9 years..

She'll be home for Christmas.


In 2031




A lesson to be learned from all this is if you make yourself a poster child for a Political Party that has spent the last decade blaming all their problems and spreading lies about one particular country don't go to that country to "play basketball" but if you must leave your weed at home.


Karma couldn't have come to a better person.

Heck, maybe spending time in a Russian prison will straighten her up?


No you just dislike her politics therefore true justice is of no concern to you. It is okay though your thugs at the capitol are also getting the treatment they deserve.


I look forward to the day you learn how to think for yourself.


I look forward to the day you don't present yourself as if you know more than others.


"Think for yourself" of course being code for believing whatever bullshit is spread by your cult leaders.

If you believe things because there is actually evidence for it, then you're not "thinking for yourself" by the logic of morons like you.


So hilarious that right wingers tell others to think for themselves. Just absolute, pure comedy.



But cult members always think it's everyone else that's brainwashed.


The absolute biggest hypocrites in existence. I have no doubt of that.



No, they're patriots.

They defended their right to a fair vote. Every politician who didn't adhere to their call for an audit after the ballot count in November violated the law.


Prove he would have won the election. I will wait. Patriots do not break the law. They broke the law.


He read some BS on the internet and heard some more on Tucker Carlson's nonsense hour.

Does that count as proof?


Oh trust me cyguration is one of the biggest clowns on this board. He told me I would die because I got vaccinated...


I'll take your word for it. There are a lot of those morons on these boards.


It literally baffles me there are people that dumb which walk the earth.


Patriots have a right to protest:

Taxpayers are granted by state rights to a fair, free and equal election:

Failing that, taxpayers have a statutory right to a fair audit if malfeasance is suspected:

Politicians are duty-bound to taxpayers according to article 2635.101 to basic obligation of public service, herein incumbents -- by law -- MUST adhere to audits when called to by constituents:

In many states, this did not happen. Instead taxpayers had to SUE their own government just to have audits enacted nearly half a year later:

Every politician involved with waylaying the audits violated their duty as a public servant, and violated the law, as outlined in article S8.C1.1:


"provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States"

Not only are you wrong but everyone who agreed with you is wrong, and is either not American, don't care about their rights as an American, or is a traitor to the natural freedoms and rights bestowed upon taxpaying Americans by the United States Constitution.


They do have a right to protest but not break the law. A laptop was stolen which means they broke the law. That is not what a patriot does. That's not protesting peacefully. Also had Trump won you wouldn't be claiming voter fraud. If your guy loses it's fraud if he wins it's fair and square. Grow up.

By the way I love that Alex Jones is getting what he deserves. A guy who you vouch for. Tell me do you feel for the victims of Sandy hook or feel more sorry for that trash human being?


Fist of all the lap top was NOT stolen. Hunter never picked it up at the service shop he brought it to. The shop Cleary stated he had x amount of time to pick it up and if not it becomes properly of the shop and the owner.
Since 2016 Clinton and the left have said the election was rigged, still to this day they say it. Clinton did an interview a month ago and said the 2024 election will be stolen by Republicans. It's all fine when Democrats do it, right?


Yes it was stolen. Conspiracy theories are stupid regardless of who it comes from. I did not make excuses when Trump got in office. I accepted it. Biden is your president deal with it. If Trump gets back in I will deal with it. No more excuses bud.



A politician's son lie? Never!


Or maybe it will just teach her how to be a better commie.


Or rather, don't behave in a real dictatorship like you would in your own country you falsely accuse of being one. That lesson is good for all those on the extreme left.




Sure ... ALL those on the extreme left ... ALL those imaginary people undermining America, made up by desperate people wanting to maintain a status quo that favors a few. It's an imaginary war to distract people from seeing their own leaders taking from the poor and giving to the rich.


The funniest thing about the extreme left is the denial of their own existence. "Antifa isn't real", "woke isn't a thing", "There's no agenda"...


They don't even think they are real but think they can get 80 million votes.


This post is a laser guided smart bomb to the true underlying motivations of the Russians


Turns out we both understood the true deal here.


