MovieChat Forums > Foundation (2021) Discussion > dark skinned people everywhere!

dark skinned people everywhere!

This show is so inclusive! Dark skinned people everywhere. Women in leadership positions. Even the milky white irish guys look dark due to the way the show is lit. Meanwhile, not a single fucking asian man is seen anywhere in the whole fucking empire. Remember asian guys, this is what they mean when they say diversity.


There are several actors of Indian origin. Not Asian, right?


He OBVIOUSLY means east-Asian.

And yeah, there are none ...

According to the foundation show the future is mostly black with few whites that they forgot to remove :D


According to the cast list at IMDB there are also some "east Asian" looking actors, I also remember one from the Philippines. But when people want to moan, they always find a reason...


Dark east Asian, 2 females only and 1-2 episodes. Oh, so diverse ...


no jackass. indians aren't the asians we think of. they're considered asian in name only because they're on the same continent. indians are their own distinct group, there's also 1b of them too so it's not like they're left out. it seems in the cast there's maybe one other asian woman and some half white asian guy. this casting was probably done by black people. based on how the casting looks, that's exactly what black people do. they only care about black people but can only morally talk about diversity. what they mean is more blacks in everything and no one else. they have to include white people because white people have the power. remember mlk's speech? blacks, whites, all the western religions. that's it.

i just find the situation hilarious to not see a single asian man even in the crowd in the entirety of the first 2 hours of the show. i don't even dare ask for an asian male character with a few lines who isnt a gay, loser, nerd, outcast, evil and all the nasty shit that makes people dislike the character. that would be too good. just have a guy in the background talking to a woman who isn't black for once.


What do you mean "we" white man?


Typically, how many white people (or black people or brown people or red people) would you say are in Asian cinema?


typically are white, black or brown people living in asian countries by 10s of millions?


No. And there's a reason for that.


But there are asians living in the US by the millions ... so the equivalency is not quite straight forward,


it doesnt matter what the reason for that is. i'm american and i live in america. we only care about american issues, both you and i. stop pretending to give a shit about asia.


In europe the term asians the whites there think of Indians and Pakis. In America it is Japs and chinese


i know. only america matters though. you're on an american website and talking about an american tv show. on a related notes, indians aren't even asian. they're technically their own race. europeans just grouped everyone together. there is no social cohesion between indians and east/south east asians. meanwhile, between all the east/south east asians there is. i'm talking about once they are in america that is. individually in asia, they are separated socially the way europeans are.


India is a sub contient with huge mountains separating it from asia they are not asian. u libturds are so dumb...


Typical American geography knowledge, huh? India is a sub continent of what? Let me help you: it starts with an A. And it's not America, not Africa, not Australia...


didnt u ever watch dinosaur docs as a kiddo u retard? india is a different continental plate that is being pushed into the asian plate that is why the tallest mountain in the world is between those two places. they are separated by the tallest mountain range in the world so their genes and culture are separate since they weren't boning each other cuz of those mountains. calling an indian an asian is dumb as shit and is insulting to both indians and asians u libturd. sounds like ur spending too much time in the libturd edumication system and they are rotting your brain with a bunch of their dumbass theories


Now I am a libturd? Funny, a few minutes ago I have been called a trumpist.
India is a country in Asia. Period.

their genes and culture are separate

I read a lot, but that's the biggest BS in a long time. Ever heard of Buddhism and it's way from Nepal VIA INDIA to East Asia? You know that the origin of all SE Asian languages is Sanskrit, which comes from - oopsie - INDIA? Impossible with "cultural SEPARATION" .
Continental shift? This happened millions of years before your...well, no, OUR, not yours...ancestors left the trees they were living at.
In this discussion there is only one retarded. And it is not me.


i consider india part of india not part of asia. indians are sure as fuck not asians they look more like arabs than chinaman


Answer to both: sometimes one generic term is not enough, so you need to use more specific terms.

Here's a map of genetic population in the world. In Asia, there's several population groups. Main groups in Asia are East-Asian (like Chinese), South-Asian (India) or South-East-Asian (like Philippines). And you have even more groups, as Central-Asian (Kazakhstan)

All of them are Asian. However, if you wanna be more specific than that, then the term 'Asian' is not enough.


i never hear someone call indians south asians until now


Maybe you've never heard of "South Asians" because you are the typical ignorant American? Just wondering... Just the same way as you probably call the region Arabs come from as "The Middle East" when the rest of the world calls it "Western Asia" (you probably never heard that one either.)


