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HollyGoLightly2013 (331)


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Thank you so much, Stickman 38! Yeah, that slap did it for me, lol. You know, there are actors who spend decades in the industry who are either never nominated or only nominated (once for the majority who are) and never know what it's like to take home the statue. I think of Glenn Close and Ed Harris. Neither of them have ever won and they are fantastic actors. Leonardo DiCaprio's win was years and years overdue. Diane Warren, who was nominated the other night in the song category, I'm pretty sure has been nominated many times over, yet she has never won. I rambling on, but what I'm trying to circle back to is if you are lucky the win the Oscar, the odds are that it's going to be the one and only time in your career. That is something Mr. Smith has worked years for, and because he couldn't control his hands he ruined that golden moment for himself. He not only ruined it for himself, but he also tarnished it for the Williams' family and the other winners. I also think it stings for everyone who has sat through countless nominations but never won. He embarrassed himself, the Williams' family and the Academy. His nice-guy, fun loving and easy-going image will never be the same. Exactly! I also read in that article that if the punishment fits the crime, so to speak, then people would be more likely to forgive him, because he was punished fairly and suffered the consequences. I know that moment helped the Academy's ratings, but if they let this go I feel like the Oscars will be boycotted by viewers like never before. The world watched assault and battery happen and then saw that if you're the hands-on favorite to win in your category (that's only a few minutes away from being announced) then you may return to your seat. I know they were probably stunned, because this was the last thing they expected from the last person they would expect it from. Still, more should have been done for Chris Rock. I applaud how well he handled that moment. Amazing!! I know he had to be shaken up on the inside. You know something, I haven't posted on MovieChat for about three years and I came back just for this. With most everyone else, I am so mad that this happened. I read an article about the options he could face as a punishment. If he gets a light punishment for this then I hope every comedian out there boycotts the Oscars. If "nice guy" Will Smith can get off easy for hitting someone, then anybody with power in Hollywood can. I don't think he should have his Oscar revoked though (due to the fact that others who have done horrid things still get to keep theirs), but I do think his punishment needs to be harsh enough to where his career and Hollywood popularity feel it. That's just my own opinion. My opinion (and pure speculation) on what happened is he laughed at the joke (as we all saw), then she either gave him some look or said something indicating she was pissed he was laughing. Therefore, to get back on his wife's good side, he had to do something big to compensate for laughing at the joke. Maybe he was afraid she'd have another "entanglement" to get back at him. Exactly. He ruined a moment he's worked years for with that outburst. He embarrassed himself and the Williams' family. I think it's also an insult to the other winners/nominees as well as every one who has spent countless times being nominated only to never win. 1000% agreed. He would never take part in a publicity stunt that would compromise his nice-guy image. Exactly. Even if his green privilege shields him from receiving any real consequences, this still looks bad for not only him but for so many others too. There are actors who spend decades in the industry who are either never nominated or only nominated (once for the majority who are) and never know what it's like to take home the statue. I think of Glenn Close and Ed Harris. Neither of them have ever won and they are fantastic actors. Leonardo DiCaprio's win was years and years overdue. Diane Warren, who was nominated the other night in the song category, I'm pretty sure has been nominated many times over, yet she has never won. I rambling on, but what I'm trying to circle back to is if you are lucky the win the Oscar, the odds are that it's going to be the one and only time in your career. That is something Mr. Smith has worked years for, and because he couldn't control his hands he ruined that golden moment for himself. He not only ruined it for himself, but he also tarnished it for the Williams' family and the other winners. I also think it stings for everyone who has sat through countless nominations but never won. He embarrassed himself, the Williams' family and the Academy. His nice-guy, fun loving and easy-going image will never be the same. Getting off my soapbox now, Lol. I think the joke is getting blown even more out of proportion because of Will's reaction. If he would have only yelled, "Keep my wife's name out of your (you know what word) mouth," and done nothing else, then his response would not have been as big an issue (in my opinion). Instead, he physically assaulted someone over a small joke on television in front of the world, went back to he seat, went up a few seconds later to win his Oscar and then attended after parties. If that would have been a seat-filler they would have been handcuffed and escorted out of the building. If that would have been an every day person in some similar situation on the street, the police would be called and charges would be filed. To me, this sends the message that violence is an acceptable if you are rich, privileged and/or have power in Hollywood. I'm all for defending and protecting your family's honor, but it should only get physical if someone is in danger of getting hurt or worse. I agree that the joke was weak and you shed light on a very good point: the constant jokes make about men for their appearance. No, only women are not off limits. Men have had their fair share of being made up for their appearance over the years. What I should have mentioned in my reasoning above is Jada's alopecia. That part of her appearance is due to an autoimmune disease. That's why I called it below the belt. However, I don't think Chris Rock meant any disrespect whatsoever. He's a comedian, and yes, G.I. Jane is a badass. My main issue is with Will Smith's reaction. It's not right that it was not addressed when if anyone of us did that we'd see consequences for our actions asap. I'm a Chris Rock fan; however that joke was below the belt. You should not go after anyone's physical appearance. On the other side of the coin, I'm also a Will Smith fan, but his reaction was inexcusable. If any one of us went and hit someone who made a disrespectful joke about our loved one, we'd be arrested and have charges filed against us. We wouldn't get to go back to our seat and wait to win our Oscar. The fact that nothing was done about that shows elitism. That's my personal opinion and I welcome reading how everyone feels on the matter. View all replies >