Wow, you nailed it. Nostradamus-level prediction. Get yourself to the 7-11 and see if you can be as accurate with the lotto numbers.


Nice to see Biden step up to free her. As much as I hate Trump, he would have had her released already for his own personal ego.


Biden will get her swapped out for a couple of high-end Russian spy prisoners.


How long until that happens though?


This will happen before the midterm elections, I expect. Although I consider Griner a hypocritical narcissist, a 9 year sentence for a first offence of this type is extremely harsh. I think this is just Russia feeding raw meat to its citizenry prior to the prisoner swap, the idea being to help take the edge off internal criticism.


Mid-terms is a good guess, but I'm thinking Christmas. It comes down to who is calling the shots.

If Biden has already agreed to a swap deal (stupid to do so before they sentenced her but we are talking about Biden here), then he'll arrange the swap right before mid-terms.

If Putin is calling the shots, he'll release her right before Christmas in a grand gesture of Russian humanity to show the world how humane they are even as they commit atrocities in Ukraine. Also, by waiting longer, he might be able to wrangle more than a 2 for 1 deal for Griner (or 4 for 2 deal if we include Paul Whelan).

But if 'Vegas is taking bets, I'll take less than 6 months.


How many people will indirectly die when we free the notorious Viktor Bout in exchange for Griner carrying hash oil to get buzzed in her Russian hotel room?


I don't know much 'bout Bout.


...don't know much about science book...


But at the cost of releasing a world leading arms dealer who will inevitably be responsible for the lives of untold numbers? Of course you could argue whomever would get weapons anyway, but not of the grade hell be distruting. Bad trade.


Russia should be keeping themselves on the down low. Release the girl and people will hate them a little less.


Why should they care about any non citizens attitude towards them? This all just reeks of American Privilege.


Because her crime is not that serious. Taking a line of cocaine should give them a life sentence if that's the case.


Because her crime is not that serious

I didn't realise you were the arbitar of Russian law.

The charge comes with a 3 to 10 year sentence. She got 9 because they went for the full sentence of trafficking and won.

Funny when it comes to covid all you here is "well it's there laws so you should abide by it" in realtion to vaccinations whwn entering a foerign country. Funny how that gets thrown out when an actual crime is commited.

As someone else says this just screams American privilege and arrogance.


I didn't realise you were the arbitar of Russian law.

Would you say the same if someone was given the electric chair because the law told them not to sneeze in public? All she had was some hash oil on her that was medicinal. That doesn't warrant 9 years. I'm not American, or Russian and even I can see the crime doesn't fit the punishment.


I mean I'd agree it's an excessive amount of time, but the law is what it is, what can you do. If I travelled to Russia regularly I'd make sure to be aware what the laws were and I'd be aware of the consequences if I broke them too. People have to bear responsibility for their actions too.


As I said elsewhere, she knew the law. As dumb as it is, she can't complain.


Would you say the same if someone was given the electric chair

And what if she got the firing squad or sent to gulag. There is a reason it is called whataboutism.

She didn't get any of those things so they are irrelevant. You might as well have said why didn't they launch her into space. There law states a sentence between 3 to 10 years and she received 9. So it is within there laws.

All she had was some hash oil on her that was medicinal.

That would be in America but she wasn't in America again so what you think it is used for is again irrelevant ebcause she is on foerign soil who says differently.

That doesn't warrant 9 years

There laws say it does or do you want different laws for nationals and foreign nationals? Should Americans be able to bring gins into countries where they are illegal due to them being legal in America.

even I can see the crime doesn't fit the punishment

But your opinion has no bearing. She broke Russian law not American or English or French. Russian and was sentenced by there laws. I really don't see what the issue is.

You want to make a point that it is excessive then fine but that doesn't take away the fact she broke a law in another country. A country that doesn't take kindly to drugs.


but that doesn't take away the fact she broke a law in another country. A country that doesn't take kindly to drugs.

I said somewhere else here, she knew the law so it's her fault. But I'm criticizing the severity of the law.

That would be in America but she wasn't in America again so what you think it is used for is again irrelevant ebcause she is on foerign soil who says differently.

You realize this is Russia we're talking about, right? When have they followed laws? They don't even follow their own.


