MovieChat Forums > Karen (2021) Discussion > How is the term "Karen" accaptable?

How is the term "Karen" accaptable?

By today's standard, this term should be considered both racist and sexist, as it targets both skin color and gender. Not to mention an insult to all women named Karen who don't fall into this category. If we started using "Tyrone" as a term for a specific type of black man, surely we'd be canceled.


Some of the nicest people I know are named Karen.

But we all know what "a Karen" is.


I have many friends named Karen.


I have like 80 friends named Karen


You have no friends and everybody knows it


My foot is friends with your face


Yes, so labeling anyone a Karen is wrong. Thanks for proving their point.


It's real simple. Anti-white racists have moved on from attacking white males and now white women are in the crosshairs. Say, have you ever heard a Jewish woman called a "Karen?"


yes, the notion that "white women tears kills afro american people" is proof of this.


Pretty popular name in Israel as it happens.


You can mock and deride white people all day. Democracy has been thoroughly replaced by hypocrisy.


Thanks to the civil rights movement. Things were going fine until some loud whiny idiot thought everyone should be able to vote, even though they agreed to come live in a country that was willing to offer them roads, services, and opportunity for employment. Nope, still not satisfied. Still bitched and complained for more. and look what it got them. EVEN Less.


You could make a lot of money selling the hay from those straw men.


Well excuse me for understanding where the root of all these complex problems come from.




Healing could begin with you acknowledging just how disingenuous your response is. You know damn well nothing I said has anything to do with your logical fallacies.

There can be equal rights without cutting down white people.

But you already knew that. You just wanted to stir the pot for a little attention.


Democracy hasnt been replaced. It's been bastardized by giving negative voices a stronger voice. Civil Rights activists lied and said it was oppression, but a good democracy WANTS to suppress the worthless idiots. That's exactly what the forefathers had in mind when voting was reserved only for white land owners aka educated people at the time. (no black person on Earth heard of a book, let alone been to a school). Turning 18 doesnt magically make someone informed enough to vote.

This whole time we've been trying to "educate" blacks and women, to bring them up to speed, and it's just been a disaster. It doesn't work. You cant change the nature of them, no matter how hard we try, no matter how much money we spend, no matter how much opportunity we afford them at the expense of others. They've proven it time and time again, they fail, fall flat on their asses and refuse to take any responsibility for it, and blame white men (as if white men never overcame hostile work environments or hurdles in life).

These people need to know their role and shut their mouths! -The Rock (famous actor who abandoned his black side). They weren't oppressed, they were merely limited by their own abilities (it's science), but were still given wonderful things in a country that affords even the most pathetic losers luxuries denied everywhere else. More and more people are realizing this, making racism/sexism more acceptable, and downright justified, like it always has been until TV. Everything changed when Hollywood (((them))) put out the diversity, social justice propaganda to cause all this destruction among everyone, while they reap the profits from it and seize power. That's the only attention I seek. To inform others of this reality.


You are welcome to your opinion. I would never attempt to censor another human being. I strongly disagree with you, however. The "social justice" religion that's got the West in a death grip right now is terrible and awful, mostly because it rejects individualism for collectivism. Your opinion, I believe, does the very same thing, but in a different way.


mostly because it rejects individualism for collectivism
In what way? They're all snowflakes demanding praise, equality of outcome instead of equality of opportunity, crying injustice whenever they are rightfully criticized, and bullying anyone who does into destitute with mob rule.


I get some of what you are saying, but most black people are decent hard working people. Yes, there are some that are brainless, and want a hand out, but there are plenty of white, brown, and yellow people like that. The problem is that that small minority screams the loudest, and the politicians/ media latch onto that, and present that small minority as being the majority. It's how they divide the races in order to make us easier to control.

As for the term Karen and it's modern connotation- yes, it's racist. It was only a matter of time before white women started being attacked for being... well, white. Anyone that didn't see it coming had the blinders on. The politicians/ media have waged a war on white men for the last 20 years (they've really ramped it up and brought it out into the open in the last 10). It was only a matter of time before they started attacking white women. Next they will move on to attacking black men, then black women, then brown men, then brown women... They will further divide the races all the while taking as much of our money, our freedoms and our rights away from us as they possibly can while they live like kings and queens in palaces. The only thing that prevents them from flat out executing most of us is the fact that America has the largest armed populace in the world. An armed populace keeps tyrants from doing what a lunatic like Hitler did. I'll probably get flack for writing all this, but if you can't see it, you can't see it and you never will.


