So how is it?

Like I'm genuinely asking. The trailers looked so meh to me tbh.

One of the few times that a superhero project didn't really excite me. Like at all

And the reception for it so far has been pretty mixed to negative. Which is just putting me off.


Truthfully? I liked parts of it. I went in knowing nothing of the comics it’s based on. It drags on in parts, primary characters seem to disappear and come back. The aging make up is a bit of an odd choice(from what I gather they age slower but why did they have to go with the Santa look?) but it had some interesting moments. Enough that I continued to watch.

It’s nothing new, but when it comes to super hero shows you kind of can’t do new anymore(the boys was a good new spin) id like to see it take the old and new generation fighting against each other’s code thing father as it didn’t happen in this season.


If you like the watchmen comic or movie then this is for


I have only watched the pilot, but it was really good. One of the best superhero TV shows I have seen, actually. Done in a realistic light, with a lot of emphasis on building characters, but also includes a fair share of great action. Can't wait to watch the next episode.


How woke is it?

I've seen the thumbnails for the trailer and it was trending all over the place but I had ZERO interest in the trailer for fear of being slapped across the face with a lot of woke trash.


Oh, another crybaby about "woke." How novel.


Are you actually saying you didn't watch the trailer because it might trigger you? 3.6M others watched it!


Just goes to show how many people don't mind being brainwashed.

I, on the other hand, have been selective in curating my entertainment intake.

If you enjoy being lectured to by Cultural Marxists about toxic femininity, degenerative lifestyles, and child grooming, that's entirely your choice. Just the same as I choose not to engage content that is perpetuating the downfall of Western civilization.

In some ways, you could say, that people who don't mind all the brainwashing enjoy being slaves on the ideological plantation for the Left-wing zeitgeist.

But hey, there are plenty willing to keep the wool of the sheep sheared and in line, as evident with everyone who defends the propaganda.


The lead character is an old-timey do-gooder like Captain America or Superman. You'd probably like the show.


Ah, really? Interesting.

Thanks for the info.


You didn't even answer my question, just deflected!
I can see not watching a show because you don't like the politics, but the trailer? What a fucking loser!


I don’t watch trailers myself.

Not for any of the above reasons, but because of spoilers.


Or you know, you could just watch the trailer and make up your own mind.


You are correct, but I don't know why you would even want to watch a new show. Aren't they all woke one way or another?


That's very true.

It's one of those things where you really have to pick and choose these days.


The trailer wasn't good. The show is well done and has a different twist -- the old Golden Age heroes with their heroic code, trying to pass on their values and rules to their superpowered offspring in a world that is falling apart.


Boy, it sounds a lot like real life parenting. Heh.

That's comforting to know somewhat. Is it woke, though? I really can't stomach sitting through more Left-wing lectures about "representation" and "diversity" and "feminism". It's all just too much for me to enjoy anything that revolves around those themes.


No, it’s not like that.

Anything touching on that type of stuff is done in a pretty good way in my opinion. A real light touch, and not very often.


So far, it is less woke than i expected considering Netflix's track record. I'm only 3 episodes in, but enjoying it. It's a show about superheroes being people, more than it's a show about superheroes being superheroes, if that makes sense.


That's a huge relief. I'm moving closer and closer to considering checking it out.

I may watch the trailer after checking out the IMDB page.


So, I was reading the IMDB page and it mentioned about a lesbian oral scene... let me guess, the main character's daughter is a lesbian?


Nope, its a very secondary character. The main characters daughter loves the cock. That scene you described was actually pretty funny.


Okay, thanks for the clarification.


Didn't see the trailer, but I caught enough wokeness in the first 20 minutes to pull the plug. No further interest.


By woke I assume you mean how PC is it? If so, not that much. There's a joke about cheap stuff being Chinese made so clearly show is not controlled by Chinese thankfully.

The chars do have diversity but nothing in your face. It has some great char development with everyone having shades of black and white and not one dimensional.

There's a lot of intrigue as in where did all the supervillains come from along with where do all these super powered heroes and heroines come from? Initially there were only 6 imbued with superpowers but now their kids have super powers along with several random people making up an elite force other supers are trying to get in to. There's a Union with a hierarchy and enough people as well, although we don't really see this per se nor where the union meets, their HQ etc.

Supervillain origin is also a mystery along with how come they are that powerful.

Overall, this is a good scifi show with good mystery elements that made it seem like some aliens living on one of Jupiter's satellite; Io maybe? can imbue humans with power and somehow it propagates to others.

Show is nice and complex about morality. Worth watching imo


Thanks for an honest breakdown of the show.

It definitely sounds intriguing.


Is it violent?

If it's marvel level violence I'm not interested, but if it's more closer to The Boys or Umbrella Academy I might give it a try.


Yeah, it's adult-level violent.

That's maybe, however, not the greatest reason to watch a TV show.


I know. Don't worry about it.