When have they followed laws?

What are you saying Russia is a lawless country with criminals running wild and doing what they want or are you being bias due to proabably being American and the whole Ukraine issue.

Currently Russian crimes are on the decline based on quick search.

You do realise there are countries in which she could have gotten the death penalty.

But I'm criticizing the severity of the law.

Ok. Personally I agree but she was convicted for trafficking which is 3 to 10 years. So what do you want. Them to be lenient because she is American. Why? Would America with a Russian no.

To be honest I have no idea why so many people care about her. People are arrested and convicted all over the world and they never get this much press.


What are you saying Russia is a lawless country with criminals running wild and doing what they want or are you being bias due to proabably being American and the whole Ukraine issue.

They continue to cheat during the Olympics and then bitch when they get sanctioned.

You do realise there are countries in which she could have gotten the death penalty.

That doesn't mean that Russia's penalties aren't excessive.

So what do you want. Them to be lenient because she is American

Be lenient because of logic. Do they really think she's a drug smuggler because of a little bit of oil? And 9 years? I don't care that she's American.


They continue to cheat during the Olympics and then bitch when they get sanctioned.

Nothing to do with the discussion at hand so irrelevant.

That doesn't mean that Russia's penalties aren't excessive.

You do realise there are countries where she could have gotten the death penalty. So not that excessive. There are also people in American prisons with harsher weed sentences than her. Are you bothered about them as well.

Be lenient because of logic

Why? Why should Russia be lenient to someone who broke "there" law. That is the important word here "there". Not yours or Americas. Theres.

Do they really think she's a drug smuggler

Yes. She entered the country and didn't declare it and so illegal. How is this concept not hard to understand. She took drugs into another country.

The sentence was between 3 and 10 years for trafficking. They don't know her from Eve. Why should she be treat any different from anyone else. She was just a person who illegally brought drugs into the country. Utterly irrelavant that it was oil and is legal in America. It isn't legal in Russia and that is the important bit. It is illegal in russia.

Should Americans not be prosecuted for bringing a gun into the Uk where they are illegal.


Nothing to do with the discussion at hand so irrelevant.

So obey their rules, but they don't want to do the same? I don't think so.

You do realise there are countries where she could have gotten the death penalty. So not that excessive.

Again, it doesn't matter. Why compare it to other countries? 9 years in prison for a small amount of weed is ridiculous. This is the same country that has laws to deter people from promoting homosexuality.

Are you bothered about them as well.


She entered the country and didn't declare it and so illegal.

Even if she did declare it, it wasn't allowed. But that's besides the point. 9 years? Murderers get less time than that.

Should Americans not be prosecuted for bringing a gun into the Uk where they are illegal.

I never said she shouldn't be prosecuted, I said it excessive. Dennis Farina once carried an unregistered loaded gun through LAX security. His punishment was two years probation. While I think he deserved at least some jail time, if they had given him 25 years, I would think the punishment is excessive.


I'm not gonna bother with this anymore as you are just gonna go round and round.

Olympic disqualification has zero to do with this. Nothing at all. Should the same be said in America about Athletes that have been banned for drug use in relation to other crimes. No so why does it matter now.

This is the only bit i'm gonna reply to as it is the only bit that is relevant.

So obey their rules

Yes. You are in there country. End of discussion. No more to be said.


I'm not gonna bother with this anymore as you are just gonna go round and round.

I have to go around in circles. You went from this:
I didn't realise you were the arbitar of Russian law.

To this:
You want to make a point that it is excessive then fine but that doesn't take away the fact she broke a law in another country.

When I say it's excessive, you say that it's not up to me to decide, then later on you were okay with it. I never said they should be lenient with her or not be punished at all. All I said was that having some oil on her is not that serious and that 9 years in prison is a ridiculous amount of time in jail for that.


It isn't upto you to decide.

Are you bothered about all the people arrested for weed charges everywhere in the world or just this one women.

Your quote

Because her crime is not that serious

My response
I didn't realise you were the arbitar of Russian law.

