MovieChat Forums > Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) Discussion > Namor isn't really Latin-X or Latino, or...

Namor isn't really Latin-X or Latino, or Hispanic, or Mestizo...??

Mayan or Aztec and more closer to Mesoamerican (by continent and indigenous to the Americas)?

I find this fascinating when it comes to just WHO is being represented?

This clearly is a period and point in time representation along with creating a fictional mythology.



His father’s last name in the comics is McKenzie. It’s Scottish. No fucking clue how they got Aztec or whatever he is in the movie out of that.

Oh, that’s right. Disney is racist against whites.


It's impossible to be racist against white people. Racism is privilege and power.


Where the hell did you get that idea?

Racism: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group.

Nothing in there about privilege and power. A poor person can be just as racist as a rich one.


Haslet is correct.

You're confusing terms. Bigotry, prejudice and racism have different definitions.

Btw, not all Scottish people are white.


Haslet is absolutely wrong, and by extension so are you.

Namor is WHITE in the comics and 97.8% of Scott’s are white.

Disney is on it’s WOKE DIVERSITY AGENDA kick and they are destroying one of Marvel’s greatest heroes. Actually make that two of Marvel’s greatest heroes with the absolutely horrendous decision not to recast BP.


Comics Namor isn't white. He's Asian.

Movie Namor is Aztec since they didn't want two underwater superheroes from Atlantis.

Btw, most of Atlantis is near Africa and Americas, therefore both comic superheroes should be African or Indigenous American-looking. Disney is fixing past mistakes!


Disney is garbage and so is their version of Namor ….along with the female Black Panther. Anyone who likes their woke diversity agenda is a tool.


I grew up reading Sub-Mariner since he was among my favorite superheroes. He always looked Asian. Anyway, his skin tone should be bluish.

Disney's version is an improvement on the comics. An Aztec origin is more interesting since it's based on a real place instead of fictitious Atlantis.

I just read that Shuri had previously betrayed the Black Panther in comics so it makes sense to do it in the film. Also, it reflects the history of women warriors on the continent.

More manbaby crying over not being the center of attention in a movie. Grow up!


I always thought he looked Asian too.

I'm okay with their diversifying things up a bit where it makes sense. But then when they have Black Asgardians, but no white Wakandans, it starts to look like they are taking it too far.


Unfortunately, thousands of laws and regulations were created nationwide for centuries specifically targeting black integration and opportunity. That is the reason for the frequent all-white casting and representation found in mass media. Stan Lee created Black Panther to address racism in comic books. I think it's great that there is an indigenous person starring in the movie. They also suffer from discrimination and racism. White men still have the most roles in movies and series. Others need to get chance, too.

It's not a good sign that whenever a black person is hired for a role, racists scream "woke" in disapproval.


He's not Aztec in the movie, he's Mayan. In the comics he's Atlantean, which is a made up nationality, so you can't really say what he was.


Indigenous in the movie.


Stfu, you ignorant hater. You're basically saying that you hate the fact that there's superhero movie that isn't about white people for once. How fckg pathetic and idiotic. Especially since your dumb a** hasn't even seen the film yet. Wakanda Forever is about a black superhero, fool. Its insane how some of you trolls blow a damn gasket over the fact that there s a film about superheroes where the lead won't be a white guy for once. That's just one film----but there are plenty of other superhero films you can see starring white guys. You know, like literally every superhero film that comes out of Hollywood. So you haven't got a damn thing to complain about. Meaning you should kindly stfu about it, please.


Create your own superheroes, stop bartardizing ours.

This clown should’ve been called ‘hombre gordo’ but not Namor.

You woke diversity clowns suck.


You sound so ignorant spewing out the terms "woke" and "diversity" when you clearly don't even know what the fck either one means. Look them up, please. Once again, fool, practically every superhero film features white guys as the main heroes---but only ONE film comes out that dosen't feature a white guy as the hero, and you throw a fckg fit. Black people like myself and other non-white people love seeing a film with people who look like us that are the main characters for a change and not the main white character's sidekick----which was pretty much the norm in superhero films until barely a decade ago. There isn't a damn thing wrong with that. This film's already become a huge worldwide box office hit like the first Black Panther film because it's not only good---I saw it---but because even white people want to see something different from the usual predictable superhero origin story that literally been done to death.

I guess you hate Black Adam because it's not about a white superhero either, huh? How fckg pathetic.

Oh, by the way, the term "woke" simply means to be aware of social injustice going on around you. Diversity simply means to make sure people from all cultures are represented in the workplace, and when it come to the film industry, to make sure people from all cultures are represented in front of and behind the camera. There isn't s*** wrong with either damn one. But because idiot right-wingers like you don't even bother to find out what the hell either term means, and what they mean to people of color, you make a lot of stupid-a** assumptions about it that make no damn sense whatsoever. You need to find out what the hell something you don't understand actually means before spewing a lot of BS about it that makes you sound really ignorant as hell.


TLDR …you suck and so does Disney.


Nope, he is not.


You're confusing terms. Bigotry, prejudice and racism have different definitions.

You are both wrong. Racism actually means not liking pineapple on pizza.

Because I said so.

Because we can just pull shit out of our arses and make up our own definitions for words now.


1. Prejudice is to hold preconceived thoughts and feelings about a group.

2. Discrimination is ACTION based on prejudice.

3. Bigotry means hatred/dislike and prejudice against a group of people.

4. Racism is discrimination and persecution backed by the power of legal authority and institutional control to maintain a society's racial hierarchy. Racism is a structure - not an event.

The above is based on cultural socialization. Pineapple on pizza is a subjective opinion.


