MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Arya in tonight's episode (spoiler)

Arya in tonight's episode (spoiler)

Has her first nude scene in the show

Can't tell if its her or a body double or cgi, it looks like her to me but its hard to tell.


Definitely a body double.



To be fair, she was like 11 when she signed up for this show.



Which makes this scene really creepy for me, and yet I'm seeing reviews praising this moment as the best scene in the episode.

For me, it was the cringiest in an otherwise cracking episode.


I agree in Cersei’s case for the same reason. This scene should have just been cut after they started kissing.


In the case of Cersei's Walk of Shame, well, the story at the time was that they used a body double because Lena Heady had just had a baby. Since Cersei hadn't had a baby for fourteen or fifteen years, and shouldn't look like she'd just given birth (or had a C-section or a tummy tuck as so many modern women do), I'm willing to forgive them for using a body double that time.


She's 22 years old and in her physical prime. She shouldn't be using a body double.


On that topic, no one should have to appear naked if they don't want to. Period.


No one *has* to do anything. I'm saying she shouldn't have used a body double. Shows more bravery being willing to do it herself, and increases her marketability when auditioning for other roles. By using a double here, she is basically ensuring she will never be cast in any role that requires nudity because she isn't a big enough star to warrant that consideration.


It was her after all.


^This. Thank you for being a adult.

This post was intended for your first comment, Jennie. This feeble site stuck it here.


Yes, thanks. But the whole scene made me cringe.


I thought the scene was a requisite part of Arya’s narrative arc. This topic’s OP-intended direction makes me cringe.


Yes, I honestly don't care whether we get to see flesh or not. The scene made me cringe because it was rather mechanical. I'd prefer a little more romance.


Arya with the many faces, is not one for romance.


Yeah it’s the feeble site’s fault that you still can’t figure out how to reply to the right post after two years.


Reality is just because you are 22 doesn't mean you have what people would consider a good body. Maybe her body is just not good enough for them to use and that was the reason for a body double. Doesn't have to be because she was prude, she may have been willing but the show runners just said, yuck we need something better.


Yeah that body double girl was THICK, no amount of clothing could hide that, but Arya is anything butt.


She still looks 13.

I don't even want to see her body double because she'd look 13 too.


Totally agree. If it were really her, they would have not cut away when they did.


How does that make sense? It being her is the exact reason why they would want to cut away (implying she didn't want to show too much)

Why would they use a body double if they were going to cut away and not show much? If it was a body double they wouldn't need to use non-revealing angles and could have shown her (the double's) boobs from the front.


I stand corrected. It was her:

This appeared further down the thread


I'm still not convinced it was her. She might very well have filmed the scene, maybe even done it without her clothes on but that doesn't mean the showrunners will use the footage and not alter it with a double if they think a double looks better. The shape just doesn't match what has been shown in other shows she has been in.



That was as uncomfortable as hell. I know Maisie Williams is in her twenties and free to do as she likes on that front, but I've literally watched her grow up from a little kid to adulthood!

It felt all kinds of wrong.


This whole topic feels more than kind of wrong. We have a MAJOR character who has led what is for the most part a brutal, miserable life have her first moment of adult intimacy with a lover of her choosing, and we’re getting bleats from boys who didn’t get to see her breasts?! That goes right past pathetic and lands on contemptible. You lot don’t DESERVE to have your lechery satisfied.


Agreed that was difficult. She seems to have a pretty bold personally irl so not entirely surprised she would do a scene like this.


Agreed. It felt weird because I've seen her as a little girl all this time. Guess she's not, but still...


I know that weirdness. One of my childhood friends had a little sister. We were in like the 5th/6th grade and she was in kindergarten. 10 years later, she is 16 and crushing on me, but all I can see is that kindergartener.


What felt wrong about it to me was the kissing. I don't think Arya Stark who has become No One is into vanilla sex. And Gendry is a poor choice of partner for her as well. Almost anyone else would have been better. The Hound would have been better.


No, the Hound would have been worse, because he was her captor/guardian for so long! It would have felt like either incest or Stockholm Syndrome, depending on how you view their relationship.

If she had to do it I would have picked Gendry for her, he's a friend, he's a decent guy who won't get weird on her, and he's pretty hot.


I don't understand. You call yourself a Game of Thrones fan?


What do you mean you don't understand? Are you one of those people who think that Arya and Houndie were best road-trip pals and perfect for each other?

Don't get me started on this subject, or you'll have pages and pages to read through.


No I don't care about that. I'm talking about this: "he's a friend, he's a decent guy who won't get weird on her, and he's pretty hot" -- doesn't sound to me like the way anyone picks their partner on G.O.T. Maybe "Friends", I don't know, I never watched that show.


Well the way most people in Westeros pick a partner is by letting their parents arrange a marriage that's based on clan politics and money, or asking a whore how much, but Arya isn't most people. She's one of the few people in Westeros who's free to make up her own mind about these things.

And she picked a hot guy who won't get weird on her, because, well, he's a hot guy who won't get weird on her and she was presumably a virgin. The weirdness can come later.


Yes, there's no drama - boring - I think we're essentially in agreement here, it's just that I think it doesn't help the story, and you apparently think it does.


I said her choice of partner is believable, not that it advanced the story!

Really, I wish they'd left that scene out. I dont want to see that.


The Hound is 1 of 2 miserable shits she wouldn't touch with a 10 foot dragonglass pole


But think about it... my guess is she was going to go for the Hound, but the other guy showed up (the actor was great in Fortitude, by the way, but they haven't really given him many good lines in this show). So she settled for Gendry. If that's true, and the writers made it clear, I wouldn't have a big problem with it. But I think the writers chickened out, and went for the "safe" play. Boring!


