MovieChat Forums > Sarah Silverman Discussion > Sarah Silverman's comments on being fire...

Sarah Silverman's comments on being fired from a movie over an old blackface sketch show a lack of growth

Silverman recently spoke out against "cancel culture" on The Bill Simmons Podcast, noting that she recently lost a film role for wearing blackface on a 2007 episode of her Comedy Central show The Sarah Silverman Program. As Princess Weekes points out, Silverman told Simmons "it's really scary" that one mistake could haunt a career and said her role went to somebody who "has never stuck their neck out" in comedy. Weekes adds: "A comedian who has never done blackface is not a lesser comedian or someone who hasn’t taken on risky subject matter. That’s someone who has never used a historically racist American theatre trope because they know it’s wrong, offensive, potentially hurtful, and most importantly, if you are trying to 'push the envelope,' dated." As for cancel culture, "this is one role," says Weekes. "Sarah Silverman’s blackface sketch is well known; it was the thing I knew about her before watching any of her work. She was literally just in Ralph Breaks the Internet last year and is working on other projects. She’s been consistently working since 2007. This is one time that someone was uncomfortable because of it and said, Hey, no. Maybe the people behind that show were people of color, who frankly don’t have to forgive her for doing blackface, whether or not anyone else does. That’s the reality of the situation." Weekes also notes that very few famous people "truly suffer" after doing something egregious in their career.


Sarah Silverman is funny and does a lot of charitable stuff but, like most celebrities, she isn’t so great at self-reflection and thinks her fame insulates her from any backlash as society changes.

She “pushed the envelope” with blackface in 2007, gained some notoriety from it as an extreme comic and now isn’t happen that the notoriety has curdled in 2019, when blackface is no longer tolerated in the slightest.

She should just say “I made a mistake” and leave it at that, rather than some half-baked reasoning about pushing the envelope of her art form.


"She should just say “I made a mistake" Silverman is not capable of making such a statement.






There is a difference in doing blackface and doing blackface ironically. You cannot really accuse Silverman or racism, sexism, or any negative hate-adjacent acts ... it's stupid. I would not even say she made a mistake - and the whole cancelling people for doing black face thing without taking into account what it was about is stupid.

For example, I was watching this old movie from 1962 starring William Shatner, call "The Intruder", and I don't think aside from a Tarantino movie I ever heard any movie that used the N-word more. Should he be cancelled for that?

The Intruder (1962)

Another example is how Silverman jokes about the Holocaust constantly, and Jews. If someone else did that they would likely be cancelled - so what says everyone has to be treated the same or held to the same standard.



You nailed it perfectly.



I don't hate her, but as she is a lefty, I hope this teaches her a lesson about just how much SJW/PC culture sucks and rethinks some of her positions. I hope it is an instructive experience for her.

Comedians seem to be ahead of the curve in comparison to their non-comedian counterparts. I know that Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock just flat out don't do shows on college campuses anymore because college students these days are overly sensitive pussies.


It's got nothing to do with PC culture. It's coroporate stupidity about how to be commercially a safe bet, which is similarly stupid to people who don't understand the purpose of PC in its proper context.

It's like when the Beach Boys were banned from playing DC onth July because they were a "rock band" and all the hedonistic/satanic baggage that supposedly comes with that.


Well said. I used to love SS. I enjoyed her tv show and she seemed cool. Then she replaced "funny" with seething hate and her jokes turned into bland or crass thumb-in-the-eye stuff. Crass is fine but not when it isn't funny. You can tell when the hate is the fire underneath it all.

Always a gas to see someone hoisted by their own petard.


Sarah Silverman ... seething hate? Are you daft? Let me rephrase that ... you are daft.


I love it when the monster they created turns on them.


Hahaha, getting what she deserves. How many times did she open her mouth to burn other people. Now she’s reaping what she sowed


exactly.... and funny thing is, most black folk don't give a fuck about some whitey painting their face..... it's the people silverman support that gets most offended ..... liberal/left wing whites.

she hates Donald Trump..... but for what reason?
her mouth is 100 times more dirty than his ever was.

and remember , i used to be a huge fan. and then TDS took her, like many of my favorites, like seth rogen, just to name one.

And the style of gross out comedy and insulting jokes that made those 2 famous, are now no longer allowed....... and yes, thanks to the very people these 2 actors indorse.


would also like to add that i am european, so no real leg in the race.... but i can see how TDS, and PC SJW's have ruined comedy and previously great comedic actors, and american movies that previously made fun of anyone and everyone.....fattys, gays, men, women etc..... no longer allowed.
only your current president and other straight men seems to be valid targets..... and that gets boring real fast!




The people who vote for and support Trump are the deranged ones.


Then why are BLM rioters, Antifa, and transgenders left wingers?

Sorry libturd, your lefties are the deranged ones. Fucking deranged!



> Then why are BLM rioters, Antifa, and transgenders left wingers?

Because you have nothing else to say so you have to lie about this kind of crap to distract from reality ... which you know nothing about. Do claims neo-Nazis as part of the Right-wing?


Live by censorship die by censorship. Welcome to to the communist Democrat party.


It's odd how all the recent blackface incidents seem to involve Leftists. We have Silverman, Canadian PM Trudeau, those Democrat politicians in Virginia... All done by supposedly 'enlightened' Leftists... Not a 'Right Wing Fascist' in the bunch. Same with the #MeToo culprits. All Hollywood Leftists getting caught by these Liberal initiatives.

Oh well, 'live by the sword, die by the sword', as they say.


They think that when they do it they are paying homage.

I enjoy seeing them get stomped on by the monster they created.


She also did that Cinese thing on 2001.:)


The fact that something she did many years ago is now frowned upon has nothing to do with growth or lack of it on her part. She has nothing to apologize for.
