MovieChat Forums > Politics > Here’s the latest shocker from the lemmi...

Here’s the latest shocker from the lemming left. Ready?

Pro Hamas lemmings are calling for defunding the police.

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who would’ve ever guessed!

What’s next? Student loan forgiveness? Free abortion parties for all? Reeeeeeee green new deal?

Lemmings gonna lemming.


These protests were ŵell-planned & well-funded by the usual left sources, notice the professionally printed signs, t-shirts, banners, & the tents they bought them. Of those arrested at places, over 1/2 have not been students.

Biden wants to bring more Gaza refugees into America.

Watch how Palestinians celebrated after 9/11 attack.


It was always the game plan to cart them over here. Now they will make it seem like a grand appeasement to the paid for/hired protesters.


OIC. So that's why Israel is leveling Gaza? So we bring them here instead of giving them back the land Israel stole?

From the river to the sea!


The arab world stretches from the fucking Atlantic to the fucking Pacific. Let one of them give them sancturary.


exactly, Egypt doenst want them as well as any other terrorist muslim country.


No, give them the state which was planned in 1948. It's Israel's problem.


What would today be like if the Arabs had accepted the 1947 UN Partition Plan?

Assuming that “accepted” means accepted in all sincerity, then Israel, Jordan, Egypt and all the other Arab nations would have been able to invest billions in infrastructure, education, medicine, technology, culture, etc. etc., instead of in war and defense materials.


Uh, in 1947 Palestine was a colony which should have been freed whole and independent like every other European colony in Asia and Africa. Why was half the land given to Yiddish colonists without compensation?


The Palestinian Arabs and the surrounding Arab states rejected the UN plan and regarded the General Assembly vote as an international betrayal.

On 29 November 1947 the UN General Assembly voted on the partition plan, adopted by 33 votes to 13 with 10 abstentions. The Jewish side accepted the UN plan for the establishment of two states. The Arabs rejected it and launched a war of annihilation against the Jewish state.,annihilation%20against%20the%20Jewish%20state.

Iran and other terrorist groups have been trying to kill Israelites every since. they are uncivilized people and all they know is war. we gave the Afghans 20 years of freedom and in one day they all gave up and welcomed their oppressors back.

even north korea and China are more civilized than palenstians.

where would you rather live?


Hahaha. Of course the Ashkenazi "side" accepted an agreement which gave them half of someone else's land.

My question is why were the European powers giving away an indigenous peoples' land in the first place?

Oh, I don't want to give half of my land to people from another continent. I'm so unreasonable!

Would you not fight if your ancestral land was given to immigrants?

As for Arabs being "uncivilized" - they invented our numerical system and advanced mathematics, the phonetic alphabet etc et al.

But if you call them "uncivilized" you can justify genocide, just as the Nazis did to the Ashkenazi.


they were not giving away indigenous peoples' land. its a long complicated story, but short answer is Babylon, Roman Empire, WWII.

if it was my land to begin with yes. but muslims have no claim to the land of Israel.

what about current Arabs? how are they contributing to society and to the betterment of humanity?

tell me all the stories about how Hamas is helping the women. in education? jobs? and equal rights?

Hilter killed the Jews not Ashkenazi. The Ashknazi are a Germanic people who speak a Germanic language.


didnt Arabs invent maths & science thousands of years ago ?
Those 0 to 9 numerals you're using? Arabic!

oh , sorry , current ones ?
They just supply all the oil that the entirety of western civilization depends upon completely



Breaking news, read all about it...

moviechatterer PWNS JoWilli!



this didnt age very well. lol


Come on man, page 1 of the trolling handbook clearly indicates that this 'zinger' is to be used on posts in the months or years old range, not the weeks or days or 10 freakin' HOURS ago that this comment was made...Or are you claiming that the numbers you use every day aren't Arabic(who can ever tell what wacky theory y'all will espouse next...)

We're within six months 'til the big day*, I know you have it in you to...




yeah sorry, I am growing weary and running out of zingers.

I will do better next time.

I cant wait to vote for the Trump. 6 months seems like forever. its going to be insanity on the news a few days before the election...


technically Math came from God.

God gave Noah the dimensions of the Ark, which some say was around 3,000 BC. Math already existed. so it can be invented.

but lets just say the greeks invented it.

