MovieChat Forums > MsSouthernBelle

MsSouthernBelle (8)


Still one of the funniest shows ever. If I wasn't so nice, I'd cuss out my niece...... Re: His wife Audrey View all posts >


Do you see the stupidity you started, Axisunbound12? Oh, my. How could anyone in their right mind vote for such a vile man. I’ve voted Republican my whole life, and decided not to vote this election. From the start, Trump displayed immoral traits of someone not becoming of a leader. He didn’t want to be president. His ego did. He’s selfish and disrespects everyone and anyone. Since he’s been elected, he hasn’t slowed down. He talks like a immature 3yr old, and fights back at anyone who says something that upsets his fragile mental state of mind. From day 1, when you’re president, you will be criticized…..always. It comes with the job. As president, it’s his job to unite the people. Not constantly divide it. The easy way out for him is to spend millions of tax dollars golfing and tweeting. How many people have come and gone in the White House since his Inauguration. No inconsistently or stability. Even his wife looks miserable to be around such a man. And speaking of women, you are clear that he has no respect for you. He thinks we’re objects. My brother lives in Europe and he says they laugh at America constantly now. This is the worst presidency in my life time. More drama in 1yr that some presidents that have served 2 terms. Absolute turmoil every time I turn on the news. A reprehensible human-being. It sure would be nice. Someone is probably thinking about it. I was too young to remember the original run of this show and had to catch them syndicated in my teens. The more recent series that ran for 2yrs was horrible. If they remake it, let's hope they do it with respect to the original series and not like those silly Tom Cruise movies. Well, that was certainly odd. The only think I can say is that The Professor looked very dapper in the black. There are so many things about this show that wasn't realistic. I agree about the monthly issues. My main issue was the clothes Lovey wore. She had some really nice outfits when you consider it was only a 3hr tour. It makes even less sense that the skipper and Gilligan wore the same clothes when you consider it was their boat. No extra clothes when you're out at sea? View all replies >