It was clear in the previous episode and really ever since Gentry came back last season they were going to get together.


Well, in my opinion, the thing that has been good about the show over the years has been the massive curveballs that it threw. The unexpected is what made the show great. Doing the expected is, again in my opinion, not doing the story any good.


It's a balance between giving people what they expect to see versus adding a twist to it. What makes it difficult for this show is the stuff people have waited years to see finally play out on screen.

I'm sure there are a few twists coming up.


I hope so. I didn't notice any in the first two episodes this season. (Compare it to the first episode of the series with the push out the window.)


The Hound?
There's no way that would've made sense. She would never chose the Hound in that way.
Not only is he probably old enough to be her grandfather...nobody would've bought that for a minute. It would not happen.


Indeed. It was like watching your favorite niece stripping.


I understand your point but I do think it served the story by helping to re-humanize someone who has been portrayed as something of a remorseless killing machine.

I had previously said that the scene should have been cut after they started kissing, but now I see the value in showing her undressing, briefly focusing on her scars and then Gentry’s reaction to seeing them. It was an effective means of silently telling Arya’s story in the space of a few seconds.


The camera focused on her scars?

Uh, I was looking away at that point, I missed that.


It did, Otter, and it was very effective and moving and sad; significantly more repugnant to me than the carnality that triggered all the bleating. I also accept that repugnance as being dramatically necessary, just as I accept the sex scene. Full disclosure: I accept anything that brings even a scintilla of happiness into
Arya’s life. She has had so little happiness.


Oh, I accept Arya's right to do as she pleases and Maisie Williams' right as well, they both know what they're doing.

I just didn't want to watch it happen. It's possibly to like someone tremendously, even love them, and still not want to see them naked and having sex! I feel that way about most of my friends and relatives, and co-workers, and many other wonderful people. It might even be a sort of compliment to Maisie Williams's ability that my feelings on that front resemble the feelings I have towards friends and relations.


Oh, I know you accept all that! I was talking about the the sight of her scars as being very effective.


Thank you! 👏

I just read a review (written by a man *eyeroll*) praising this scene as a major act of agency for Arya. But for me it was the worst scene in an otherwise outstanding and emotional episode.

I'm not particularly interested in seeing a naked teenager (and yes, she may be twentysomething in real life, but in this she's still playing a child).



It made plenty of sense. She wanted to have sex in her life before it possibly ends during the battle with the army of the dead.

I see nothing wrong with that. She is an adult now, and she wanted to get laid.

And you are aware this is a show that has had constant incestual sex scenes for over 8 years now, right? And THIS is the one bothers you? Lol.

Good for Arya.



Uneccesary is a term I usually associate with being bothered by something and not wanting to see it. I thought you were disturbed by Arya having sex, which is why I mentioned the incestual sex scenes to compare "grossness". My apologies if I misunderstood your issue with the scene.

I think you are seeing this as something that is a relationship, when she simply wanted to lose her virginity before her impending death, and she felt comfortable going to him with this. It didn't need a lot of build up. Though I noticed in the first episode she was eyeing him up kind of lustfully, and I figured she at least was attracted to him.

I don't think the scene was unnecessary at all, and especially for a teenager who wants to experience something before possibly being killed in the next few hours.

It's not about build up, chemistry, or feelings. Arya wanted to have sex one time before the war began, so she did with the person she felt most comfortable presenting that situation to.


This is perfectly in character for Arya. She doesn't know if she's going to be alive or dead in 24 hours. This guy is an old friend, he's probably got five years on her and the last time they saw each other she was still a kid so of course nothing was going to happen then. She's not a kid anymore. There was a little bit of a spark when they saw each other again. That was enough. She doesn't want to be with a perfect stranger her first time, and is comfortable enough with Gendry. Arya doesn't intend for him to be a serious boyfriend or to marry him and settle down - that's not her. A friend with benefits is exactly what she's looking for.


I agree..Of all the questionable scenes in GOT this was not one of them. It makes perfect sense for a girl Arya's age and on the brink of probable death to want this experience. And to want it with Gendry who she had seemed to crush on when she was a child..
It also helps us to see her connect with her more human side. It serves a purpose.

By the way, is it only me? I don't care either way but it seemed like she was wearing some kind of flesh colored body wrap. Or at least that's what my screen seemed to see.


some kind of flesh colored body wrap

Well, it looked quite natural to me – which of course doen’t mean that she wasn’t wearing something like this.


Maisie talked about this actually. She said at first she thought the scene had been put into the script as a prank - something they've apparently done before, including one where Jon would've had his face horribly disfigured just to mess with Kit Harrington. But they told her that, of course, she didn't have to do the scene. They could just have them start kissing and cut away. She agreed to do it, but didn't want any frontal view so they set up the cameras and edited accordingly. No body wraps or CGI trickery.

I actually thought it was well done. Just the right amount of explicit to make it feel real, without being gratuitous. Not that they've ever done that on GOT!


Ah, no body double. That was Maisie.


Yeah i thought it was, but so many was saying it was a body double. Good for Maisie, glad she done it herself.


Yeah. As I was watching it I figured it was a body double, but then when they didn't show much I thought it must really be her. Why use a body double if you're gonna avoid showing her boobs anyway? Doesn't make sense.


Please do not ever talk to a female. Ever!


What the hell are you talking about, dumbass?


You do realise this is one of the major reasons why the show even gained popularity in the first place right?


Having seen the episode again, I agree with you. The awkward camerawork is a big clue that no body double was used.


This about sums what I immediately suspected was a significant underlining reason behind this contrived "controversy". I guess buzzfeed & friends didn't bother with the pretense of "It's wrong and cringey because I see her as a kid" excuse as some others have to hide their true misgivings because they understand how rediculous & childish it looks which hurts credibility.
