MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Tell us one thing about yourself that Pe...

Tell us one thing about yourself that People on this site don't know.

I used to watch 6+ hours of TV a day, now I watch 1.


I’m the Batman.


No, this guy is


where's my one thing?


I have a collection of stuffed animals. (plush, not taxidermy)


I like it. I hope its real....


I call them my virtual pets or sometimes my spirit animals. I live in a small apartment.



As long as they both promote pedestrian safety, it's OK.



Love it


I was hit by a car when I was four years old.

After some quipper exclaimed, "Well that explains a lot !" I decided not to share this very much.


People don't like to talk about grisly road accidents, it makes them uncomfortable.


I survived, I'd like to think I'm the same person regardless, but ... it happened. So sometimes I'll toss that out there, if it seems appropriate.
What gives me a chuckle is when someone says something like "Well that explains a lot !"
Busting my chops, they don't care, pretty damn funny even though I don't do it for sympathy, it's just something that happened.
Seriously, I rarely ever mention it and would like to think to think it didn't have a major impact (pun!) on my life, but ...
there it is, it happened, kind of interesting if I care to think on it.
And not very grisly.


It does explain a lot, but not everything.


That's a relief !


If we all shared the stuff we're keeping secret here we would have ,,,,many friendships, scary stuff.



I won a NASA scholarship in college. It was only a thousand dollars but it felt pretty good.



I have Tokophobia


The fear of smoking marijuana?



I have lilapsophobia. My doggy, Domino, has brontophobia.


Well, I can understand both! 😬
Your dog’s fear is very common and I’m sure many people in areas where tornados are common are affected with your fear.


We had a rare severe thunderstorm go through my area this past August, and Domino had never heard thunder or seen lightning before. Mom found him hiding in the back hallway that night, hiding from the lightning flashes, his paws covering his face, shaking, poor baby. She ended up lying on the floor next to him, petting him and telling him it was gonna be okay. It's surprisingly similar to human toddlers who have never had to deal with a thunderstorm before, and get scared. When it was all over, he kissed her in thanks :).

I used to live in the Midwest and northern Texas, so I had every reason to fear tornadoes. It's not a huge issue on the west coast, but I have a better respect for them than people who have never had to deal with the extreme weather east of the Rockies.


Wouldn't anyone be scared of hurricanes?


Not if they didn't understand what they were dealing with.


Never heard of that one. Do you just fear giving birth yourself or does anyone giving birth scare you?


The very notion of childbirth is a complete no go area for me.

I don’t like seeing women giving birth on screen, either acting in a film or for real in a documentary; I’m fine with them being pregnant, but I am just thinking (in the case of documentaries) what they’re going to be going through all the time!

I think giving birth is just so noisy and stressful, painful and dangerous. And labour goes on for so long.....and the whole process of pushing a baby out of you down there is so strange. I know that it’s natural of course and nearly everything (within reason) gives birth, but it’s still such an alien thing for me. And the baby is so messy and squished and horrible looking.
Plus there’s the after birth too and the recovery.

Don’t get me started on Caesarian sections! Oh my gosh....that just makes my insides twist up! Horrible, horrible. I’m most horrified when women have multiple C-sections for subsequent children. My mind boggles.

I wouldn’t want to put anyone else eg my partner through all that and I am not comfortable thinking about all the usual medical interventions (hospital visits, scans, check ups etc); I wouldn’t want people discussing or looking at my private parts.

I have no feelings for babies - I’m not interested in real life if someone’s pregnant or just had a baby etc. I don’t think babies are cute and in a similar vein, they’re noisy and messy, expensive and a worry too.


It's okay to not like something like that. Some people have issues just like what you're talking about. I know someone on Discord who has a fear of seeing pregnant women, and they can't stand the sight of them. Don't ask me why, some people are just like that. It's perfectly fine if you don't want to have kids. People have their reasons for that. I have relatives and friends who had traumatic childhoods and wouldn't want their own children to go through that.



