MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > Trump is emulating him In Portland

Trump is emulating him In Portland

using his Unmarked Police to kidnap citizens cuz of there skin color


you wish!


he is you cant handle the truth son




Make Portland Poland Again?


Wouldn't what's going on there be an example of almost the opposite? Fascist groups are attempting to overthrow the government, and are being arrested by federal officers in an attempt to restore peace. By the way, all of the officers I've seen in pictures/footage wearing badges identifying who they are. But the bottom line is-- violent, anti-government terrorists, engaging in openly fascist behavior, are rioting, destroying property, and attacking people. It's hardly shocking that these criminals are being arrested.

If we're trying to make a connection to Nazis and Poland, it seems Antifa is the stand-in for Hitler's goons, and the police are doing what the Germans and Polish didn't/couldn't-- stopping fascism before it gains strong footing.


What fascist groups? The protesters are distinctly anti-fascist. What, in your mind, constitutes "fascist behaviour"?


They are anti-fascist in name only. They dress in riot gear, wear masks to hide their identity, and physically assault anyone with whom they disagree. There are countless videos readily available online where you can see someone standing and speaking, engaged in non-violent free speech, and being violently assaulted. Swap the black shirt for a brown one and you've got yourself a match.

Antifa foments rage against their perceived ideological enemies, and are using battlefield tactics in the streets to wage war on the police. They are mimicking the Nazi's game plan play for play.


I've never seen Antifa in riot gear. I've seen the far right in riot gear, but the Antifa come in plainclothes. Their mask is typically a bandana. Helmets - to the extent that they wear helmets - are typically skater helmets.

And why do you think they hate the police? Because they are ANTI fascist. They hate the establishment no matter who they are, and they hate the police because the police is the strong arm of the establishment. There is nothing remotely fascist about this behaviour.

And while they have caused a good deal of material damage, violence against people is rare.


Okay, you aren't going to have a discussion grounded in reality, so this just became pointless.


Hey, feel free to prove just how eeeevil and destructive the Antifa are. Good luck.


i hope they take over your city & neighborhood next


Antifa intentionally rioted, burned buildings and assaulted police and national Guard in Minneapolis. The arrests made since then show every member to be a part of Antifa and BLM. They destroyed the lake street community (a black, latino, and Asian community) by destroying businesses, homes, and assaulting others. Multiple deaths (28) were incurred during these riots.
This group assaulted free speech advocates at UCLA because speakers had opposing ideas.
The use physical violence, guns, IEDs, and chemical assaults to silence opposing ideas.
They are the modern version of Hitler's brownshirts.


Antifa intentionally rioted, burned buildings and assaulted police and national Guard in Minneapolis.

The Antifa did that? All I saw was rioters who did that.

The arrests made since then show every member to be a part of Antifa and BLM.

Are you saying that all of them were Antifa, AND all of them were BLM? Or that all of them were either Antifa or BLM? If the latter is true, how many of them were Antifa?
And what is your source, anyway?

Multiple deaths (28) were incurred during these riots.

I know of one. I could be wrong, of course, but where do you get 28 from?

This group assaulted free speech advocates at UCLA because speakers had opposing ideas.

When, where?

The use physical violence, guns, IEDs, and chemical assaults to silence opposing ideas.

When, where?

They are the modern version of Hitler's brownshirts.

No, that would be the alt-right. By far the most political violence is perpetrated by the far right. They also share much the same views as Hitler's Brownshirts - who would have hated the Antifa more than anyone else. The Antifa is more akin to the Communist Party of Germany during the Weimar Republic, except the Antifa is even less organised. In fact, they are not organised at all. They have nothing in common with the Brownshirts.


Oh someone didn't look up the facts on google. As a soldier in the riots, Antifa was the perpetrators of violence rioting and assaults. Just look up antifa arrests at
Every antifa thug had BLM as their group as well. Moronic commies use these groups to conduct violence. This is why they are at every riot across the country equaling the death of 28 people. Look that up.
Look up UCLA riots against conservative speakers. Between 2016 and today, there have been multiple attacks by people claiming to be this group. Specifically at UCLA in 2016-2018. Like mouldylocks who was setting off explosives in glass jars to create shrapnel. Fortunately, a guy knocked her out before she could set another off.

Brownshirts caused violence and riots to stop free speech. Most were. College age students who the justification of violence to suppress free speech and terrorize communities. The commies you suggest they're like were no better. They too subverted free speech, attack anyone they thought was slightly out 9f line and murdered hundreds of thousands before the USSR, millions for PolPot, Millions in S. Vietnam after our troops were withdrawn, Hundreds of thousands in Cuba, and millions in N. Korea.

Wow, you really don't read history do you?

Read a book chuckles, life is exceptionally hard when you continue to be this stupid.


Oh someone didn't look up the facts on google. As a soldier in the riots, Antifa was the perpetrators of violence rioting and assaults. Just look up antifa arrests at

Every antifa thug had BLM as their group as well. Moronic commies use these groups to conduct violence. This is why they are at every riot across the country equaling the death of 28 people. Look that up.

