MovieChat Forums > Kate Beckinsale Discussion > her boyfriends keep getting younger

her boyfriends keep getting younger

some musician named Goody Grace.


Nah, she's just a typical Leo, who refuses to grow old gracefully.

Just look at Madonna (also a Leo).


Maybe she'll do porn soon lol


She has money,this guy is just a fling.


It's even weirder to think that she's the same person who played Selene from Underworld.


I agree.


Not for the money causes hes feeling sexy


Maybe she'll do porn soon

Only with a young stunt double!


Wow there's still idiots out there that believe in star signs.


That's your ignorance talking, I'm afraid. If you actually did some research, you would discover that astrology is far more complex than mere star signs.

A star (or sun) sign governs the ego. Other aspects of a person's personality are governed by other planets. These can all be determined by generating a natal chart, which is as unique as a fingerprint.

Bearing all that in mind, Leos are notorious for being superficial and ageist in the love department. That's how their egos work in such matters.


Hahahahaha you're nuts. Pseudoscience at its worst.


No, I'm just better than you at introspection and self-awareness...


I thought you were joking but now i'm actually worried. You know there's absolutely zero quantifiable scientific evidence to back up anything you're saying? If it's just a hobby of yours then fine, but don't act like there's any real science behind it.


It's actually all about psychology. Well, that's what I use astrology for.

Btw, I don't believe in horoscopes. Now, that's a load of rubbish.


What a complete load of rubbish!


Have you ever looked into it? From your responses, I highly doubt it.

You can't write something off you haven't tried to understand - that's narrow-mindedness.


Yeah, I'm narrow minded because I don't believe that planets, suns, stars, etc., govern peoples personalities. Do you not realize how ridiculous that sounds and is?


Has science managed to explain why humans have souls? No? Exactly...

As I said before, you've written something off without even trying to understand it, which can easily be done with a bit of reading and reflection on past interactions with others (friends, family, lovers, etc.).

Ever heard of Schumann resonances? That's scientific and involves the electromagnetic resonances of planets (especially Earth). Astrology is about energies and the interplay of such energies between planets.

Now, going back to the thread, Leos are afraid of growing old or appearing to look old - Mick Jagger is yet another example. Some Leos manage to get over it but that's one of the attributes of their ego (i.e. sun).


WHAT??? Humans have souls... Why would science need to explain that... as it makes no scientific sense...

Do animals have souls too... or is it only humans?


Dude, calm down. This discussion is within the confines of humans. Why you feel the need to bring animals, in general, into this is beyond me...


Basically we were once animals...

But if you actually believe humans have souls fine by me... and luckily for you... you will never know that you were wrong;-)


Correction, we are still animals...

I just don't know why you had to bring other types of animals into the equation, when this discussion pertained to human beings.

I just find it amazing how some of you get really hostile when someone mentions astrology. It doesn't matter whether you believe in it or not, in the greater scheme of things, it's still a valid point.

For example, if I read someone's basic natal table, I would get a rough idea of their personality solely from that. Very rarely is an educated interpretation far off.

Kate Beckinsale is acting like a typical Leo who can't accept that she's getting old. Other sun signs accept ageing far better than Leos. But, then again, Leos are usually extremely vain with an inflated (and unjustifiable) sense of self-worth.


Am I not hostile and by all means use astrology to whatever you want... It was your statement that humans have souls which I found funny... were is your proof of these so called souls?


Has science managed to explain why humans have souls? No? Exactly...

And this, right here, shows your pseudoscientific mindset. It assumes as fact something that is not in evidence. Science has not even established that anything called a soul even exists -- and it's not because there has been any shortage of people trying to prove there is either. In fact there's no evidence for one. Maybe something called a sould exists, and maybe it doesn't. Maybe there is an afterlife, and maybe there isn't, but either way, there's no evidence for it. And in fact, the best evidence would seem to indicate otherwise. Not only has there never been any supposed proof of the existence of a soul or afterlife that has ever withstood scientific scrutiny; it is also necessary to explain -- if the mind is fundamentally a component of one's soul -- how one's personality can be permanently altered by brain trauma. There is no evidence that the mind, one's conciousness, is anything other than the elecrochemical activity of the brain.


Soul, personality... semantics.

Besides, based on your explanation, most humans should (in theory) be identical and practically clones of each other. And, no, I'm not putting words in your mouth - that's basically what you said.


