MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is the gay rights movement these days ju...

Is the gay rights movement these days just narcissism?

They basically have what they want in terms of legal reform, so constantly drawing attention to themselves would therefore just be an act of narcissism, right?

I remember being in Chicago one June and every store, hotel, some churches and most landmarks had a pride flag.

I thought they are attention whores to be honest.


By that logic every straight white male whining about society not being all about them anymore is just acting narcissistically. Which, if that's the case, MAYBE you're on to something






Found a racist..

Cyberbob, the racist.


You forgot heterophobic and misandrist


Nah. Cyberbob cool.


Ummmm I'm not aware of too many "white males" who want society to be all about them. If you could show me some kind of poll from straight white males showing the majority want society to be "all about them" then I'll consider your premise.


Joe is ALWAYS talking about how society should be about straight white males, like 24/7


Well yeah Joe Biden is a racist but that's one person.


A president of the United Stated would be counted at least as 5 persons. At minimum!


straight white men are not demanding we send hot female strippers into the classroom to read books to children which would actually be way less fucked up then what these homos are doing with there pedo drag queen childbook story hour shit


Ever heard of punctuation marks or capital letters?!


i am very sorry commandant, i didnt know i was dealing with a grammar nazi here. please, please dont send me to the camps!!! i promise to follow proper punctuations and capitalizations from now on!! i swear!!


"i" should be capitalized. You make me sick...πŸ˜’


no really when u think about it, i shouldnt be capitalized. it is some narcissistic old british bullshit to capitalize it in the first place. by spelling it lower case i am speaking a more humble and righteous language called Murican not this gay british bullshit u are trying to conform me into speaking. i aint know no lame english sissy talk like ur pansy ass! i speak the language of Freedom!! only words i capitalize is God, Jesus, Freedom, and Murica/USA!! USA USA USA!!! Muricaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!


😀 You have forgone all proper rules of grammar. I have nothing to say to such a bohemian beast. A gentleman does not engage in such poppycock or balderdash. Truly an insufferable beast.😀

I bid you a good day, sir! 😀




Yeah I bet he use to instead of too as well!


β€œstraight white men are not demanding we send hot female strippers into the classroom to read books to children”

I actually did put this forward at the last PTA meeting. I don’t get invited anymore.


that is a shame i would have really enjoyed that program as a child and i am sure my peers would have aswell :(


I said that I’d be happy to vet all prospects and act as a teaching assistant, but my proposals were rejected.


shame... shame on the PTA!!!


We still live in a world where two guys can't hold hands in most places, and feel safe. Thats why.


Thank you. Yes, even in liberal Southern California, two guys holding hands would face possible backlash, maybe even violence.

Until the breeders stop with the ubiquitous homophobia, as witness by this thread, we will fly our fucking rainbow flags.

We're here. We're queer. Get used to it! πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ


Bull shit! I see same sex couples engaged in PDA, a lot and no one bats an eye.


Meh, it's better than it was 20 years ago. I can walk down Hollywood Boulevard holding hands with another man and no one bats an eye.

But would I dare do it in the South Central slums? Hell no, I'd have every two-bit black gangsta to deal with.

Or could I put my arm around my boyfriend at the mall in conservative Orange County, a few miles south of LA? I might not get jumped, but I'd get a lot of angry looks and a few homophobic remarks.

Check yourself, breeder. We grow weary of your foolishness.


Breeder? Check yourself. Your foolishness is alienating your would be supporters. I don't use derogatory terms about gays.


Dude, some of us are way beyond the point where we care what heterosexuals think.

"Breeders" is just satire. Straight people are not oppressed. And if I had a dollar for every time I've seen a heterosexual say the only purpose of sex is reproduction, I'd be a rich man.


β€œthe only purpose of sex is reproduction”

Wait! What? Sex can be used for reproduction too?


I'm not buying that. I've NEVER heard anyone say that.


A poster said this on another board:

"The entire purpose of sexual attraction is to make babies."

And he's a decent guy. But it's the standard heterosexual line.


ONE poster. I stand by what I said.


I guess you've never heard of the Catholic Church either.


Of course I have and the Catholic churches position on sex is not that it's for reproductions only. Hell, I think they recently green lighted blowjobs!


Do you think calling people "breeder" helps your cause?

Maybe because people think what you're doing is gross??? How often do gays engage in PDA just to get a rise out of people?


Honestly, I think all PDA is pretty gross, straight or gay. Get a room. I'm just saying it's incorrect to say 99% of the world treats us equally.


The problem is you think you’re entitled to something that no one has.


I don't think I'm entitled to anything. But I'll surely shove a rainbow flag up your ass if you say I can't fly it. πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ


I don’t care what you do but I do have a problem with policing people’s thoughts.

