reasons why it flopped

mad max is a niche franchise
chris hemsworth is box office poison
anya taylor joy is not a star
fans wanted a mad max centered film
joe biden killed cinema
prequels rarely work
it will be streaming in 3 weeks


It's funny Hollywood pay tons of money to get great critic reviews and still can't win.


the whole system is fake, they been exposed , even when rave reviews, audiences question it


some of us know, but most, I suspect, are still oblivious


Maybe the glowing fawning reviews from all the professional film critics telling everyone 'you HAVE to see this movie! on the BIGGEST screen possible!' turn some audience off, I know it does me abit. esp when the other the film makers are ass kissing George Miller 'i do not know how the f**k you made this movie! and how dint kill everyone in the process! mind can not process what I was seeing!' Etc... .er yeah there's this thing called 'special Fx' mate..


User ratings are good as well. I would say 8/91% is damn good ratting in my book.


I loved the movie it was the best prequel I've ever seen. I'm betting these guys didn't even see the damn movie.


Streaming is definitely an issue. I waited for Oppenheimer and Dunes to hit Amazon/Max. Glad I did as all were slightly above average by normal standards. By today’s standards they’re considered blockbusters.

“You hear that Mr. Anderson?... That is the sound of inevitability... It is the sound of your death...”


It flopped because it is made with bad CGI and people saw it from the trailer


Yep. It does look too green screenish. I noticed it too. I went to see making of. And they did shot on location some stuff. But it does look like is has a lot of CGI in trailer.


It flopped because people have had enough of fucking woke girl boss films.


The movie has a ton of amazing practical effects and great CGI mixed with some sketchy CGI. Whoever made the trailer should never work on trailers again fuck it they should be fired. They crammed mostly bad CGI effects in the trailer instead of the incredible practical effects. It's not a fair representation of the movie and certainly contributed to the under performance of it.


Remember all the stories about how the execs deemed the movie ABSOLUTELY PERFECT, and no changed were requested?


Yep, more bullshit from Hollywood! but we have to remember they would not know a good movie if they saw one.

AND, if they think a movie is truly bad they don't have the f cking guts so say anything about it!


I'm sure it IS a good movie , look at the 7 reasons the OP listed
NONE of them have anything to do with the quality of the movie.


if it truly is a good movie it will find an audience, but right now it looks like a very weak opening which is kind of heartbreaking because George Miller has had to go through this type of ordeal ever since 1985's Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.


Maybe it is, but the studio execs aren't just evaluating a movie on whether or not it's good. They are mostly evaluating on whether or not they expect it to be profitable.


I just got home from seeing it. The movie is incredible fuck these dorks.




Surprisingly, I loved it.


well - they do screenings for confirmation, in the woke part of california


The movie isn't "woke" it's fucking amazing. Go see it in theaters while you still can.


gonna wait for torrents


Maybe it's because Miller should've put Max in a Mad Max movie. Are we next going to get a "Wonder Woman story" featuring some character like Steve Trevor who would ultimately become her boyfriend?


Max was not in the last movie either.


anya taylor joy is not a star



I agree with some of those reasons. I don't think Chris Hemsworth is box office poison though. He is not a bankable star, but calling him poison is a bit of a stretch. And Joe Biden didn't kill cinema. Blaming any President or politician for cinema not doing as well as it used to is ridiculous.


If George Miller put Max in every single movie in his franchise, it would basically become the same thing over and over, ala Rocky 5, Rocky 6, Rocky......

I think it's more interesting to learn more about the world Max lives in (with the promise that we will indeed see Max again). George Miller is world-building. He has a much larger story and universe in that brilliant head of his, and I like that he has the relative autonomy to flesh that out. how you grow and expand a franchise, and keep it fresh and interesting. Max is the backbone to it all....but it's not integral that he be omnipresent.

If this movie flops, it will be because people are assholes. They revel in not going to the theaters anymore, saying they can stay home and stream it on the comfort of their own sofa, with their own bathroom and snacks. That's great, pin-dicks. Why don't we just find every POSSIBLE way to sit around on the sofa, never leave the house or doing anything in a public setting. What's next....virtual bowling--you can do it at home in your pajamas. This is why there is an entire generation of weak-ass db's.....with scrawny, ropey little arms, and zero global perspective or social skills.

Going to a big movie's opening weekend used to be an event. An evening out. A shared experience in a public setting. Consider the difference between seeing Titanic, Avatar, or more recently...Maverick: Top Gun in a theater vs. sitting on a crusty sofa in your living room. In fact, Maveriack: Top Gun was a rare glimpse into what going to a filled moviehouse and having some shared excitement with others in a social setting was like. These days, that has become more and more rare. And we have no one but ourselves to blame.

