MovieChat Forums > BillySlater

BillySlater (4096)


PSG being investigated for influencing Messi's 2021 Ballon D'OR win Very clear agenda not to offend homosexuals Do any of you play chess seriously? Any interest in doing an MC group rewatch? Name some of your favourite TV episodes Sums up perfectly what went wrong with Sliders Do you think people are just nostalgic about this show? Margaret Lockwood´s character Does MC know who he is? View all posts >


Nice misogyny you woke hypocrite. He had a plot hole in his heart. Wrestler heights were always inflated by a few inches. Nick didn't "want to join them". He was already working for them. And Bill being Nick's price of admission is nonsense. The group didn't want Bill there, they expelled him and told him not to come back once they found out who he was. So nothing you said remotely makes any sense. There's way more racial/gay diversity at the expense of the diversity you are asking for. By appeasing minority groups the show has become stale. Maybe you should blame it on your fellow lunatic Democrats. CBS head mandated a diversity quota on Survivor, which is part of the reason the show has become stale. One of the dumbest theories I have ever come across on MC. It's a very aesthetically pleasing movie, no doubt. The cinematography is exquisite. That doesn't make sense. Nick was going there anyway and had worked with the same group before. Did Nick unintentionally dangle a carrot by opening his big mouth about what he had seen? Yes. That however, doesn't mean that Nick was "luring him". 1750 is solid. I'm like 1200 in rapid but I don't really have time for longer games, I play blitz in general but I don't think its the best way to improve. View all replies >