How woke is it?

Looks interesting but I don’t want to be lectured about how evil all men are or some shit like that


How fragile some people are..


I know, right? A certain demographic of people should ALWAYS be lectured to about how evil and oppressive they are wherever they go regardless of what they're doing. How FRAGILE of them to just want to be left the fuck alone and be entertained in peace without being preached to by a bunch of whiny, self-righteous, hypocritical, moronic fucks like yourself. Oh, the utter FRAGILITY of these people!


oh, look, another fragile right wing snowflake


It doesn't strike me as fragile to avoid films that sacrifice quality in order to shove politics down the viewer's throat. Meanwhile, it's very easy to sit back and mock others when you are in a position of power.


It doesn't strike me as fragile to avoid films that sacrifice quality in order to shove politics down the viewer's throat.

Totally agree.


I dont think they sacrifice quality
Quite the opposite
Certain elements *have* to be in a film , for it to function.
like women or blacks

Then you get all these fragile snowflake misogynistic racists going:

"I saw a women , its preaching womens rights down my throat , oh i cant stand it , how terrible , waaaah"
"I saw a black , its preaching black rights down my throat , oh i cant stand it , how terrible , waaaah"

and then they have the gall to call everyone else "easily offended snowflakes"


You are inventing people to support your dubious claim. No one takes issue with the presence of women or non-whites in a film. As I wrote above, it is when the quality of the film itself is sacrificed in order to force a point-of-view on the audience that people take offense.


well , we are having to operate on assumptions here because the neither OP (nor anyone else) actually said it was woke , much less gave examples.

but the OP maintains he:
"don’t want to be lectured about how evil all men are or some shit like that"

and thats the sort of shit that gets trotted out whenever a woman gets the better of a man in a movie.
It doesent matter that the good guys always get the better of the bad guys.
if that good guy is a women , people like the OP
"takes issue with the presence of women"
lose their shit and start spouting


If a movie where virtually all men are bad and a movie where all Whites are bad isn't anti White or anti male, then what kind of movie would you describe anti White or anti male? It seems to me that movies simply cannot be anti White male regardless of how they are made.


In many movies the hero is pretty much the only good guy.
sorry but that guy cannot always be white anymore.

Also if a bad guy in film is white , yellow ,ginger haired , a migdet, or black ..
I dont take it as a message from the film makers that I am to hate all people with those characteristics s , as you seem to .


"In many movies the hero is pretty much the only good guy."

Not in most movies.

"sorry but that guy cannot always be white anymore"

I love the Blade franchise. I love Shaft movies. The protagonists were Black and nobody complained. I only have a problem when almost all White guys are bad and only when that becomes a pattern like it has become now in the last few years.

"Also if a bad guy in film is white , yellow ,ginger haired , a migdet, or black ..
I dont take it as a message from the film makers that I am to hate all people with those characteristics s , as you seem to ."

Hollywood is run by the left. The left hates Whites. Put the 2 plus 2.


Surely the majority of the Left are white themselves?


Yes and they openly hate themselves for being White.


Yep. That dirtbag, Rosanna Arquette apologized for being white.


and they have a huge case of real or phony white guilt because it's what the left expects.


This is it to a "T".
In fact, you'll find it in virtually every comment section of almost any movie on this website. Someone will have found a way to equate the movie to "woke propaganda" and...that's really enough for them. There's no real discussion, as its the feeling of cleverness at having been able to make the correlation that's often the real goal here. No time to actually delve into whether or not the story could have even been told otherwise, no, "I made the connection", "Aren't I clever", and "Look guys, more woke propaganda to shore up our already well-established sense of victimhood!" is all that's really going on here.

Its as boring as it is silly...its the most basic ego-feeding behavior you'll see in print, and the lengths in which people will go to try and do it is often times ridiculous.


Black rights and female rights are not legitimate issues anymore. Maybe they used to be prior to the 1960s, but not today. People who today preach about female and Black rights are just anti White and anti male.


How to tell people you're neither black nor female without actually saying it.
Or how to tell people you're 14 years old.


How to tell people you're a brainwashed leftist moron.


So 14 years old it is then.


I suppose you aren't actually prepared to debate me one the ideas that Black and female rights are not legit issues anymore, mr. ad hominem?


oh, look, another fragile right wing snowflake

Oh look, someone who doesn’t recognize sarcasm.


Yup. The result of decades of systematically making the general population dumber and dumber through schools and the media. I'm no conservative, but if the smart people left want to save the west, conservatives are going to have to go into the media, journalism, and education and encourage critical thinking once again.


oh the irony


He recognised the sarcasm fine , you obviously dont understand sarcasm , despite your post implying you do.

moviechatter2526 was sarcasticly pretending to be a lefty agreeing with 'william black'
The Argentinian , recognising this as sarcasm from a righty conveying a righty view
"oh, look, another fragile right wing snowflake"

clear enough for you?


You are a fucking idiot.


Looks like I touched a nerve


First one to throw childish insults admits defeat.



Well said.


The people who possibly deserve lectures most won’t be seeing films like this. Even if they do, they’ll laugh at the heavy-handed “message.” They won’t learn some lesson and change their lives around. Movies and shows don’t do that. So films like this end up preaching to a very small congregation of the converted. Everyone else avoids them.



