MovieChat Forums > Gina Carano Discussion > her 15 minutes of fame,.........

her 15 minutes of fame,.........

are just about up.


I concur.


she is not that important. just take her stupid twitter account and go away.


I'm sure you smoothbrains only knew who she was for 15mins. Maybe someone should take your stupid MovieChat account away you sad act, 65k posts? Who tf cares about your opinion that much? Just delete your account and leave.


If averaged out over say a 5 year period, that would be over 350 posts a day


That's crazy, I haven't even made that many posts in a year!


Just like the knobheads on Twitter that got her fired

Live their whole lives on social media. Gotta get those likes and retweets to feel good about themselves.


"Smoothbrains" -- that's, uh, that's quite the retort.

But lissencephaly is no joking matter.


I hope I added a new retort into your lexicon.


I like it. Though my cerebrum is as smooth as polished glass, so take that with a grain of salt.


Just a new twist of the time-honored insult "stupid"




With high quality posts like this I can see how you reached 65k posts, loser


live with it


The question is how do you live with yourself. Don't you notice the stench?


i don't really care about this person.


Her "15 minutes of fame" have been lasting quite a few years. She was labeled as the "face of women's MMA", and that was 6 years ago.


She was a warrior


You spelled career wrong. She's allowed to work whether you like her or not.




Quick maybe you can start a hashtag about it!


That's not a real acting job. Disney vs Daily Wire? LOL!


You're not a real person lol, bots get ignored! Welcome to my deplatform list!


Deny reality, my easily triggered snowflake ❄.

From acting on a hit Disney TV series to a Ben Shapiro web video is still a long slide downward.




From acting on a hit Disney TV series to a Ben Shapiro web video is still a long slide downward

Due to the rabid Twitter mob and people like you and hownos.

Gina Carano did nothing wrong and is being punished for it because poeple can't handle different opinions and get joy and amusement from other peoples tragedy due to the lack of anything in their own pathetic lives.

They sit on Twitter all day claiming everything is sexist or racist regardless of what the original tweet is they literally just project. Someone asks a question about the effectiveness of masks for example and you are labelled a conspiracy theorist and anti-masker all because you asked about it. That is how it works now.


You're a bit clueless so I'll educate you.

Disney is a business. They want to make money. Dummy Gina destroys their opportunity to make money when she insults their clients. They don't want some idiot employee ruining their business reputation by insulting customers when they've been trying to expand their customer base for the past couple of years.

Now, Gina can promote her QAnon ramblings since she's been fired from Disney.


I'll educate you

Not much chance of that happening based on your first reply

insults their clients

Please inform us who she insulted?

They don't want some idiot employee ruining their business reputation by insulting customers

You mean like Pedro Pascal, the High republic authors, Pablo Hidalgo, you mean those employers who attack fans, call anyone who voted for Trump a nazi, say all white people are racists, those employees.

Gina can promote her QAnon ramblings

Another lie. She never tweeted a single conspiracy theory, she just didn't. All you are doing is the same as the idiots on Twitter and literally just copying and pasting each other.


Gina has one obsessed fan in you. You can find her on the web. Her mainstream career is over.


Again. No rebuttal. got it.

So I was right you are just paratting Twitter. oOu probably haven't even read any of her tweets.

Gina has one obsessed fan in you

And I guess you enjoy attacking woman based on lies. Nice. Big of you. Do you get enjoyment out of seeing someones career ebing ruined based on lies. You are a sad indivual if that is the case.

I bring arguments and facts, you bring insults, tells me a lot about you. Quite pathetic really.


Maybe critically. But I bet she makes more money writing/starring in her own movie(s) than she did as a recurring character on a TV series.


Unlikely. Disney would've likely given her a TV show since they've been milking Star Wars for every bit of profit they can make from it.

You're also assuming she has talent as a writer. She'll make one obscure bad web movie and maybe do interviews for QAnoners. Her reputation is mud in legitimate movies and TV.


Her reputation is mud in legitimate movies and TV

Due to vile people like you and the ones on Twitter, no one else.

Star Wars fans ddn't cancel her.


You sound like you're in love with her. Are you crying?


No rebuttal then.


The sign of a weak argument is when you reply with something attempting to make it personal. Just shows you have absolutely nothign to bring to the table.

Sad really. If you are gonna state and opinion then stick by your convictions. If you have any.


You're the one becoming triggered by her firing and any criticism of her.

You really do sound like you're in love with her.


If taking an acting job from Daily Wire isn't a "real" acting job then trans men aren't "real" women.


Did you just call Gina a tranny?


She's been somewhat famous for over a decade now, hardly 15 minutes. Now, she is more famous than at any point in her career. Now people that don't follow MMA or the Mandalorian know who she is, and if I get my way, she will soon be known as "Congresswoman Gina Carano."


good luck to her.


I/we need the luck in convincing her. She still seems to want to act. She has all the key ingredients we look for in a candidate. She is principled, articulate, attractive, courageous enough to stand up to the mob, and she has the oh so crucial name recognition. She is already far more popular with the base than the typical republican politician and Trump would almost certainly hold a rally for her once she wins her primary. IMO, if we get her in the right district and she commits to it, she can win.


I still don't get why she blimped up so much. She had Foine physique during her MMA days and right after when she left to do action movies.

Is she afflicted with the same hormonal problem Pierce Brosnan's wife has?




She would proabbly look like chyna if she did roids


Haven't you heard? Being fat and obese is beautiful now. If you are skinny and fit with clean skin you're a racist fascist homophobe.


If you think that then you never heard of Ben Shapiro. Also, she has been in the spotlight for a while now. She only brought major exposure to female MMA fighting. You leftist need to stop wearing your second mask on your eyes.


i rarely discuss politics on here.


you talk about BS as if he's some big name even people who are not on twitter know, lol


Damn right. There was women's MMA prior to Gina, but those events took place in the backwaters. Gina was the first big star in women's MMA and she elevated it to a level that Dana White gave them access to the ultimate MMA stage - the UFC. There have been better fighters in womens MMA since Gina (Cyborg, Rousey, Nunes) but no one with Gina's charisma and star power.


Ben Shapiro is the guy who admitted to the world that he couldn't please his wife sexually, right?


IDK but he is Jewish. Jews always say they have small dicks.


Not a chance. She's here to stay.
