
fani (380)


Meandering boring S4 She was lovely in Star Trek Voyager How the mighty have fallen. At least it is Stargate Can of tomatoes removed issue Just realized something profound It is a good show. Ridiculous flying with Lois reveal scene Interesting TV version of that Ben Afflect/Samuel Jackson movie Sizzling crisp beauty and lethal weapon. Remind me of Just a terrible movie and they even ruined Charlie View all posts >


Honestly, what’s the whole thing with starlight. She’s practically useless and has like zero useful powers. Plus the actresses face looks very…odd now. Looks like needless plastic surgery. Her arc with the firecracker was useless. She’s only there for nursing home lander which is coming up soon I bet for the “shock value” thing again. But she’s like nowhere in the same league as Elisabeth Shue and her awesomeness. Starlight is totally useless along with Deep and ATrain and black Noir. With Homelander being at Superman level I don’t even know why they bother with the silly “Seven” given rest don’t even do anything. Then there was the whole compound V. All gone now. Laughable. Then the ridiculous “cia” who are humans but want to have the black guy and his few guys stop homelander and act all pissy that they can’t do it as if they’re threatening to step in and fix and do it themselves. Esp the old lady who acts all rushed and in a hurry as if There’s a time limit now or something. These guys can fly and run at super sonic speed and these cia think they are the opposite balanced side ? lol. What is this stupidity. Then there’s supposedly hundreds of these “mutants” a la XMen but they hold pageants to see who can make it to the “seven”. Hahaha. I mean ugh. The cringe. IMO the show should have been that compound V gives Homelander powers and he has a supply of them stashed but can be made human by say Compound W or Z or whatever. And it’s balanced and Vought controls him that way. It’s stupid to think Vaught can control Superman like figure without any leverage except some social media “likes” and “followers”. Ahahahahahaha. I mean have they seen their own character Homelander? You really think he would give a shit about twats and tweets. lol. They didn’t balance the show. The villains are Superman, flash and lady who can explode heads remotely and good guys are humans who are basically nobodies. And have some Japanese girl who is mystery even in s4 Taylor Swift is very beautiful and makes amazing music. Another striking beauty imo was Patsy Kensit. She was in Lethal Weapon movie. IMO she was the lethal weapon in that movie. Just ridiculous hot. That’s exactly what I thought. So she has sex with a guy who looks like her husband exactly. I’m sure she must have had doubts given differences with the guy and women especially have great intuition about these things and esp re their bodies they are very protective because they’re so vulnerable so all her radars would have gone off Now anyways she has sex with this guy and then realizes it’s not her husband. Why would not have just come clean to her husband? Reminds me of another movie where a woman goes to a masked theme party with her husband and they decide to sneak away to another room and have sex with the mask on and she doesn’t realize the guy isn’t her husband at all. I mean it’s honestly a bit over the top. Esp given differences every guy would have in their well….assets. Women should know it’s not her husband. Then makes matters all worse by not talking to her husband. Anyways the movie itself was a bit over the top but it was decent. Wow, this comment was made in 2012! Tom Brady ended up winning 7 Superbowls in 10 appearances. He made like 9 consecutive AFCE wins, 8 consecutive AFCCG appearances and 3 wins in 5 SB! Truly the greatest to ever play the game. And I'm a proud Patriot for his 6 SB wins for Patriots. I think you're confused mate. You're not comparing things properly. What I'm saying is body programming is of highest priority. But if something is trumping that to the point people are considering body physiology altering surgery, then there's other brain chemistry at play here. And this isn't self-determination or drugs/alcohol type because there's no body programming innate to self as gender and sex which is determined neo natal stages of development as you also say. This means, there is something else able to trump the earliest developments of body physiology. This is science realm now. Not some pseudo mumbo jumbo "modern left" co-opting. You're talking modern politics immaturely and incorrectly when these things such as "effeminate" and "tomboy" existed for 100s of years if not 1000s. While modern politics is driven by imbeciles on the right mostly claiming cringey terms like "Woke" and "ultra left" etc. there are morons on the left as well. Basically, you're not properly understanding the issue nor the question but just parroting something. The question is - what is there beyond cultural programming that is even stronger that is coming from within from