Approximately 2,200 years before Mohammed was born, Ahmes wrote the Rhind papyrus, which described the Egyptian mathematics system and their methods of multiplication, division, and algebra (albeit in simple equations). He was followed by Thales, Pythagorus, Euclid, Archimedes, Erasasthenes,Ptolemy, Diophantus (known as "the father of algebra"), Pappus, and Aryabhata the Elder, created or documented the Indian numerical system, which used the decimal system and the symbols 1 through 9 and 0.

those arabs are good people who give no human rights to women. great people. such good people.


math already existed.

God gave Noah the dimensions for the ark in cubits. “This is how you are to make it: the length of the ark 300 cubits, its breadth 50 cubits, and its height 30 cubits” (Genesis 6:15).


The important part is, it's not OUR problem. ONly a treasonous asshole would want to import this radical and hostile population to live among our citizens.


Weird that they dont want to send the displaced Ukranians over here? I wonder why that is?


This ^^^


Very good point. lol.


My neighborhood is full of Ukranians and has been for decades.


If they have been in your neighborhood for decades, than they are irrelevant to the displaced Ukrainians from the current conflict.


I think he is making the point that they moved to his neighborhood back when Ukraine was a part of Russia and therefore it is stupid for us to get involved in this conflict because of how often these two countries intermingled throughout history. It's an intelligent point by information police.


Your neighborhood must smell rank. Just sayin'.


Why would you say that?


I have no respect for people who flee rather than fight.


These folks been here for years.
Everyone who ever came to America was fleeing something.


radical and hostile population to live among our citizens.

An accurate description of the modern leftists and their overlords.


Very true.


how and when did Israel steal the land? maybe Hamas shouldnt have invaded and killed 1600 people, including women, children and babies and then raped the women and then kidnapped 250 people against their will.

No such thing as a ‘palestinian’. They are the Arab squatters of the Gaza Strip. All guilty of atrocities or complicit in same.

Watch how Palestinians celebrated after 9/11 attack.


Uh, if you were huddled in impoverished refugee camps created by the U.S. and its proxy Israel, you might celebrate too. It means nothing that a few jobless young Palestinian guys partied in the streets. So that makes ethnic cleansing okay? Bullshit.

And what a crock of shit. This is just all part of Israel's big lie. So you think Palestine was empty when European Ashkenazi Jews settled there in the early 20th century? It had been home to Christian Palestinians for centuries.

The war didn't start on October 7th. Learn some history. And if Palestine had been allowed a standing army, there would be no Hamas.

Kill 34,000 civilians to avenge 1600 dead Israelis? That's no solution and this war will go on for decades.


um no, the land was taken from Israel and given to the palenstians,. they turned it into shit hole then voted in hamas in 2006.

tell me about all the time hamas attack Israel for no reason? again, the people voted for Hamas to be their government and military. learn some history.

thats according to hamas who is a terrorist group funded by Iran. you believe everything they tell you? 40,000 civilians have been murdered by Putin and no one is protesting that war.

Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations... (Deuteronomy 32:7)

The birthplace of the Jewish people is the Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael). There, a significant part of the nation's long history was enacted, of which the first thousand years are recorded in the Bible; there, its cultural, religious, and national identity was formed; and there, its physical presence has been maintained through the centuries, even after the majority was forced into exile. During the many years of dispersion, the Jewish people never severed nor forgot its bond with the Land. With the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Jewish independence, l​ost 2,000 years earlier, was renewed.

(BCE - Before the Common Era)
c.17th century

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob - patriarchs of the Jewish people and bearers of a belief in one God - settle in the Land of Israel.
Famine forces Israelites to migrate to Egypt.

Israel was there first. I dont see Hamas or palenstine on this map from 1400 BC.


European Ashkenazi started the Zionist movement. They are not the Hebrews of the Bible. In fact, the Palestinians are closer genetically to the ancient Hebrews than the Ashkenazi.

The Ashknazi are a Germanic people who speak a Germanic language, Yiddish.

Judaism is a religion. There is no Jewish ethnicity. There are white Ashkenazi from Germany and Eastern Europe. There are Sephardim from Spain and North Africa. There are dark Middle Eastern Mizrahi. There are even black Jews in Ethiopia called Falasha.

No, they are not one people. They are different ethnic groups who follow the same religion.

The Ashkenazi have no more bond to that land than I as a Christian do because Jesus lived there.

It belongs to the Palestinians. God does not hand out land deeds. That's religious hokum.


Quick question: Do you support the deportation of the children of illegals born here?


Constitutionally, if they're born here, they're American citizens and they cannot be deported.


