MovieChat Forums > Gilligan's Island (1964) Discussion > My Weird Concern About the Women

My Weird Concern About the Women

I used to watch Gilligan's Island after I entered adolescence. I used to wonder about Ginger and Mary Ann's "monthly dilemma". Honestly, it used to bother me when I was a kid! lol

I could not imagine what the two women did every month to deal with "that"! I figured Mrs. Howell was past menopause, but I used to think , "I'd hate to be in the girls' situation."

I didn't care how the men were able to shave, but I used to wonder how Ginger and Mary Ann dealt with life on an island without feminine hygiene products. It used to bug me. Weird,huh?


Palm leaves and a sea sponge ?


LOL I used to wonder about weird stuff too, but the "monthly visitor" never occurred to me.

Mrs. Howell was always perfectly clean and coiffed. Those white gloves; never soiled, she never got overly warm with the layers of clothing. Ginger could have worn wigs, but she too, was always perfect.

MaryAnne was the only one who dressed appropriately for a tropical climate...although that outfit she wore (I believe only in 2 epidsodes) with the jumper-skirt and those white ankle boots--omg it was hideous!

But I digress. There are SO many potholes about hygiene for the castaways it is ridiculous. But that is the magic of GI.


The Rolling Stones answered your question decades ago: Let It Bleed!


Plot holes


I've had similar questions with the reality show, Naked and Afraid and dealing with a sudden bout of diarrhea in the middle of the African veld.


How did Ginger keep that white dress white?


There are so many things about this show that wasn't realistic. I agree about the monthly issues.

My main issue was the clothes Lovey wore. She had some really nice outfits when you consider it was only a 3hr tour. It makes even less sense that the skipper and Gilligan wore the same clothes when you consider it was their boat. No extra clothes when you're out at sea?


Not realistic, that's an understatement! LOL I could never figure out how Ginger maintained her hairstyles on an island with no blow dryers. And that red color, come on, were we supposed to believe that it was natural? Her roots were never showing.

Lovey and Ginger seemed to have pretty extensive wardrobes for a "three hour tour". And what was with those gloves that Lovey wore? Wasn't it hot on the island?


Yeah, why DO Lovey and Ginger have extensive wardrobes, when other characters do not? And why are Ginger and the Howells on a little boat with the hoi-polloi, instead of a yacht?

I suppose you could work out a scenario about Howell needing to flee the country with his wife and mistress, something about securities fraud...


Otter- yes, another scenario. But if Mr. Howell had to flee the country, he did it in the worst way possible! A three hour boat ride! He should have been on a plane to Tahiti.

It was a fun, clean show but the inconsistencies boggle the mind.

I used to wonder why the wealthy Howells would take a little boat ride with people who were clearly "beneath" their social status. I can't picture them rubbing elbows with the working class. I could, however, imagine them having their own yacht.

Of course maybe that day they were having some repairs done on it, so they decided to go "slumming" and see how the little people live!

When it comes to wardrobes, I used to wonder how Gilligan, the Skipper and the Professor kept their one outfit clean. They even slept in their clothes. And what did they wear when their clothes were being washed? Did they borrow a couple of bathrobes from Mr. Howell?

I know Mary Ann made wonderful meals with the few ingredients available. I wonder where she plugged in her iron because no one's clothes were ever wrinkled. LOL


Professors of the social sciences should remain on fantasy island.


I have a theory on this that I wrote about in a different thread here.


If the Professor could make a radio out of a coconut, I'm sure he could make tampons out of bird feathers.


LOL I think that might be a little unsanitary though!

And what exactly was he a professor of? He seemed to know about a wide range of subjects. Did he have degrees in multiple fields? I wonder what he actually taught. History? Science? Anthropology? Chemistry?
If he was so smart you think he would've checked the weather reports for that day and realized there was a big storm brewing! lol

When I was a kid this show led me to believe that a college professor knew about everything!


After I went to college I found out that most college professors don't know much.


LOL True. In college I noticed that the professors in the social sciences didn't know much beyond those topics. The professors in the hard sciences like math, chemistry,etc. seemed to know more.

But the professor on Gilligan's Island was definitely an anomaly among "professors". He knew something about everything. (except shipbuilding)


I guess the prof on GI was a modern-day renaissance man.


But the professor on Gilligan's Island was definitely an anomaly among "professors". He knew something about everything. (except shipbuilding)

LOL, so true. He knew everything from electronics to chemistry, but couldn't help build a raft or repair the boat?


LOL, so true. He knew everything from electronics to chemistry, but couldn't help build a raft or repair the boat?

Well, that, and the dozens of people that managed to get shipwrecked on the island over the years, secretly found a way off, and then didn’t think to mention, “Hey, there’s some people shipwrecked on that island over there; you should probably go and rescue them”. And the most obvious. Why couldn’t the professor figure a way out, if they could :D


I used to wonder how Ginger and Mary Ann dealt with life on an island without feminine hygiene products.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the human race exist for millennia without "feminine hygiene products?"


It sure did and it wasn't fun for women. Women used cloths and towels, etc. I was wondering HOW Ginger and Mary Ann dealt with the situation since they obviously were used to store bought products. Just where would they get all the materials necessary to make their own supplies?


and back then they were accustomed to belts and hooks for those pads. Adhesive pads weren't developed until early 1970's.