1. Prejudice is to hold a preconceived opnion on pineapples

2. Discrimintation is action based on prejudice.

3. Discrimination mean hatred/dislkie of particular fruits

4. Racism is discrimination and persecution of pineapples, based on the power and legal authority of the pizza manufacturer in control of decided what toppings to put on pizza.

Above is based on factual fact, and is fact.


FYI: You are dehumanizing marginalized groups of people. That's dangerous behavior since it has lead to mass genocide in countries like Nazi Germany, Rwanda and Burma.


And that is why you want to redefine racism is the most racist and divisive way possible.


And you're attempting to deny that white men control the U.S. power structure and created a racial hierarchy which was used to justify slavery, Jim Crow and ongoing discrimination and persecution against POC especially black and Indigenous people.


What? Aren't we talking about movies?


Straight up bananas. There could be a post of your favorite cereal and this cattle will tell you how racist your choice of cereal is.


"Namor isn't really Latin-X or Latino, or Hispanic, or Mestizo...??"

You have noticed that the OP is about race, right?


"Namor isn't really Latin-X or Latino, or Hispanic, or Mestizo...??"

The OP is about race.


"4. Racism is discrimination and persecution of pineapples, based on the power and legal authority of the pizza manufacturer in control of decided what toppings to put on pizza."

That's a relatively new definition, conveniently cerated so that only white people can be "racist."

It's not how it's been defined for 100 + years.

PS Other minorities (who don't have power) can also be racist against blacks.


There are still people who think that hating someone based on their color is NOT racism if they are white? That is now an old trope of the keep-racism-alive left-wing college professor blend. It was used to excuse hatred. It's a tool of race baiters and those whom would avoid peace and healing.

Please don't cut and paste your college notes explaining your position. I've heard it and it doesn't hold water. It is hate speech.


Everything you said is a bunch of ignorant right-wing bull****. It's white people on the right-wing side who tend to be more racist and sexist and just hate people calling them out on it. Stop trying to twist thing s around and make like white people are the "victims of racism" when white people virtually invented racism in America and have used it to discriminate against everybody that isn't white. That is American history on the record. Just fckg stop trying to play the damn victim---get off that bull****.


That doesn't mean that only the whites are racists, dumbo.


I didn't say that, but let's be real----white people are the ones that have been racist as hell against everyone else in America that isn't white, and some of them still are. Don't try to deflect from that, which you clearly are.


Nope, I'm not trying to deflect, those things are history.

But guess what: now most racists are NOT white. Are black or Asian or latino.

The era of white racism is gone, almost. And that DOESN'T mean that there are NO white racists anymore, just that the percentage is smaller and smaller.

And you know what's funny? "Stop the hate against the Asians" slogan that NEVER mentioned that most perps are not white but ... black or latino.


Explain the ways in which whites are denied rights currently in the us. I will wait.


In which country? The US? Because US racial politics is all that matters right? You bigoted American fuck.


Talking about America. Your deflection is dismissed.


Explain where the fuck did I say that.

Learn to fucking read.


Why don't you explain the ways in which non-whites are denied rights currently in the USA. I will also wait.


The right to not be discriminated against in college admissions


Institutional and systemic racism are only committed by whites since white men are on the top of the racial hierarchical system and control ALL institutions of power in government and in the private sector.

White men have reinforced and maintained a priviledged status through legislation, judicial, government, business, institutional, cultural and social means which are ALL controlled by white men.

Each time you complain about a movie being woke, you are admitting that you were socialized with the belief that the movie should revolve around a white man aka: white-skinned privilege which you expect.

A POC can only be a bigot or discriminate against an individual - not against an entire group like white men can.

I will also clarify that it's rich white men on the very top of the racial hierarchy, then white middle-class just below them and finally poor white men. At one point, poor whites and blacks were united against oppressive rule before rich white men successfully created division - Divide and Conquer.


Your liberal professor would surely be delighted with your regurgitation skills.


More stereotypes from you.


"Institutional and systemic racism are only committed by whites since white men are on the top of the racial hierarchical system and control ALL institutions of power in government and in the private sector."

100% wrong, now there are racists blacks in positions of power as well.

And: systemic racism is NOT the same as racism. Racism can happen at individual level as well.

THERE is a reason it is called "Systemic and institutional racism" and NOT just racism.

"White men have reinforced and maintained a priviledged status through legislation, judicial, government, business, institutional, cultural and social means which are ALL controlled by white men."

Historically true, false in the actual context. Can you point a legislation that favors whites AT this moment??? I can present you plenty that favors blacks in the detriment of the whites.

"Each time you complain about a movie being woke, you are admitting that you were socialized with the belief that the movie should revolve around a white man aka: white-skinned privilege which you expect."

Projection, assumption, false, stupidity.

I would never call Blade "woke", I will never call "I'm legend" woke, I will never call "Independence day" woke, I would neve call MIB woke. So, you are 100% wrong.

"A POC can only be a bigot or discriminate against an individual - not against an entire group like white men can." really? Race is global, not limited to USA. Read more about it.

"At one point, poor whites and blacks were united against oppressive rule before rich white men successfully created division"

And who created this division in the last 20 years? The democrats with their focus on race. Obama especially.


From your link:

“Racism is different from racial prejudice, hatred, or discrimination. Racism involves one group having the power to carry out systematic discrimination through the institutional policies and practices of the society and by shaping the cultural beliefs and values that support those racist policies and practices.”

That's what I wrote. White men are the group with the power in the U.S. (and Canada) where there is systemic racism.

You need to actually read your own link!


Again: it shows that racism is different than systemic racism. Period.

Plus: I didn't post that particular page and I don't agree with it.

Racism is a universal term, doesn't happen just in US or Canada.


