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MrMovie (851)


Chalamet Is Extremely Unconvincing What Franchises Are Left? The Kid Was An Idiot Emori is trolling because he hates America Skyler Didn’t Care About Walt Robbed at the Oscars Double Standard Why do they need a cure? Fraser Wins Best Actor View all posts >


I legitimately thought it was a different actor, really bizarre Yup, completely shoehorned in to pander. The quality drop this season is insane Yeah in makes no sense, he clearly had a thing for the Asian girl before. Now, he’s magically gay, if he was in the beginning of the show it would have been fine. But, it’s clearly shoehorned in Maybe the morons shouldn’t have agreed to put it on streaming three weeks after it’s release 5/10, very mediocre. It was pretty boring and just a rehash of the previous films. Plus, the new characters are not compelling at all. Clown take Nah, you’re a fucking idiot 54402 comments… Are you on here 24/7? Kinda sad actually Loser View all replies >