So, the law defines your morality?

I don't think so.

DO you have different standards for brown people than you do for jews?


In 1947 I would have opposed Israel's creation as an extension of European colonialism.

75 years later after generations of Israelis have been born in Palestine, it's their land too. I don't deny birthright.

But they still need to respect the land rights of the Palestinians who have lived there for centuries. They don't.


They have no need to respect the rights of people trying to kill them.

If the Gaza Strip was our neighbor and they did that to OUR people?

I would want the entire country to be a parking lot.


Oh please, the Palestinians could say the same of the Israelis. Each side kills the other. This has been going on since before Jewish terrorists blew up the King David Hotel in 1946.


It is not jewish students standing in our streets and parks chanting slogans that call for the destruction of the Palestinian people and taking their land.

It is the palestinians and their allies doing that.


There are Jewish students protesting against the slaughter of civilians in Gaza as well.

But the point is that this conflict did not start on October 7 and both sides commit atrocities.


THIS conflict did start on october 7th.

Hamas decided to have a war. THey knew that they could kill a bunch of jews, cost the Isreali state a lot of money and international good will, laying the groundwork for long range plan of genocide.

You are looking AWAY from the issue right in front of you, because it is hard to face the hard choice of how to fight a war, with an enemy that likes to hide among civilians.


Oh c'mon two million people kicked off their land and herded into 14 square miles of misery and poverty. This was bound to happen.

Watch this. Let the Palestinians speak.

Israel better wake up.


I disagree. The palestinians could have talked peace, stopped supporting terrorism and started getting access to more space or jobs in both Irseal or Egypt.

Hell, considering all the pity for them from people like you, they probably could have set up work programs in europe so the men could send money home.

Any number of ways they could have made their lives better and avoided this.

They choose to make it worse. This was their plan. To start a war that they knew they would lose, so that they could arrange to have a war inside THEIR civilian areas so that they could use the resulting deaths to play for political advantage.

I consider that a very, very bad plan, and I don't respect the people that planned and did it.


Hamas is a terrorist organization. They thrive on this. And they aren't going anywhere. They just have a million angry Gazan kids to join their ranks.

I want a ceasefire and a two state solution. The Palestinians are not gonna leave their land because some religious fanatics think god hands out land deeds to other peoples' property.

You support one side in this stupid feud.


1. By supporting a cease fire, you are supporting Hama's war plan. You might as well send them a fruit basket with cute and funny card expressing your best wishes for them.

2. And thus, you are supporting similar FUTURE WARS, because they are getting what they want from this war, it is a strategy that works. You are MAKING it a strategy that works.

3. I'm on the side that DOESN'T purposefully start wars so that they can get their own children killed and then use that for politcal advantage. I feel good about that.

4. YOu sure that they can't go anywhere? Arab world is pretty big. Europe seems happy to let all the arabs move in.


people have been persecuting Jew for thousands of years. Jews didnt have a homeland until 1948 and they were forced to share it with muslims.

The Jewish historian Josephus, who lived in the first century AD and was an eyewitness to many gruesome crucifixions, characterized this form of execution as “the most wretched of deaths.” Its origin cannot be determined with certainty, but ancient records tell that a primitive form of impaling was practiced by the Assyrians, Phoenicians, and Persians around 1000 .C. By the first century BC, the Roman Empire adopted this method as their own and refined it to a diabolical art.

Rome applied crucifixion extensively. Starting with the suppression of the Spartacus revolt in 71 BC, Rome lined the famous Appian Road stretching from Capua to Rome with 6,000 crucified rebels. In AD 7, a minor revolt in Judea was brutally squelched, resulting in the crucifixion of 2,000 Jews in Jerusalem. During the siege of Jerusalem by Titus in AD 70, 500 Jews were crucified each day for several months. In times of war, crosses were haphazardly constructed, and the victims were nailed to them in every imaginable position.

However, in Judaea, the campaign against the Jews continued under Vespasian’s son, Titus. In 70 AD, the Romans destroyed the temple in Jerusalem and looted its sacred contents. With the revolt over for good, huge numbers of Jews left Judaea to make a home elsewhere.

There were at least two expulsions of Jews from Rome before the reign of the Roman emperor Claudius. In 139 BC, the Jews were expelled after being accused of missionary efforts. Then, in AD 19, Tiberius once again expelled Jews from the city for similar reasons.