"Institutional and systemic racism are only committed by whites since white men are on the top of the racial hierarchical system and control ALL institutions of power in government and in the private sector. "

Really? Is that the reason why corporations and institutions have CHIEF DIVERSITY OFFICERS whose job is to increase diversity at all costs? Is that why Hollywood shoehorns non-whites in every single movie and TV show, even when their presence creates blatant anachronisms?

Those white men are doing a terrible job of keeping their iron-fisted control over institutions of power in government and in the private sector.


None of that would be needed if racism didn't exist.


Calm down. You sound like an unhinged lunatic. What is so hard for you to understand about racism being the "hate of someone based on race?" Do you actually think that POC cannot be racist?

Please treat the above questions as rhetorical. I know your answers and I know the moth-eaten rationale.


You're confusing bigotry and racism. Not the same thing.


So what you are saying is that a black person cannot be a bigot? Power over others and all that jazz?

Me? I regard all people as equals at first and adjust as I get to know them. I find generalizations about groups of people based on the color of their skin to be detestable ... no matter what their excuse is.


No, I wrote that white men control the power structure in the U.S., therefore are the only ones who can be racist. Racism is a structure - not behavior.

Your personal beliefs don't negate the existence of institutional racism and the experiences of POC because of it.

Cries of "woke" whenever a POC is in a movie or TV show on MC boards doesn't help your argument.

Anyone can be a bigot.


Beyonce and Kanye don't have the "power" to be racist against a white tramp sleeping in his own piss?


These two individuals don't control any American institution.


And the piss-covered tramp does? I *dare* you to come up with something cogent.




Obama was a black president in the USA.

That proves that blacks hold the power in the USA. That proves, according to you, that blacks can be racist. I don't agree with racism needs power but for a moment I play your game.

Also I can point to you plenty of blacks in positions of power (senators, governors, mayors, chief of police, etc etc).

Guess what: is not 1920 anymore.



Nope. You're being ridiculous to suggest one former token black president historically controlled the entire U.S. government and presently continues to single-handedly control the Senate, Congress, Presidency, all municipalities and governorships.

A majority of white male legislators prevented him from nominating judges including Garland and passing much of his agenda.

Furthermore, there was a strong backlash against Obama's presidency which is a typical response after a marginalized group achieve something.

"plenty of blacks"
Nope. Overwhelmingly and disproportionately white is the opposite of "plenty of blacks". Furthermore, some of them are making it illegal to teach about black history in schools or get water on a voting line.

BTW, slavery is still legal in the U.S. thanks to systemic racism!

I suggest you read the text from your linked website and educate yourself!


"Nope. Overwhelmingly and disproportionately white is the opposite of "plenty of blacks".

And WTF do you want??? 100% of positions of power to be handled to blacks??

Of course the whites are holding the majority of the positions of power since they are the majority of the population AND they still represent the population of roughly 20-30 years ago when whites were 80% of the population.

Logic, you have NONE.

"BTW, slavery is still legal in the U.S. thanks to systemic racism!" no, it's not. Prison is NOT slavery.

" Systemic racism includes the policies and practices entrenched in established institutions, which result in the exclusion or promotion of designated groups. "

I suggest you present those policies and standard practices. ALL the policies and standard practices that are in place NOW are related to affirmative action and are mostly a reverse systemic racism on white individuals.

Jobs? Blacks are preferred due to quotas and "racial equity" even when they are underqualified.
College? Blacks receive preferential treatment and are accepted with far lower marks than whites - and ironically but logically guess who has the highest rate of dropouts ...
There are plenty of preferential policies for black people when it comes to welfare.

Is this that "systemic racism" that you are talking about??

YES< when a company denies jobs to white people due to their policy that is systemic racism, as you just said, and it's against whites. I was denied a job with a big tech company for being white. So show me those policies that deny jobs to blacks based on skin color or fuck off.


Working without wages is slavery.

100% of some positions of power are white. You don't have a problem with that!

White men are not nor have ever been the majority in the U.S..

The main benefactors of affirmative action are white women.

Neither would I hire you. They knew you were a moron, too.

Stereotypes from you about blacks being inferior. I knew you were a racist. I'm not surprised.


"therefore are the only ones who can be racist. Racism is a structure - not behavior."

Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

Racism: the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.

Systemic racism is NOT the same as racism. Learn your terms.


From your link:

"Individual racism is connected to/learned from broader socio-economic histories and processes and is supported and reinforced by systemic racism."

In other words, the origin of all racism is systemic racism. You're playing Semantics.

It's a Canadian website so I notice some differences from American anti-racism and critical race theory teachings. For instance, equity has a different definition. In the U.S., two groups starting off with one having a greater advantage (ex. financially) because of historical discrimination would not have equity. It's an uneven playing field. Another is the omission of the term Native-Americans used in the U.S..

Otherwise, it's an excellent link. Study it well!


Of course you would miss the main thing:

racism is different than systemic racism. Period.

The simple fact that you have to write "systemic racism" and not simply "racism" proves it. "Systemic racism" would be a redundat term or a tautology in your representation.


Systemic racism ruins the lives of millions. Good that you acknowledge its existence.


used to ruin millions of lives, I agree with that.

But proper systemic racism (as in laws, regulations, rules, etc) is dead. What you have now in some situations is the individual racism manifested by people in power. But it's NOT really systemic.


You're making-up definitions which have no basis in reality. You also have no understanding of structural racism which maintains systemic racism.

Your denial, ignorance and misinformation are a few of the characteristics of Internalized Racial Superiority which is racism. Deny a problem then you don't have to attempt to change or solve it. It's a way to maintain your white-skin privileged status in the U.S. race-based hierarchy.

I suggest you actually read the information from your linked site in order to educate yourself.


"Internalized Racial Superiority which is racism." are you trying to redefine racism ... again???

"You're making-up definitions which have no basis in reality. You also have no understanding of structural racism which maintains systemic racism."