The "Middle East" includes parts of Northeastern Africa as well Mr. Know It All.


My Mother was born in Northeast Africa, specifically Eritrea to the Tigrinya tribe. Western Asia is the proper term to use for what most Americans call the "Middle East". Even the United Nations use that term. So yes, I do know this particular thing (along with many others, since I'm actually educated) but not all.


The point being you were scolding the other guy, calling him names and insulting all Americans about definitions of Asia when you didn't think to realize parts of the Middle East were in Africa ... and then telling me your own mother was born in one of those places right across the Reed Sea from Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

So when it comes to defending yourself you are OK going with the "what most Americans call" qualifier, but when it's time to attack someone or insult Americans you pull out your comments about Asia including India, which any American who graduated from Elementary School ought to know. Maybe High School for the Indian Sub-Continent descriptor. In other words chill your shit because it is doubtful you have anything to teach here because of your attitude.


Oh fuck off. Of course I know that parts of the "Middle East" are in Africa, that wasn't the point dumbshit, my original point, in case you missed it, was to respond to the clearly racist asshole named jewoogle who is using derogatory names like "chinaman" (not to mention his own name) and who was the one being insulting to everyone else by calling them retard. So I called him out to show his ignorance. Maybe read the whole thread next time before showing your own ignorance...


If you are going to comment, try not losing your temper, and if you are doing to "respond to clear racism" don't a bad example and l would be agreeing with you.

There are tons of trolls here, I think mostly trolls.


You are right, I do apologize for that. It was a bad day when I posted that in anger.


You are a troll.


Sidharta Gautama was born in Lumbini, which is located in a teritory now known as Nepal.

But when he was born there was no Buddhism yet (i.e, it didn't start on his birth.) Nor there was Nepal.

He was away from Lumbini when he began teaching Buddhism. There was no India the country as we know today either.

So saying that Buddhism is from Nepal isn't exactly correct. Buddhism was originating from ancient India.


Except , religion in India is not Buddhism but Hinduism , Buddhism is the religion of China/Japan and other east asian countries


What? No, China and Japan adopted Buddhism into their culture and their own belief systems (i.e., Japanese Shinto.) In fact, Buddhism was introduced into Japan from Korea almost 1000 years after the birth of Buddhism in India. So much ignorance in this thread...


The Indian subcontinent, or simply the subcontinent, is a physiographical region in South Asia. It is situated on the Indian Plate and projecting southwards into the Indian Ocean from the Himalayas. It generally includes Bangladesh, Bhutan, the British Indian Ocean Territory, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.[1][2][3][4] The terms Indian subcontinent and South Asia are sometimes used interchangeably to denote the region, although the geopolitical term of South Asia generally also includes Afghanistan (a member state of SAARC).[5] The United Nations geoscheme for Asia includes both Afghanistan and Iran in Southern Asia.
Geologically, the Indian subcontinent is related to the landmass that rifted from the supercontinent Gondwana during the Cretaceous and merged with the Eurasian landmass nearly 55 million years ago.[6] Geographically, it is the peninsular region in South-Central Asia, delineated by the Himalayas in the north, the Hindu Kush in the west, and the Arakanese in the east.[7] The neighboring geographic regions around the subcontinent include the Tibetan Plateau to the north, Indochinese Peninsula to the east, and Persian Plateau (or Greater Iran) to the west.




Smart :-)


Don't worry. I'm sure the Barbarian systems that surround the Foundation (the violent bad guys) will be uniformly populated by white males. Woke shows are kinda predictable.


and how is that a "dont worry", asshole? why would i give a flying fuck about white guys. this is a thread about asian guys. are white guys already crying about being left out after decades of having the most positive roles imaginable? where were you asshole when minorities were complaining about how they were depicted in movies and white guys popped in saying they're being too sensitive? why cry now?


and how is that a "dont worry", asshole? why would i give a flying fuck about white guys. this is a thread about asian guys

Well, for what matters, 90% of the content I watch nowadays is Asian, mostly Korean or Japanese.