Ah, "fragile," one of dozens of words the corporate brown-nosers use to attempt to scare people out of criticizing the shitty products the corporations are selling.

What ad hominem will you throw at me? Am I 'toxic'? Are my words 'violence'? Etc., etc., etc...


Thanks for using Etc properly. I see ect, ect, ect, all the time, and it's so stupid.

Plus it's usually applied to dumb arguments which makes it even more eye rolling.

Damn those educated libtards. We need a good old fashioned Great Leap Backward like China had.
That would satisfy a lot of the anti-science, anti-progress republican extremists.


What you call education today is not education. It's indoctrination. So wearing education like a badge of honor, like something that gives you the right to talk down to your neighbors, is no longer valid. I have several liberal arts degrees and I'm a public school teacher and I can assure you, the right's concerns about what's being taught to their children are justified. I've been told for 30 years now to weave critical theory into my curriculum (I teach math, by the way, so imagine the acrobatic moves required to make race and gender relevant to math...). I'm glad parents are speaking up about it. We have no right to be pushing propaganda in the classroom. And don't give me any nonsense about, "Oh, how is ending racism propaganda?" Anyone who's studied critical theory (it's not called critical race theory, I don't know how that term got started) knows it has nothing to do with helping anybody other than those who will gain power from the general public believing it.

Also, it's bullshit. To characterize all white males as oppressive and privileged creates the same scapegoating atmosphere H****r did when he demonized the Jews in his stupid book.

China's Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution were indeed steps backward, as critical theory segregates people based on immutable characteristics, we can clearly see critical theory does the same thing.

I have almost nothing in common with the right, but you are a fool if you think they're the problem.


Genocide always start with demonization of an ethnic group. A Black guy who stands up to the demonization of his people is called an anti-Racist. A White guy who stand up to the demonization of his people is called a racist.


Yes. I'm a reformed leftist. I believed in their nonsense for many years. No longer. I see no difference between the demonization of the Jews in WWII Germany and the demonization of white males over the last six decades.


That's not what I saw in the commercials. It seems like an interesting premise, that a girl in our time can see into the past with her dreams and wants to help another girl similar to herself when she sees her getting killed.


That's way over the heads of these QAnon Trump sniffers.


I will be nice and ask you to please keep those two subjects on the Politics Board, if you would be so kind. It's perfectly fine if you start a similar thread to this about this movie in that section as well.


Oh, the irony...


Oh, the idiocy...


You're wearing the brown shirt because it came free with a glass of Kool-aid.


William, is QAnon in the room with you, right now?


it definitely has a 'me too' element to it, where all the male characters are villainous and deserve to be killed, the sole exception being a young classmate, who's black and a very passive character - he's almost a damsel, really.

i thought there were some great things in the film, particularly in the first half. there is a sequence where we first 'meet' taylor-joy's character that i would call one of the coolest, neatest, almost dazzling scenes i've seen in a film in years.

and there are lots of cool shots where it kinda melds swinging 60s london with a 70s giallo feel that are similarly great. it's like if blow up and suspiria had a film baby.

but it kinda wanders a bit towards the end, and has the same horror imagery repeated far too many times imo. and it has an ending that...well, opinions will vary, but it kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.

a mixed bag. worth seeing if you have a bit of a giallo fetish, probably. lots of good things in it, but a bit too long and a bit too repetitive imo.


I saw it last night. I also agree that the horror imagery got a bit repetitive. I enjoyed it, but I won't be in any kind of rush to watch it again, and for me, I'm one of those people that if I really like a movie I usually watch it multiple times, even though there are so many movies out there I still haven't seen.


i'm very much the same way. i always like going back to movies, seeing if the things i like about them improve on a second watch.

whenever soho pops up on a streaming site, i'm sure i'll give it another try, because there absolutely were good/great things in it that i want to see again - especially that sequence i mentioned in my post above.


"it definitely has a 'me too' element to it, where all the male characters are villainous and deserve to be killed, the sole exception being a young classmate, who's black and a very passive character - he's almost a damsel, really."

That's extremely woke. Why? Because in reality the Black character would more likely be a rapist. So in Hollywood, Whites who don't (for the most part) rape are punished by being presented as rapists and Blacks who (much more likely) do are rewarded as presented as good guys. That's left wing justice for you.


Feels like OP ex girlfriend name was WOKE and he just takes it out on all movie boards how WOKE is this movie

freaking hilarious and pathetic at the same time


Nice straw man.


I suggest a 5th grade writing course.


It's a movie, and it has black people and women, so according to Anti-SJWS it's probably a 11/10 on the woke scale.




When you say anti-SJWs, you're really just referring to normal people. Non-dipshits. People with brains who aren't mentally ill fucking losers. To clarify.


It's got an interesting premise and a fantastic first half that really sets up a potentially great horror film.

Unfortunately after the first hour the movie shits the bed and is definitely more concerned with lecturing you about how shitty men are rather than being a scary horror movie.