No, you're the one making up definitions as it suits you. As seen above. FOr you racism is what suits you in that moment. As you just proved.

"Your denial, ignorance and misinformation" - those are on YOU buddy. Newsflash: this is NOT 1920 anymore. Come back to the present.


According to you:

Whites are victims of racism, but not blacks.
Slavery was a good thing.

You're delusional and a racist. Your mind is in 1720.


"used to ruin millions of lives, I agree with that"

You agree millions of black people's lives were ruined because of the denial of a salary for centuries of work.

This has caused their present-day descendants to NOT have inherited wealth (like white men who were able to inherit ancestors' wealth) which creates a huge racist discrepancy between blacks and whites as well as linked disadvantages like poverty, shorter life span, less home ownership, etc.. All a part of structural racism which creates inequity aka: uneven playing field.

I'm glad that you support reparations!


"This has caused their present-day descendants to NOT have inherited wealth (like white men who were able to inherit ancestors' wealth)"

I didn't inherit any wealth, I built it my self and I'm white. So instead of whining about things that happened 200 years ago you should start building something. Just like I did.

Asians that come here with nothing and dirt poor and by the second generation they are quite wealthy.

Even black immigrants that come with zero wealth are quite successful.

But you cannot and it's easier to blame anything else but you. How come other blacks can succeed in this racist hellhole is beside me. Or maybe is not just as you think it it ...

No. I don't support reparations. And btw, in sheer numbers there are a LOT more white people in poverty than black people. Your assertion is false.

Everything you say it's just regurgitated ideology with no bases in reality.

And btw, let's face it: the black people of today in USA live far better lives here than they would have had in Africa. So maybe they should pay for the luxury of living the dream.


Millions of whites did inherit wealth while millions of blacks did not which explains the race-based wealth gap. Your personal story isn't relevant.

You agree millions of black people's lives were ruined because of the denial of a salary for centuries of work.

I'm glad that you support reparations!

No surprise that you defend and support slavery.


Not ALL racism is "systemic racism" which is what you're talking about.


It's systemic racism that destroyed and continues to destroy the lives of millions for hundreds of years!


There is no systemic racism in the US. American Asians are the highest median earners in the country, and more whites face police action that Asians per capita. These facts cause extreme anxiety and cognitive dissonance for liberals, who must then resort to outlandish rationalisations for their leftist dogma (i.e. "America is more racist against blacks than Asians"... and evidently more 'racist' against whites than Asians 😂). There is nothing on the books you can point to.


Denial is the drumbeat of racism. It's similar to Holocaust denial.

Asians were never enslaved or faced Jim Crow laws and legalized terrorism aka: lynchings nor were denied a salary for 400 years and kept out of high-paying jobs and colleges nor had their towns and homes destroyed by jealous whites when they did achieve (see Tulsa and Sundown towns). Also, a disproportionate number of Asian immigrants, especially from India and China, have college degrees and/or arrive already middle-class. BTW, not all Asians meet your "model minority" stereotype. Overall twelve percent are poor and some groups have much higher rates of poverty.


Again, there's nothing on the books you can point to, and thus no systemic racism. Jim Crow and lynchings (a third of which were of anti-slavery whites) are long gone. You brought up Jews, who are thriving economically despite the horrors of the 20th century. There is nothing stopping a black person doing what a white person does in America.


7 Ways We Know Systemic Racism Is Real
In fact, racism is built right into every level of our society in ways that might surprise you:


Of course, B&J can't point to anything on the books. And their article is reliant on laughably far-left sources (Vox, Slate, Democracy Now!, Huffington Post etc). 🤣 B&J assert that "systemic racism" exists because "when white people occupy most positions of decision-making power, people of color have a difficult time getting a fair shake, let alone getting ahead." Yet American Asians disprove this, and remain a serious thorn in the liberal narrative. Non-whites clearly can get ahead in the US, and can avoid brushes with the law - if they want to. Surveillance of Muslims? Islam is a religion, not a race.


Of course, an arrogant racist like yourself believes his OPINION outweighs the experiences of millions of African-Americans and multiple sources.

Long history of anti-Asian racism and discrimination which I expect you to deny, too!


No, I believe that reality outweighs extreme-left sourcing and claims of "systemic" blah that aren't reflected in the laws or policies of the United States. A black person can do anything a white person does - narcissistic racists like yourself enjoy not-so-subtly perpetuating the notion that blacks cannot achieve, in order to virtue signal about how YOU are playing your saintly role in "dismantling" non-existent "systemic" issues. Those social media likes are pure heroin, eh?

Of course there was anti-Asian racism (as there WAS anti-black racism): interment camps ring a bell? None of it is on the books in present-day America, of course, and American Asians have left historical injustices in the dust to become the most fruitful people in the US. Again, Jews are also thriving despite the abject horror of the previous century.

Blacks have the freedom to do it too. Sadly many choose not to, instead opting for a culture of crime, laziness and white-blaming. Vile racists like yourself, constantly reinforcing the notion that they are helpless against "the man" (often in the name of a worthless-but-paid academic or journalistic career, or just plain old online virtue-signalling), have much to do with that.


More stereotyping from you. And typical denial of racism. Your reaction is white fragility.

Nope, your opinion still doesn't outweigh the experiences of millions of black people and supporting resources and evidence of systemic racism.


