MovieChat Forums > Oppenheimer (2023) Discussion > How the hell did this movie get so hyped...

How the hell did this movie get so hyped up?!

I have read books on Oppenheimer and enjoy the subject matter, and liked the movie.
But for the average movie goer I doubt they will like this movie too much.
I think they will all be shaking their heads coming out saying 'I was tricked, we shoulda went to see Barbie.'




Ya, I hear he has an army out there propping up the reviews.






that has to be the case. there's no way this boring movie got 8.7 on imdb. also it's not nolan's army like his fans. it's literally shills hired by the studio to do it. all big budget movies have hugely inflated scores in the beginning.


Great director, great actors, world changing event.


Very mediocre movie though...


How is saying the name of the biggest untalented hack in the industry answer the OP’s question?


It's got an acclaimed, excellent director and a great cast. It's a really well made movie, one of the best films of the year.


It's the same reason why americans love Top Gun 2: "Look how powerful and courageous about our weapons (airplanes) and soldiers!"

Oppenheimer: "Look how powerful and smart about our weapons (bombs) and scientists."


I also suspect jingoism is a part of it. I think a lot of Americans are trained by corporate media to support military and wars.


And school, trained by school, definitely.


Brainwashed Americans, more like.

Bleat on about democracy and freedom endlessly, then berate and threaten anyone who expresses opinions about anti-war or the military?


“Top Gun: Maverick” made more money overseas than it did in the states:


You mean the entire world outside of US, surely that is just as big as US, that is why it made about the same amount of money.


I was merely pointing out that Maverick’s success is not attributable to Americans alone - so the suggestion that American jingoism is the sole reason the film was successful just doesn’t hold water.

Same with Oppenheimer:


If the overseas box office is not about the twice of US domestic, which is average for this kind of movies, then it did not perform very well overseas.

I think the numbers showed clearly overseas audience did not like it as much as US audience.


You use Top Gun 2 as an example, but it only prove americans love Top Gun 2. On average a movie's overseas should be double of domestic.


Top Gun 2 was a great movie. Should have won the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Oppenheimer certainly will.


Because the critics are way smarter than you? His biography is highly regarded and Nolan didn't mess with it much. The actors are good, the sets are real. The antidote to super heroes!

How did you like Barbie? Did you know Ken is a gay icon with a cock ring hanging from his neck? Yup, Mattel made that doll!


Yea bullshit. This shit is the Gandhi biopic all over again. Critical darling loved by all at the time of release. Then guess what came out that same year? Tron.

Highly regarded shit like this tends to fall to the waist side while more visually innovative stuff like Speed Racer, like Hausu, like Tron, like Barbie become cult classics. The only reason people even GAF about Nolan is because of Heath Ledger's performance in Dark Knight.


style over substance? A lot of dramatic music and things exploding.


Yeah I dislike all that bullshit Nolan does. It's supposed to be a biopic not a fucking music video. That and the non linear story telling seemed to be covering up for a lack of story.


Does he do the non-linear thing in Oppenheimer?


literally if he had told it linearly, it would've been like 30 minutes straight of the AEC just interviewing people back to back. this is like watching 12 angry men except it sucked. 12 angry men was boring but if someone forced you to watch it it got good. oppenheimer never does.


Nolan fans.


nolantards are snobs


Nostalgia for when they made movies that wern't superhero flicks.


I'd usually be one in that demographic, but I didn't care to see this. Noland makes decent flicks, but they're basically dorm room ideas with a big budget.


I haven't seen this yet. I can't sit through movies like this, this long, in the theater. I like intermissions. Usually take a nice little break between acts.


It's a common issue now. I just watched Terrifier 2. At 2Hrs 19 minutes, it could have drop 40 minutes.

I don't know what filmmakers and studios are thinking? You figure they would want more shows to make more money.


Terrifier 2 is 2hrs 19mins? Wow.


Yep. You feel it too.


Barbie is a joke, got hyped !


They could've just pulled out a 9MM and ended Art the Clown in 19 minutes or less and saved the moviegoer the trouble of sitting through the other 2 hours..


