MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > Overreacted. Smith is in the wrong.

Overreacted. Smith is in the wrong.

I love comedians and telling jokes is what they do.

Anyone who has watched these awards shows for the past +25 years knows that some jokes are told at the expense of celebrities, politicians, famous people, world topics in general.

I think that Rock has been a part of the industry for so long that he knows when, where and what to say... the Oscars are not a Netflix-HBO special... it's not a comedy club where he can tell darker content... Rock is a professional and did not come to the 2022 Oscars wanting to damage his career in any way.

The biggest question I have about this entire incident is if Rock did or did not know about Jada's health issues?

If he did, then it's quite shitty of him to tell this joke (specially during the Oscars and also in front of the Smiths).

If he did not know about Jada's health then Will overreacted and Rock shouldn't have been slapped-punched.


I think Rock did NOT know about her health and did not deserve to be physically assaulted.


If he didn't know then an apology needs to happen.


IMHO Rock should make a graceful public apology to Jada, and then either have Will arrested, or mock him mercilessly in his comedy act for years. Or both.

Smith was absolutely in the wrong, it is NOT okay to batter someone for making a mild joke.


Agreed. It would have been more impactful for him to say something rather than get caught up in a physical altercation. Easier said then done when emotions are running high.


I don't think if he knew or not really mattered in that moment to Will, Will knows why she had to shave her head and hearing someone joke about it in the moment pissed him off and he didn't stop to think everything through, nor would most guys in that situation.

Rock should've prepared and knew what he was gonna say, maybe he should take 5 seconds to google why she shaved her head before opening his mouth and joking about it.

Not saying Will is in the right, it was definitely not a smart decision on his part, but i can understand why he did it, someone makes a joke about your wife's appearances she has due to an illness you're gonna get hostile


Meanwhile balding men are the butt of jokes including by women since the beginning of spoken language


So? fat people are the butt of jokes too, would that make you feel any better if someone called your wife fat? doubt it you'd just wanna punch them.


Yes, and they’re not running up on the stage in a globally televised gala awards ceremony to physically assault the emcee and then repeatedly spewing the f-word around a stunned and silenced audience. Which part do you think called more attention to her hair for all of posterity, the joke or Will Smith’s monumentally unhinged behavior?


Not saying it was smart, i just get his in the heat of the moment reaction, he wasn't thinking which i'm sure he really regrets, i'm sure those tears in his acceptance speech was cause he knew he tarnished his win and the biggest night of his career.

I've just been in that situation before where i've done something in the heat of the moment not thinking and regretted it instantly after the moment was over.


I get it. And, I regret the tone of my rhetorical question which in the light of a new day sounds rude. And you’re right about publicly trying to humiliate a grown man’s wife. You do that and you better be prepared for the unexpected. When I woke up this morning, I thought about what you were saying and I personally can’t comprehend a man humiliating a woman in a public way. Chris Rock should be making self deprecating or good natured jokes, not personal attacks on the appearance of an individual woman. This whole damned things makes me feel sad for where we are as human beings frankly


Notably, none or very few fat activists are men, and they only shout about body positivity for women. Fat men are fat men. Fat women are curvy.

I think we're seeing a pattern here.

It's only important when it happens to a woman.


Balding men are the butt of jokes only from idiots.
I am bald.
I find it curious if I get any negative reaction to that, including jokes.
I am also tall.
Same thing, I find it curious if I get any negative reaction to that, including jokes.


Ya bald bastard. Go shine your head cueball.


Curious, that is such a clever comment it does not even qualify as a joke.


it's not like she had cancer or anything. Will smith laughed at the joke himself before getting violent after his wife got mad at him for laughing


You frame the incident and then you exit the frame.
1 - don't be there is you are going to react, it's not about any star's ego.
2 - there's a lot of ways that physical assault was unjustifiable. it makes smith a psychopath.
3 - whether he knew about any health issue, performers cannot be blamed for what comes out in their acts, and certainly should not be attacked.


It doesn't make Smith a psychopath, but it does show that he's an asshole who can't control himself.


hes about to win an award for a movie he just made 40+ million off of.. 20x more then most people with that condition make in a lifetime, no excuses for that childish behavior

is everyone going to start assaulting comedians now during their setS?


is everyone going to start assaulting comedians now during their sets?

I spat out my drink laughing.


I'm a Chris Rock fan; however that joke was below the belt. You should not go after anyone's physical appearance. On the other side of the coin, I'm also a Will Smith fan, but his reaction was inexcusable. If any one of us went and hit someone who made a disrespectful joke about our loved one, we'd be arrested and have charges filed against us. We wouldn't get to go back to our seat and wait to win our Oscar. The fact that nothing was done about that shows elitism. That's my personal opinion and I welcome reading how everyone feels on the matter.


Can’t go after someone’s appearance? How often do people make jokes about bald men, short men, fat men? Are women just off limits?

