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strntz (10812)


Anyone read Gianni Russo's book? Alien was the first theatrical movie I saw .. Rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez Reed sentenced Why? Sorry, but the poster makes this look like a gay film. Nothing says.. Movie poster reminds me of .. Advice on a stubborn Boston Terrier Yesterday I told my mother her youngest child was going to die. Profile pic View all posts >


[quote]...she would probably have rewarded him.[/quote] How, and for God's sake, do be specific!!!! I never heard of the origin tale, but in any case, was not part of this story. [quote]Was the Fairy really hoping that someone would get lost in the woods, whilst also putting themselves through very possible dangers via those wolves and stuff, and stumble upon the place by accident and have the chain of events set as here?[/quote] Since that it indeed happened that way, it worked out as planned... LOL Fun aside, I don't think the enchantress was "hoping" that anyone would find their way to the castle and fall in love with the beast to break the curse. If nothing else, giving him that long shot to break the curse only increased his torture by his watching his chance and hope slip away with every fallen pedal of the dying rose. The torment of hope would last much much longer this way as opposed to if she just turned him into a beast right away. Face it, she not only cursed the prince, but the innocent minions looking to eke out a living. She wasn't very nice at all. Slow down and take a breath. I'm not advocating for Baldwin to be charged with killing the cinematographer. I'm on the record here on MC saying he's an actor who was handed a gun the armorer declared as "cold".. Baldwin has no more duty to be a gun expert than Betty White if she handled the gun. <blockquote>Cheaper option so what people have budgets.</blockquote> Budgets are fine. Saving money is fine, as long as what you're saving is excessive money and not shortcutting safety. The problem here is that the Rust production team went cheap on a job where cheap doesn't work, and their cheaping out on the armorer led [b]directly[/b] to Hutchin's death. <blockquote>Doesn't matter if he was part of production he is not the firearms specialist someone else is who was hired this requires licenses etc which they had.</blockquote> It absolutely matters. If I hire an incompetent boob to protect you to save money and he fails to protect you, it's on me. <blockquote>You are looking for a scapegoat you really think this man wanted to kill or harm people if so he could have done it many other ways.</blockquote> That's silly. Even the people who want him charged as the shooter (of which I am not one) aren't saying Baldwin was intentionally trying to kill Hutchins. And no, I'm not looking for a scapegoat - I have no dog in this fight. I have said repeatedly here on MC that if I'm on the jury and the prosecution is going for a murder charge based on the gun incident, they don't get a guilty vote from me. But, if I'm on the jury and his charges are based on his bungling of his production that led to the death of Hutchins, they do indeed get a guilty vote from me. Good for him. What I read is that he swatted the phone from anti Israeli turd who wanted him to say "free Palestine" which to his credit he refused to do. Unless there's another incident that Googling didn't reveal. [quote]He hired a professional who was suppose to take care of all these they clearly did not how is that his fault.[/quote] The production team hired a cheaper option, so the production team bears responsibility at some level to the accident. There were several concerns raised about safety on the set *before* the shooting. Alec Baldwin wasn't just the actor, he was part of the production team. [quote]If that's not the way they do it on movie sets, then they're doing it wrong and they need to change.[/quote] That's the answer right there. In this day and age, we no longer "need" to have real guns anywhere near actors - people who are not trained as stunt people. If they make actors responsible for movie set accidents, very few actors will agree to handle a gun at all. With CGI, realistic gunplay is only a mouse click away, and there will never be a gun related death on a movie set again. [quote]So you think that nobody should be allowed to watch these movies legally?[/quote] [i]That's[/i] what you took from my post?? Note to self - order director's cut of Major League.. View all replies >