Actually Really Good

I expected something terrible, primarily because of all the chatter about the film leading up to its release, but it was nothing like I expected it to be. It's an Indiana Jones adventure that lives up to the first three films.

It's exciting, and it's well-paced. The story keeps its audience invested until the very end. You really want to see where it goes, and the payoff is worth it. I won't spoil a thing. I've heard that, like most films lately, this one is performing poorly at the box office, which is a shame. This film deserves an audience, and it's something meant to be seen on a big screen, with an audience.

Also worth noting-- this isn't the emasculating, woke character assassination some are making it out to be. I doubt those people watched the movie. Indiana Jones is the star from start to finish, and he isn't taught any lessons or overshadowed by anyone else. The female star is more or less his sidekick, following him and learning as she goes, and she is ultimately the one who rethinks her entire life based on lessons learned during her time at Jones' side.


I might catch it in HBO this fall.


@FilmBuff is a known Disney shill.


That's obvious.


I can understand legacy Disney, but a modern Disney shill? That's fricking embarrassing.


I don't watch very many Disney films, and when I do I enjoy some and dislike others. I thoroughly enjoyed the new Indiana Jones film, which I didn't even realize was a Disney film until someone here pointed it out.


He's a depressed, alcoholic loser who gets saved multiple times, spends the last 20 minutes being dragged around on deaths door, and then wants to die at the very end. Complete garbage.


Is that an accurate description?


Not even close.


I read some reviews since I asked that question and while it seems that there was some hyperbole in his post, he's not far off. Professional reviewers have said similar things about Indy's characterization in this film.

The BBC review called the film “gloomy and depressing,” but that’s not the critical takeaway from the pan.

[“Dial of Destiny”] has the air of a film passing the torch (or whip) to the next generation. But it does all this in an even gloomier fashion than The Force Awakens did. I’m not sure how many fans want to see Indiana Jones as a broken, helpless old man who cowers in the corner while his patronising goddaughter takes the lead, but that’s what we’re given, and it’s as bleak as it sounds.


I'm getting a whiff of shill.


Well he's laying it on pretty thick.


That isn't an accurate description at all. Best I can say is if you see it, let's compare notes. I don't want to spoil anything, so all I will say is that after the prelude set during the closing days of WWII, the film opens with Indiana Jones ready to retire, and somewhat lost. Once his goddaughter shows up, he suddenly has a mission, and he's the Indiana Jones we've seen before. He leads the way at every turn, solves every puzzle, and shows up his goddaughter every time. She follows his lead, and by the end, she's the one who has changed as a person because of what he's taught her. He rescues her, and her kid cohort, numerous times, and is never helpless or cowering. See it for yourself and tell me if I'm off base at all.


I'm open minded if nothing else, so for now I will accept your interpretation. But while it will be some time before I eventually see it, I can also say that the BBC review isn't at all atypical.


I rarely read film reviews, but I just looked at Rotten Tomatoes to see if what you wrote is the case. The film is rated "fresh," and 68% of critics reviewed it favorably. That isn't a resounding victory, but it certainly seems the case that most critics are praising the film. The audience score there is 88%, telling me people like the film.

Again, the description of "Indiana Jones as a broken, helpless old man who cowers in the corner while his patronising goddaughter takes the lead," is a completely inaccurate reading of the film.


Very accurate. As an adventure movie it's ok. As an Indiana Jones movie it sucks.


Sounds great. How do you feel about The Force Awakens?


Answering for myself: I thought both were ok...ish. Neither film bored me, but neither film succeeded in justifying its existence, either. Force Awakens was just A New Hope with new characters (and no Jar Jar Binx). It seemed like pretty mediocre fan fiction. With Dial of Destiny, at least Indy was still the main character, but the mcguffin turned out to be disappointing. It was initially promised to be something that could make you as powerful as the gods, but turned out to be a trick by Archimedes. Too many drawn-out chase scenes as well, which eventually seemed like filler. Dial of Destiny would have been fine as an Indy comic, but as a movie it falls flat.


Yeah, I'm not really seeing much vitriol from those that saw it. Negative reviews sure, that's why it's at 68% and not something higher on RT. But there doesn't seem to be the same rabid rancor compared to what happened with the SW sequels. Hell, if they kept it less expensive, and maybe not release it at Cannes, they might possibly could had turned a profit.


I've seen the movie today and everyone loved the movie!!!

It was awesome!!!


The trailer makes it out to be colorless with poor lighting and special effects. Is the whole movie like that?


It looked fine to me, like any of the other Indy films. The effects are pretty great.


It is really good! Saw it the second day and was completely won over.

The best thing about it? No Spielbergian cynicism!


Seems like everyone bashing it hasn't seen it, and they are all saying "I read that..." or "I get the idea that..." And I won't lie, I almost didn't go see it. I bought a ticket last-minute and I'm glad I did. This is a definite see-it-in-a-theater film.


Do you get a provision for that? I mean who supports your opinion?

HarrySkywalker (87)
SOteric (52)

Appears to me as if Disney created these accounts while the movie bombed at the weekend...


I don't understand your question. What is a provision? I don't know who supports my opinion or doesn't. I saw the film and I really enjoyed it. I'm not often a fan of these sorts of blockbuster, big action films, but I find this one to be well-made. It focuses on story and character more than action, but still has more than enough of the latter to qualify as an action film. All the negative "reviews" I've read seem to be describing a different film, suggesting to me that the reviewers didn't actually watch the film. It's one thing to dislike a film, but to declare things that didn't happen in the film as your reasons for disliking it strikes me as evidence they didn't watch it.

That you think Disney has people creating accounts on this tiny, unknown board strikes me as rather paranoid.


Sorry, not a native speaker. Commission was the word I was thinking of...
And yes, I can think of the creation of several fake accounts to promote a movie. You know, it's capitalism...


I wish Disney would pay me to say nice things about their films, though I dislike so many of them I doubt they ever will. I come here to share honest feedback about films I watch, and to discuss films with other movie lovers.


Please specifically name the ones you don't like and tell us why.


Nearly all of them? I rarely see Disney films. I suppose you could make the case that if only I'd go seem them I'd love them, and that I'm unfairly judging films by their trailers or what I've heard about them. That's the reason I nearly didn't see this new Indiana Jones film, after all.


This website doesn't get nearly enough traffic for Disney to bother with. Some people like the movie. Me included. Get over it.


I don't need to get over it. The release of a new film in an older franchise is always a nice occasion to re-watch the original movies. Then I enjoy the analog special effects of the time (which are still great), I enjoy the cinematography, and the fantastic jobs done by real stuntmen without any CGI.


they all watched the youtubers working together to tank disney and short the stock. That's the only explanation for the bizarre targeted attack. This flick was a lot of fun and felt like it was in the same original trilogy. Yes, it's too long, the cgi is bad, and I wish it wasn't so tame, but it's a blast. He's also 80, so give Indy a break.


Not sure which drugs Filmbuff took before he wrote this, but this movie is a travesty.


Did you watch it? Im noticing that pretty much everyone who has watched it has positive things to say. The negatives are coming from people who have decided ahead of time the movie sucks, and aren't going to see it.


Exactly this.
Expected a travesty and left happy because they did a good job. Not a fantastic job, but a good job.


How is it a travisty? Its actually really good?
