MovieChat Forums > Martoto

Martoto (4162)


Overrated Go Wook and go broke.. Underrated contributor No such things as a twister... If Carano is successful, it paves the way for deadbeats.. Wonka is Wonderful. Chalamet is superb.. says "If you love Dr Who, you will enjoy this" South Park has been pandering for years then.. Why do people credit him with "taking down" or "challenging"... What will you do when he pleads guilty, Magaturds? View all posts >


You've used one anecdote about one woman using it as an understatement to assume that girls say making out when they actually don't even mean kissing. You are just pulling stuff out your ass. The basic problem of the unanswered questions that supposedly require a conspiracy to explain, is that the eyewitness testimony to the shooting, all of it, is given equal weight. Which is not how eyewitness evidence works. If ten people say they saw Jimmy shoot his friend Billy, including Billy himself before he died. And Jimmy is found a block away with a gun that matches all the bullets found in Billy. But an 11th guy says he saw the shooting and he couldn't identify Jimmy in a line up. And a 12th guy who saw Jimmy being arrested on TV says he also saw the same guy putting his car through the carwash at the time of the shooting. And years later people who originally said they saw nothing or saw nothing that contradicts the first ten eye witnesses wind up having vivid detailed memories of having conversations with Jimmy around the time of the shooting, or recall seeing Jimmy and Billy laughing and joking minutes before the shooting (which means neither could have killed the other, of course, right?)... and so on. When that happens, you are not obligated to explain all the varied and non-corroborated statements that contradict what the primary witnesses consistently described, independent of one another. It does not always require proof of falsehood of one testimony when it contradicts several other testimonies, all consistent and obtained independently, when the differing sets of testimonies cannot both be true. So because Britney couldn't bring herself to state explicitly that she had a sexual relationship, in an autobiography, you're assuming that when Anne Hathaway is lying about making out, and never kissed anyone in an audition. Because "they" keep using it that way. So your logic is non-existent and your paranoia about what "they" do is rampant. No further questions. It's the topic of this thread, Einstein. [b]In this case she probably means they had to joke, hold hands and be flirty. [/b] Yeah. Sure..... That's what people often mean when they say they were making out. Other than they times that they use it euphemistically to avoid admitting to a sexual relationship, they also use it falsely to make acting flirty sound like actually kissing. That happens a lot.... That's what makes her daring the police to arrest her all the more perverse and exposes it for the blatant attention seeking it is. Plus her hijacking of the hate crime law to enhance her notoriety is not helpful for the people it is intended to protect. Why would Trump need immunity if he's certain to be found not guilty of anything? An emphasis on immunity is generally considered an admission of guilt. Black actors in shakespeare aren't pretending to be white actors. You are so fucking off the mark comparing actors in blackface with black actors in their own face that I'm sure you don't care. 1. Oh 2. The law has everything to do with abortion. 3. It's not as simple as your answer. 4. What the fuck has that got to do with hating abortion 5. People can and do assume, rightly or wrongly, that sex can have no consequence. Have done for centuries. And when abortion wasn't available or legal. I know. View all replies >