Of course, by Asian, I mean REAL Asian. You know the difference because real ones don't need to wave a victim card asking for quota roles in Hollywood. They're becoming the next First World and leaving our "diverse" Woke Western countries behind.


oh shut up


Take your own advice...


tell yourself that. you're the one crying about white guys being the bad guys. are you a real white?


why would anyone give a fuck about you if you dont give a fuck about them?


get back to me after you've improved your reading comprehension.


I already did, the thing is just like you don't give a fuck about certain kinds of people I don't give a fuck about you either. Retard.


are you sure you learned how to read yet? try again?


yes you're a stupid anti white racist and it's about time someone calls your shit out


nope, try again. you are starting to annoy me with your inability to read though.


Guess you shouldn't have told the other guy that he's crying when you're crying nonstop for being called out for your bs. Stop crying.


lol dumbass. you can't even read. can you stop annoying me? learn how to fucking read first. THEN talk to me.


F you, racist. Stop being homophobic.


I don't see what your problem is.


my problem is black people don't give two shits about diversity. when they say diversity, they mean more blacks. we know who runs this show. if it was run by white people who wanted diversity, they wouldn't have made it all black and white.


Is that all black people or just some black people?

When I read your posts, you make it seem like you are under some sort of obligation to watch this TV series and it offends you. It would make more sense for you to just watch something else.


why would i be under any obligations? what i'm talking about is this huge cultural movement where black people are constantly asking for more diversity. they hide behind this moral shield. so of course when i see that once they have the power to, all they care about is black people and not diversity, it annoys me. i don't have to watch this show but i've already done so. it has already gone into my brain so that's why i'm here to discuss it. i guess if black people said "i want more blacks but only blacks in this or that, it wouldn't sound quite as good would it?


I said you make it seem like you're obligating yourself.

Do you also complain when white people dominate the screen?


did white people cry about diversity? are we even having the same discussion here or do you plan on constantly going off on tangents to win the argument? the issue here is black people need to stop hiding behind the diversity moral shield and say it like it is. "i want more black people in this production, i don't care about any other race." if that's not the case, then they need to include other races in their diversity production. end of story.


Since there are people representing many races in this TV series, why is it of any concern at all when it comes who any character being portrayed by any certain actor?

I've yet to hear any people identifying as black or asian who are complaining about the casting choices of the show. That is, unless you are black, then I've got one complaint in this thread.


Well, as it happens, this is diversity done right - it's a far-far future of humanity and everything is possible.
If only it was written well...


Well, as it happens, this is diversity done right

Not really.

According to the novel, Seldon picked brilliant minds to populate the Foundation planet. That means the original population would be mostly White or East-Asian. Blacks have the lowest IQ average, which means only a tiny percentage of the original population would have been black.

And that would have been the original demographics. People interbreed. After some generations genetics becomes homogenous again. The Foundation wouldn't have a "diverse" population but a homogeneous one that would look like mixed White and East-Asian (in case you want to "do diversity right").


You understand that 1. people would adapt to different environments on other planets and change physically over the centuries and 2. there's gonna be a lot of interbreeding in the future - there already is.

This is really irrelevant and one of the least issues with the series.


You understand that 1. people would adapt to different environments on other planets and change physically over the centuries

Kind of funny how you start with "you understand that", like you were a professor explaining something... and then continue making a statement which is complete non-sense 😂

Yeah, animals can evolve due to environment pressure and natural selection... except that natural selection barely applies in a civilized world which protects its members. In the natural world, an animal who is short-sighted will die because of it, failing to leave offspring. In a civilized society, he'll get glasses.

That has consequences: human race has been declining since the Stone Age because of the lesser pressure of natural selection. Population 10,000 years ago was actually stronger and more intelligent than current one.

and 2. there's gonna be a lot of interbreeding in the future - there already is.

Sure. And I repeat, since it seems you missed it: because of that, there won't be "diversity". After a few generations, genetics in a group becomes homogeneous again.


Population 10,000 years ago was actually stronger and more intelligent than current one.

You left out lazy. Us weak idiots developed mankind's greatest advances in the last 200 years or so. 😜


racism and jokes aside, that's actually a popular misconception and or intentional inside joke. people who develop anything are very diligent and smart. it takes a lot of effort to create anything new. lazy people could never even reach a level where they could develop anything new.


