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ThreeTenToYuma (922)


Mueller already blaming Russians for the 2018 midterms Trump lays down the law on backstabbing Canucks! Trump's approval rising fast, on track with other two-term Presidents! IG report to slam Slimeball Comey! Moron FBI agent accidentally shoots bar patron while dancing! Samantha Bee's vulgar attack on Ivanka! View all posts >


Why do you side with China against America? Glorious. Simply glorious. You still don't understand the difference between a nuclear reactor and a centrifuge. LMAO! You're a joke buddy. You're also highly misinformed about Stuxnet. It targeted Iranian centrifuges (not nuclear reactors) and caused only limited damage to their systems. It is laughable how clueless you are. I'm afraid you have absolutely no credibility at this point. You peddled a fake story about Russian hackers infiltrating "nuclear power plant systems". The fact that you think such a thing is even possible proves you have no expertise on the subject. Your claims about malware are equally bogus. Safety critical systems like nuclear plants have many layers of safeguards. You aren't going to trigger another Three Mile Island with some malware on a USB stick. LMFAO! What a joke! The dumb bitch got what she deserved. Can you imagine someone like Walter Cronkite asking such asinine and disrespectful questions? Completely unacceptable. The press in this country has gone completely off the rails. Nuclear power plants can't be "hacked" because they aren't connected to the outside world. What don't you understand, dumbass? The incident involved unauthorized access to personnel and business files, not power plant systems. Posting a link to a dishonest blog post doesn't prove your point. It just proves that you're an imbecile who can't separate fact from fiction. From the Washington Post: [quote]The U.S. officials said there is no evidence the hackers breached or disrupted the core systems controlling operations at the plants, so the public was not at risk. Rather, they said, the hackers broke into systems dealing with business and administrative tasks, such as personnel.[/quote] You have been thoroughly owned once again. Thanks for playing. Yellow journalism at its finest. The study in question involved a simulated COAL power plant, not a nuclear plant. They even admitted that nuclear plants are cut off from the outside world, but still chose to hype up the threat. What a joke. Trump is the chief officer of the executive branch. He has every right to reject the conclusions of the intelligence community as he sees fit. Intelligence agencies are subservient to the President, not the other way around. Try reading the Constitution you ignoramus. View all replies >