MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Tell us one thing about yourself that Pe...

Tell us one thing about yourself that People on this site don't know.

I used to watch 6+ hours of TV a day, now I watch 1.


i used to to a lot of acid.

i'd never do it again, but i think of those experiences fondly & think they were useful & kinda enlightening.


Interesting there's not many people who'd say that. Acid is one of those drugs you do once in a while..not on a regular bases.


I guess that depends on what he means by a lot.


probably about 3 dozen times, maybe?

not as much as some people, certainly, but quite a bit by most standards, i guess.


I’m probably somewhere in that area too. 😀


I now feel safe in coming out of the acid closet myself 'cause you guys come across as still being pretty lucid to me.


Glad to know your a fellow Psychedelic explorer.


I was but I'm not about to divulge some of the crazy shit I used to do while tripping. I came out of it all with my mind reasonably intact. I've probably got more damaged brain cells from my lifelong love of beer.


I’m with you on that. I don’t think I would ever do it again but I have had some life changing experiences that I think about to this day.


I haven't done lsd in over a decade, but a have a few doses tucked away for a future occasion.

What kind of settings did you prefer? We used to enjoy going into woods or by the ocean.


My experiences were everything from going out to night clubs, to the woods, as you say. Hunting and fishing camps are common here so there were many places to go and get away from everyone.


i mostly preferred to be inside with some music and a few trust-worthy people.

but outside is great, too. the woods are absolutely a great setting. i once did it at my cousin's farm, & spent about two hours staring at his pigs & cows.

when i got comfortable enough with it, i'd do it by myself, which i know lots of people don't recommend, but i found pretty good, except that i remember having about a million brilliant insights that i wanted to share with the world & no one was around to be dazzled by my incredible levels of perception!


Ya, outdoors is where my best experiences were, but one time my friend and I went to go see the Matrix 3 and the projector broke. Naturally everyone left, but we stayed and thought it was hilarious lol. Eventually an usher comes in and starts yelling at us to leave.


Lol. Movie theaters are intense.


There is a credible number of people who claim taking acid can change a person's perspective in a positive way.
I think you are supposed to be a very confident person when you take these trips and expect to get something good out of them, but some very prominent people will say taking acid changed their life for the better.


i haven't read as deeply on the topic as others, but i think sam harris's 'waking up' and especially michael pollan's 'how to change your mind' have really interesting discussions of the topic.

pollan's book in particular has some really interesting sections on the use of psychedelics to cope with terminal illness.

when i'm done with the trash movie i'm watching, i'll see if i can track down some of the interviews he gave around the time the book was published. they're really interesting.


Going out a little on a limb here, but I think the basketball players Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (perhaps surprisingly) and Bill Walton (much less so) will say taking acid opened their minds to new ways of thinking. Not to mention all the musicians who were part of the 60s psychedelic revolution, Grateful Dead, etc. Not that their perspective is terribly important now, but I think that may be an accurate representation of their experience, even years later.
And I had a buddy who was a Cali guy who felt this way, years later.
My state is trying to legalize psilocybin for medicinal use, primarily for end-of-life purposes, iirc. To reduce anxiety, perhaps get people to see their existence through a different lens.
Makes sense to me.


Guess you were tired of melting holes in the floor, huh? Lol, just kidding! xD


I like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain


Strangely I actually thinks thats true, and not just a bad joke.


It was both true and a bad joke🤪


I'm an amateur astronomer and can juggle.


I've seen such amazing stars here....If you're looking for a place to see the Milky Way near Tucson, the best thing to do is head over to Oracle State Park. This park, in particular, is a certified Dark Sky Park, meaning it has some of the darkest skies you can find. This makes it one of the best spots in Arizona to see the Milky Way


That's quite a way from me!! But I have heard of remarkable stargazing in that neck of the US.


I've never been to a Dark Sky Park but have always wanted to go to one. I love astronomy.


I stood in my backyard drinking beer for an hour just looking at how bright the stars are here. Its really impressive.