No, it's actually not even remotely what I said. And what on earth could possibly lead you to conclude I am suggesting we should all basically be clones of each other -- that is about the most enormous leap of logic I have ever seen. We share 98.8% of our DNA with chimps. That tiny, 1.2% difference is enough to make an entirely different species of animal. DNA is so complex, and there are so many possible combinations within chromosomes that far more subtle differences cause individuals within given species to be wholly, radically different beings. And as they lives their lives, their neural networks, memory, brain structure, built up from their own unique life experiences evolves and grows to differentiate them from each other still further.

Everything you just wrote is not just nonsense, it's nonsense on stilts.


LMAO. Science have no proof that souls exist. Come on man !


When Western science is able to have an answer for EVERYTHING then come back to me. Until then, you and the other hostile responders are acting like an indoctrinated tools.



There is no "Western science". There is only science PERIOD! The scientific method is the same EVERYWHERE. Anything other than science is a PSEUDO-science and therefore rely on belief. NOT facts.

Now who's indoctrinated?



And? Guys do this shit all the time. More power to her.




Yes, because most slags will open their legs for money or fame.


I guess those younger guys are slags too. Goes both ways.


And it is just as pathetic and ridiculous when women do it as it is when guys do it. Simply because you can buy a piece of arm candy doesn't mean you should. She can get away with it right now just like a guy at her age can...but at some point is becomes a ridiculous joke and you look like the dumbass Hugh Hefner did when he was limpy around with women young enough to be his granddaughter.


The difference is, Kate Beckinsale is still smoking hot and guys want her with or without her fame. Men don't care about money when it comes to dating women, we'll take a poor Kate Beckinsale over billionaire Oprah anyday.

With these hypothetical older men getting with younger women, it's almost always simply because of their fame/money. So no, you're wrong. Two completely different situations.


If you would take a poor Kate over a rich Oprah then you are an idiot. Millions of dollars can even make that fat fuck Oprah fuckable and if you don't understand that you are an idiot.


Clearly even billions hasn't made Oprah fuckable. Like I said, you're either gay or a woman since you have no idea how men think. Men will almost always take the hot chick over a successful fat tubby with zero sex appeal.


Ashley Graham is hot


Sign me up


Poor guy is gonna get his heart broken


She's in her forties and a smoker, that means beneath the perfectly made up facade she puts on for the public she isn't going to look anywhere near as good up close and in person with her clothes off. He's just in it for the fame and probably has to work to keep from gagging when he has to perform on her... does any guy really want to fuck his mother?


I have no response to that


You're either gay or a woman. Kate Beckinsale is leagues above any woman you've ever been with, guaranteed. Your girlfriend, if you have one, probably looks like a sewer rat in comparison.

And i'm not even a fan of Kate but your posts are pathetic and need to be called out.


Oh you poor ignorant little twat, someday you'll see one of those celebrities you jack off to in real life and when you do if you even recognize them you'll be left saying what the fuck happened to them. These a Hollywood poser, dolled up and dressed up to look good on a TV or movie screen and when they don't look good out of the camera they go back and photoshop and enhance the images to make them look good. In real life they don't look at that. What an ignorant little twat you are.


Lmao yeah it's just a big conspiracy isn't it. Kate is actually an ugly Gollum looking hag, it's all photoshop. You absolute knobend.

Like I said, you're either gay, a jealous woman, or just an epic douchenozzle. Your ratty girlfriend or wife wishes she looked like Kate.


Kate's an attractive woman, no doubt, but so what? Every time I go to the park, a restaurant or Walmart I see women more beautiful than her.


You're dreaming buddy. You clearly haven't gone out in a while due to covid-19 and forgot what the average woman looks like. Overweight and unkept.


I'm not talking about the overweight, unkempt ones. Practically every time I go out I see stunningly gorgeous women at restaurants, parks, backstreets and stores -- more beautiful than Beckinsale (or, at least, on par).

Either you live in a region settled by the progeny of Quasimodo or, more likely, you just need to open your eyes.


"Practically every time I go out I see stunningly gorgeous women at restaurants, parks, backstreets and stores -- more beautiful than Beckinsale (or, at least, on par)."

That's just an absolute lie or your standards are incredibly low. Especially if you live in the US. I'd love for you to take pictures of these hags so we can do a side by side.

If Kate's beauty was that common, she wouldn't be famous. But keep bullshitting if it makes you feel special.


I am totally serious. You overrate her beauty. She's attractive, sure, but she's not all that; she's actually rather underwhelming in my opinion. I see hotter women every time I stop at the mall. Why you question this is beyond me.

If Kate's beauty was that common, she wouldn't be famous.

It's not mere physical beauty that ushers in success in film or TV. There are gazillions of jaw-dropping women in the Los Angeles area and other filmmaking bastions who struggle to get acting gigs because other talents are required to be a "star," e.g. acting skills, social skills, personal charisma, being able to handle travel & living on a set for days on end, persevering through flops, long shooting hours, handling the press, dealing with execs/directors, handling extreme competition, etc.