You made the claim, you look it up. I'm not going to do your job for you.

Look up UCLA riots against conservative speakers. Between 2016 and today, there have been multiple attacks by people claiming to be this group. Specifically at UCLA in 2016-2018. Like mouldylocks who was setting off explosives in glass jars to create shrapnel. Fortunately, a guy knocked her out before she could set another off.

Brownshirts caused violence and riots to stop free speech.

Yes, indeed they did.

Most were. College age students who the justification of violence to suppress free speech and terrorize communities. The commies you suggest they're like were no better.

Never said they were. You didn't get it, did you? My point was that you immediately compared the Antifa to the fascist troublemakers, instead of the antifascist ones. The only reason I can think of is that the Brownshirts are the only ones you knew about until I brought up the Communist Party.

They too subverted free speech, attack anyone they thought was slightly out 9f line and murdered hundreds of thousands before the USSR, millions for PolPot, Millions in S. Vietnam after our troops were withdrawn, Hundreds of thousands in Cuba, and millions in N. Korea.

And what's the relevance, exactly? How is this supposed to contradict what I said in any way?

Wow, you really don't read history do you?

Listen, you don't get to accuse other people of not reading history right after you've been exposed as completely ignorant on the topic.


First, you went to online rags with a long history of bias reporting. It's funny how stupid you have to be to not see this. This is why you need to read a BOOK once an a while. Try Sojeninski.
Secondly. If you assume that antifa is like the commies, congratulations, they're death camps and murders are astronomically worse than hitler. Heck, he got the death camp design from the commies. As well as most of his philosophy. So, that's really funny that you would think its irrelevant.
The brownshirts were right in line with antifa and its idiocy. They caused riots, suppressed free speech, attacked others who didn't follow their groupthink, and have destroyed low income areas throughout the USA.
Go ahead and support a violent mob that employs fascist tactics. It just means you're no better than a hitler youth.


First, you went to online rags with a long history of bias reporting.

That's what you did, and even then you couldn't manage to find an article to support your claims. I, on the other hand, linked you to Reuters.

It's funny how stupid you have to be to not see this. This is why you need to read a BOOK once an a while. Try Sojeninski.

Friendly tip: next time you try to name drop someone, make sure you get the name right. That way, you won't look like a complete idiot.

Secondly. If you assume that antifa is like the commies, congratulations, they're death camps and murders are astronomically worse than hitler.

I think you need to go back and read what my actual point was. Did I say the Antifa are angels? I didn't say that, did I? I just pointed out that comparing them to the SA simply shows how ignorant you are of history.

Heck, he got the death camp design from the commies.

Nonsense. The comparison in those days were the British concentration camps of the Boer War. But dedicated death camps, that was all Hitler. Not even Stalin had those.

As well as most of his philosophy.

Sure, if by "most" you mean "none". Hitler was more opposed to Communism than anything else.

The brownshirts were right in line with antifa and its idiocy.

You're like a fly trying to go through a window, and can't figure out why it's not getting through. I have explained to you how the Antifa is nothing like the SA, and more instead like various Communist troublemakers of that time. Yet you insist on comparing them to the fascist troublemakers. Why is that?

They caused riots, suppressed free speech, attacked others who didn't follow their groupthink, and have destroyed low income areas throughout the USA.

Yet you have not been able to produce the tiniest shred of evidence for this.

Go ahead and support a violent mob that employs fascist tactics.

Are you implying that I support the Antifa? I challenge you to quote me doing so. I'll get the popcorn while you sift through my posts for anything that might be interpreted in that direction. Best of luck.

It just means you're no better than a hitler youth.

What I can't figure out is why keep making these vapid nazi accusations, when you are clearly so enamoured with them yourself.


Lol. I didn't find you an article because I know you're not here for answers. Your previous comments with others proved that. Second, your still attempting to suggest that antifa isn't like the brownshirts. They are. But you dont want to believe that and its obvious that you're in denial.

When we were activated to deal with the riots in Minneapolis, Antifa was right there pulling the same crap they've been doing for years. Perhaps you spend too much time on your keyboard to have actually seen them in action.

Hitler was initially a communist. He developed his ideology as a national socialist through them. He took them out to maintain power, but his SOCIALIST foundations were from his commie roots.

Finally, you still failed to provide a shred of evidence. As Sojeninski, I put him in there to show you the commie perspective. The same one that inspired Hitler's initial SOCIALIST thinking.

Now, You're an idiot, and that's okay. A lot of morons have successful careers bagging groceries or flipping burgers.


Lol. I didn't find you an article because I know you're not here for answers.

So why did you point me to, then? You truly are an idiot if you expect anyone to be stupid enough to believe that.

Second, your still attempting to suggest that antifa isn't like the brownshirts. They are. But you dont want to believe that and its obvious that you're in denial.

I have explained to you precisely why they are nothing like the Brownshirts. You have failed to explain how they are. That means you're the one in denial, by very definition: you just keep denying, no rhyme, no reason.

