MovieChat Forums > Dave Chappelle Discussion > Attacked While Onstage

that dudes arm is on backwards now


Yeah I heard the dude got pretty messed up.


i want that video of Foxx & dave fkn him up


His arm looked like a busted paperclip😖

Pro Tip: do NOT rush the stage, twelve Huge meatheads will bust your dumb ass up and nobody will care lol


Hope they arrest the people who messed him up.
That is not their job, it is a crime.


I saw a picture and I felt bad for him.


He deserved everything he got. Wish they would have fucked him up more than that. These assholes better start learning really quick, you don’t rush the stage and attack comedians because you’re an offended pussy and can’t handle a joke. Glad they took him back stage and beat the shit out of him. He got off easy. It shows how unhinged these supposed “tolerant” people really are.

Hope comedians continue to get more and more offensive with their humor. Time to push back harder against these pathetic fascist progressives waging war on free speech.


You want to send him to GuantĂĄnamo? Also ironic that you called someone else fascist after saying all you would do to him.


I didn’t say I would do anything to him. I’m saying I’m happy he got what he deserved for assaulting a comedian.

Ironic you are defending someone who jumps onstage and attacks someone over words.


I'm sorry for being a compassionate liberal and not thinking criminals should get beat up!


I'm sorry for being a compassionate liberal and not thinking criminals should get beat up!

But it’s ok for them to try to beat other people up over words?

Solid logic.

Just be honest. You’re happy that comedians are getting attacked on stage because you disagree with their humor and find it offensive. Violence is ok then.


Chapelle preaches violence against the trans community.


No he doesn’t. He makes jokes. He doesn’t physically assault anyone.

Honestly, how can people be this braindead and hypocritical?


He dehumanizes a minority group. Do you think it has no influence on his audience? c'mon, son


He dehumanizes a minority group.

No, he doesn’t. He makes jokes. If you don’t like it, don’t listen.

Do you think it has no influence on his audience? c'mon, son

No, it doesn’t have an influence. At least not on the sane people. Dave Chappelle has no affect on normal people except to make them laugh. It’s a pretty simple concept.


You sweet summer child...


The criminal was a liberal most likely. Had a replica gun/knife combo too.

Typical leftist.


Fuck off Argie, you fucking snowflake Liberal pussy.


You sound like a dumb redneck who spends his time listening to Kid Rock and shooting cans.


Fascism and Progressivism are at the opposite ends of the spectrum. They're both extremists, which is no good, but still.


Once ideological movements push themselves to a far enough extreme, they all start looking very similar. I've seen interviews with people who were once heavily into the Progressivism movement and they sound a LOT like ex-cult members.

Fascism and Progressivism might have different agendas on the books, but once a group starts looking at all other groups and saying, "We will force or pressure you into thinking like us," it becomes impossible to work with them.


Trying to impose your will and your way on another group of people. Forced suppression of opposition. Censorship of opposition. And to put it bluntly…physically attacking comedians onstage because of jokes and words to try and silence them.

Can you say any of these things about the progressive ideology? I think you can. Call it whatever you want then…it’s disgusting, pathetic, and wrong.


Well good for you Mother Theresa, that lunatic deserved to be taken down, boohoo, security folded his arm like scary origami …I bet he never blindside tackles anyone ever again.

You want some idiot to tackle you when you’re not prepared for it, Chappelle isn’t a young dude, a hard hit out of nowhere like that could have caused serious injury and he was just telling jokes.


What'd he do, a G.I. Jane joke?


Slapping a man onstage then handing him one of the 3 biggest awards of the night sets an extremely bad example. Smh...


Maybe the message will be sent when someone gets shot.


The real question is how did he get a gun into the place. Every concert I've been to lately has had metal detectors and security that search you more than the TSA at an airport. And while all they really care about is finding cameras and recorders, one would have hoped they would notice a gun and think maybe that shouldn't be allowed... hell this was the anti-gun state of California for god's sake.


Bullshit. Idiots were trying to get on stage for years. Why do you think they have had guards around the stages of rock concerts. If you look back and look at old Richard Pryor or Eddie Murphy concerts you'll see security around their stages as well, though sometimes the security on a stand up routine is kept backstage because it is less intrusive and the expectation was the security could easily navigate across a stage with only 1 performer and maybe a stool or mic. This is no different than say the guy that killed John Lennon, some fucked up idiot that was pissed off and wanted to harm someone... Considering the low number of people that even watched the Oscars there is a good chance this idiot never saw what Will Smith did.


It'll be tried more often now that people saw that you can be awarded and get standing ovations for it.

Considering the low number of people that even watched the Oscars there is a good chance this idiot never saw what Will Smith did.

^^LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣^^


I hate what he did but taking away the award he won is dumb.


To take it away after the fact is dumb in my opinion. I feel they just shouldn't have given it to him to begin with, he didn't deserve it. They should have just given it to the actor who had the second most votes.




Stand-up comedians were scared about this after Will Smith and the fucking losers on the internet enabled them by taking Smiths side


It’s a very bad ‘trend’ to set, that’s for sure.

Will Smith should have been thrown out on his ass and arrested for that nonsense, The Academy should have acted swiftly to remove the violent ass from the show.

You and I and would still be sitting in jail awaiting charges and trial if we did that shit, it’s a ridiculous double standard.


That's like one second of video.
He could have set that up himself for publicity, as I think Chappelle's attraction is wearing off.
He's too much of an ahole anymore, and always on about transsexuals ... who cares?


Found the POS triggered liberal.


oh well spotted yeah ,
anyone who says there a limit to how much you can hate on transsexuals before it gets boring is giving themselves away as the "POS triggered liberal."


Definitely not a set-up as they fucked the guy up backstage. Look at his arm as they are loading him into the ambulance:


Chappelle is an antisocial criminal thug who happens to be able to crack clever jokes.


How is he a criminal?


Mean words .... OH NO!!!


You resort to baseless conspiracy theories to justify violence targeted at someone making jokes you don't like. Wow, thanks for summing up the kind of piece of shit you are.


That's total nonsense.


That's literally what you did.




This was a white guy - I presume?




Is it them Bobo?