You’re entitled to equal rights and treatment. You’re not entitled to everyone liking or agreeing with your lifestyle. No one is.


Look dude, if you, or the OP, are gonna express your homophobic opinions, you're gonna get our queer opinions back at ya.

If you or the OP tells us he doesn't like seeing our rainbow flag, or a homosexual couple showing affection for each other, we're gonna get in your face and tell you to STFU.

What makes you think I care if you approve? I don't. Think whatever you want. But don't tell me not to fly my flag, which is what you breeders are trying to do on this thread.

Got it now?


Who said anything about your damned flag???

"If you or the OP tells us he doesn't like seeing......a homosexual couple showing affection for each other, we're gonna get in your face and tell you to STFU."

This is my point. You don't have that right. You are free to do it. I'm not obligated to like it. That is my right.

Furthermore, I'm not homophobic. That is your attempt to label me as having a mental disorder because I don't agree with your lifestyle. You're not going to bully me into submission. Period. No one here has insulted you. No one here has used a gay slur. Yet you continue to call us "breeders". We just do not agree. We don't have to. We have that right. YOU are the one being the asshole.


The OP mentioned the flag.

The OP is complaining because "every store, hotel, some churches and most landmarks had a pride flag." He called it narcissism. That's what we're discussing.

And no one said you have to like it. The issue is whether we are free to be openly homosexual without repercussions in society. And we are not, despite legal reforms.

Like I said, I don't want you to like me. I don't care. Just be civil in society and keep your lifestyle disagreements to yourself.

I don't think fat people are doing the right thing by being overweight. But I don't call them fatso and treat them badly in public.


Don’t feel bad, it’s ok if gay PDA gives you a rise πŸ†

Happens to the best of them


Sorry, two dudes making out is sickening.


I agree. Wait, sickening means good right? I can never keep up with what you crazy kids are saying these days.


In a world? Yes. Most places in the world are anti-gay. That is true. Oddly enough, America is always singled out even though most people don't care about two men holding hands in America.


Pfft.. people don't even think it's gay for two men holding hands in India, for example. It's actually the West that started the thinking that men holding hands are gay.

The same with children nudity. No one bats an eye seeing children nudity in Asia. It's the West that started the thinking that children nudity is sexual in any way.


What are you basing that on? Also if they say they don't feel safe that isn't evidence.


In China movies that have gay characters get censored or banned. In some African countries gay people are imprisoned. In Saudi Arabia gay people are beheaded.

Until homosexuality is as accepted around the whole world as heterosexuality then it is my belief that gay people have not only the right, but the responsibility, to draw attention to their plight...ESPECIALLY gay people living in countries where they already have rights. In doing so they may be able to influence their politicians to sway the politicians in those oppressive countries into loosening their anti-gay practices.


Your beliefs are weird.


Irony. Lol.


Given the way the West is going it's a bit difficult to expect other countries to emulate us.


America should bring industry back home again, less depending on China for manufacturing. At least for exports.

I think "made in the USA" is still commanding prestige to the rest of the world. People will buy the same stuff for higher price if it says "made in the USA" on them. Just like, say, Italian handbags or French wine, German tools, etc.


I think it depends on the product. I do agree though, the West in general should start bringing manufacturing back as well as call centre's. Overseas call centres are a mess. We need to support our own people. Here in Australia they want to import Doctor's and Nurses despite there being many Australian medical staff who can't get jobs! We need to look after ourselves first.

Going back to your Made in America comment, I play guitar and I love that my Gibson's are American made, that I have an American made Stratocaster. It depends on the product sometimes. I think there are some things that we just don't care enough about to worry too much.


Anything feels better when it's made in the brand's original country.

Nike shoes will have more prestige if they were made in the USA, not Vietnam. The same with say a Nikon camera, it just feel better when it's made in Japan, not Thailand. If I buy a Gucci I want it to be made in Italy, not Bangladesh. If I want Chinese stuffs I'll just buy from the Chinese brands... DJI, Lenovo, MG, etc.


All countries should make their own shit really . provides stability and jobs and is greener becasue stuff isnt getting shipped all over the world .


What in tarnation is this post?



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Let me guess, Moviebuffoon/Intotheshite's latest incarnation?


I was getting Intothenight vibes myself.


Low post count, usual shtick πŸ₯±


Moaning about Pride βœ…
Framing the topic as a rhetorical question βœ…
An unprovoked attack on gay people βœ…

Yeah, he’s not putting much effort into concealing his identity, is he?


At least make an effort, eh?



Coming to a forum near you soon, the magic of Michael Jackson by Ticketsplease πŸ˜’


Or possibly, coming from a closet.


This needs to be on the politics board.


The mods don't think so.


Everybody's gotta live.


No, just faaaaabulous darhhhling.
