MovieChat Forums > TheArgentinian

TheArgentinian (6447)


Worth watching even for a laugh? Generic white lead. Is the story easier to follow than Part One? Why would this be a box office hit? Worth watching if I didn't think much of the movie? Toxic Masculinity: The Movie CGI The right-wing misreading of ‘Blazing Saddles’ is so telling "Bang! Bang, bang!" View all posts >


Your topic is unwarranted and stupid. OP never heard of the word cross-legged. Or seen men do it. You're lost. People have nothing to do with the media. It fitted the place and story, imo. The story nothing original? Where have you seen it before? Don't say John Wick just because of the action scenes. Social media hype. That ruined the ending for me. No, it's very much of its time. It's pastiche today. lol, it seems speaking facts get people angry. View all replies >