People themselves have singlehandedly murdered the record store experience, the bookstore experience, the mall experience....they're killing restaurants, and they're killing movie theaters. People are assholes.....and if you want a glimpse of human nature, just spend about 10 minutes driving around anywhere. [And to that douchebag in the pick-up truck, who feels all impatient and entitled...tailgating me....eff off].


Movie theaters need to lower the price of admission, food and beverages, then they shall see the people return. It's way too expensive to go to the movies now. Why should all those owners and Hollywood folks be multi-millionaires? At our expense? Nope. Streaming is the more affordable and convenient option.


I don’t think this movie is a flop. A lot of the showings - with Dolby Stereo - are sold out. We won’t know until after this weekend I guess. But you are correct, everybody is staying home and loving it on their couch eating and watching mediocre movies that came out a while back and are now screening on Netflix. Netflix even chooses your movies for you. And people are expanding and getting more one dimensional than ever. But if you have a family, it would be so expensive to go out to eat or to a movie. Even at a restaurant, there are other fees - paying for the staff’s insurance, etc. which in California, is supposed to end. But owners say they will have to raise their prices. I love going to the theater. The same movie I see at home is not the same as in a theater. And, you can’t stream all movies especially great ones. They tell you what to see because that’s all they are showing. The selection is awful. There are revival theaters that are making a ton of money because they put together great movies and a host or group of speakers and they have festivals - upcoming is Bleak Week. They’re doing well. I thought movies in theaters would come back after COVID - but they didn’t and I was angry because they closed down this great theater I liked. And at the time, the prices were ok. I think IF people had gone back to being out in early 2021, the prices would have remained the same as pre-COVID. But what I am realizing now is that owners don’t care in the rise in prices - they cater to people who spend money like nothing has happened. And so on top of high prices they even made it higher just to target that group. There is a huge divide more than ever. But the experience is the thing. You can spend relatively a good amount of money for a rather mediocre experience vs the deluxe version.


Well said.
I think people are giving the theater owners no choice but to raise prices in order to stay in business. People would rather stay home like shut-ins….rather than have a shared, public, social experience.

It’s cause and effect. If people would get off their gd sofas, get out of their pajamas and go to a restaurant and/or theater….it would at least slow down the rate of closures.

Eventually, theaters will go the way of record stores.

People are self-absorbed assholes. We bring this all on ourselves.


I'd rather be a shut-in, saving loads of my hard earned money and enjoying movies in the comfort of my home theater than support the owners' and Hollywood's greed for the high ticket prices and overpriced drinks and snacks. Greed has killed the movie-going experience for me because of those selfish multi-millionaires.


I agree with you Toomer. Even famed writer David Mamet says Hollywood is dead, full of liars and thieves. When he says he's done by god I'm done.

I can find good stuff to watch at home and it's far cheaper than a $20 ticket for Furiosa.


Movie theaters are dying and seeing incredible movies on jumbo screen will likely become a thing of the past soon. I rarely go the the theaters. Last movie I saw before Furiosa was Oppenheimer. it takes a special movie to want to pony up to go see it in the theater. I saw Fury Road twice in the theater I loved it soo much. Once in 3D and once in standard. Furiosa deserves to be seen in theaters it's a special experiance.


If people had gone back to the theaters right after, the prices were ok then. But now, the theater prices are too high. People want to stay in. Streaming is what people like and they just get a big screen TV. And it’s changed everything. On the health side, the effect is long-term weight gain. This will be one of those things discussed as the new norm On the creative side, the degenerating trend of well-made movies. And on the business side, it’s difficult to pitch a movie and get funding. It usually comes on the back of an existing successful movie or TV show. It’s affected the quality of American films. I myself can’t stand watching a new movie on my TV. I like being in the theater. But I also can’t stand watching mediocre movies and then at this huge price. I almost stopped going altogether. I did see a movie the other day, Hit Man by Richard Linklater - it was very good. I saw it at a spectacular theater and it was $10. But it is not the now norm. But it’s not going back to the way it was. Something good will happen tho in a different way. Just the cycle of things.


I don't even think the prices for the theater experience have even gone up very much in the past 5-10 years. In fact, the rate of increase seems far less than inflation in general. And, people need to relize they are paying for the theater "experience", and all that comes with going out and seeing a great flick at the cinema.

Think about some people's logic, it really doesn't make sense to spend what ultimately could add up to a couple hundred bucks to go to a football or baseball game...but you still do it...for the EXPERIENCE of being out on the town, having a shared experience with your buddies, drinking a beer, having a dog and watching the game. You could save money watching the game in your basement....but is it even REMOTELY the same?

