
Quint (935)


So pedos attacking this movie? What a surprise :) ! One of the best Bond movies ever Amazing for Hays code era Did Robarts die at the end? *spoiler* So the Bond series ended So disgusting for black people Could it be that it was Joss main target to get himself killed? Could it be that Kates father was a villain too? So all lefties are pedos CG is destroying Bond ... or thats what the crybabies haven destroyed already View all posts >


Its a movie for men. Its so funny and the friendship works so perfectly. And all the stuff in space. And Bruce Willis saving all of us! Its the perfect Armageddon movie :) . Ic, so you are reducing humans, and especially actors, to their skin color. Are you a member of the KKK? And most people forgot that he was also part of a few Doctor Who episodes. Many decades earlier indeed :) . Absolutely. This movie wanted far more then it could be done with its small budget. And a few steps of this way were even realized. For example how the monster reacted to humans. And that it found its end by being treated like a human! Thats bs. Anyone around the world is doing it. Indian people acting like they are caucasians and chinese people too. So get a life a get used to the fact! Just double that figures and it will at least break even :) . Which is completely impossible with the crashing figures week to week. Take a look at Sound OF Freedom, Avatar 2 or MI7. They make a lot of money. Avatar 2 even appr. 2 billion. So forget this narrative. The audience simply starts to ignore woke Hollywood. With a movie labeled "Indiana Jones" losing money for the first time, the franchise is dead for decades. There will be no Disney+ spinoffs. Whats this Crystal Skull thing? There is only Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Temple Of Doom and Last Crusade. Is this Crystal Skull one of the Young Indiana Jones eps? Some id**ts thinking that the bad guys are prime examples for the people of one nation! As mentioned ... they are id**ts! View all replies >