When we were activated to deal with the riots in Minneapolis, Antifa was right there pulling the same crap they've been doing for years.

So you say. I'm still waiting for evidence.

Hitler was initially a communist. He developed his ideology as a national socialist through them. He took them out to maintain power, but his SOCIALIST foundations were from his commie roots.

That's it, you ARE insane. Hitler was never a Communist, nor remotely socialist. The party had "socialist" in its NAME, yes, but they did not have a single socialist policy. What was the first thing Hitler did when he came to power? He banned the unions. Which was not a surprise to anyone, because the party programme had been distinctly anti-socialist ever since Hitler took the reins. He was opposed to all forms of welfare, except for war veterans and old age pension. He was very much a believer in "if you don't work, you don't eat", and he was more concerned with the the rights of the employer rather than those of the employee. A popular nazi slogan was "Kinder, Küche, Kirche" ("children, kitchen, church"), meant to evoke traditional conservative values - quite contrary to the radical and liberal values of the left.

The reason the nazis called themselves "national socialists", was because they wished to hijack the term "socialist" and redefine it.

Finally, you still failed to provide a shred of evidence. As Sojeninski, I put him in there to show you the commie perspective. The same one that inspired Hitler's initial SOCIALIST thinking.

On the contrary, I'm the only one who has provided evidence. I proved you dead wrong about 1) what the Antifa are, and 2) what the Antifa do. You made some vapid claims which you couldn't even back up, and I debunked them. The ball's in your court. YOU are the one who has to prove YOUR claims. So far, the amount of evidence you have presented is nil. You have yet to post anything of substance. And there is no one called "Sojeninski". It's not even a real name, and I cannot even figure out to whom you are referring because of your appalling spelling.


Did Antifa/BLM incite the rioters?


physical violence:

Who's the alt-right, what do they do?


What is their(Antifa) alternative to the establishment?


That's just it, they don't have one. They're just anti-establishment, they don't actually have any plans.


They're not on the left(i.e. socialism/communism/Marxism etc)? Aren't they against capitalism/Christianity/white people etc?


why are you Generalizing there no progressives Christians on the left I'm one of them also God Loves LGBTQ Community ,Black Community and Minorites


Antifa is not on the left? Are you Antifa?


It depends on how literally you adhere to the Bible.

I don't really feel like opening that can of worms this morning, but you went and said (factually) that "God loves LGBT community", whereas according to his vehement followers, (and his "own words"/The Bible) he in fact, does not.

Not even a little bit. He actually wants you dead if you're gay. Beheaded, specifiacally.

Not my opinion, but it's a part of his religion, whether his proponents care to admit it or not.


wrong pal he loves all his people


not that would be The Secret Police in Trumps America


Make Portland Poland Again?

Oh that was very good !


Stop watching Fake News Network! It causes TDS.



Arresting a criminal is NOT kidnapping.

You are out of your fucking mind.


your out of your mind still believing that one side of the narrative your a criminal for supporting this



BTW: The fact that you can openly refer to any news media as "one side of the narrative" shows how much of a joke the entire news media is today.


Fox isnt reliable Kayleigh McEnany was only hired cuz she is hot



Antifa is burning the Reichstag every night and you accuse Trump of being like Hitler? What a laugh.

These people are not protesting anything, it's about over-throwing the government now. Fuck'em.



He joined because he wanted antifa to hide behind him too. He's a little weasel. It's not much different than what terrorists do, they hide behind human shields. Screw'em.



hEs LiTtEralLy hItLEr 🤪


he is


Comedy gold! 😂🤣😂


What alternate reality do you live in? The rioters and antifa thugs are emulating the nazis. Well, I guess your lack of critical thinking is evidenced by your illiteracy.


You're a goddam idiot. Blacks protesting police brutality is not a "Commie Fascist" plot by ANTIFA or whatever lunatic fringe conspiracy you've got cooked in your sick head. Your lunatic belief is no different to how the Civil Rights movement in the 1950's and 60's was perceived by rednecks as a Commie plot to overthrow society. But I doubt history and irony is your strong suit.

The overwhelming majority of BLM protests have been peaceful. I defy you to show me a source that says otherwise that doesn't come from the far right.

Only a fascist would perceive the right to free speech and protest as terrorism against the state. That's exactly how the Nazis perceived anyone opposing them - not that you would know.

What reality are you living in? Is Covid an exaggerated Commie plot too?


Hahahahahaha!! I guess reading comprehension is not a strong suit for you as you missed what I wrote: "The RIOTERS and antifa THUGS are emulating the nazis.".

Where did I mention any majority? Would you call rioters and thugs (the ones I mentioned) peaceful? Dimwits like you are the ones perpetuating the LIE that President Trump said the white supremacists and KKK in Charlottesville were good people.


Hahahahaha...He did say "good people on both sides" and it was filmed, you deluded shit-stain. Who has comprehension issues again?

Who the fuck are you even talking about then? Have got any evidence that the protesters kidnapped off the street were violent rioters? Is that how people are arrested now? Must get your rocks off huh?