You just need to think back to one of those exciting movie openings, on a Friday night, where you had a shared experience...with an Dolby sound...with that perfect bucket of popcorn, and walked out of there really jazzed about the whole thing. This could be as recent as Maverick: Top Gun. That's a prime example of movie magic--an example of investing in the age-old, nostalgic experience of doing something social, going out...grabbing dinner first...maybe grabbing a Fireball on the rocks at the theater bar, and then settling-in to a great movie.

When people stay home and stream in their basement, they give movie theaters No Choice but to slightly raise their prices if they're going to stay in business. It's cause and effect.


I don’t know where you are, but it has doubled here and you get the theater all to yourself. There’s no buzz, no vibe but also the movies are not that great. Did this home movie watching destroy quality in movies? Some theaters have gotten creative and have made their theater an “in-home” environment by making the seats into cushy horizontal recliners that look like inflated inter-tubes and then you get a server to get huge meals they bring to you. And you get a blanket. You look down the aisle and everyone looks like a walrus. People are getting really large. That’s AMC in certain areas. I recently went to see Jaws at a really exclusive theater because I just wanted to see a good movie. And it was $50 - no wine - ticket was $25 - the popcorn and drink were over $20 (but it was the best popcorn and root beer I have ever had) and parking $3.50. No one was there. I know what you’re saying but some of the movies are not that good to see too. Film buffs are not going to make the journey out for a mediocre movie. Top Gun Maverick was a one off. But, yes, that’s what I want too just what you said - shared experience, with an audience and a bucket of popcorn. But I want more than Top Gun - I want a real movie not just a well done movie that’s better than the first one. So, there’s that here but with the revival theaters or arthouse ones. They are not everywhere, but they are where I am. They show the best movies - some are old others new and others before their release date - and often there is a Q&A - good popcorn and a drink - maybe the whole things is $20. And there are a lot of people. Intelligent people. And sometimes it’s sold out and people wait in line around the block. There’s one a night and it starts at 730pm - you get out at 11pm sometimes. Huge crowds and you feel the experience. They’re starting to do this more and more around here. Why? Because they are making a lot of money, not charging a lot, and the experience is happening. It is night and day from sitting at home. So boring and not everyone wants to watch the same thing. You could murder over a movie. I think Netflix has a lot to do with this whole thing although they have had some really good stuff of late and are getting some movies I want to see shown at Cannes. The way it was, I don’t think that’s coming back. But you know, I do recall when I saw the last John Wick, we were all cheering on and that was a full house. It was a great moment.


people, people, people - who is pushing this bs though, brother?
Streaming music/films/food/everything. Make all apps as addictive as possible - meanwhile, the government which was supposed to work for the people is now a pawn of the corporations. Your do realize the entire system is corrupt?

Imagine a world in which the government and corporations united together and turned their entire populations into zombies, because the corruption has gotten so bad and greed became the only thing that functioned anymore.

Having said that - yes, it is unfortunate that vast majority of human beings don't realize what is happening. It's like a drug addiction, with corps and govs being the drug pushers - and drug addicts had their brains burned to crisps with the drug and can no longer resist those who they realize, in the back of their minds, are killing them.


If this movie flops, it will be because people are assholes. They revel in not going to the theaters anymore, saying they can stay home and stream it on the comfort of their own sofa, with their own bathroom and snacks. That's great, pin-dicks. Why don't we just find every POSSIBLE way to sit around on the sofa, never leave the house or doing anything in a public setting. What's next....virtual bowling--you can do it at home in your pajamas. This is why there is an entire generation of weak-ass db's.....with scrawny, ropey little arms, and zero global perspective or social skills

😂 I don't disagree with you, but you made me laugh!


Are you sure it flopped? This is not the UK. It’s Memorial Day weekend here and I checked to get a ticket, and a lot of times are sold out, which is unusual bc the theaters have all but closed down and have not come back. I think we know that it’s not Fury Road which was Miller’s greatest maybe, but this is supposed to be a very good. You will have to wait until Tuesday to see the stats for the US.


people want just fun, good movies, and not this "updated for modern audiences", crap!
Also this ANya Taylor Joy womans face has been in too many bad boring overrated movies lately, not many people are motivated to see this movie if she is on the cover. they should have tricked people into watching this movie, by removing her form the poster and just call it mad max something something.


Yeah she is really not a big star or box office draw.


She is not the draw. The the draw.


"people want just fun, good movies"

That is exactly what Furiosa is. I actually thought it was a fun, great movie.


You mean the same bait and switch they did 9 years ago?
People are still pissed off.


lol yes!