After the Romans burned the Second Temple in Jerusalem, many Jews lost their will to fight and surrendered. Thousands of Jews left Jerusalem and moved to other cities, such as Alexandria, Egypt. However, some Jews remained in Jerusalem.


I know they are not the Hebrews of the Bible, they immigrated to Israel from Europe. converting to Judaism doesn't make you Jewish.

75% of the people that live in Israel are descendants of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.

Palestinians are squatters who moved into Israel when the Israelites were taken to Babylon.

again, its not their land as Abrahams family and descendants lived there first.

they are fighting against Gods People and they seem to be losing.

It is mine to avenge; I will repay.
In due time their foot will slip;
their day of disaster is near
and their doom rushes upon them.”

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.

they are fighting against the Lion of Judah, so good luck with that.


Oh that's hogwash.

Judaism is a religion not an ethnicity. European Jews are ethnically Ashkenazi. They share some DNA in common with the ancient Hebrews, but the Palestinians are more closely related to the ancient Hebrews than European Jews who are Germanic and speak a Germanic language, Yiddish.

Palestinians are a mix of the ancient Canaanites and later conquerors, like the Arabs.

Lion of Judah? The U.S. has given 260 billion dollars to Israel since 1948. Israel exists because it's backed by American aid and without Americans arms the Lion of Judah would be dead.


Jews were the original inhabitants of Earth and we are all descended from the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan. These are the three sons of Noah, and of them was the whole earth overspread.

Genesis chapter 11
So the LORD dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city.

after God spread us out over the earth and over the course of thousands of years other races evolved.

Other than their origins in ancient Israel, the question of how Ashkenazi Jews came to exist as a distinct community is unknown, and has given rise to several theories.

Judaism was given to the original Jews by God. converting to Judaism doesn't make you Jewish.

well, we have given Ukraine 250 billion in 2 years. I dont see anyone whining about that.

Israel exists because they are blessed by God. their existence is prophesied in the Bible

There will be a mass return of Jews to the land of Israel (Deuteronomy 30:3; Isaiah 43:6; Ezekiel 34:11-13; 36:24; 37:1-14).

The Antichrist will make a 7-year covenant of "peace" with Israel (Isaiah 28:18; Daniel 9:27).

The temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelation 11:1).

The Antichrist will break his covenant with Israel, and worldwide persecution of Israel will result (Daniel 9:27; 12:1, 11; Zechariah 11:16; Matthew 24:15, 21; Revelation 12:13). Israel will be invaded (Ezekiel chapters 38-39).

Israel will finally recognize Jesus as their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10). Israel will be regenerated, restored, and regathered (Jeremiah 33:8; Ezekiel 11:17; Romans 11:26).

. Jesus Himself said it best, "Watch out that no one deceives you. . . . You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come" (Matthew 24:4-6).


Noah's ark is a fable.
Was done earlier in history with someone called Gilgamesh.
Didn't happen.


the irony "thedemon" doesnt believe in God. lol

I assume you have evidence its a fable?


It's a moniker for a sporting team that I support. Get over it.
I'm not the one saying biblical fables happened. The burden of proof is on you. Where is it?


yeah, but you dont see the irony of your name? lol

its called reading the Bible and going to church and faith.

I recommend watching Joseph Prince on youtube. he is amazing.


He must be unaware of the archaeological findings of Noah's Ark.


In 2020, the young Earth creationist group the Institute for Creation Research acknowledged that, despite many expeditions, Noah's Ark had not been found and is unlikely to be found.

Where is your evidence?


How convenient that you used a 2020 article and failed to mention the more recent findings.

That's one of the reasons why I stopped humoring the clowns. lol


If the flood happened, that makes god a genocidal maniac.
But you can believe what you want to believe.
And well done for the petty name calling champ. Displays a lack of ability to have a serious discussion and what people do when they have no real response.


There's no such thing as having a serious discussion with clowns.

You omitted recent information, you excuse it with labeling God, and then you deflect. Nothing about you is serious.


Pray to your non existent genocidal maniac.


All living things eventually perish regardless of what you believe or don't believe.

How ironic that you 'personally' label an entity that you admit is nonexistent.


"All living things eventually perish regardless of what you believe or don't believe."
Oh, really? Wow, what a revelation! Who would've thought that.
And learn the correct usage of the word irony.


The simple minded deserve simple responses.

The usage is accurately applied in context to your nonsense.


Still name calling I see.
Such articulate debating techniques.