I'm cool with it. I notice you have to propose that "if" we started using "Tyrone" for a specific type of blah blah blah. Well, that happens all the time. It's labeling all people of a certain race/nationality etc with that one name that's racist.


I could go on. These names have all been used to describe a type of person. There are trends. Karen is one of the current ones.


Don't think Dingus was ever a name. Poindexter is the only name where I recognize the underlying meaning. What do the rest mean?

Tried looking them up on Urban Dictionary but that site is awful reference for names.


It's a non-specific word that sounds like a few different names Mingus, Fergus, Marcus. But it basically means "thingy" and used to describe people of no special standing.

Shuggie is another one of those kind of names.


Didn't you know? According to the left, it's cool to be racist against whites now, because people that have been dead for over 100 years had slaves once. Totally makes sense.


Very few people, at that. And not all of them were white. But we're not supposed to know that.


The majority of the slavery was in South America. Spain needed a large collection of slave labor in order to mine for gold. In The United States less than 10% of the population owned slaves. Most slave owners were rich white land owners from the south, but there were blacks who owned slaves too. There were also white slaves in this country. My mothers great aunt was an indentured servant for almost her entire life. She was only let out of her servitude when she was too old and broken down to work anymore.


Maybe it's the fact that white society definitely prospered the most from the use of slaves. And that many white people who have enjoyed that prosperity feel it's right to recognise that fact, before trying to spread the guilt to non-whites involved in slavery or co-opt the suffering of the many non-whites by enhancing the stature of the cases of whites being enslaved by other whites and/or non-whites.

Only 80 years ago, white slaves were forced to work by white slave-drivers in Europe. There's ample historical evidence from the 20th century for people to appreciate that slavery is not an exclusively white on non-white atrocity. It's not therefore necessary to say "whatabout" whenever the history and legacy of the slavery in the colonial Americas is discussed, unless someone has for some reason tried to insist that slavery is an exclusively whites on non-whites thing. I've never once heard that claim being made though.


I never hear that there was white slavery in America-ever. All I hear is that since I am white that I am a racist who's ancestors own black slaves (which in reality no one in my family owned slaves) and as a result of that I am systemically racist. If you're not aware that that is the narrative that is being pushed today then I don't know what to tell you. And we do need to bring up that all races are the dependents of slaves because I've met plenty of people who have no idea that any other race of people were slaves aside from black people. SO, IT IS NECESSARY to educate people on the history of slavery including examples from all races. If people were properly educated we wouldn't have the division that we currently have in this country.


Well I never hear that I am racist because I am white. I guess that evens things out

Slavery was first brought to my attention because lots of the streets in the city where I live are named after locations, things and people who profited from crops that were harvested by slave labour.

I was first taught about slavery in school in the context of the abolitionist movement in the UK.


"Well I never hear that I am racist because I am white. I guess that evens things out"

I hear it constantly, so 2-1.


Imaginary voices in your head don't count.


Neither do you.


Well at least you admit to the imaginary voices.


Well yeah, I agree that imaginary voices don't count. I'll call you when I hear any. Anyway...



That comment lost the debate for you.


Did it? All I ever hear is that I'm the winner of the debate.


He in no way lost in this conversation, that's apparent to anyone reading it but for some reason you had to pipe up to say he lost . . . because? I'm curious what made you do that.


Siri, what's "disingenuous"?


You mean you don't know?


I do now. You've provided excellent examples.


You ask siri questions you already knew the answer to? Are you lonely or something?


I said the exact same thing and also used Tyrone as an example.


There sure are a few Grahams in this thread. Couple of Peters too.


Lots of Dicks.




I'm starting to think that Twitter has collectively lowered the nation's intelligence by 20%.

I don't know who came up with Karen as an insult, but I can imagine it was started by a sub 100 IQ millennial who thought they came up with a something clever and it caught fire with their equally vacuous followers.


Excellent post. I left Twitter after a month for those reasons. Regarding the slang of Karen, I think it's terrible. I always liked that name, but now I'm glad my name is not Karen, and I feel bad for all those named Karen who are wonderful and caring people. We used to say "bitch" to describe this behavior but I guess it's too sexist for today's more enlightened population.


Exactly. When I think of "Karen" I think of Karen Carpenter or my mom Karen who reminded me a lot of her. A very sweet and reserved woman.


Great comment and exactly correct.
