
xoxo (160)


Too bad she's racist Why is Lando bi? I swear I predict Soylo is going to flop big time Why I said Trump always on the trending page? Love this movie Kim vs Trump I doubt this movie will be good I'd definetly watch this film for He's hot View all posts >


Enjoy killing innocent fetuses Yes it is Racism is racism. There’s no such thing as “reverse racism”. Anyone can be racist regardless of their color. He’s not that attractive Egyptians weren’t white either She was born in 1452, the same year as Richard lll, but older than him by a few months. Idk what you’ve been reading. Look it up, historically she was about 28 and Edward was 21 or 22. She was not a teenager. Alden was worse imo Shapiro is awesome She is a Mary Sue. End of story. View all replies >