It's about as scary as a bargain bin ghost movie. Edgar Wright has attempted to make his "Get Out" with this and it's completely misfired as I didn't find it scary, thrilling or thought-provoking. But great first half!

Watch the first hour for the performances, the soundtrack and the production design and then don't bother with the rest.


Thanks for your comment. You're one of the only few who properly goes into if the film is woke and to what degree.

I kind of figured that to be the case based on the trailer, even though the trailer was visually mesmerizing and had a lot of cool looking imagery. But these days Western films can't help but trip over their own feet trying to play into a sociopolitical groove instead of being an honest story that follows all its logical parts to the sum of a proper conclusion.


It's a bit of stretch on the other fellow's part depending on how much you're paying attention to the film.

is definitely more concerned with lecturing you about how shitty men are rather than being a scary horror movie.

It honestly isn't. damosuzuki1's observation that "it definitely has a 'me too' element to it" is a bit more accurate, because at its heart, we have a typical story about a girl, trying to be a star, and falling prey to the wolves, so it aligns itself to #metoo sentiments.

But I think it does so without being woke because it has no underlying moral or message to the story. And if a person watches to the final act...any fleeting suspiciousness of wokeness is disappears due to film's climax. Spoilers of course.

That said, the first act of the movie IS the strongest, so admittedly, it does lose steam far before it subverts any implications you may have. I think the mistake may also be to think that the movie is trying to be thought provoking. At times, I think it was trying to emulate something like Black Swan, but I don't think there's very much to the movie. I don't think it's trying to be anything other than dazzling and trippy, which is made all too clear by the final 5 minutes and the epilogue sequence.


That’s fair, although the underlying message I took from the film is that nostalgia is bad, the 60s may have looked glamorous but misogyny and abuse existed.

Fair enough if Edgar Wright wants to point out those obvious things but if you’re going to turn your film into horror at least attempt to make it scary (seriously there’s episodes of Doctor Who that I found scarier than this)

It’s for me Edgar Wright’s first misfire. He apparently loves the horror genre yet here he delivers some weak jump scares and ghoulish apparitions that look like they’re from the DVD cover of a bargain bin horror movie.

What a waste of an interesting premise, the script needed plenty of work.


You've hit on what I was alluding to when I said I don't think the film is provoking any sort of thought. I was expecting that message about nostalgia while watching (old times are not quite so glamorous), but the movie doesn't really commit to that by the end (yes the mom's photo burned, but Ellie still did her fashion show on the retro she's still interested in the era.)

But I guess while I'm concluding that the movie isn't trying hard, maybe you're right! Maybe "nostalgia is bad" WAS the underlying message; it just did a shit job of trying to make its point lmao.

As for fear factor, it's hard for me to really judge horror by how well it scares me to be honest. In the last two decades, I think I was only truly scared with...The Ring...and Hereditary. I thought the facemelding on the ghosts was effective, but not from like a visceral reaction on my part. Just thought it looked cool and fitting. But I do think this fails as a "horror" movie. I think it would have been better if they played to their strengths and just stuck as a trippy psychological thriller. I really enjoyed the dancing scene when we met Sandie, and I liked the chase scene through the alley ways. But they doubled down on the faceless specters instead, which didn't always work. (Like, the telephone scene was cool, but then they all started saying "help me", and I nearly started cracking up.)

What a waste of an interesting premise, the script needed plenty of work.

I enjoyed the movie but yeah, I agree that premise could have been so much more, which is a shame.

edit: I didn't realize the guy behind this movie was...that's very disappointing to know that now.


‘I think it would have been better if they played to their strengths and just stuck as a trippy psychological thriller.’

Completely agree, should have stuck as a trippy time hopping murder mystery.

I loved the first half, amazing production design and soundtrack with a compelling hook for a story.

It’s why I’m so frustrated with the second half because it just joins a bunch of other movies that start off so well but waste that great premise.

It was just one absurd twist after another and like you when the ghouls were shouting ‘help me!’ at the end I was just thinking ‘what the hell happened to this movie?!’ haha

I was so hyped because of the positive reviews and being a fan of Edgar Wright, I’d even avoided the trailers so as to go in knowing as little as possible about the film.

Oh well, maybe his next movie I’ll love from start to finish again like his other films haha.


I'll probably buy the movie because I have a slight obsession with Anya Taylor-Joy.

But then I'll probably put it on, watch the first 45 minutes or so, and then just leave it on as background noise for the remainder XD


She is amazing, I even watched The New Mutants because of her even though I knew it was going to be terrible haha


That’s a damn shame. I always thought Edgar Wright was smart enough to step over the woke shit, but it looks the bodysnatchers got him too.

Thanks for the warning, I’ll definitely be skipping this one now.

There needs to be a ‘How woke is it?’ thread on every new movie, we can’t keep lining the pockets of the woke cabal by falling for their bait-and-switch every time.


Not woke at all.


I havent seen it but based on your statement
"Looks interesting but I don’t want to be lectured about how evil all men are or some shit like that"

I dont think its for you.
Its got a woman in the lead role for one thing,
And i'm willing to bet that on her journey , she's gonna encounter some problems,
some of which will be caused by a man ,

and then you'll lose your shit and spouting buzzwords like