people. This is a scientific question and beyond your scope imo. There are 2 sexes and 2 genders but there are people acting against their gender and today taking action because of our medical advancements. The question is what is happening in the brain and what is the evolutionary need triggering those desires. The path seems like a dead end from propagation of species perspective but maybe not as well. It is a very small %, granted, but it does seem to exist. I don't think you're qualified now with your childish rants against "modern left" statements to address this. Well, according to what you say, scientifically, there should be NO basis for anyone overcoming body programming that you're one of the 2 sexes (and ergo, one of the 2 genders in the species). And you say there's cultural programming which is now seemingly trumping body programming, which has happened even before self awareness and should be apex and something one cannot overcome. However, some few people are overcoming it and doing gender change surgery or whatnot in order to quiesce their brain asking them (which is basically their brain as well for all intents and purposes) to do so. Meaning, what you say is not complete. Yes, gonadotropins cause formation of reproductive organs first which is where brain wraps around to eventually bring about a sense of self wrt gender. i.e. you're either male or female. But given people are undergoing surgery to affect this means there is more to it scientifically. Something we need to explore and work on and determine what is causing this. Simply saying "cultural programming" is basically acknowledging that you have no clue and you might as well say "god told me to" type argument. I'm sure it is one of the factors but not the only factor. There is underlying brain chemistry happening and firing of synapses which are telling this female that she needs to be male. This process needs to be understood further scientifically. And there quite likely may have been cases this way even through the ages. Hence words like "effeminate", "tomboy" etc. existed before advent of the modern versions. And I'm sure there's other evidence through history too. Perhaps it is that today there's a lot more easier channel for people to voice their opinions and hence it is bringing about more awareness. This is similar to someone saying "there were no rape cases before metoo because there are zero cases reported on rapes in undeveloped nations from 10000BCE to 1900CE etc. It is a good scientific answer, however, as a science person myself, I must ask then how do you explain this person? I don't think her parents forced her to become a man. It is basically brain chemistry, the proteins and neurotransmitters and synapses and dendrons and what not all hodge podge into her thinking she is a man. So she thinks she is a man. While I think scientifically there are only 2 sexes and 2 genders, there's people who seem to think they want to be the opposite sex, for whatever reason. There has to be scientific evolutionary answer for this. Either it is an aberration or a pathway that evolution has brought them to and maybe a million years from now, evolution will show up how it unfolds. Basically natural selection. According to laws of universe matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed and total amount is fixed in the universe and they can be converted from one form to another only or energy to matter So when transporting molecules and atoms and quarks and everything within is converted to energy and reconstituted back into the original matter. So you're the same you just transported through space and time faster. The transporter is not making a copy of you because to make a copy you'd need to convert your matter to energy and then dispose of that matter and transport that energy to point B and use molecules there to reconstitute you back but that's an issue if molecules and atoms etc there aren't available. So it takes you, makes it energy, sends it across and reconstitutes that same energy back to the original matter As long as they make supergirl how Helen Slater looked then I’ll watch it. Just make her less cartoony and the story should be good and don’t bother with Superman at all. Just make it about her and have a good enemy. Not someone stupid like Lex Luthor, a human who is like a bug to Superman but Superman inexplicably never deals with him. She needs to wear her iconic skirt costume too. The recent Sasha one was also good albeit it was a parallel universe. She was amazing as supergirl and had a totally diff look and costume but she was beautiful and played the part really well. What’s funny and ironic and sad is if you watch Bollywood movies, all the actresses there are super light skinned and they all are wannabe white looking. They even have ads featuring how to make yourself look whiter in India. For a nation that is so predominantly brown and dark skinned they want to totally not want that and prefer white skin. It’s quite ironic View all replies >