And the joke wasn’t even much of a diss ... GI Jane isn’t some embarrassing or low figure


I agree that the joke was weak and you shed light on a very good point: the constant jokes make about men for their appearance. No, only women are not off limits. Men have had their fair share of being made up for their appearance over the years. What I should have mentioned in my reasoning above is Jada's alopecia. That part of her appearance is due to an autoimmune disease. That's why I called it below the belt. However, I don't think Chris Rock meant any disrespect whatsoever. He's a comedian, and yes, G.I. Jane is a badass. My main issue is with Will Smith's reaction. It's not right that it was not addressed when if anyone of us did that we'd see consequences for our actions asap.


But people are acting like CR was mocking her for having cancer. Yes, people are making that false equivalence. Disease or otherwise, hair loss is very common in older women.


I think the joke is getting blown even more out of proportion because of Will's reaction. If he would have only yelled, "Keep my wife's name out of your (you know what word) mouth," and done nothing else, then his response would not have been as big an issue (in my opinion). Instead, he physically assaulted someone over a small joke on television in front of the world, went back to he seat, went up a few seconds later to win his Oscar and then attended after parties. If that would have been a seat-filler they would have been handcuffed and escorted out of the building. If that would have been an every day person in some similar situation on the street, the police would be called and charges would be filed. To me, this sends the message that violence is an acceptable if you are rich, privileged and/or have power in Hollywood. I'm all for defending and protecting your family's honor, but it should only get physical if someone is in danger of getting hurt or worse.


I agree. People love to talk about white privilege but forget about green privilege.


Exactly. Even if his green privilege shields him from receiving any real consequences, this still looks bad for not only him but for so many others too. There are actors who spend decades in the industry who are either never nominated or only nominated (once for the majority who are) and never know what it's like to take home the statue. I think of Glenn Close and Ed Harris. Neither of them have ever won and they are fantastic actors. Leonardo DiCaprio's win was years and years overdue. Diane Warren, who was nominated the other night in the song category, I'm pretty sure has been nominated many times over, yet she has never won. I rambling on, but what I'm trying to circle back to is if you are lucky the win the Oscar, the odds are that it's going to be the one and only time in your career. That is something Mr. Smith has worked years for, and because he couldn't control his hands he ruined that golden moment for himself. He not only ruined it for himself, but he also tarnished it for the Williams' family and the other winners. I also think it stings for everyone who has sat through countless nominations but never won. He embarrassed himself, the Williams' family and the Academy. His nice-guy, fun loving and easy-going image will never be the same. Getting off my soapbox now, Lol.


Rock should have made a joke about what a tramp she is. That would have been better.


My opinion (and pure speculation) on what happened is he laughed at the joke (as we all saw), then she either gave him some look or said something indicating she was pissed he was laughing. Therefore, to get back on his wife's good side, he had to do something big to compensate for laughing at the joke. Maybe he was afraid she'd have another "entanglement" to get back at him.


You miss one big problem. Every joke is vetted prior to the live show. They do a rehearsal and Chris didn't vet the joke. He ignored the rules and went off script. If someone is stupid enough to do that then they face the consequences of their actions. He got bitch slapped. Maybe that will convince him to play by the rules.

Smith was very restrained he only bitch slapped him. It isn't as if he used his fist and laid the little cunt out on stage.


Here's my take on was absolutely fake and a set up.

And why?

Because Smith needs something to boost his career, his recent choices have been too safe. He wants that "bad boy" image again.


He needs something to boost his career and winning an Oscar wouldn’t do that?


Do people watch actors because they win Oscars?

I watch actors because I like them, I like their performances.

I think this was done because he does not want the respectability of an Oscar, he would rather have the bad boy image.


So he cultivated a generally wholesome image for 50 years and made close to a billion dollars and now wants to sabotage it, intentionally, to get a bad boy image?


Yes, because he has become too safe, his choices of movies are too mainstream, he is courting Oscars...


He is courting Oscars? He won a freakin Oscar! This is getting stupid. I’m done.


Jesus point is he is going for safe, respectable roles that are likely to appeal to the academy.

Its not that difficult surely...


Wait - I thought you said he wants the bad boy image. Now he wants safe, respectable roles? You sure have your bases covered.

If this was an act, why would Will Smith sacrifice a $400 million project for a hoax?


Plus, Will Smith is a RAPPER. Couldn’t he just cut some album about beating bitches and ho’s if he wanted a bad boy image?


The media is already labelling this the "alopecia joke". Obviously, they have no interest in waiting for the facts to come out.


What facts are missing? Smith assaulted Rock on live TV. You don’t need Horatio Cain to put the pieces together.


I'm aware of that. No, I meant people craftily trying to sell this as Will Smith being somehow justified because it was an "alopecia joke" (not a silly "G.I. Jane 2" joke). Framing it as the "alopecia joke" is pretty obvious spin-doctoring to dilute blame for Smith to whatever degree that's possible. Not that it would make it ok either way, but they aren't even interesting in knowing whether Rock was aware she even had the condition... if she even does have that condition. That's what was meant by "waiting for the truth to come out". I'm frankly also a bit suspicious of the "IT WAS STAGED!" crowd's motivations... but that's a whole other matter.


Ahhh, I see.
