ban schools from teaching about the holocaust. They don't want to see it, refuse to admit it, but they're looking in the mirror and don't like what they see. So they try to blame "the left."


Lolwut? The antisemites are demonstrably on the Left. Is Ilhan Omar calling for the destruction of Israel again this week?


"lolwut" indeed. I don't think she has ever called for the destruction of Israel. She did tweet, however, that "we have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the US, Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban." That's factual.

And there are antisemites on both sides. Not that it has a lot to do with the obvious parallels between the administration in this movie and the Trump administration.


I know this may not fit your narrow americacentric view, but in Britain the left wing party (labour) had such a huge antisemitting problem they have openly admitted that they are going to look into it and purge antisemittes from the party.


Doesn't surprise me at all. What makes you think I have an "americacentric view?" I mean, I am from the USA, so that's the country I'm most familiar with, of course.


Because 99% of english speakers on the internet have an americacentric view.


Reasonable enough.


Oh and let me guess: Next you're going to remind us that "the Democrats founded the KKK."