Russia has some of the strictest drug laws so in there eyes it is a serious crime. They have an almost no tollerance view of drug cimes. The vast majority in Russian prisons are drugg offences. That is why I said it. It seemed apt.

All I said was that having some oil on her is not that serious

It is by Russian law and that is all that matters. In other countries she could have got the death penalty.

She broke the law. There law. There law is all that matters as the offence took place in Russia. There law states a sentence of 3 to 10 years and so the law was followed.

You can think it is excessive all you want, free to do so. Doesn't make you right though.


It isn't upto you to decide.

So no one can have an opinion on excessive charges?
Are you bothered about all the people arrested for weed charges everywhere in the world or just this one women.

As I said before, I don't care what country this happens in or what the nationality is of the offender.
Russia has some of the strictest drug laws so in there eyes it is a serious crime.

This is the same country that outlaws homosexuality. This is also the same government that doesn't allow you to talk bad about the country. I mean, if you get 9 years for a little bit of hash oil, should she get a life sentence for a lot of oil? Does rape get you 100 years and murder gets you 500?
The vast majority in Russian prisons are drugg offences. That is why I said it. It seemed apt.

Don't you think that has to do with how strict they are? Out of all the criminal offenses you could do: rape, murder, tax evasion, pedophilia, voyeurism, stealing, breaking and entering, hate crimes, assault, illegal weapons possession etc, why are drug offenses the majority of crimes?
You can think it is excessive all you want, free to do so. Doesn't make you right though.

It doesn't make Russia right either.


SJ: re-read this exchange you had with strntz back in August. Some pretty accurate predictions went on here


That's a long time when you consider what she did. They're using her as an example.


That makes sense since it's definitely too harsh of a sentence, considering the infraction.


I mean you can debate the civics of it all you want but the reality of the situation the Democrats made a public enemy out of Russia for their refusal to accept Election Results and a personal enemy by sticking their nose in all their Commie vs Nazi love spats they got going on over there and a liberal poster child went behind political enemy lines and got got.


Are you saying the Election results are wrong?


Christmas of 2031


still dont understand why someone that makes millions would have to smuggle weed. just buy some more when you get back home.


Maybe she was going to be there for a significant amount of time (speculation, I don't have a clue what women's basketball does). If she has an addiction to weed, she would need to bring some with her to last her stay.

I haven't read anything saying so, but I always wondered if foreign athletes have always skirted the law with a wink/nod agreement with the host country. Clearly, athletes aren't smuggling drugs in to sell to the local population so the host country would not be injured. Maybe after the U.S. supported Ukraine, the russkies changed their mind.

Again, speculation.


She just wanted it for herself, I'm sure. Too little to sell, but some countries take it more seriously and we have to respect those laws.


Agree: their country, their laws.


Smuggling was probably not a good choice on words. But I get what you are saying. Maybe she thought she would get a free pass since she was a famous athlete like you said. If that was me though. I would be petrified to bring anything remotely illegal through a foreign airport.


Right. The variable we don't know is if they've historically looked the other way for foreign "celebrities" or official state visits. For instance, would they arrest, convict, and jail a member of the British royal family if they got caught with some pot? Maybe they would, I don't know. I haven't been able to find much about this either way.


do the crime , do the time


I couldn't care less. She did it to herself. It will be interesting to see if she likes the U.S. any better after spending a decade in Russia.


I doubt it. She was raised in privilege and raised to hate the opportunity that America offers *anyone* who wants to work.

Honestly, it pisses me off when black people like Griner complain about systemic racism. Back in 1985, my wife and I bought our first house. When we looked at a tri-plex to buy, the real estate agent assumed we had no cash to put down and couldn't afford the house. I told her I had $25K for a down payment which was about 35% of the total. She looked shocked and asked me where I got it. Where I got it?? Did she ask white applicants where *they* got their down payment??

As nice as I could muster, I explained that my wife and I both work and saved our money. To her credit she realized how insulting her question was and apologized.

Things are FAR better now than they've ever been. Too bad we have race hustlers who are trying to stir the pot and convince people that their own shortcomings are due to something other than themselves.

Is Russia being dicks about this? Absolutely. If Griner spends 9 years in prison will it bother me? Not in the least.