Your username is "The Demon" and you complain about name calling? LMAO🤣


How is a forum user name relevant to this discussion?
Cute you find that amusing.


so people went looking for a wooden boat that probably existed 5 to 6000 years ago and they couldn't find it? lol

can you prove your grand parents lived in 3000 BC. I will need pictures and tangible evidence that they existed.


What a stupid response.
My grand parents did not live in 3000 BC.
The were born in the early part of the 20th century. I do have pictures.


let me rephrase it for the simple minded

can you prove that your grand parents that lived 100 generations ago existed?

I will need pictures and tangible evidence that they existed.


Typical stupid response from a religious zealot.
Waste of time debating you. Child like responses.


so you cant prove your ancestors lived 3000 years ago but believe people that say the Ark didnt exist because they cant find a wooden boat that existed apprx. 5000 years ago? makes sense. lol

lets make it a little easier for you. prove to me that your ancestors lived in 1024. going to need pictures and tangible evidence that they existed.


Don't be puerile.
None of us would be here if our ancestors didn't exist . That is tangible evidence.


I know. but can we produce evidence that they existed? thats my point.

the last events in the Bible were recorded 2000 years ago. how would a person prove anything that happened back then? the events in the Old Testament prob occurred 3000 plus years ago. how would a person prove anything that happened back then? the places listed in the Bible are real places. other than faith, no one can prove anything anything that happened that many years ago.


That's my point.


what point? you havent proven anything. and the irony thedemon doesnt believe in God is ironic. lol


Your retorts are so lame.


He still has a point.

An atheist calling himself "The Demon" is ironic indeed.


lol. thanks...some people are too dense to understand the simplest things.


Pot kettle black.


you have to believe in order to understand.


No you don't.


do you believe quantum psychics is real?


Irrelevant question.


why does the Earth orbit perfectly around the Sun?


Didn't you learn about gravity in third grade?


why does gravity exist? is gravity consistent throughout the universe?






Heard of a Tasmanian Devil? Nothing to do with religion.
Get over it.


lol, Than you should have called yourself Tas, Tassie or Tassy. Nice deflection.


Why are you so concerned about a chat forum user name.
So lame.


it would be like a racist with a online moniker of Ihateblacks.

can you prove God doesnt exist?


Another lame retort.


whats lame about it?


You're that one that believes in it. The burden of proof is on you.
I don't have to prove a thing about the existence of a being that has never been seen except for fables in your bible.
Faith is not evidence.


how is Faith not evidence? can you prove that Faith does not exist? if you read the Bible then you might be able to understand it. people go to school to learn about math, its the same thing with the Bible.




where is your evidence your ancestors lived in 1724? I need pictures and tangible proof they existed.


Another stupid question


how about 1824?


Once again. Moronic questions.


how about 1924?


Who gives a rats about a user name on a faceless internet forum.
Faith is not evidence.


how is faith not evidence? can you prove faith does not exist?


Faith does exist. But it is not scientific evidence.
Faith is you believing a story you were told as a child.


so if someone told you as an adult the moon was hollow, would you believe them?


No. But if the bible said that you would believe it.


why would you believe them? did they provide proof to you?

if you were born blind, would you believe the moon is real?


If I was born blind, I wouldn't be able to read your bullshit.


yeah, you would still have a way. how do you prove something you cant see exists?


You're the one who believes in a god.
You tell me.


I already have. go to Church, read the Bible. ask God to open your eyes so you will understand the Bible. and have faith.

Joseph Prince is now on youtube.


Faith is not empirical proof.
I'm not interested in listening to some evangelical millionaire milking lemmings of cash to support his lifestyle.


you cant see faith, it cant be proven or disproven.

how do you know he is a millionaire? are Christians not allowed to have money?


You can see his net wealth online.
What's that bit in the bible about easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven?
See the contradiction.


can you post this evidence? how much money is in his bank account and how did he earn this money?

and I am super proud of you for quoting your first Bible verse.

there are a couple of interpretations for that verse, but basically it means you cant buy your way into Heaven.


I am still proud of you. u did well!


"easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven?"

Difficult, Yes, but not impossible, and he also said that all things are possible through God.


You know what : if this is a holy war then maybe the USA and the UN etc. should just step back and let everyone's respective deity take control of proceedings.


In many pagan and occult religions, humans consider themselves gods/deities; hence, their interventions.


not a bad idea.


Biden wants to bring more Gaza refugees into America.