Seldon (of the +20,000 years in the future) was not well received on Trantor. The book does not go into any detail at all about skin color vs intelligence. Cultural identity was examined in more detail in the prequels though.

So which shade of brown did you want for the series?


that's very romantic and all, shades and such but in the real world, facial features matter. it tells you what race the person really is. fact is, they're blacks who are mixed with white. in our society, we consider them black and they do consider themselves black, so let's say they are black. it doesnt matter what shade they are, they are black. i'm not talking about shades, i'm talking about race/ethnicity. why are there no asian people in the whole fucking galaxy?


Do you adhere to the "one drop rule"? Or if a person can pass as white, is it good enough for you? Why would you care if you identify them as black?

Nikol Kollars is part Asian, Kim Adis is Filipino, Chipo Chung is half Chinese. You didn't actually watch this series at all did you.


fuck part asian. that's how hollywood skirts around including asian men. half asian isn't actually asian. after decades of completely shitting on the asian male image, now the best they can do is put half asians in hollywood? it's not good enough. i don't adhere to the one drop rule for blacks. whatever it is they consider themselves, i'm cool with it. most mixed blacks consider themselves black. was obama white? i never heard that before.

by the way, how movies portray that race is how people in general view that race. this is especially true if they don't actually know a lot of people of that race. i hope we don't have to argue about this fact. 99.999999 percent of characters in hollywood productions who are jews are also the good guys. how do i know they're jews? they always include a line about being a jew. why do you think jews are always the good guys?


Jews are not always the good guys. Ever watch Lucky Number Slevin?


no so i can't discuss the specifics with you but one movie? lol. what jews usually do is if they have a jew villain, he's facing against a protagonist jew. is that what happened here? even if it isnt so, it's just one movie one of many many.


When you say "jews", does that mean all of them or just two?


deflecting because you know i'm right and can't think of anything to argue against it.

"Jews are not always the good guys. Ever watch Lucky Number Slevin?" lol. weak ass attempt. so was the villain jew facing the protagonist jew in this one?


Your evasion is weak.


OP considers mixed blacks black, but refuses to consider mixed asians asian. Absolutely hilarious.


I think it is more "twisted from the neck on up" than funny.


All I can do these days is laugh at the insanity.


Well, I have to agree. As with Dune, a post-racial universe is not white. Cannot be white. But not black either. Probably in few thousand of years population will be so mixed that race, even in a social context, will have no meaning ...


The Future is Brown !

This is because it turned out that multi-culturalism and globalism didn't actually promote diversity, instead they did the opposite and destroyed it.


It's Apple TV, to Apple diversity and inclusion means blacks and women... kind of funny since it ignores reality that blacks are declining in numbers in developed countries and only growing faster than the world's population in 3rd world countries where they just die off in droves from the poor standards of living. Meanwhile they ignore the large Chinese population. I don't know maybe Apple ignores China because it is so ashamed of how it uses Chinese factories that engage in such horrible labor practices that it disgusts people.


I had my government-issued "Races Represented for Modern Television" tally card out and by golly you're right! No asians! This will not stand, you know? This aggression will not stand!


i watched 3 episodes so far. and it's strange to see Salva Hardin is a black woman, the first mayor of foundation? come'on, that's too much deviation from the novel.


Well, you nailed it. It is clearly NOT the novel. It is a TV serial adaptation inspired by the novel. After quite a few episodes now, at least it is getting a little understandable and interesting. I don't think it is very good. This thing about leaping through space is such total BS ... and that idea that in 10,000 years they will not have space suits with some kind of navigational abilities ... well their technology is silly. The most powerful space warship in the galaxy is fooled by people because they are more than 2 meters apart. We have burglar alarms today that can do better than that, and of course our Navy's ship Aegis battling guns ... that are even programmed to not shoot their own ship. This is pretty bad.

The thing that bothers me is that with a little thought they could have at least avoided some of these things.


The Hardin of the TV series is the warden, not the mayor. The book Hardin was the figurehead mayor until after the first Seldon crisis hologram revealed the true purpose of setting up the Foundation on Terminus.