I'm just getting into sky watching, along with bird watching. I thought these hobbies would be something I could do during the pandemic. I just bought a new pair of binoculars, and right now I'm waiting for delivery (tracking says it's out for delivery today) of a tripod for them so I can get better views. My mail carrier is very late today, so here I sit, waiting for him. Hope everything is okay because he's never been this late before. I also bought a couple of books to assist me in my new ventures.

No Dark Sky Parks or Sanctuaries near me. The closest is the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in northern Minnesota. But I'm sure if I can find a good spot outside of town, I can see quite a bit.


It was scary standing in my backyard a few weeks back...You could see everything..Venus all the constellations...I could have sold my backyard to an astronomer for 100$ an hour.


You must live outside of town, huh?

On a side note, I get annoyed at how many of my neighbors leave their outside lights on all night long. And these lights are not dark sky friendly.


OTOH they are also not burglar friendly


Yes, I prefer dark sky-friendly lighting. It's a lot easier to see what's going on because you're not looking into the glare that the average porch light projects.


Honestly, I didn't know that was a thing. I just googled it. Of course that would be preferable.


It's a recent awakening for me, too. It probably has to do with the fact that I'm getting older and nighttime glare has become a bigger concern. I notice it a lot more often than I used to. My two outside lights are dark sky compliant and have been for a while.


I recently read that Neil Degrasse Tyson got a lot of hate mail from kids for his part in declassifying Pluto as a planet lol.


That was a really big deal to a lot of people!


I quite like Tyson but Pluto is a goddam planet, that man lost his mind for a minute and I'm waiting for him to correct himself😡


I'll always think of Pluto as a planet. And ya, he's a good dude.


I like bowling.


Down in rabbit hole land I am famous, or infamous. Strangers have been known to make trips just to gawp at me.


I’m a member of Mensa.


Hey, cool! (offers the Secret Handshake)


Secret handshake 🤝 accepted, brother.


I guess you know Asia Carerra then, one of my favorite porn stars from the 80s.

I'm trying to be nice here, Andy, lol.


Who doesn’t! Schwiiiing!


I'm a 7-time published poet.


Wow Ok....thats really cool..Amazon self publish ??.I'm going to think of my best accomplishment, let me get back to you.


See my response to Hownos.


post one


I don't have them. I had an English class when I was in college and my professor asked us to do a poetry book. He would send off our poems to a publishing company and they would choose the best ones for their book. The books were $80 each and I didn't want to pay that, especially considering I was in college and money was tight then. I don't really care though because it's not like I'm a poet or anything.


allaby is good at poetry. he has posted a number in the past.


Well look into Amazon..Ive been the 3rd person to read someones work and it was amazing. I know a lot of people don't like Amazon but its an open platform for everyone.


They published the poems so that you would pay $80 to see them in a book. That was the publisher's business plan.


Yep. And are they serious charging $80? 15 tops.


agreed we all just wasting time here, I would love to hear someone's poems.


Try Stratego and her one and only poem here that rocked my world.


I'll whip your ass
until you give me sass
Lets fly to the Sky
I'll buy you a really big guy.


Clive James RIP reads his short poem ' Japanese Maple '


Someone should start a poetry thread and everyone can post their poetry.


If would have to be a little bit of a joke but I'll do it...This site isn't that strong. But I'll take the free points....


I'm gonna guess there really is a MC Poetry category if we looked for it.
Maybe not, but I know there is a crap-ton of categories I never even think of looking at, and probably should.


Roses are red
Violets are blue
Give tcrum some poetry
Or else she'll sue


he'll???...are we not friends...Am i not one of the last 5 girls here ...Send 20,000 dollars to tcrum 123 you are stupid street, tucson Az .....


Clearly you are unaware of the amount of typos I make.


Sorry we 5 have to stand strong............and that number is down.......sad.


I've always thought this site needed a bio option. Age/Sex/Location. A/S/L like the old chat line days.



Really I'm not though. Did it for college and just kept getting published.


I'm related to Thomas Jefferson and to Robert Treat Paine. One of them wrote the Declaration Of Independence, and they both signed it.

Treat Williams is also related to Paine, so I guess I'm related to him too.

Oh, and I'm two degrees away from Kevin Bacon.


I'm related to William Howard Taft on my mother's side.
