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TrentnQuarantino (8390)


Wonder is this is a commentary about anyone we know? Best non-fiction book of this century, "The Alignment Problem" by Brian Christian This turned out to be reasonably good. What a sicko show Rich Man, Poor Man Used to love these comics as a kid. But - Just watched the last Episode of Season 2. Baby-faced psychopathic A-hole I hope Larry is OK. Episode 5 Season 7 ... Doctor murdered ( spoiler ) View all posts >


Isolationist nonsense has never worked and always heralded the decline of a great power. In the eyes of murdering Islamic terrorists only. There never was a Palestine, not was there Palestinian land. If you bother to really look you would see that this was a kind of no man's land in the breakup of the Ottoman empire, administered by Britain. There was no Palestine, and most of the people there were workers tending abscent landlord's lands. The Palestinians all have names that come from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, etc. There is no uniquely Palestinian people or cuture. The case for some kind of compensation perhaps should or could be negotiated, but then you'd have to also consider the about equal number of Jews expelled from Arabs lands and forced to go to Israel. That might have been a fair moment to call it equal, but the Arabs refused to allow the Palestinians to emigrate to Arab lands, and the "Palestinians" living in what was to be the original Palestine, Jordan, terrorized the land and the King of Jordan and were expelled to go to other places over time where every single place they went the brough upheaval and terror and had to be driven out or remained by terror, such as Lebanon and Syria. Is it you don't know what you are talking about, or you don't want to know what you are talking about? Iran strike ( now we're even ) Israel attack on embassy personnel. -- Israel retaliation ( ongoing ) Hamas & Iran break ongoing ceasefire and execute Al Aqsa flood barbaric terrorist massacre - outside any law of war. Ongoing war sustained by Palestinians against Israel since Israel declared itself a country. By the way, lots of groups in this area, Kurds and Yazidis and Christians too seek to separate their lives and societies from the ongoing abuses of the governments of the Sunni And Shiite Islamic Republicans. I Palestinians stopped fighting there would be no more war. If Israel stopped fighting there would be no more Israel. Same with Iran. The sickness is in the radical interpretation of Islam which no other religion has. Every other religion has matured past the stage where they are fighting the whole world for their tribe and ideology to take over the world - except Islam, and they fight constantly - even each other. Islam broadly is the problem because the vast majority of Muslims refuse to demand some kind of reformation and even subscribe to this lunacy though they do not yet take up arms against the West. It has also never been reported that Iran possesses hypersonic missile technology. That looks fake. Not sure what the official definition of ballistic missile is, but no ballistic missiles were reporting as part of this attack. That you use the term Zionist is a giveaway that you are a pro-Iranian dupe. Iran should have been taken care of when we had forces surrounding it in Iraq & Afghanistan. I think our government is concerned about the havoc Iranian & Islamic agents of all sorts can wreak on the US and global economy if they wish. And it could go on and on for years. Where is it that you see the draft mentioned? Not in the link above. Did you just make that up? Aid for Israel is the priority. Ukraine was a big mistake and a waste. I'm not sure about Taiwan, Japan, the Phillippines, but a military alliance and cooperation should be first before throwing a lot of money at the problem. But take a pause to think about how our democracy works ... or fails to work. We have many issues that need attention here at home of course, but they never seem to get the priority that their citizen backing would require. But then we see a small loud minority of terrorist supporters in Minnesota and Michigan protesting and they twist the Democratic party all out of shape. Can we actually have a democracy with some amount of people being vocal proponents of barbaric actions against the very concept or civilization like October 7th, or countries that spread terror in their regions and around the world? These are some existential questions to ponder inside our own democracy. Our Constitution was written before the idea of mass immigration of those who hold hostile views against their new country, or civilization broadly. We are not prepared to perceive, let alone modify our system to do what is needed to protect itself from toxic viral citizens, and yet any consideration of that smacks of tyranny and discrimination. Iran is the biggest threat and has been since 9-11, even though it was the Saudis and Sunni Muslims at the center of it. Daily we hear of the abuses of the regime, but is what we hear balanced news or propaganda? Well, the willingness to disrupt the entire globe by firing hundreds of drones and cruise missiles at Israel surely needs attention. Taiwan is stable. It is really doubtful that China will invade Taiwan, and Ukraine was a long-term planned boon-doggle that has failed in its ostenible goal while enriching the Military Industrial Complexes budget and political power. It is Iran that should be prioritized and taken care of - for good. The world would be a lot better off for all to terminal the endless terrorism. What is your point? The reason this made you post this? I'm not sure I get it. Are we mindless sheep that any time, and it's all the time, our military industrial complex wants to demand something - it happens, and it happens with deadly seriousness - and it has invaded and indeed conquered the civic/public space, both economic resources and control of our lives. It may be a philosophical necessity that we human beings, social creatures, must align to some kind of model of the world, and us, so that we are predictable in our reasonable tolerance and cooperation to each other/society. History has shown us that as we decide to cooperate life for the multitude becomes better and easier. This eternal war is fake cooperations ordered to us by the MIC, and there is no channel to complain or discuss that is wide enough to make a difference. View all replies >