MovieChat Forums > pinkled5

pinkled5 (125)


Why Does Everyone Speak Like Aliens from Another World? Trailer Ruined it For Me Liked it More on 2nd Viewing First Time Viewer So slow... I understand feminism AMC Rerelease but no Showtimes? No Jennifer Lee? Making it Something It's Not I'm a Huge Fan of the Books View all posts >


The original is a top 10 favorite film for me. This one blew it out of the water. Love it! Thanks. I guess it took Avatar 2 to bring me back. I've seen it 9 times in the theater so far. :O I'm not sure how a 20 second scene showing his partner answering the front door makes the entire movie pointless. That seems like a bit of a stretch. I walked out of the theater approximately halfway through the movie, however, I'm an A-List subscriber so seeing the movie cost me nothing extra, and I had a free popcorn/soda coupon. I agree wholeheartedly with your analysis. I would add that the main plot doesn't get kicked off until halfway through the movie when Rose and Abra first make contact. That means the entire first half of the movie has our protagonists with no conflict and no direction. It really is poor storytelling, but I blame Stephen King for that. I feel like the feminists murdered John Connor so that they could have a woman save the world instead. So everything in T1 & T2 now is a complete waste of everybody's time. Great storytelling choices there, guys. Look, I'm all for girl power, but I don't understand why they feel they have to burn down everything that came before them to make themselves relevant. I'm skipping it because of the 100% CGI dog. Lazy film making, imo. In the commentary track Rian Johnson says that initially he wanted Blanc to be sitting behind the couch and to tap it with his foot when he wanted the detective to ask certain questions, etc. However, that didn't really work out with the positioning of everyone, but there was a piano in the room so he had him strike a key on the piano instead. In the commentary track Rian says the character was written to have a Southern accent well before it was known who would be cast in the role. So, if you don't like the Southern accent blame Rian, not Daniel. That being said, I thought Mr. Craig did a fantastic job, so to each their own. My son and I went for our 4th viewing over the weekend and listened to the commentary track. It was quite interesting and enlightening and Rian drew our attention to a lot of stuff we missed on our previous 3 viewings. Great experience! View all replies >