Lol, another worthless buzzword you learned from your deranged, neo-commie professor. The term was of course coined by queen racist Robin DiAngelo: a woman who feels deeply uncomfortable around black people, and so aggressively projects this onto all other whites (psychopaths lack the empathy required to appreciate the viewpoints and feelings of others). DiAngelo is so confident in her laughable writings that she point blank refuses to defend them against the scrutiny of unvetted audience questioning, or against any conservative figure in a public debate. Ask yourself why. 🤣

The utterly glaring fact is that historically brutalised people can and do achieve wonderful things in contemporary America, despite disgusting liberal racists scrambling around for lame justifications to keep blacks on the democratic plantation. Either you are a despicable, evil reprobate, or a decent-but-misguided person who has fallen into doing the devil's work. If the latter, I hope you one day wake up, swallow your pride, and leave behind your vile, racist ways (you'll lose "friends", but here in reality you'll make real ones). Black people do NOT deserve to be browbeaten and handicapped by the contemptible rhetoric you and your kind seek to perpetuate, in order to fellate your own egos and/or line your pockets.


You are so full of it. All your ramblings are just a bunch of tired a** bull****. Obviously, whie people are learning something from DiAngelo and her books, or they wouldn't be selling, duh. The reality is, no matter how damn hard black people and other people of color have worked, they still have to deal with racism because there's always some racist white person who can't stand the fact that a black person might be better at something or much smarter than they are. Funny how you forgot how last year Asian-Americans were getting beat up and attacked by racists blaming them for Covid, and how black people are still getting attacked by the police. Explain that-----you won't because you won't even admit that any of this still happens. It's all too easy to say racism dosen't exist when you literally have never had to deal with it.

Unfortunately, being hard-working and respectable has never completely kept black people from having to deal with racism---that's a reality for us. Also, black people do not have a disposition to be criminals any more than anybody else does. As a black person, I found what you said about us having a "culture of crime" pretty fckg stupid, racist and ignorant as hell---and a fckg insult. Especially since literally every country and culture on earth has crime. You hear about white criminals committing crimes literally every damn day on the news, so you can miss me with that "only black people commit crimes" bull****. Oh, and the democrats swept the hell out of the midterms----mainly because even black people did not want to vote for republicans who did nothing but keep pushing trump's big lie about the election being stolen from him, and who had no problem supporting voter supression laws down South that are attempting to make it more difficult for black people to vote. There was no big "red wave" coming like the right-wing idiots kept on predicting. And, frankly, some conservatives and republicans have already shown that they can be just as racist and ignorant as some liberals---liberals do not have a claim on being racist, and not every liberal is a racist, like you claim. So get the hell off that nonsense.


"Funny how you forgot how last year Asian-Americans were getting beat up and attacked by racists blaming them for Covid."

Yes, predominantly by blacks! You are so far into your realm of delusion and virtue-signalling it's absolutely insane.

"As a black person, I found what you said about us having a 'culture of crime' pretty fckg stupid, racist and ignorant as hell."

Cold, hard fact. Blacks commit around 60% of violent crime in America. Get well soon.


No, predominantly by whites - historically and presently.

"75% of offenders anti-Asian hate crimes and hate incidents identified as white"

"Offenders are mostly white.

As with other crime coverage, viral media coverage of anti-Asian crimes overrepresent Black offenders, but multiple data sources show an age-old historical pattern of white people being responsible for the majority of anti-Asian violence."

"Blacks commit'

Nope. Whites commit most crime and violent crime in the U.S..

Furthermore, systemic racism results in disproportionate arrests, imprisonment and long sentences of Blacks. Ex. Blacks 13% of drug use but 40% of arrests.
Also, Black Americans are seven times more likely than white Americans to be falsely convicted of serious crimes.

Systemic racism in the mass media, including the news, is more likely to stereotype blacks as criminals and stupid people are likely to believe it.


Your article admits that most of the anti-Asian violence captured on video has been at the hands of blacks... because most of the violence is committed by blacks. Here is another female, Asian professor (a true victim, right?) laying waste to the liberal lie that it's mostly whites doing the damage: Oh, and again you defer to "age old" and "historically" because you cannot point to a single thing on the books. No systemic racism.

Here's leftism in a nutshell. This nutty professor has no option but to admit that blacks commit the bulk of violent crime, but then begins scrambling to discredit the data (It "may" be racist!). 🤣 Of course, he runs a million miles from the liberal nightmare of low Asian police action (in comparison to that brought to WHITES also):

You've thrown in some other dubious stats, to which I yet again point to low Asian incarceration in "white supremacist" America (it really is the ultimate, dogma-shattering weapon against insane libs). If blacks can't afford good lawyers, perhaps they should knuckle down and win some bread as their Asian and Jewish brothers have done. I almost said there's nothing stopping them, but we do have passionate racists like you constantly hammering home the idea that they can't achieve anything. Quite a blow to the black psyche, I'd imagine.


Nevertheless, most crime is committed by whites. Most anti-Asian violence is committed by whites, also.

You can't runaway from the truth no matter how much you attempt to twist it.

Whites have a long history of racism against Asian-Americans like Japanese-American concentration camps, racist immigration laws, discrimination, and the recent barrage of attacks lead by cult leader Trump repeating Chinese flu until his mob began to attack them in the streets.


Your first paragraph has already been debunked by multiple people in this thread. Here in reality (not in your deranged, lefty college safe space), blacks commit most violent crime, and the bulk of the recent anti-Asian violence was perpetrated by blacks. Here are some straws, since you're clearly clutching.

Again we're back to the "long history" stuff lol, because history is all you can cling to. No racism on the books in contemporary America, and thus no systemic racism. Good thing we have vile racists like you to continue destroying the psyche of black folks and convincing them they cannot achieve. 🙄 You're even trying to paint Asians as helpless despite their massive strides, and deliberately obfuscating the problems they've faced during COVID.

Then again, with you disgusting lefty racists, ego-fellating and performative, "look-at-me" false empathy ranks way, waaay higher than minority interests. Always has, always will.


FBI stats show most crime committed by whites.
You can't handle the truth!

You want to ignore centuries of ongoing violent crimes committed by whites against POC. I won't allow that!


