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ExTechOp (2737)


70s or 80s film about a young couple on a crime spree (long before "Natural Born Killers") 1970's movie about difficult pregnancy, mom looking at clown music box Shouldn’t Hulk know? QUESTION FOR LAWYERS: Kearns questioning himself how does her face work? diamond from Dahl's pocket just realized what the title means Sam Jackson’s burger Broadway revival 2012 w/ Pacino as Levene …. Anyone see it? Knowing how part 2 will likely end, is Ethan actually WRONG this time? Spoilers, but not really View all posts >


Nope pretty clear her notion of "playing around as kids" meant they were banging, just using contraceptives to avoid inbreeding Very practical Good damn question It's too easy to assume all beautiful women are crazy For what it's worth, Stone claims she needed to "find Ginger" somewhere inside her. While filming Ginger's death in the hallway, she says she felt "Ginger" physically leave her (Stone's) body. Now Stone's kind of crazy herself, I should note, in a weird Doc Brown kinda way. But even she wasn't crazy enough to play Ginger without becoming Ginger to some extent So how true is it that beauty = crazy? Who knows? Recommend it to the Stanford Sociology Dept. (the ones who confirmed that, yes, people take longer to leave their parking space when they know you're waiting) It's true that Ginger's real life inspiration, Geri McGee, was the kind of beautiful who knew it. Lefty Rosenthal recalls her smiling at him in bed and saying something to the effect of, "you've never been with someone like me, have you?" Whether it's true or not, she believed she was privileged with extraordinary beauty and felt entitled as a result We're ALL overthinking this, but that's what this site's for so ... How about this: Marty arrives, sees all the clocks, notes the time and thinks he's running 25 minutes early so he wastes time setting up the gigantic amp that's why he didn't question the time ... he (mistakenly) noted it as a "bonus" and exploited it to rock out Is this some new form of Rick-rolling for MCU fans? Superman explicitly told Batman, "Next time they shine your light in the sky, don't go to it ... consider this mercy." Batman put the signal up himself as a fuck-you to Superman. THAT's why he expected Superman to come. The appeal or lack of appeal has everything to do with what it is and little to do with its subject matter This is essentially a filmed stage play -- that was clear from the trailers What are you one of those GEICO cavemen screaming about negative stereotyping? Interesting point considering "you and I" is generally (incorrectly) considered "proper grammar" when used as objective pronouns. It's viewed as grammatical overcorrection, when people try to sound smart but don't understand that they're actually wrong. I remember seeing it first in "Facts of Life," an old sitcom, where "she and I" as objective forms was commended as proper grammar Obama uses it all the time: "They were very gracious to Michelle and I." Drives me batshit So it makes sense that Frasier would be the type to correct the overcorrection. But you're right that Martin was NOT incorrect in this sense. Now, there ARE arguments to be made that "is" can be a transitive verb in certain contexts, e.g., "woe is me." In that case, "is" actually means "is unto." So I suppose "it's just you and me now" is actually "it's just down to you and me now" which WOULD be correct (and yes I realize the writers didn't come CLOSE to thinking about this hard) Even if that were the case, it wouldn't be cause for Frasier to correct Martin -- at best, both versions would be acceptable One thing I noticed about "Big Bang Theory" along those lines is that they were very careful to make Sheldon's annoying corrections actually correct in every case I can think of. I understand they also took pains to ensure the accuracy of the "science gobbledygook" in that show whether spoken or written on the whiteboards clearly not the case in "Frasier" They WANTED to suffer They all hated themselves and their respective lifestyles I disagree with you there ... only Tyler knew (although reasonable minds could differ) Part of the whole process was forcing the participants to come to terms with how valueless their lives really were and how little they truly wanted to go on living Ask any of them if they wanted to survive, and their reflexive response would be "hell yeah!" The dinner experience was intended to force them to realize the truth (and it succeeded) View all replies >