Im a UFC fan

I did some videos for The Tom Green Show


I don't get B.O. Seriously. I never smell bad. The only times I have ever had an offending odor were a week-long camping trip (even then it was light) and once after trying on some clothing at a less than reputable store. Even after hard work-outs. I smell great!


I've never broken a single bone in my body, nor have I ever had my appendix or tonsils removed.


Same here but I did have tonsils done when I was a kid. I’ve never had any other surgery but I’ve had stitches in the hundreds. 😋


The only General Anesthesia surgeries I had involved teeth. First one was to remove my Wisdom teeth at 18, and last year, to remove a back tooth so I could have an implant put in.


Me either, but I'll go one further.. I've never had the flu, or a temperature over 99.


Never had a temp above 99?? That’s crazy. For some reason my normal temp is always lower than average.


Me too. I could have covid and the people at La fitness who take my temp would never know. I read around 97.4 or less. The weird thing is I always feel hot. My house stays around 67F.


Wow. I wonder what it means because, seriously, I’m exactly the same.


Well I can only tell you that 15 years ago I had my blood taken by a specialist and she said, "wow your white blood cell count it high, you must never get sick."





No Russian, and don't you say it:)


Well, whatever the reason I know I also have a low temp and keep my thermostat quite low. I also am rarely sick. I wonder if there is something to it.


I worked in a school and only caught a light cold...So there is something to it.


Yeah, you know you get tons of germs as a teacher for sure.


Not to be disrespectful but I've thought if I exposed myself to covid I don't think I could catch it. I think I'd be willing to risk it..Someone has to be the guinea pig.


Make sure your taking vitamin D. 👍


That reminds me of how you could get brownie points from the teachers in grade school when I was a kid :D. Don't bring apples, bring Kleenex boxes! Teachers loved it when we kids donated Kleenex boxes to the classroom, because the school didn't provide that at all, and the teachers always had a need for them.


My brother has an unusually strong immune system himself. It takes a lot to get him sick compared to the rest of the family. Just this past January, we all caught a really bad cold, and guess which person in the house didn't get it?

My brother. Incidentally, he also has a high resistance to anesthesia. The docs have to use more on him than any other man of his age and weight. In fact, I thought it was sooo bizarre how his wisdom tooth extraction went compared to mine. The anesthesia they used on me knocked me clean out, whereas all it did to him was make his gums numb and only a tad bit sleepy. He was awake all through his surgery. (We were teens back when this was done).


Wow! That’s scary. Glad it was just a dental procedure.


Oh, it gets even crazier. See, I have a small jaw, and they had to get all my wisdom teeth out, because I literally had no room for them in my jaws. So all 4 of mine were removed.

My brother, on the other hand, had to have one of his wisdom teeth left in, because there was a nerve wrapped around it connected with his jaw, and the surgeon was worried he would damage it and have my brother lose use of his jaw. So my brother only had 3 wisdom teeth removed.

He's not the only one to have weird tooth traits. A dentist happened to look at my mom's tooth X-rays a few years ago, and was shocked to find that she had twice as many roots in all her teeth as what normal people have! Nobody had noticed this until recently, because our tooth X-ray tech is better now, and could pick up on it. He got her permission to take a picture of the X-rays to publish in an article he was writing about strange genetics relating to teeth.


2x the roots! I wonder how common that is.


I think it's super-rare, or she's the first person ever found to have that. None of the rest of the family has this, nor do my relatives on mom's side of the family. I will tell you that it hasn't affected her one bit, and she had no idea until the dentist discovered it :).

I'll do a little research on this.

Update: Yuck! All I'm finding are really gross tooth abnormalities, and visual reminders as to why I don't ever wanta be a dentist.


Well, I've broken a bone, near my shoulder in my right arm, about 15 years ago. It was a first for me. And my appendix is gone, but I still have my tonsils.