Nope, I never claimed that blacks do more crime than whites (whites represent a much higher percentage of the US population). I said there is a trend of black people being more heavily involved in violent crime, and even supplied you a left-wing piece that grudgingly confirmed this. According to the one-year sample you provided blacks still committed more murder, manslaughter and robbery than whites. Lol!

As always, blacks committed a wildly disproportionate volume of the total crime: 27.4% despite being some 12.6% of the population! By comparison, whites committed 69% while representing some 72.4%, and Asians committed 1.2% while representing some 4.8%. Thanks for further proving my point about disproportionately low police action against Asians in oh-so "rayciss" 'Merica! You know, that same non-white people that has the highest median income despite "systemicblurghblurghblurgh". 🤣

Get well soon.


I'll stick with FBI information rather than your delusions.


LMAO! The FBI link YOU provided states that blacks did more murder, manslaughter and robbery than whites, and a disproportionate volume of crime overall! Bwahahahaha you are now in denial of your own sources. Abject lefty insanity.


Obviously, you can't do math beyond counting on your eleven webbed fingers and twelve toes.


Obviously, you are too deep in your dogma to ever regain touch with reality. 🤣


Everything you post is misinformation and lies.

Black are overrepresented as the offender in violent crimes.

12% of the population (blacks) commit 60% of the violent crime. That IS a fact.

Even in your table blacks are overrepresented.

"Furthermore, systemic racism results in disproportionate arrests, imprisonment and long sentences of Blacks. Ex. Blacks 13% of drug use but 40% of arrests."

Is not racism to be blamed but your inability to reintegrate and your predisposition to commit more crime, usually recidivists get larger sentences.


You're a racist making racist comments while denying racism. How ironic!


What I'm making is factual posts.

Plain and simple. Maybe reality is racist or maybe YOU don't want to accept reality.

The change has to come from the black community. As long as you keep having high rates of crime you will keep ending in prison.

And stop using poverty as an excuse. Another fact (I know facts are racist): the most wealthy decile of the black population has a higher crime rate that the poorest decile of the white population.

Deal with it.


Whites commit most of the crimes presently and historically.

Crimes committed by whites include slavery, Jim Crow, lynchings, land theft from the Indigenous people, genocide, rape, torture, kidnapping, etc..

But, you wouldn't consider those crimes because you benefit from them and wrote the criminal codes absolving yourself from any punishment or reparations.

Deal with it.


"the most wealthy decile of the black population has a higher crime rate that the poorest decile of the white population."

More Archie Bunker stupidity coming from you!


Yeah, facts are stupid and racist :P


Your racist stereotyped lies are not facts, Archie.


They are 100% facts - even in your link blacks are over represented in the crime rates, but you would still deny it, most likely you are the racist.

Btw, how am I racist when I profess my admiration for Nigerian ... blacks? You idiot.



I know your dreams:


Stereotyping all Black people just like Archie Bunker:


Of course not all! I already stated that, several times.

But you? Oh yeah, you fit the bill!!!!




KKK Channel


Yeah, sure, only that that guy is black ...



Internalized Racial lnferiority (JRJ) is the internalization by People of Color (POC)
images, stereotypes, prejudices, and promoted by the racist system about POC in
this country. Our thoughts and feelings about ourselves, people of our own racial group,
or other POC are based on the racist messages we receive from the broader system. For
many People of Color in our communities, internalized racist oppression manifests itself
• Self-Doubt
• Distancing from other people ofcolor
• Self-Hate
• Anger/Rage
• Exaggerated visibility
• Assimilation
• Acculturation
• Colorism
• Protection of white people
• Tolerance
• Ethnocentrism


Yeah, yeah, bla bla.

And that makes him KKK as you said, right?

You're fucking full of shit ...


So wait, tolerance is negative trait when it's about blacks having tolerance???

Hahahaha, fucking intolerant racist. Black supremacist.


"Based on its Latin origin, tolerance, or toleration as philosophers often refer to it, is most commonly viewed negatively as “putting up with” something we dislike or even hate."

"fucking intolerant racist. Black supremacist."
You're projecting.


I'm not, it's clear from your replies.

And "tolerance" is something that all white liberals cry for.

Unlike you, intolerant racist prick.


I'm glad that you finally admit that you're a racist!


Not me, YOU are the racist and black supremacist, as you several times proved.


Not me, YOU are the racist and black supremacist, as you several times proved.


Oh, please-----that bull**** claim that black people supposedly commit more crime is nothing but some racist bull**** that white supremacists like you have been pushing on the internet damn near since it was invented. Funny how you racist always cite these fake-a** statistics, yet you never say where you got them from. So no, it is not a fckg fact. The reality is, since white people are the majority, they obviously commit the most crimes. And as a black American, I'm tired of stupid-a** racists like you claiming that only black people are criminals. It's a fckg insult, and it's complete racist bull****. White people commit crimes literally all the damn time, but yet you never have s*** to say about that. Once again, go fck yourself with that tired-a** racist s***. I'm not a fckg criminal simply because I have black skin, you fckg racist p.o.s. Black people can not be committing "60% of the crime" in this country for the simple damn fact that we're only 12 or 13% of the population. Since white people are the majority, it stands to reason that they're the ones committing most of the crime in this country. And every day you turn on the news, all kinds of people are committing crimes, including white people. Now go take that racist BS you're been peddling and shove it up your arrogant racist white a**. All the tired-a* racist bull**** you're spewing is nothing fckg new.

