MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > If this movie ends up being garbage

If this movie ends up being garbage

Then there will be more bad Star Wars movies than good Star Wars movies and as a kid I never thought that would happen:

- The Empire Strikes Back
- A New Hope
- Revenge of the Sith
- Return of the Jedi

OK (neutral):
- Attack of the Clones
- The Phantom Menace

- The Holiday Special
- The Last Jedi
- Rogue One
- The Force Awakens
- Solo

Disney what the hell have you done?


Attack of the Clones as a neutral? LOL


Attack of the clones told a coherent story and at least created a reason to care about the characters. I left it out of the "Good" column because the CGI was so obvious that I felt like I was watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit again.

Far better than any of the sh!t Disney has put out.


It was a hyper-basic "stepping stone" story that just dealt with the next superweapon (robotic controllable clone army) to replace the previous failed superweapon (remote controlled droid army).

AOTC had some of the worst dialogue in movie history, probably THE worst love story ever put on a big screen, horrible editing... It's so bad that literally, its only redeeming feature is excellent CGI.

Okay, it has great sound editing too. The sounds used while chasing Kenobi and shooting those bombs at him, those were great. Kamino was a nice touch. The opening chase against Zam Wessell is kind of fun, even if Anakin's suicidal jump was absolutely retarded.


No no no no no, Armageddon had a horrible love story, Pearl Harbor had a horrible love story. Attack of the Clones did not. Keep in mind that I am not saying it was good, I am simply denying it was horrible. While the dialogue could have been improved Anakin and Padme's love theme was very well written. Titanic and Edward Scissorhands had good love stories.


AOTC had the most cringeworthy and awkward romance ever put on the big screen. The other movies you mentioned make me WISH Michael Bay had directed AOTC!


Wow so it turns out you are completely demented.


At least I know rhinos>hippos




Exactly. Your mind=blown

Rhinos are the ultimate. Hippos are just fat.


Frogs are the lowest form of scum on the face of the Earth. I smash them under my boot and laugh about it



Watch your words... You never know who's hiding in the grass:



See, he's so fat he can't even get it in!


Oh he got it in all right, it was a tight squeeze and she's going to have a little bit of trouble walking tomorrow.


Really? I thought he was just French.


Amazing, every word you just said was wrong.

It seems you also failed to understand what is going on in AotC. Just dealt with the "next superweapon"...???

I mean we see the Empire basically grow out of the Republic like a cancer, which is shown via ship designs (Jedi police ship turns in huge destroyer) as well as the imbalance of the Force concept. We also see how demagogues further use conflict to build up their power and subvert democratic principles and institutions and use Jar Jar voters as useful idiots.

Maybe you should go home and rethink your life...?


The design evolution from Republic to Empire is the best part of the prequels. They had some phenomenal production design. As for the story evolution, it was very basic and paint-by-numbers. Like the whole "Oh hey wow here's a clone army, let's use them! Let's do this without reviewing what they've been taught and conditioned with, considering they were ordered under questionable circumstances."

How did no one notice Order 66? The Kaminoans would have no incentive to hide what they're programming the clones' minds with. That Order is "secret" somehow.


Seems my mind trick failed, you were supposed to rethink your life, not Clones. But ok. Yeah, the PT story was kid of rushed, maybe too many plot points and events for only three movies. Lucas mitigated this with the Clone Wars show somehow, filling in blanks.

In hindsight the Jedi might have been more diligent with the army. But: The point of the story was that Palps put the Jedi into an impossible position of pressure (attack on the Republic by Separatists) in which they could not say no, or stall the process any further, and had to play along - or they would have betrayed the Republic. Yoda suspects it all in Clones with "Victory? This was no victory. The shroud of the dark side has fallen..." anticipating the Jedi purge. Also the Jedi did not own the army, it was the Republic's, the police (jedi) cannot investigate the state army in any country.

Apart from this: the writing was far from "very basic and paint-by-numbers", on the contrary Palps rise and scheme, and the downfall of the Republic are one of the best Sci Fi stories in the last decades. Name me one blockbuster film where the bad guys win in the end and the good guys are all corrupted, killed or in exile. I thought so!