I enjoyed the show. I didn't like the time jumps that they employed. They kept jumping between the origin story from around 1930 and the present day. It was frustrating when something big happens in the 1930's and the next scene is the present day. It was easy to follow the time jumps but I prefer stories that are in chronological order. I wonder if they thought the origin story was too boring.

In the last episode, the big reveal was weird since they spliced two separate conversations together. Utopian is talking to the one guy while the one guy is talking to his relative and they are splicing together the two separate conversations.


I honestly hate that. I don't know if you've seen The Witcher but they actually mixed the present day & past stories together. Like at the same time.

Like in literally every episode, you'd have past & present stuff & there isn't like a time jump title card or change in color scheme to indicate it. And to make matters worse, none of the characters seemed to age

By the the end of it I was like, that was super unnecessary. Like it didn't add anything special to the story. It wasn't unique. It was just annoying tbh


The flashbacks were more frequent than the Witcher but they were not confusing. I found the Witcher to be confusing since I couldn't distinguish between the daughter and the granddaughter. In this story, there are six heroes who gain their powers back in the thirties and become the Union but two of the original members of the union are not around in the present day. The big problem for me is that they didn't show much of the superhero exploits after they gained their powers.


Honestly, if a friend of mine didn't warn me about The Witcher's timeline jumps, I would've been super confused.

I'm also glad that now I know a bit more about this show's use of flashbacks going in. Thanks btw


I've watched two episodes and so far it's very engaging. The way the have been pacing the past and present timelines works well, and nothing ever seems to drag.

I read the comics it was based on as they came out, years ago, but remember nothing more than cursory details. I'm going to re-read them once I've finished the first season, and see how the show and the comics align.


It picks up right away & doesn't drag? That sounds promising. Thanks for the feedback

Also, A friend of mine owns the complete Jupiter's Legacy comics. I'll have to check 'em out.


Have you watched any yet? I'm five episodes in and still very enthralled. The first three episodes were great. The fourth was not as interesting to me, primarily because about 1/3 or more of it focused on Chloe, my least favorite character so far. That all fell by the wayside in episode five, which I think was the best episode yet, by far. I'm curious to see where they take this story in the final three episodes.


Not yet. Waiting for the weekend.


Im 2 episodes in and Im digging it. Its feels like a mix of watchmen and the boys with the themes that are taken and Batman’s black and white code of never killing. Didnt really expect to keep watching after the first episode but it has my attention.


It's OK, but only 8 episodes per season is too little for an American tv show. They ended the season just when it got interesting.


it drags,
the powers are way too inconsistent,
the origin of their powers is illogical,
the characters are annoying (not all),

overall it's not that bad compared to the other crap on "TV" but it's way too overrated..


For you, how does it rank compared to other ComicBook shows right now?


give me one on the top of your mind and I'll weigh it against this show


The Boys, Invincible & Doom Patrol are the first ones to come to mind

Don't know if you've seen 'em or not


The Boys is far above it, the whole "i cant kill cause im a good guy" stuff just got old with me quick as i prefer anti hero's like The Punisher, a super villian kills thousands, "I better take that naughty boy into police custody so he can break out again to once again kill thousands!"


Absolutely love The Punisher. He makes a really good point. Especially loved his interaction with Daredevil in the Netflix show. Also loved Oliver Queen is the first season of Arrow.

Imagine how many lives Batman would save if he just killed The Joker or actually let Jason Todd do it. Literally thousands.

Love those heroes but that "Code" just becomes frustrating & annoying after a while. "If I kill 'em, I'm no better than them or worse than them". Really? You killing a serial killer or mass murderer makes you worse than them? C'mon son!

I get that there are some "bad guys" that deserve a second chance but that's like the vast minority.


I think the "code" works better for characters like Superman or The Flash, or Aquaman, where taking a life is really, really, really easy for them (especially Superman, who could kill someone by mistake).

I think Spider-Man is one of the few heroes who always languishes in the morality of his actions, which makes sense. It's hard making a choice only to have it eat away at your conscience -- or like The Flash told Superman one time, "what happens when you decide to just keep taking lives?"

I think for Batman it seems a bit redundant and maybe even hypocritical (he's okay laying people up in the hospital for the rest of their lives, paralyzed from the neck down, but won't kill). I think the Nolanverse Batman was a little more reasonable, insofar that he didn't deliberately kill anyone but didn't go out of his way to save villains either.

For Superman, though, it would be real easy to start turning villains to gib at the blink of an eye and start pulling some Omni-Man stuff where killing is no bother. I find it more compelling to have Superman's villains act that way while he finds a moral ground to maintain order and peace.


THIS! I wholeheartedly agree with your whole post.

Nicely put. :)


the boys (season 1) 9⭐
invisible 8.5⭐
Jupiter's legacy 5⭐


6.9 on imdb is FAR from being "too overrated" ...