And just because a handful of black dudes were caught beating up Asian-Americans (and were caught and locked up) that sure as hell dosen't mean all their attackers were black. That's another damn lie you're spouting without any damn proof. You just conveniently forgot that crazy white boy who ran up in that place in Atlanta and murdered six people--four of them simply because they were Asian. I am so sick of racists like acting like just one black person does something, we all do the same thing-----that is pure complete bull****. Black people are not a damn monolith, we are not all the same and we don't agree on everything simply because we have the same skin color. That's like saying all white people like the stupid -a** overrated show Friends simply because they're white. And there are actual white people who can't stand Friends, lol. That being said. go fck yourself, you racist hater p.o.s. It's racist bastards like you who keep these bull**** racist attitudes that discriminate against black people going. Once again, fck you and your bull****. I hope you take a DNA test, and find out that you're actually 12% black or something----like some of these white supremacist dumbasses have. They weren't as lilly-white as they thought they were---maybe you aren't either.


"claim that black people supposedly commit more crime is nothing but" the reality.

Those are the statistics. There is no bullshit about it but the sad reality. It's your problem if you don't want to accept the reality, not mine. We get them from the FBI statistics.

I took a DNA test and no, I don't have any black ancestry. I'm 100% East European.

How about instead of crying my "racism" that doesn't even affect you you would be more interested in cleaning that mess that the AfricanAmerican community is.

Not just the murder rates but the single mother rate as well, school, high-school drop-outs, etc.

When you get that population under control we can talk further.

And you're right, of course that NOT ALL are like that. NO one said that.

And it's funny that when we bring the crime rates up you get offended for ALL blacks, although NOT all black are criminals. Hypocrites ...


DNA only goes up to 200 years.

Black Americans are owed 300 years of back wages because of slavery and another 100 years for low wages because of Jim Crow. Crime is related to poverty, therefore white racism is the cause.

No greater crime than slavery, kidnapping, land theft, rape, genocide, racism, etc. Time to pay up or shut up!


DNA goes back thousands of years, ignorant shit.

Oh, right, because ALL whites are guilty for something that 0.001% of the white population did 300 years ago.

Well, in that case you're a fucking criminal since your race is overrepresented in the crime stats. Go to fucking prison and pay for your race sins, you racist hypocrite.


And I proved already that the crime rates in the poorest white decile are lower than in the wealthiest black decile. And in absolute numbers there are MORE white people in poverty than black people, so if poverty was the factor then the crime rates would be higher for whites, but they are not.

So NO, poverty is NOT the only factor.


No,they don't. That's some tired-ass racist bullshit you racists love to keep saying, as if you spewing that racist bullshit automatically makes it true. No, it fckg dosen't. Once again, that's just an stupid old tired-a** racist trope white people have always used as a fckg excuse to discriminate against black people. And funny how you racists don't ever have a single fckg shred of proof to back that bulls*** claim up, because you know damn well it's bull****. Black people are only 13% of the pop., so there is no way in hell they could be doing all the crime when the majority of people in the U.S. are white----meaning since there's more of them they commit most of the damn crime in the U.S. That's a cold hard fckg fact---not the racist bulls*** you're spewing.

As a black person, I know damn well all black people are not criminals just because that's what you fckg racists want to believe, because you're some fckg pathetic pieces of s*** who have never done s*** with your lives, so you'd rather blame everythinhg wrong in your worthless fckg lives on black people. What a bunch of fckg racist idiots you are. Black people live, work, go to school, pay bills and live regular lives, just like you dumba** racists who haven't got anything but s*** for what's left of your brains after watching stupid-a** bulls*** on fox news, who basically let any fckg dumb-a** hungover, washed-up nutcase who just crawled out of jail or a mental institution drag themselves in from of the cameras and spew their whacked the fck out conspiracy theory bullshit. That's only after they remember to pull their heads out of the orange nutcase's a** first. Black Americans helped build America, you racist piece of s***. That's on the historical record. So if you don't like black people, take your dumb racist a** back to Europe, and stay the fck there. Nobody's making you stay here.


NOBODY said that black people do "all the crime" in America, or that "all black people" are criminals. You're ranting, raving and cussing at your own strawman argument. Black people DO commit a vastly disproportionate volume of crime, however, and that's a matter of FBI record.

Shouting "racist" doesn't solve anything. It would be far more worthwhile to invest your energy in trying to discourage the appalling behaviour that is so prevalent among blacks. Volunteer at black youth centres, discourage those kids from the crime that is glorified within their communities. Once again, American Asians earn more money than American whites, and go to jail less often than American whites. The US isn't holding anybody back on racial grounds.


So much misinformation and lies in this post ... I don't even know where to start ...


Start with your delusion about how you're more discriminated than black people.

BTW, that's called "Digressive Victimhood".


You've got your cult-speak down pat, I'll give you that. Your lefty professors have sure earned those brain wastage bucks.


I'll assume you dropped out of school and you're bitter about it because you have a low-paying job.


No, unlike you I took a college course that wasn't a leftist indoctrination camp. Congratulations on wasting your parents' money, zombie.


One college course.

Obviously, you have a negative opinion about higher education. I standby my original comment that you're uneducated and ignorant because you don't value schools and education.

I'll assume you're either unemployed with my tax dollars supporting you or you're working in an unskilled low-wage job.


Obviously, you have a negative opinion about higher education. I standby my original comment that you're uneducated and ignorant because you don't value schools and education. If you did, you wouldn't have wasted your parents' money on woke cult insanity.

Better be careful with your "you dropped out of school" type "zingers"... you do realise that's something blacks do at a much higher rate than whites, right? Your racism is showing - again!


Your gaslighting and projection have failed.

Now, I know I'm supporting you with my tax dollars. You;'re welcome!


Your gaslighting and projection have failed.

Now, I know I'm supporting you with a hard dose of reality. You're welcome! 🤣


I didn't say that.

Truth is: black are no longer a victim or systemic racism, Asians and whites are more likely to be discriminated against when applying for a job or for college.


Start with your delusion about how you're more discriminated than black people.

It's still called "Digressive Victimhood".


