MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Message to Shogun and hownos

Message to Shogun and hownos

And anyone else here I get on with.

I'm deleting my account.

It's a shame since I really like you guys and a few others.

It's also a shame that someone with a mental illness like mine has been subjected to so much abuse here.

God knows what I'll do now as a result of the abuse I've been subjected to.

I just hope those who have attacked me ruminate on what they have done. Pig-headed beliefs in one's own righteousness are not defences for treating vulnerable people like shit. Actions have consequences, and if any of you have a shred of a conscience, you'll think about that and perhaps consider your guilt.

Anyway, I'll leave my account open for a few more hours to give Shogun and hownos and others a chance to say goodbye, before I go...


Few more hours = 17 minutes :-(


Dude I’m new and don’t know you well but you gotta talk it out. There are lots of cool people here so just disregard the others.




Hi Ged, sorry to respond to you but I can't respond to Malko anymore so I'm putting this here in case he peeks in at some point

Malko, we had lots of interesting convo and got along fine
I wish you didn't leave but I'll wish you all the best
Hopefully you return but if not thanks for all the chats we had Amigo👍


While I think it's a shame when anyone feels the need to leave a community, especially when some actually like this person, it's completely their prerogative to do so. From what I recall, this person was adamant about having mental illness, and this sin't something we can address properly here. For every supportive statement he might receive, anything less than complimentary probably carries more weight. And some of his topics were a little awkward, if I'm thinking of the right person. People perceive me negatively because I don't make $$ commensurate with my education due to favoritism for minorities? There are a lot of things going on there. Yes, this person has mental problems.


he'll be back.

whatever other issues he has, the narcissism won't allow him to sit on the sidelines too long.


Which is why I wished him well snepts


I noticed that. I just wanted to weigh in. He seemed to be determined to set himself apart.


No problem.


All the best to him.


I do wish him well and I'm sorry he felt that he had to leave.


God knows what I'll do now as a result of the abuse I've been subjected to.


You could have least sent me a pm 👍👍👍


God knows what I'll do now as a result of the abuse I've been subjected to.

This seems to be a thinly veiled threat of committing suicide (or worse). Now while my guess based on his posts is that he wouldn't follow through on such a thing, I'm wondering if there is any action a moderator could or should take in a situation like this. For example is there anyway those who run this site could report an IP address if there's a concern that a poster may be harming himself?


What's going on?
I worked a long ass day and then came on here and noticed Malko had deleted his posts and then I found this..
All I can say is I'm very disappointed that Malko is gone..I didn't always agree with him but I did more than not..and he was always interesting and intelligent.
This place will be a little dimmer with his loss.
What happened?
I hope he's ok..

Malko...why don't you consider coming back,eh?
Think about it?


“This place will be a little dimmer with his loss.”

I will be a whole lot brighter!☀️ His depressing posts will be no more! On and on and on ad infinitum about the phobias toward certain groups. Nothing interesting, funny, feel good, etc.


I guess he didn't bother me the way he seemed to bother some of you.
I am kind of a centralist that hates identity politics. The fact that he was always examining this did not seem like such a bad thing to me.



But, didn’t you see it was part and parcel of his self-serving attitude. “I have something wrong with me, be it mental or physical, so you owe me. I deserve more whether I earned it or not.” Good Grief! He acquired a law degree! But, his lot in life is to blame others for not achieving in life. He believes those that have acquired wealth (doesn’t matter if they worked 90 hours a week to get there) should dole it out to him. He with a law degree who is too busy feeling sorry for himself to pull himself up by his bootstraps and take that next step!


I guess my question to you might be is how much do you really know about people that post on the internet?
I take a lot of what they say with a grain of salt. There may be truth in there but likely there's a whole lot missing that the rest of us will never know. And while I do know that I choose to say truths (but bare minimums with a whole lot missing) how do I really know the real truth about anyone else?
I never saw him say definitively what prevented him from pursuing law anyway. Did you?
For all I know (if he had a law degree) he could've been a paraplegic or had MS or CP or something else even more debilitating..

I get that you saw him as too liberally bent mainly to serve himself but I saw him sometimes as trying to understand what was fair and what was not for others different than he was.
But, yes..he could be very verbose at times..


Read his OP thread. You will most likely understand his persona from the thread.

“Inconvenient Truths and Realities: When I Tell Black People and Women How Little I Earn...”

Shamefully self-serving! He was poor. He had something wrong mentally. Whatever his problems were they were someone else’s fault. The wealthy should give him funds. He is owed as much. On and on it went! Sorry to say...good riddance!



“This seems to be a thinly veiled threat of committing suicide (or worse).”

Oh Good Grief! Don’t fall into his woe is me pity party! He will find another board to sing his Kumbaya mantra. Also, he will find another soapbox to spew his anti-Trump bias. Frankly, I won’t miss him as I had him on Ignore. I became so tired of his same old depressing posts.


he'll be back. watch.


Oh I'm not falling for it...I have no problem saying I'm not buying what he's selling. I'm the farthest thing from a Trump supporter and I couldn't stand his posts and he is the only poster I've ever seriously considered putting on ignore (I didn't but came close). Still when someone threatens self harm, even if we are 99% sure it's bogus, it should be taken somewhat seriously


He didn’t threaten self harm. He was touting “Woe is me! What and where do I go to from here?” We attempted to tell him over and over to get off his soapbox. He is intelligent so you would think after awhile he would get the hint!😱 “I get it now!” But, no...he continued and became insufferable to many.

BTW, it’s been proven those that are in the self pity mode rarely do harm to themselves.


Almost everything he posted was self serving and manipulative. That was just more of the same, intending to burden some here with unnecessary, undeserved guilt.


“serving and manipulative.“ You hit the nail on the head! His OP states it exactly! So many on this board have severe ailments, but they haven’t joined the “pity party”. Dewey 😇, bless his heart never, ever self-pitied himself...was always upbeat....all the while being terminal. He was an example to us all. Too bad this guy hasn’t seen the example...he would have read how a true sufferer held it to himself and brought joy to others.


That's my guess too and his posts got under my skin in a way I wouldn't have thought possible for a site like this. Still part of me wonders how I would feel if someone I cared about was making erratic posts like that on an anonymous message board somewhere that turned out not to be (as I suspect) complete bullshit.


I rest my case! His truth was day after day Ad nauseam. 🙅‍♀️


I wish you would reconsider?
Many people like and care about you.
Take care of yourself.


Lol. Cool story.


Who was this user? Can someone tell me? I see that the account name is now officially deleted.



Intelligent guy, many interesting posts but also a total drama queen.


Thanks. It doesn't sound like I know the guy much.


he claimed to be a lawyer from the UK. He wasn't all bad,


I'm not familiar with this user, but it makes me think that we haven't heard from halomaniac88 in a while.


You're right. He hasn't been around lately.


kinda strange that someone decided to dig up and reply (their only post) to his farewell.



it is strange.