Yeah the heart of the trilogy is strong. With better execution, the movies could have been amazing. A handful of basic bad decisions (which were recognized before the movie even came out) held Phantom Menace back from being exceptional. If Phantom Menace had been a truly fantastic movie, it would have gotten a much better reception, and Lucas would have had a lot more confidence going into Episodes 2 and 3.

He needed to let someone else brush up the scripts, or a few people. Lucas exerted too much control and no one was willing to question any of his decisions.



Phantom Menace is far from ok, other than that I agree with your list. :)


highly underrated movie imo


I really don't think The Phantom Menace is all that horrible. It isn't good but it certainly isn't horrible. I see it as the "Batman Forever" of the Star Wars franchise, there is a good story underneath unfortunately a lot of the campy nonsense tends to distract people from the meaning of the film (Jar Jar Binks, Jim Carrey, Tommy Lee Jones).

If you can just ignore some of the idiocy of The Phantom Menace then it really is a good movie.


In a good movie, you don't have to ignore any idiocy. I'd say the only worthy parts are the pod race and the final lightsaber battle. I bought 2 tickets on release day, I didn't even watch it the second time. Even then, I knew.


Again I didn't say it was a good movie, I don't think it is horrible but it certainly isn't good. There are things I like about it, but other things that I simply cannot forgive (such as the poop jokes).


We have very, very different ideas as to what constitutes a good, ok, or bad Star Wars film.

I'd offer the following, noting that I have not seen the Holiday Special since I was 8 and remember pretty much nothing about it other than we met Chewbacca's family.

- Star Wars
- The Empire Strikes Back
- The Force Awakens
- Return of the Jedi

- The Last Jedi

- The Phantom Menace
- Rogue One

Worse Than Bad
- Attack of the Clones

Unbearably Bad to the Point of Being Unwatchable
- Revenge of the Sith


Hmmmmm uh yeah I think I would rather stare at my diarrhea filled toilet bowel for 2 hours than watch TFA. You have lost your marbles if you think that's a "good" Star Wars film.

Revenge of the Sith on the other hand was epic.


If you find Revenge of the Sith to be anything other than plotless, meandering garbage, it's no wonder an excellent film like The Force Awakens baffles you.


I understand The Force Awakens perfectly, there’s nothing to get. It’s a boring, soul less remake of A New Hope with a bland Mary Sue of a protagonist and a emo little temper tantrum throwing brat of a villain.


In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. Learn the definition of a Mary Sue before making claims you can't back up. Realistically, though, let's just give this thread up. If you like Revenge of the Sith and dislike The Force Awakens we'll never get anywhere. Agreement on an Israel or Palestine board is more likely than any common ground between you and me.


Oh I know what a Mary Sue is and Rey is even more of a Mary Sue than the original Mary Sue. She has no challenges she has to overcome, no character flaws, she is perfect and she was given all of these amazing moments that she didn't earn. She's an obnoxious character, there is no reason to care about her and she is most definitely a Mary Sue.


TFA was the usual Yar Yar Abrams trash. And RotS perfectly tied the PT with the OT and had a lot of fine scenes (battle between Anakin and Obi Wan, the seperation of Anakin and Padme, etc. .). It was clearly the best movie of the PT (which as a whole was, without any doubt, way better then the Disney/KK trash).


You count Rogue One as "bad"?


You don't? What did you find redeeming or enjoyable in that film?


I thought The Last Jedi was okay, but better than Revenge of the Sith? No way, ROTS holds up very well and I'd argue it was one of those movies that gets better the more you watch it, meanwhile the only thing I liked about TLJ was Mark Hamill's scenes, he carries the movie and made it worthwhile for me. The stuff with Leia flying, Finn going from lead character to movie extra and Laura Dern made it hard to like.

I've never seen anyone rank The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones higher than Revenge of the Sith, but okay.


Hamill is an amazing actor but the milk scene makes me sick to my stomach. Total humiliation for his character. He deserved better.