"I see hotter women every time I stop at the mall. Why you question this is beyond me."

Because you're dreaming. They're hotter to you because your standards are lower. In real life we subconsciously adjust what we're attracted to based on what we can realistically pull. Also, you're just looking at them in passing. If you were to scrutinize them on the level that celebrities are, you'd see that they're not half as attractive as you think.

"There are gazillions of jaw-dropping women in the Los Angeles area and other filmmaking bastions who struggle to get acting gigs because other talents are required to be a "star," e.g. acting skill"

Except Kate Beckinsale is no Meryl Streep, her selling point is clearly her looks. I don't know why you're pretending like she's some barely above average looker when clearly she's a stunner in all categories. Face, body, legs, accent. She's got it all. And for her age category the gap widens even further.


so you're saying , there are no hot women in my town , because all hot women get teleported into hollywood?


Nope, i'm saying they are few and far between at that level. It's just a complete lie to say you see Beckinsale equivalent women and beyond every time you go to the park or the mall. Maybe in your opinion because of lower standards, but objectively they're not on that level.


well , yeah, maybe she's in the top 1% , but in a town of 10,000 people there will be 100 beckinsales.


I'd say even less and you won't come across them every time you leave the house, not even close.


Do you think we've all lost perspective on what we're axctually discussing?
i mean its all about variables and exaclty "how hot" KB is , which is pretty subjective anyway.
I dont think any celebrities are sooo hot , like 1000 times hotter than normals that you'll never see anything comparable in real life.
..but rarely . yes .


Lots of pretty women aren't good in bed though.


Yeah but still feels like more of an achievement. Fat chicks put in way more effort but you have a feeling of disgust afterwards.


Because you're dreaming.

Yeah, right.

Again, you overstate her beauty. Don't get me wrong, I can see why some guys would find her amazing -- and she did look quite fetching in "Van Helsing" in that costume with thigh high boots -- but, otherwise, she never really tripped my trigger.

They're hotter to you because your standards are lower.

Like that makes sense. If I find a lot of women more beautiful than her then obviously her type of beauty is lower than my preferred standard. I say "preferred" because it all comes down to personal taste.

In real life we subconsciously adjust what we're attracted to based on what we can realistically pull.

I don't need to 'pull' anything because I've been happily married to a hot redhead for years and have no intentions of straying. So the point is irrelevant.

Also, you're just looking at them in passing. If you were to scrutinize them on the level that celebrities are, you'd see that they're not half as attractive as you think.

True about seeing them in passing, yet I still find them more all-around beautiful than Beckinsale, which of course doesn't mean any of them can pull-off what Kate does for a living.

Except Kate Beckinsale is no Meryl Streep

You don't have to be Streep to perform in "Underworld," "Van Helsing" and "Whiteout." Plus I never said Kate was some acting giant.

I don't know why you're pretending like she's some barely above average looker when clearly she's a stunner

I openly said she was "an attractive woman, no doubt." It's just that I see more beautiful women practically every time I go out, not to mention my wife. But, again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

It's your right to think all women pale in her presence. I don't. On my scale of beauty I'd give her a 6/10; in "Van Helsing" a 7/10.


"It's just that I see more beautiful women practically every time I go out, not to mention my wife. But, again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

Aha you're one of those guys. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that crap, it's a cop out argument. You're confusing preference with objective beauty. We all have our preferences, but unless you're a bullshitter you can appreciate someone who is objectively beautiful i.e. striking features and ridiculously in shape body.

And it's so cliche for a man to claim his wife is hotter than these 10/10 celebrities when objectively that's never the case. Once you brought your wife into it, I knew what I was dealing with here. Good day sir.


We all have our preferences, but unless you're a bullshitter you can appreciate someone who is objectively beautiful i.e. striking features and ridiculously in shape body.

You keep saying I said things I didn't say. Where did I say I didn't appreciate Beckinsale? I plainly said she was quite fetching in "Van Helsing."

She's just not all that you're hyping her out to be. There are more stunning females observed at parks, walking down the street, at restaurants, malls, stores, gas stations every day. Why you find this so incredulous is puzzling. Beautiful women are wonderful, but they're not as uncommon as you make them out to be, unless maybe you're living in Antarctica or an area where there's a lot of inbreeding.

And I hate to break it to you, but beauty is subjective. For instance, an Aborigine living in the bush might likely find Kate unappealing; and understandably so. What makes your idea of beauty more valid than his?