He’s already allowed thousands of terrorists to cross our borders.

Watch how Palestinians celebrated after 9/11 attack.

Don’t forget about the dancing Israelis, after all, 911 was a CIA/Mossad false flag to blame the Arabs that were also cheering for the patsies that had nothing to do with 911.


I’m not shocked since it’s another recurrence of 2020.

Different types of protests, different locations, different clothes, flags, signs, etc. but the tactics are still the same.

All in time for election season.

Follow the funding for those protests and your results are the same as 2020.


Exchange the khakis for tents.


I'm shocked that you haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove that 2020 election was rigged because you continuously claim that it was stolen. You are so fucking stupid.


I know it's hard for you to resist throwing out your usual no proof slogan because anytime 2020 is mentioned, even without being paired with the word election like the post you responded to here, you spew it out again.

It's like the 2020 election is, in the words of your own overused expression, living in your head rent free.


Breitbart doing its job to keep you angry.


Students bad!
Protests bad!
Killing children, uhm, ah, less bad!


Putin is killing children and no one cares. where are the protests?


Yeah, you either care about everything or nothing.

You didn't get outraged at ( - ), you can't be offended by what's going on in Gaza.


Yes, yes....ACAB except that one cop at the Capitol... we know, we know.


That one cop at the Capitol eleminated a threat from Ashli Babbitt who was a traitor who attempted to break into a secure area where deadly force was authorized. She got what she deserved. It worked too. No other of Trump's band of barking seals attempted to continue to beak into that area. That cop deserves an award. Imagine losing your life by believing in Trump's lies about the 2020 election.


Yes, yes....ACAB except that one cop at the Capitol... we know, we know.


Show me where I ever said all cops are ACAB? Take your time, I'll wait. Babbitt lost her life because she believed that the 2020 election was stolen because Trump said so. That's sad because Trump doesn't even know that Babbitt even existed. Trump could have at least paid for Babbitt's funeral.


Hillary said the 2016 election was stolen from her. where is the evidence?


Breitbart? 🤣 I know you're stupid but your belief that Breitbart is a valid news source shows how stupid you really are.


Hey! Name calling again. No surprise.


Is it "name-calling" if it is spot-on?


Does it apply both ways?


What do you mean, that if you're stupid you will therefore read or watch Breitbart? I would say the correlation there is pretty high.


Only the very stupid and gullible morons believe in whatever bullshit that Breitbart is shoveling.


It means that if you read, watch, and believe CNN/MSNBC/NBC/CBS/ABC/Yahoo, that you must be very stupid indeed.


You believe to your core that Trump won in 2020 so why don't you provide your evidence that he won? You are very stupid indeed.


I don't know why you put Yahoo with the prestige networks but I notice you left off Fox so are you saying that Fox viewers are very smart, indeed? (I couldn't stifle a chortle just writing that!)


Since Yahoo is an aggregate, it covers whatever other networks I didn't include.

Fox may be 'controlled opposition', but opposition nevertheless, even the libtards watch it more than all the others, lol.


" even the libtards watch it more than all the others, lol."

To quote someone, you must be very stupid indeed! Can you post a link to just one ratings service which shows that liberals "watch Fox more than all the others?" I eagerly await your sidestepping.


"More Democrats watch Fox News during prime time than CNN"


I found this: By 3:1, more people watch MSNBC and CNN than watch Fox News, on average. During primetime, the edge is almost 4:1.


More Dems watch Fox than CNN/MSNBC:

"FOX News Channel Crushes CNN and MSNBC Combined in Total Day and Primetime Viewers for First Quarter of 2024. Apr 2, 2024"

"Fox News has now topped MSNBC and CNN for 38-straight months among total viewers and for 39-straight months during primetime. Apr 30, 2024"


You must go through a lot of butane, huh?

"(4/11/04; CNN and MSNBC topped Fox News for the fifth consecutive quarter. For Primetime they held a 3:1 advantage, bulging to 5:1 for the prized 35-54 age group.")


You are reading it backwards. It's the other way around: Fox topped CNN and MSNBC since 2021 for 39-straight months.


Nope, it's in the latest TV Guide. Read it and weep, groper lover.


TV Guide? LMAO 🤣


"Prestige networks"! Oh, my sides.


If the campus police are defunded, wouldn't that mean that anyone could just head over to the campus and kick the protesters' butts around for fun without fear of consequences?


Fuck Hamas, Palestine and every stupid American cocksucker that supports them.
