MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is the gay rights movement these days ju...

Is the gay rights movement these days just narcissism?

They basically have what they want in terms of legal reform, so constantly drawing attention to themselves would therefore just be an act of narcissism, right?

I remember being in Chicago one June and every store, hotel, some churches and most landmarks had a pride flag.

I thought they are attention whores to be honest.


I used to support LGBTQ but then they became even worse than the far right. Today, they are the most annoying people in the country.



So Neil Patrick Harris is more annoying than Pauly Shore? Jodie Foster is more annoying than Tara Reid? Elton John is more annoying than Machine Gun Kelly??

If you say so trev


No. I said the LGBTQ community. There are exceptions to anything. Pauly Shore? LOL Welcome to 2022.


Ah but that’s not actually what you said is it? Rather, you insinuated that ALL gay people are annoying, like LGBTQ was some Borg like conglomerate hell bent on assimilating the “country” rather than a term used to categorise a group of individual people, each of whom has their own unique personalities and motivations.

Let me tell you something for free, the militants you see on Twitter do not necessarily represent every gay person in existence. Most are just everyday people who want to get through the day like everyone else, and who don’t take kindly to seeing bullshit generalisations on message boards like the one you felt so compelled to bestow upon us right here.


I said the LGBTQ are the most annoying people in the country. There ya go!


Yes we’ve established what you said, sunshine.


Yes. And I stand by it. The LGBTQ is incredibly annoying. I would say they are the most annoying group on the planet. But Muslims take the #1 spot.


As far as annoying goes, you’re giving any group you decide to target a run for its money.


I don't go around trying to get people fired. Trying to ruin lives. Bankrupt businesses. All because they don't worship LGBTQ.


What a coincidence, neither do I. Or, for that matter, any gay person I’ve ever known.. and I’ve known a few. How about you trevster? Tell us about the last gay person you knew who went on this rampage of getting people fired and destroying lives at will.. unless you’re just regurgitating nonsense you’ve seen on your social media feeds, that is.


We all know that if you express ANY perceived anti-gay sentiment, including the support of traditional marriage, you will be attacked. Stop pretending otherwise.


Attacked? Really?? Are we talking about your ideas being challenged or are we talking about being physically beaten and excluded from general society like gay people have been throughout history?

Sounds like someone needs to grow a pair if they can’t handle their outdated views on what is acceptable being challenged.


I know all about history. If we were talking 30 years ago, you would have a case against the hard right. It's 2022 and the LGBTQ has far surpassed the hard right in terms of their sheer intolerance and hatred.


Yeah? When was the last time you heard a gay person campaign against straight marriage?


No one admits they support traditional marriage any more. They want to keep their jobs.


And there we have it! So what’s really burning your toast is the fact that it’s now unacceptable to be openly bigoted. You’re sad because you can’t call a gay a faggot anymore without being called out on it. My heart bleeds for you. I hope you can get through this challenging time.


I think it’s only fair that Gay people should be allowed to experience the same abject misery that straight married men feel.


You just proved my point. To you, supporting traditional marriage is 'bigoted'.


Not at all. I’m gay and I totally support straight marriage. I’d like you to explain to me how gay marriage negatively impacts you or indeed society at large. How does two people of the same sex having access to the same legal rights as straight people (access to superannuation, the right to be considered next of kin when your partner is on their deathbed in hospital etc.) ruin “traditional” marriage in any way? Why do you care if two people are committed to each other and want the same rights as any other couple? Explain to me because you just seem to be deflecting at this point, honestly.


When LGBTQ goes after Christian bakeries with the intent of making examples of them, that impacts me because it is morally wrong. That's when the LGBTQ really lost me. But their constant need to be recognized and celebrated and treated like the most courageous people on the planet is just annoying. Shut up and live your life and let the rest of us live ours. Stop trying to foist your LGBTQ on everything. Practice the kind of tolerance you preach.


Maybe gay people will “shut up” when they don’t have to put up with unwarranted attacks like the original post here. Spin it any way you want but I don’t see threads from gay people calling out the straight community here on the reg like I do in the reverse. What does that tell you about who is attacking who?


American conservatives are by far the most annoying

Making dumb generalizations about large groups of people because they are too lazy to exercise nuance. Wearing ignorance proudly like a badge of honor. Never having interesting or insightful opinions and yet constantly feeling the need to express them. Claiming they used to support gays when they really mean that they just weren't as vocal about their homophobia


You missed a few letters - LGBPTTQQIIAA+


Lettuce Guacamole Bacon Tomato Taco Quiche Quizonos Indians Indian African Americans?


I’m sure there’s a few more by now, lol.


Ask why they need a whole month to celebrate pride. Nobody else gets that. A day or a week maybe for other causes but a whole month!!!???


Right? It’s almost like hearing shitty Christmas music and seeing decorations everywhere mid-November. You never see that, do you??


Some places start that shit in October even and nobody agrees with it.


Black people get black history month. But something tells me that that bothers you as well


Anyone taking a whole month to celebrate something every single year bothers me. Not for any accusatory phobic reasons you might assume though. I just think a month is a bit much too self-indulgent. Doesn't matter the cause.


LGBT is after social acceptance, and the end of people who complain about there being too many LGBT people.


Yes, it's narcissism. Yes, they are over-represented and over-protected. The idea that they need to "fight for rights" is absurd as they are currently untouchable. You can lose your job for criticizing the alphabet people.


Agreed. But the one group that has no protection from discrimination is the working-class.


The working class is protected, as long as they behave themselves and don't fight the narrative.


Another gay bashing thread. On page one for 7 days.

Community Standards
Prohibited Content:

Content that harasses, intimidates or bullies an individual or group of individuals.


I'm queer and I disagree with the homophobic OP.

But I see nothing wrong with the OP giving his opinion. We are free to attack it.

Censorship on a forum of this sort is never a good thing. I'm not being "harassed, intimidated or bullied" by reading his asinine remarks. Lol.


Yes, I know what you're about. You do the same thing, but your issue is race.


No, I think you're clueless. Who's talking about race? You seem to have a whole list of subjects you want censored.

I'm queer, I think the OP is an idiot, but I'm against censorship of ideas just because you or anyone disagrees with them.


Too much hate and ignorance for my tastes. And its constant. I suppose I should put the OP on ignore since it disrupts my tender sensibilities.

But you go on and enjoy yourself, and I'll go try and find some clues. ✌🏾


Then ignore him. But that's not what you initially proposed. You wanted him censored.

You said the OP has posted content which is prohibited here. I'm queer. I don't feel harassed, intimidated or bullied by this homophobe. He gives me a chance to debunk his nonsense.


Looks like the mods don't agree with you.


I know where you’re coming from Laura and I’m as tired of it as you are. As always, you’re a sweetheart x