So what you mean by "objectively beautiful" is merely Western Civilization's developed standard for beauty. Personally, I find those thin models in magazines unappealing. I'm not saying they're ugly, just that I don't find them anything to go ga-ga over.


Don't bother with LiquidOcelot. Just look at his comment history, he starts fights with everyone. And he even puts words in your mouth.


Lmao you're such a loser. You couldn't stand losing an argument and now you're actually stalking me. Creepy.


Stalking you? She showed up on the trending page, genius.


And then you came to this thread and specifically made a post about me. Stalker.


More like I noticed your reply and you continuing to start fights.


Ok stalker. Now vamoose.


No, I'll stay on any thread I want to.


That's why you're a stalker.


"For instance, an Aborigine living in the bush might likely find Kate unappealing"

Completely irrelevant bringing up such an extreme example. We're both living in the West so completely useless to look at it from a hypothetical Aboriginal's point of view.

Objective beauty is a very real thing whether you want to admit it or not. Halle Berry is objectively more beautiful than Rosanne Barr. Her features are more symmetrical, she looks healthier and takes care of her skin and body more. The fact that there might be some weirdos out there that are into obese women doesn't change anything. They're an anomaly.

To argue that beauty is completely subjective is the biggest cop out argument of all time. I don't particularly like Beyonce for example, but she's clearly objectively beautiful.

"So what you mean by "objectively beautiful" is merely Western Civilization's developed standard for beauty."

It's really not. Symmetry, sharp features and toned/curvy bodies are universally attractive. Halle Berry, Kate Beckinsale, Aishwarya Rai, Jessica Alba - all look wildly different from one another but are all considered to be some of the most beautiful women in the world. Bringing up some hypothetical Aboriginal is, like I said, a cop out argument. Next you'll bring up africans living in huts.

"You're welcome to the last word."

You're welcome to it buddy. Like I said, I know what i'm dealing with now. You think your wife is hotter than Kate Beckinsale. Let's leave it at that.


For one, my wife is hotter than Beckinsale otherwise I wouldn't have married her. Like I already shared, Kate's certainly attractive, but according to my personal standards she's a 6/10 (although I give her a 7/10 in "Van Helsing"). I'd post a link to a pic of my wife for proof, but I'm here anonymously (plus I don't care whether you believe me or not).

This leads to why I originally responded to you on this thread: You think beautiful women are some ultra-rare commodity. They're not. They're everywhere. Open your eyes. And they're not difficult to get a date with even if you're not an Adonis. I see regular looking guys or fat dudes with gorgeous women relatively often, Γ  la the fictitious Doug & Carrie Heffernan.

While overweight-ness obviously detracts from beauty -- for me, anyway -- it's a separate topic to natural beauty. For instance, a beautiful woman could gain too much weight and lose her allure, but if she loses the weight -- voila -- she automatically regains her beauty.

Your response to my point about the hypothetical Aborigine shows you acknowledge that beauty is more subjective than objective. Guess what? Every man is like that Aborigine: The only beauty that matters to him is what he finds beautiful, not what some judge at a beauty contest or glamour mag editor insists is beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

That said, there's some truth to what you say about objective beauty since there are indeed unattractive people out there. But, then, I'm judging from my aforementioned standards. And what about inward beauty? Inward beauty can make a physically unattractive person beautiful and vice versa. The ideal, of course, is a woman with BOTH inward & outward beauty, plus keeps in shape.

Bottom line: Beckinsale ain't all that you make her out to be in the looks department. I see more beautiful women every day.


For one, my wife is hotter than Beckinsale



I've tried to educate him on the difference between objective and subjective and it's either too advanced for him or he doesn't want to learn, I leaning towards the former.


Lmao another creep following me. Jesus Christ, looks like i've got a fanclub. I guess when you utterly destroy someone in a debate it's like you've taken their soul, so they follow you around like a puppy dog hoping to get it back. Pathetic.


Are we talking about now or in her prime? In her prime, as far as beauty and overall sexiness goes, she was in the Elite category. Hall of Fame caliber p***y.


She looked great in "Van Helsing" in that costume with thigh-high boots. Beyond that she never 'wowed' me much. But I can see why some guys find her top-of-the-line.




He was probably just out of diapers when she was filming Underworld.


His age doesn't bother me. His ugliness does.


That way you know she is the one in charge. I think she after divorced just wants to get out now. She doesn't have children to embarrass so yes have fun while you can.


Now I agree. Now why, why would we both say that


Come on, if you're rich, you would chose young man.


You’re saying every rich and famous guy chooses a young woman.


That isnt what he said


Getting bingo arms, looks like.