Start with your own delusion about what I said.

It's called "a strawman".


"...whites are more likely to be discriminated against when applying for a job or for college."

No delusions. I understood your racist diatribe. And you stereotype more than Archie Bunker!


Yes idiot, in SOME cases white are more likely to be discriminated against.

NOT A GENERAL STATEMENT. How stupid must you be to understand otherwise?


Nope, that's not true.

That's just the idiots trying to change and reframe the meaning of words and the narrative.


Nope. That's not what racism is. Racism is the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another. That's it.

Yes, racism is typically seen predominantly by majorities enjoying higher status in a society against minority groups in lower positions, but not exclusively. That doesn't mean that a minority individual who hates someone from the majority based on his being a member of that majority is not being racist. He is. Absolutely.

This insistence that "racism is privilege and power" is a postmodernist, Orwellian attempt to redefine a long-understood term in order to benefit certain groups exclusively.

And even if I were willing to concede this definition for the sake of argument (which I'm not), I'd still dispute your position, because we now live in a country where Asians, Hispanics, black Americans, etc. are able to achieve any height that the most WASPy, white bread European-American can. Minorities are now CEOs, movie stars, generals/admirals, politicians right on up to president. Name me the position of wealth and power out of reach for a minority. Go ahead.

Your assertion that minorities don't have power doesn't hold up. This is especially true since a white person using a racial slur will get cancelled and lose his job, even his career; but a minority saying the most openly anti-white things will suffer no such consequences (e.g. Sarah Jeong). So who really has the power here? When you can get away with something I can't, by definition you have more power in society than I do.


A company that’s overwhelmingly run by white people is racist against white people. Interesting theory.


Yet they are. Or maybe I should say they discriminate against established white characters and actors.


They are not racist, they just know that over-playing this woke nonsense will attract the crowd that really matters: Zoomers.

This generation has no real difficulty in life, so their only concern is to ensure that everybody cannot have hurt feelings, so they need to see "inclusion", "representation", "diversity", otherwise they'll be sad. And this generation is the one that matters because they are the ones with free time, no responsibilities, and the ones who will take money from their parents to go to the movies.


Uh, what? This generation works and makes its own money just like anyone else. The thing is, diversity in films sells now, because there is a diverse audience to see these films. And it's about money more than anything else---the first Black Panther made nearly a billion at the box office worldwide. And the studio is pushing this sequel because they believe it's going to do similar numbers. Also, stop making stupid, ignorant generalizations about today's young people. They're having to deal with high inflation, they're not guaranteed a lifelong job in one place like their grandparents did, and they're having to deal with the reality of climate change.


Cry me a river.


You're tough, but you can't win with these clowns. Racists are blinded by their bigotry. Keeps them from seeing the big picture. If you ain't white/christian/republican/male, you'll find them coming to this board to complain about movies they don't even watch. Imagine being so mad about "your way of life being destroyed" that you take the time to go out of your way to condemn it. They are the worst.


Yeah, I know, but somebody's got to call them on their racism and their bullshit, just to let them know everybody dosen't think exactly like them, and that white people are not the only damn people in the world who pay to go see movies and be entertained. Fck these racist haters anyway----life goes the hell on whether they like it or not. Plus the repubs lost hard in the midterms anyway, so who gives a fck what these right-wing nutcases think. They can whine about diverse films being made all they want---as long as they make money, they'll be made. Plus Wakanda Forever is already close to having made nearly as much at the box office worldwide as the first BP film--whether these racist-a** clowns see it or not. That makes me laugh even more at the BS they spew about it, lol!


Exactly right.



Probably won't be the case in this MCU for Namor.


Namor rarely used the McKenzie name and barely knew his father to begin with. As for the comic character, I always thought he looked Asian.


White men own and run people Disney. How can it be racist against whites??


After feeling slightly disappointed with Dr Strange: Multiverse and Thor: Love/Thunder, I was a bit apathetic with watching Black Panther, but still reserved my opening night tickets. I really enjoyed this more than the previous two films. I didn’t really realize that Namor was going to make his debut here. Not sure if I remember his origins being quite that way from the comics but I am not complaining. It really works and I really like his Latino-Mesoamerican origins. The actor (Tenoch Huerta) is distractingly handsome.


Marvel has lost their way.



Good observation. Namor and his tribe are obviously the original indigenous people of Mexico and they are representing their own unique culture in the film----they all made for some intriguing adversaries against the Wakandans, and the fact that they were non-white folks made them even more interesting. Plus the actor who plays Namor----Tenoch Huerta--is himself of Aztec descent, so that was perfect casting for the role, too. I've only seen him before in the Forever Purge movie, in which he played one of the heroes.

Here's some info behind what went into the fashion choices and looks of the Talokan and all of that:


Personally as a fan of the original comics my main complaint is Namor and his people having mind control powers. That was a weird thing to add to the movie that wasn't in the comics. Other than that I didn't mind the interpretation.


I didn't mind it since they were seafaring creatures, and it was an ode to the "Siren Singing" ability mermaids are known for. That is, it allows the user to put a person (usually a guy) in a trance. In myths, sirens would sing their songs to sailors to crash them onto the rocks.


Yeah, why not... I guess.

Marvel is now just throwing whatever random things they feel like it.

Throw stuff now, think about it later.

I just don't know why those people had such problems winning battles when they can just mind control everyone.


Yeah but it was not a thing in comics. Plus they aren't exactly mermaids.


Seems like the Atlanteans would be protesting over having their back story wiped out.


[–] ATG6 (2569) 5 days ago
Seems like the Atlanteans would be protesting over having their back story wiped out.
Plato being a bit deceased is going to have a tough time trying to complain about his magnus opus being rewritten given that it has been in the public domain since like, "forever".
