MovieChat Forums > Kendricks

Kendricks (2082)


A bit underwhelming so far One of these movies that remind me... Perfect example for a post-modern women in this documentary Unhinged rainbow warrior feminist fantasy? "It's called capitalism!" [Spolers] As usual, completely overhyped before release. "Execute Order 66!" Are the "The original is scarier!!" people just hipsters? "Moderate Islam" Mental illness galore View all posts >


> rules on sex b4 marriage Yes, it's called modesty, self respect and self value. We know leftists struggle with these concepts and thus make fun of it while they collect STDs like Pokemon when they "have fun" clubbing in their 20s and later wonder "where the good men/women" are. xD > hatred of trannies We do not hate the individuals, on the contrary, we have a lot of compassion for them We do however despise the rotten ideology that made them miserable and don't want this nonsense to spread further. As for gays, no true conservative hates gays, only homophobes hate gays. > clear abortion policy Absolutely. We are and always will be against the murder of innocent people. That you guys have an issue with that, says more about you than us. > I assume they are against mixed race couples too Nope, we're not. Why would we? Conservatives believe people should be judged based on the contents of their character, not the color of their skin. The only people keeping racism alive are leftists by constantly making everything about race even if it shouldn't be. It's all you guys have. Without your racism phantom, your whole ideology falls apart. > always claiming everyone else is a pedo. No, usually just people where it's rather obvious. Your beloved Joe Biden, for example. If making inappropriate sexual remarks towards minors, sniffing their hair and touching them in suspicious ways isn't enough to warrant that, I don't know what is. Also interesting the protection of children has less priority for you over the protection of potential perpetrators. Pot, kettle... and all that. The corpses were sealed in plastic. The only reason they did notice a smell was because of the shotgun blast breaking the wall and hitting one of the bodies, breaking the seal, releasing the stench. Yeah, the first few episodes were okay, but then the show suddenly focused almost solely on anything Mariko while Blackthorne did literally nothing but still stumble over his bad manners, lack of Japanese and shitty mood while asking for his fucking ship every episode. Thrilling. I kinda like Jarvis, but man... this ain't Blackthorne. Not his fault either, what can he do with that sort of material? When people started calling the show Shegun, I initially thought they overreact. Well they did not. This is Shegun. Mariko was ultimately the center of everything and the show wasted even more valuable time and sacrificed other good sub plots and scenes from the book and original for the whole Ochiba nonsense. We get it. The force is female. > Veterans do not own PTSD. And I never said they did. Straw man. Next. > You overreacted. Nope. Still spot on. > I like Kirsten. Exactly, your judgement is clouded and you're biased. This much is obvious, even without coffee. Hahahahah "or what she went through" hahahaha. What the fuck are we talking about here!? IT'S A MOVIE SET! You people need to go outside and touch some grass, seriously! PTSD my ass! Go speak to veterans who are tempted to blow their brains out every day if you want to see what PTSD really means and now tell me again to have some coffee as if I am exaggerating. I am not. Oh no, poor Millionaire girl living in a perfectly safe ivory tower, my heart breaks for her............ "I got PTSD from being surrounded by my millionaire friends shooting a movie while having peasants around me to cater to my every need at all times - how will I ever recover!" Imagine being so self-absorbed to actually dare claiming you got PTSD, something that kills thousands of people every year, from making a fucking movie! And why is it always leftists having the audacity to spew such shameless and dissociative bullshit? Absolutely disgusting. Like that's gonna happen. xD That would be indeed a story worth telling considering the hundreds of victims and the general craziness of it all. Cancelled? You would go to prison in Germany doing so, it's literally illegal. Yeah, another good example. We could also look to Asia and what happened under Mao... bu that would be politically incorrect and we don't want that, do we. View all replies >