Overrated big time

...I'm surprised I haven't seen a post like this here yet, maybe I just haven't looked hard enough. There's always some edgy contrarian out there who has to say some brilliant classic is actually lame. SIGH


did you literally copy this from the T2 board?


what? no its overrated...


so you're the edgy contrarian !


worse movie ever and overrated...


Ah, a troll. > Ignore list.


lighten up Francis.


"Stripes" right?


Deadpool, I think.




Eat a sandwich


Italian BMT is the best, with the onion sauce. Yum


Movie was too woke for me. Having a black man finish the job that a white man couldn't finish by killing the last terrorist made my blood boil. Black man kills 1 measly little terrorist and they fawn all over him like he just saved the world. White man kills 80 million terrorists, gets a pat on the back.

Big time pandering. Might as well call the movie, "Woke Hard" instead.


IKR? and theres that bit where that woman punches out the reporter!
Its feminism gone mad!
she's not even makin any sammiches


would be similar to the Wokeinator.


Too bad "Woke Hard" is already the title of another movie. It's about my teenage years.


ehhhhh joke isn't that great...but also not that bad, either.


Good film, but nothing you haven't seen before.


I'm well out of my teenage years.
What does it have to do with it?


I respect your opinion and I will fight to the death your right to it, but Die Hard is one of the greatest films ever made. And it was ahead of its time because it showed that black people could not only drive cars but drive cars into other cars. Progressive.


Still the best Christmas movie ever.


Have you ever seen Christmas Evil (1980)?


The film was made over thirty years ago, which is well before most of the posters on this discussion board came into this world. The film is rightly identified by critics and fans alike as creating a new genre of action hero who is fallible, reluctant to act, and is capable of being harmed, even exhausted, in his cinematic travails. As an action film it compares extremely well with its contemporaries, and its central character offers, at very least, the APPEARANCE of greater, grittier realism, than the entire previous gang of hyper-steroidal, musclebound morons that dominated the genre up till then. This was the third film of John McTiernan after 'Nomads' (1986) and 'Predator' (1987), the former a post-psychedelic supernatural thriller, and the latter an 'Alien'-esque action film of the aforementioned hyper-steroidal, musclebound-moron-type. I'm fairly sure there is not a single director in the cosmos that would mind these films on his/her/its resume, if it meant they got to go on directing big-buck Hollywood blockbusters for the next thirty years. As for 'brilliant', this is an arguable point; yet no argument has been proffered. As for 'classic', well, this might be arguable too, but for the inexplicable yet UNDENIABLE charisma of Bruce Willis and his 'Yippee-Ki Yay Motherf**ker' tagline, both of which have been embedded in western culture for nearly a generation. What is certifiably lame, however, is a poster identifying themselves as 'edgy' or 'contrarian', without giving any kind of reasonable argument or proof of why they didn't like the film. If you didn't like the film, or felt it didn't live up to your perception of its own hype, thirty-three years on, I would say this is your issue, not anyone else's. If you are more than fifteen years old, it might be argued that you might have seen this film a bit earlier, when the weight of years did not oppress your delicate sensibilities, nor unfairly inflate your expectations. Cheers.


The jokes on you we are all like 40 years old and the kids are on cool social media platforms that we don't understand.


"the APPEARANCE of greater, grittier realism than the entire previous gang of hyper-steroidal, musclebound morons that dominated the genre up till then."

you donts have to drag down other good action film to prop up die hards. they all good action film. die hard just different. different does not alway means better. i prefer arnie and syl musslebound moron action but like die hard as wells.


Assholes—what you call “edgy contrarian”—don’t have an edge, Willi boy. Assholes, by their very nature, are DULL, as in “Duh.”


yeah, well its overrated and a christmas movie.


I'm not a contranian..the world just generally has bad taste.


This one isn't overrated but all the sequels are however.


Frankly I think Die Hard with A Vengeance is the best sequel. With 2 being right behind it. I like Live Free or Die Hard more than most but it is inferior to the first 3. Part 5 is pretty bad.


I prefer the NES game


Really? The Angry Video Game's review makes it look like an agonizingly painful experience.


AVGN just recreates the experience most of us went through as noobs, at least he did when Mike was around to fill him in on what those experiences were like as James only seemed to really know the pain of being a Karate Kid noob. If you can get a good run in on Die Hard it is extremely epic and a fantastic experience.


I'll pass. I suck at old Video Games. Can't even get far in Mario Bros games.


Well the world is a twisted place


I was just about to track me down a laughing hysterically gif before I read the whole post 🤣🤣🤣🤣
