Actually Really Good

I expected something terrible, primarily because of all the chatter about the film leading up to its release, but it was nothing like I expected it to be. It's an Indiana Jones adventure that lives up to the first three films.

It's exciting, and it's well-paced. The story keeps its audience invested until the very end. You really want to see where it goes, and the payoff is worth it. I won't spoil a thing. I've heard that, like most films lately, this one is performing poorly at the box office, which is a shame. This film deserves an audience, and it's something meant to be seen on a big screen, with an audience.

Also worth noting-- this isn't the emasculating, woke character assassination some are making it out to be. I doubt those people watched the movie. Indiana Jones is the star from start to finish, and he isn't taught any lessons or overshadowed by anyone else. The female star is more or less his sidekick, following him and learning as she goes, and she is ultimately the one who rethinks her entire life based on lessons learned during her time at Jones' side.


I agree that it is a good movie. 7/10.