- Star Wars
- The Empire Strikes Back
- Revenge of the Sith

- The Force Awakens
- Return of the Jedi
- Rogue One

- The Holiday Special

Worse Than Bad
- Attack of the Clones

Unbearably Bad to the Point of Being Unwatchable
- The Phantom Menace

Haven't Seen (And Have No Desire To After Disney Beat This Franchise To Death)
- The Last Jedi
- Solo


Our lists are fairly similar, so I have to wonder-- if you have The Force Awakens and Rogue One in the second tier, along with Return of the Jedi, why did you opt not to watch The Last Jedi? It seems that for the most part the films have been getting progressively better for you. I'd expect someone who liked The Force Awakens to have been very interested in the followup.


TLJ okay? Have you lost your mind completely? Even the Ewoks movies were more of a SW movie then this completel desaster.

TLJ is dead. Learn to live with that fact, Disney freak!


You have your opinion, I have mine. Why the name-calling? Because most people seem to agree that it was an okay film, and not the trash you try to paint it to be?

On Cinemascore, the only audience rating service that can't be gamed by detractors, audiences gave it an A. IMBD users rate it 7.3/10. Seems like a film most people find on the better side of okay.


Sorry, most people clearly gave horrible ratings to this movie. TLJ is dead. It wont take long before disney realizes that TLJ damaged their IP and they will take the same step TOEI did with Dragonball GT. Its officially not canon anymore.

And Cinemascore uses way to low samples. Its therefor useless. The large platforms like rottentomatoes gave it 47%! Less then half of all viewers gave it a good score! And thats juist the score including all the hyped ratings before the movie was released.

And IMDB is completely dead (Amazon killed more then a year ago). Read the rating structure. The rating votes are prioritized by random. That isnt a rating system at all.


What world are you living in? You really believe that Disney will soon decide that the no. 1 and no. 7 highest-grossing films of all time were dismal flops, and must be branded as mistakes? Keep on dreaming, baby.

Beyond that, you've also got the ratings systems backwards.

Cinemascore is literally the only system that can't be gamed. They ask people walking out of a theater who have just seen the film what they thought of it. It is impossible to vote twice, and it is impossible to vote for a film you have not seen. The sample size is enough to give an accurate gauge: margin of error is considered to be 6%.

Rotten Tomatoes, meanwhile, is the least trustworthy of the trio you bring up. It is the most easily gamed of all. One can quite simply program a bot to vote 100,000 times for the same film. It's meaningless, especially for a film like The Last Jedi that had an ardent group of detractors openly lobbying the public to go to RT and vote multiple 1-star scores.

IMDB is open to fraudulent voting, though not as much as RT.

The only inarguably un-faked ways to gauge the film are:

Critical response: 91% considered it a good film
Cinemascore: given an A by viewers
Box Office: $620 million domestic (7th all-time), $1.3 billion globally (11th all-time)

You are a delusional member of a tiny minority.

Me? I didn't even like it that much. I'd have given it a B- had I been given a Cinemascore report card to fill out, but I'm baffled by people like you who can't see reality through all their hatred.


We're not counting the Ewoks movies?


I don't count them because they don't include any major characters. The Holiday Special however has the entire cast so I'm counting it.


You're all wrong. The only good Star Wars movie was Ewoks: The Battle for Endor.


Even that one got better ratings then the TLJ desaster :) . And .... it was clearly a better movie.


Wait ... are you suggesting there is a chance that this movie will be anything other than a steaming pile of horse manure?


I’m fairly confident it will be a steaming pile of horse manure but I also don’t believe in passing judgment before I’ve seen it


Interesting list. There will be many different opinions, of course, but one thing that most people agree on is that all the prequels were garbage, including Revenge of the Sith.


No the prequels were not garbage that honor belongs to the Disney films

The prequels are the f-cking Godfather Trilogy in comparison to anything Disney has put out.


Worse garbage does not make other garbage more palatable.


Watching tomorrow afternoon, should be a gooder. If it's not, I'll definitely be posting about it either way.
