MovieChat Forums > Captain Marvel (2019) Discussion > What's the big deal about this? It's a w...

What's the big deal about this? It's a woman.

There have been plenty of women superheroes before: Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Hit-Girl.

You'd think this was the first time it has happened with Marvel, for god's sake! :D


It's the internet. Primarily facebook, twitter and youtube. People are always on there harping about stuff they don't like and it feeds into fears as well as narratives. The people that complain the most are the ones that need to unplug. If they did unplug they'd see all the "forced diversity" they cry about magically goes away.


what's it like living in a delusion ?






You sound crazy.


Sounding crazy coming from a degenerate is AMAZING !


There has been movies about Christian superheros before. Captain America, for example, looks like the kind of guy that goes to Church once in a while.

Now imagine Captain America was a movie about how Christians can be more badass than Atheists, and about empowering Christians.

Of course, that would happen after Disney's Star Wars made the trilogy about good empowered Christians fighting against the Evil First Atheist Order populated by Atheists and Jews. Disney's Pixar released its last short, Purl, about a Christian skein that starts to work in a company dominated by malicious and mean Atheists and Jews. Those were not isolated cases, though, but the general trend: Hollywood movies casted Christians as good guys and Atheist and Jews as villains or pathetic losers. In UK, Doctor Who, who was traditionally an eccentric Alien that solves everything using science, is reborn as a Christian Doctor Who that solves everything praying to God, the 11th season revisits historical episodes to show how bad Atheists and Jews were. People who think that new Doctor is trash are labeled as Satan worshipers.

Back to the new movie, the trailer shows how Captain America kicks some Atheist's ass saying 'You can't tell me what I can or can't believe!!"

Besides, Chris Evans states that the movie is activist about being Christian, and limits the number of Atheist or Jew journalists in the press conference. 'There's too many Jew journalists' he says.

Well, that's Captain Marvel.



Straightforward insults. This is an obvious NPC troll. Don't feed the troll.


You're going on about damned Christianity. You're the troll.


I thought the "War On Christmas" was over??!!!


Someone doesn't understand analogies. Sad.


You've been watching the wrong trailers then. The Captain Marvel trailers show her getting knocked down and standing back up. Does it really upset you that much that a woman could stand back up after falling? Also in the trailer we see Jude Law's character giving her a dose of "mansplaining" which is typically anti-feminist. Also when she's walking to her jet Rambeau says "show them how we do it" and not "show them how it's done." Her mantra of higher further faster is a throwback to Top Gun's I feel the need for speed when Rambeau asks if she is ready.

There has been nothing in the trailers showing women being more badass than men. Its kinda obvious she gets her powers from something very far away from femininity. The whole idea that this movie is an SJW attack on men is built not on what has been shown of the movie but Brie's personal politics.

Seriously. You need to unplug from the internet. Its warping your mind.


Let's adapt your words to the previous Christian Captain America scenario:

Also in the trailer we see an Atheist character giving him a dose of "scientificsplaining" which is typically anti-God. Also when he's walking to him jet, another Christian characters says "show them how we do it" and not "show them how it's done.

That could be the trailer of a DVD Christian movie. Even though you're trying to show the less politized/religious side of the trailers, what you describe sounds like a religious movie!


Great parody of Identity Politics. SJWs are too dumb to get it!


The flaw in your logic, if there is any to your post, is that Captain Marvel has been marketed as neither a film about how women can be more badass than men, nor a film meant to empower women. It's a superhero film where the main hero is female, just like Captain America is a superhero film where the main hero is male.



It wouldn't be the internet unless people formed opinions out of ignorance, blew things out of proportion, and saw problems where there were none.


Probably because Brie Larson is the first woman to get a movie in MCU series.


Electra had a movie.


Electra was a Marvel character but that film is not part of the shared MCU (predates the start of the MCU).


It's still not a big deal. Sorry, but its been done before and those for and agsinst the movie wont care when Marvel moves onto another film with the same plot.


I didn't say it was a big deal, just that the Elektra film with Jennifer Garner wasn't part of the MCU (the Elektra of the DareDevil series on Netflix would be considered part of the MCU). Personally I can't wait for Captain Marvel but that's just because Ive enjoyed almost all of the MCU movies and I'm looking forward to seeing how this fits in. If people aren't interested it's all good, we all have our own tastes.


Thats fair. I think the whole controversy over this movie is silly.

People fly around and shoot laserbeams at a monster who shoots a beam into the sky.

If people think its more than that, have fun.


Yes but she was before the MCU days


Oh well. MCU is not breaking new ground. This narrative about her being the first is just wrong.


It's starring a woman that has an opinion this time. The Internet loathes that more than anything else.


There's no shortage of movies starring women with opinions. Of course, it's no fun with nothing to be outraged by, and it's scary to imagine your life is anything but the product of somebody's oppression. Get over yourself girl. You're not fighting for equality so much as advantage.


They need to keep driving the lie that men are bad mmkay, and white men are really bad mmkay....until it actually comes true.

So this will be forever.

Helen Slater as SuperGirl is hella sexy mmkay.


Helen Slater as Supergirl is still by far the sexiest superhero! 😍😍😍


What they should do is have a few female-only cinema screenings like they did with Wonder Woman.

That way the same people who are going; "Oh No! Women exist. Anti-male agenda. Waaah!" would suddenly be complaining that it was sexist that they weren't allowed to watch it, and be demanding to be let into the cinema.


An I allowed to say Brie Larson is hot in 2019? She is really hot.

Or is that punishable by the death penalty these days?

I remember when finding a woman attractive was a positive thing. Times up for me. Pun intended.

