Overrated big time

...I'm surprised I haven't seen a post like this here yet, maybe I just haven't looked hard enough. There's always some edgy contrarian out there who has to say some brilliant classic is actually lame. SIGH


Nah, it's a really good film. What bugs me, is that people consider this a Christmas movie. It's clearly an action/crime movie first, with a christmas theme.


It was confirmed to be a Christmas movie.


Die Hard is good movie but overrated. First Blood much, much better.

and it is NOT christmas film. no snow.


It doesn't snow in Hawaii so I guess there is no Christmas there?


i dont know about hawaiis but die hard is film that just so happen to set at christmas.

there is big difference between "christmas film" and "film set at christmas".

christmas film = story is set around theme of christmas with christmas central core theme (eg - santa claus movie star tim allen or dudley more, christmas vacations with chevy or home alone).

film set at christmas = story not set around central christmas theme (eg die hard or lethal weapons which are action film with christmas merely background theme not important to film story)

die hard dont just lack snow there no christmas music (run dmc no count) no decorations etc. die hard was release in summer 1988 and marketed to publics as extravaganza spectacle NOT christmas film otherwise it release at christmas.

die hard is summer blockbuster action not christmas film.


"no decorations"

You probably missed the falling christmas tree and those bloody greetings-tapes McClane used to tape a gun on his back. This movie has plenty of christmas references and it has fun with the season. Its a christmas movie.
