MovieChat Forums > FFNogoodnik

FFNogoodnik (774)


So we now know how Leia learned ..... (spoilers for episode 4) Is Moon Knight another character? At the end of the film (spoilers) Question for Episode 1 Bill does not understand how congress works and other things hownos: You may like this this video on Henry the VIII Sanford Harris I am not sure if I will understand it Baywatch on Pluto TV Everything GREAT About Kong: Skull Island! View all posts >


[quote]There could be other genetic reasons why a light skinned Vulcan doesn't get cancer.[/quote] For instance the Vulcan sun itself is different than our sun. In fact it has three suns, which was the basis for one of the first Vulcan sitcom called "My Three Suns" but I digress, and because of this the radiation would be different. excellent explanation "It’s a very weak device prompt the audience to laugh at something that’s not even remotely jocular." Except that is not the reason for the laugh track at all/ The purpose of the laugh track was to make one feel that they are not the only one laughing at a joke. It stems back from when people would see plays and be with a live audience. "what I said in my OP rings true, ultimately he gave her many good things" He did it in a horrible way. It was as if a rapist expected the woman to be happy with him because he did not kill her. Her Uncle was in a position of power and could have given her and her mother an easier life. Instead he, for lack of a better word, blackmailed her into doing things. CATWOMAN Hey Kowalski was your account hacked? You did not use capitals. :) I have seen a lot of reactors react to Alien and it seems like people like it still so it does hold up. That was funny, thanks HTTPS://WWW.IMDB.COM/TITLE/TT0115277/?REF_=TT_TRV_CNN Corrected that for you. :) I know, I was responding to beauq81 who responded to you with "You do realize that the Brangelina movie was a remake?" My response was saying that the " Brangelina movie" (aka Brad Pitt an his wife) was not a remake View all replies >