MovieChat Forums > Chris Rock Discussion > What's your one line comeback to the sla...

What's your one line comeback to the slap, that's better than what Chris came up with

"Fiddy slaps harder than that"
"If he's going to break the 6 foot rule, he could at least wear a mask"
"Did I just get Cuck slapped?"


"The jerk store called. They're running out of you."


"Now I know what it feels like to be married to will Smith"




Nah, that involved his wife again, not fit for the occasion. But a great line nevertheless.


One of the first things I thought was he should have said, "Jada, I'm having a hard time hearing your husband. Jada, can you tell me what he's saying?" Just to step on this idea that he's forbidden to use her name. Screw that !


If he were not a Oscar host, but at a comedy club or something that would have been OK. But if Rock kept provoking Smith and made a bad situation worse, that could have shut a lot of doors for him.


Whoah! Well I guess they allow just about ANYTHING in that marriage... except for crappy jokes about baldness!

... Ain't that right Will my man? You knows what I'm talkin' about...


lmao very good 😂


If he’d said anything more the crowd of lemming actors would have been in uproar. They don’t like when they’re made fun of.

Rock handled it perfectly. And his follow up line was pretty funny. Until Smith continued it with multiple F bombs.

To generate a response from the lemming audience the perfect comeback would’ve been: “wow now I know how Putin feels.” They all would have cheered like sheep and the media and dumbass lemmings here would’ve swallowed it like Jada does with every gangsta cock she comes in contact with.


When Putin wins, and he will save for U.S./NATO recklessness (which admittedly isn't off the table), I wonder if these clowns are going to be surprised. My favorite is the people who say, "Putin thought he'd take Ukraine in 48 hours." The U.S. didn't even take Iraq that quickly. I live in a world filled with idiots.


Taliban took Afghanistan very fast. Putin didn't expect NATO to care or the Ukrainians to fight.

Putin has a lot of power. Usually, power makes people arrogant which leads them to do stupid things. Upcoming Russian election likely lead him to attempt the invasion now so he could be a hero who brought back the empire.


That's not the same as the people who assumed that Putin believed he would defeat Ukraine in 48 hours. Sometimes the people who assume their opponents to be irrational are the ones actually being irrational and are not to be taken seriously.

I don't know what Putin thinks or doesn't think, and he may very well have underestimated Ukraine, but it is also apparent that there is at least some restraint in the use of Russia's military force. I don't envision Ukraine prevailing without the U.S./NATO directly intervening. I doubt that Putin assumed that NATO wouldn't care (that would be irrational since NATO was created to counter Russia/USSR); however, he probably assumed/gambled (correctly so far) that they would not risk outright conventional warfare due to the threat of nuclear escalation. Even if things escalated, the U.S./NATO would probably allow Russian withdrawal from Ukraine rather than all-out warfare.


You mean Putin's advisors? U.S. Intelligence believes they fear Putin and told him what he wanted to hear. He has placed some advisors under house arrest.

Ukraine isn't in NATO and with the exception of sanctions, little was done to Russia for attacking and occupying parts of Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova.

The Russian army is a mess from what retired U.S. generals have said. I saw Army food that had expired years ago in a tank with a Soviet hammer and sickle emblem on it. Soldiers were told lies about their mission and many are abandoning or sabotaging their tanks. I heard one unit refused to fight. Putin is asking for mercenaries because many Russian soldiers are dead, wounded or went AWOL. I don't know of any war which was won when morale was very low.

Russia is finished. The economic sanctions will destroy Russia's economy so they no longer have the finances to attack democracies through bribery and military actions. Putin will likely be removed as leader for this fiasco since he has become a liability.


Interesting, isn't it, that pro-Putin people seem oddly obsessed with dunking on Chris Rock. Hmm... I wonder why that is? Almost as if they were trying to divide people and stir up controversy. Nah, couldn't be... right?



"Women slap. Men punch."


Not bad


When Will said “Keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth”, he should have said “Why? I’m not the first guy who’s had something of hers in my mouth.”


OUCH! That one stings for sure.


Will “Keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth”, Chris "Only when she takes my dick out of hers"


Chris never raised a hand to his face or acted like it hurt at all.

THAT's already the best comeback I could think of


Well, to be fair, the left side of his face did seem a bit stiff, and kind of did an eyelash batting thing... but it only lasted a brief second. If it did hurt he hid it fairly well.
